The wires in the trunk broke once when my wife was driving the car. Terrible performance and she had to take it out of overdrive to get it to run on the highway. The white wire was completly broken and 1/4" from the other end. After I fixed it once and it broke again, I left the wirepack out of the hinge. IF the "R" light is illuminated then it might be this problem, if not, it's not. I must agree with whoever suggested it above that get the thing on a computer and start from there. In a situation like this, I would take the car to a local Toyota dealer that knows what they are doing. Stay away from Lexus dealers are they will attach a vacuum to your wallet and they have a good one. If the Toyota dealer is owned by the same people as the Lexus dealer, they won't touch it but look for one that isn't. Might be something very simple. Fixing the wire is really pretty easy and many people here could talk you through fixing the wire. I guess we need to know if the "R" light comes one when you press the brake.