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Everything posted by nc211

  1. Fid, welcome to this side of the pond..potentially.... I'm in California right now...have been for the past three weeks. I'm from North Carolina, but out here for work...... Here is my take on California...warning: I'm in a very glossy area though... It is very well packaged. I'm in Newport Beach area, which is one of the wealthiest areas in the US. It's about 60 miles south down the coast from LA. It's very nice...but to me, in all honesty, seems to lack a certain level of "character" that fits me. I mean no harm by that statement to anyone from here. Everyone has been very nice. But it seems like everything is soooooo perfectly polished, that it lacks those "character lines". Last weekend my wife and I rented a convertible and went up the coast to Hollywood, Rodeo, a little stalker-ratzie on some celebertie homes...It was fun! Beverly Hills is something to see! It was nice to see some old school LS400's parked in some driveways around the Beverly Hill's country club "the ritz of the ritz section." Then we headed south down the coast on the Pacific Coast Highway towards San Diego. We stayed in Old San Diego which is about 15 north from downtown... It's like Old Mexico, and we had a lot of fun. We went to Tijuana Mexico.....don't go there, it sucks! Especially when you come back over the boarder back to the US. We were in Tijuana for 45 minutes...and stood in line for 2 1/2 hours at the border to come back....it was hell!!! Definetely a whole different ballgame since 9/11. Then we went to the mountains to Big Bear Lake, which is about 90 miles southeast of LA in San Bernidino. A whole different world up there. We were at 7,600 feet and it was 68 degrees (f). 20 Minutes later heading down the back side of the mountain to Apple Valley, it was 112 degrees (f). I ran across the dessert valley at 105 mph in a chrystler sebring convertible, with the top down. And we still got cooked! It was one of the most beautiful sites I've ever seen before in my life....And I've been around a few places... We had a BLAST! BUT: If you have allergies, then you want to make sure you can afford to live outside of the metropolitian areas, because the pollution "smog" is absolutly unbelievably bad. It get's soooo bad, that you can't even see the mountain 5 miles behind your house. It was very hard for me to breathe in San Bernadino due to the smog. AND make sure you're properly compensated to make the move...Don't act like you're willing to come here for nothing, just because you want to. It's EXPENSIVE to live here. Gas prices are around $3.40 a gallon. Now to you that might not seem that bad, but to the rest of the USA, it's the most expensive place to buy gas. Also, real estate prices are the highest in the country "outside of Naples Florida". It's unbelievable. Here in the Newport Beach area, from what I hear, a 2,000 SqFt home costs around $700,000. Now back in NC, that same home costs around $175,000 - $250,000. So make sure your income adjustment is in line with the cost of living. Come on over amigo, you'll love the USA for sure! Each state is like it's own country; each with something completely unique and different to see. And if you ever find yourself in North Carolina...well....I've got an open-ended policy for free BBQ'.... PS: I'm on the 1st flight out of here this Saturday back to my home in NC....and I'm already packed, ready to go! Love this place, but it's not for me. Too many Ferrari's, Lambo's, Bently's etc.... for me. So much of the best, takes away the appeal of the best. I'm more than happy with being floored by seeing the Magnum PI Ferrari every now and then running down the highway back in NC. ;)
  2. Josh, keep 'em between the ditches my friend... When you've got Iraq settled down and ready to head over to Afghanistan to get Osama Bin Hidden "cause he's a cowardly little !Removed!", I'll personally ship that ford over there for you so you can make good on my theory that you've build thing to run his sorry !Removed! over! Be safe amigo, and know we'll be waiting for your safe return!! PS: Armyofone = ArmyofLoc! Salute to you sir!
  3. Well geezzz 92ls, thank you for the kind comments my friend! Mighty oblidged amigo.... Same for you RX Hell, all of ya'!! Well had my 1st SoCal local experience this past weekend. I'm in need of a haircut, and don't have a car handy at the moment. I"m across the street from a mall called Fashion Island "should have been a clue to the following true event"... Anyway, yesterday "Sunday" I decide to head out from the pool and find a place to get my haircut. There is a place that I've been told is good, a barbershop of sorts in one of our buildings, but they were closed. So I ventured over to Fashion Island. Found this place "that I won't mention due to slander laws, but will give you HINTS" that from a distance looked like a good place. I'm not necessarily in the "Cheap Charlies / Super Cuts" neck of the woods here. By the way, I like cheap charlies...I'm 32 and quickly making the turn from a Robert to a Bob in the receeding hair line race....oh well, life is life.. Anyway, I head over to this place, trying to not get run over, or bump into anyone's very expensive looking german sedans. I walk in, and instantly notice the GUY at the counter probably named TONI was wearing makeup! I'm not talking that metrosexual makeup, I'm talking full on makeup.....not that there's anything wrong with that..... Me, in my NC Tar Heels shirt, wanting to just get a quick clip so I could drink some beer and watch the NCAA baseball championship game between NC and OSU...negotiating with a dude in makeup.... I asked him how much it cost to get my hair cut "banker style"..... $75 bucks w/ a 2 hour wait.... There were only 2 people waiting in the sitting area! I laughed and said "son, I ain't got 75 hairs left...I'm not going to pay a buck per hair". I totally gave away my roots, and I got the snub routine..... I walked back across the parking lot to the hotel bar, just giggling to myself..... Now having said this, by all means please don't take my approach to this in a slanted way... I completely understand and respect the whole different strokes for different folks thing. I have not a single problem with anyone who lives thier life any way they see fit that makes them happy, so long as it doesn't threaten others. I completly realize I'm a bit outside of my comfort zone here, and I'm actually enjoying it quite a lot! Even though I get a laugh out of some of the differences from normal here v. normal back home..everyone is so nice and polite it makes it impossible to not appreciate their ways... But...when I get home in 12 days, I'm going straight for some PARKER'S BBQ back in Wilson, NC!! It's a Carolina thang'. RX, sorry man but I don't think we're gonna make it up quite that far to SanFran, this trip anyway. But I wouldn't be too suprised if you find me there some day not too far off....we've got an office in the Walnut Creek area. PS: If a white kid from the south is seen hauling !Removed! on the local news in LA from South Central this weekend....well....you'll know who that is, and you'll know he took a wrong turn... Hahaahaa... If you see a pretty blonde girl in the passenger seat beating him with her fancy beverly hills bag...keeep watching...see how fast he does a U turn back to south central to drop her off!!!
  4. Thanks fella's! I'm sure we'll probably hit those places as well. I thought about heading further north towards Monterey as well, and we might, just depends on how we feel at that moment I guess... On a funny note: On our way down the road to Laguna for lunch today, in a sea of Maybach's, MB's, BMW's and Bentley's,,,, a Ferrari Enzo went by us. Reading my environment this week, I've decided to keep my mouth shut the best I can to avoid showing my small townish exposure. But when that thing went by, I instictively said "Goll' Lee...LOOK AT THAT CAR!!" I sounded like Goober from Mayberry... The guys in the car jokingly said "yeah, and we've got electricity out here too, hillbilly..." Hahahaha.. Oh well, you should see how we poke fun of those "Tofu gurus" back in NC....guess my time was due for a little payback! Hahaha From what I understand, every Saturday Morning from 7:00 to 8:00 am at the Starbucks parking lot on the PCH in Laguna, all the rich boys bring out their toys for an impromtu car show. I was told today from a guy in the office that it's stuffed full of Ferraris, Porsches "oh yeah, saw a GT today too...cooooool car" Lambo's and everything else you can think of, from muscle to classics..... I might rent a car tomorrow night and head down there saturday morning. I was told it's about 5 miles down the PCH from Newport, on the left....you can't miss it from what I hear..... If I go, you bet I'll be posting up some pictures!
  5. I'm starting this thread in appreciation to all of our California members........ Your State is Beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sitting in my hotel room at 900 Newport circle, Newport Beach, CA at the Marriot... What an amazing State!! You guys are sooo nice out here! Although I did get a few wierd looks at the Neiman Marcus across the street due to my accent...but money talks and b/s walks.. Anyway, as a diehard southern man "gentleman I hope"... I tip my hat to those here in Cali... what a beautiful place you all "ya'll" call home..... I'm here for 3 weeks. My wife comes out next weekend for the 4th holiday. I've reserved a convertible and plan on hitting the PCH up to Hollywood, down to Mexico via Laguna, La Jolla, San D and all parts in-between... If anyone has any suggestions for places to visit, please let me know! I want to explore this beautiful place!! :)
  6. Sorry guys, I'm sure this answer is on here under a search, but I just don't have enough time to spend searching...... So I'm dealing with yet another vibration issue. It's the same one from the flex-couplings post. The car is going back to the dealership one last time....after this, if it's not fixed, it's gone... Anyway, back to topic: Wheel Bearings.... What are the classic symptoms they're going out? Clicking noise when coming to a stop "I got that", wandering "got that too", more road noise heard in the cabin? And what do new bearings do to the car? If the driveline vibration turns out to be something minor, then I'm willing to shell out the $250 bucks for new bearings all around...but, only if the improvement is worth it.... Thanks amigos!!! PS: If I don't answer back after this Sunday, it's because I'm on the road for three weeks....heading to California "Newport Beach" for work related stuff....
  7. Honestly, I think you'll regret this decision. Nothing better than a $0 car payment, especially when you only have 49k miles on a Lexus LS400. I've thought about this too, several times, for the IS300. I really love those cars, and it's growing, especially the autocross model "wagon". But everytime I drive one for a few miles, I always LOVE getting back into the LS400.
  8. Craig, I remember my first car "87 VW GTI" would run strong for awhile, then the power would cut out by about 40%. I would litterally push in the clutch and turn off and on the car. This would reset the power back to full.....for about an hour. I sold the car before I could fix it. However, I came across the new owner about a year later and asked her what the problem was....She said it was a vacum leak and the dealership fixed it for like $100 bucks... I haven't read the entire thread, but has the car's vacum system been checked and rechecked?
  9. yeah man....it's like they stole the compressor out of a Sub-Zero refrigerator. But just wait until it starts to go out....sounds like you're driving a DC-10
  10. nc211


    I disagree. I'm a step or two away from being legally blind (I have presbyopia, bad myopia, and astigmatisms in both eyes.), but I can see just fine with tint--in fact, I prefer it. I had absolutely no problems at night with my former 10% and current 40% tint on the front windows. I'd really like to get the windshield done now to cut down on the bright lights from head on traffic, plus it'd look cool too! B) I know everyone's vision is different though! My. $.02. You have presbyopia at your age? Geez. I don't know what presbyopia is, but it sounds like too much time infront of a computer screen...late at night...boobie-dancin'! Hahaha...Gotcha' Blake! PS, I wear glasses...have ever since I saw Bo Derek in 10, nearly 17 years ago...hahaha
  11. Not to knock the American cars, I've seen several Fords go 100k+ trouble free, and a few GM's as well....But...I do agree that it seems more likely this statement is true instead of false... Funny how I read an article many moons ago about how GM purposly engineered certain component parts "alternators, pumps, etc...." with specific plastic parts that had a tested operational life of about 40k miles....Just outside of those 3 year / 36k mile bumper-bumper warranties....They banked on maintenance costs as their cashflow...aka...squeezing the profits from the initial sale to an ongoing cashflow from the vehicle.. Sadly for them, not too many other manufacturers have the same approach, and the market in general as evidenced by the sales numbers, don't agree with it either. But, the only other car outside of the LS400 I would LOVE to own would be a 99' Tahoe fully loaded....I love those trucks!!!!
  12. Yeah well, at least they've had great tires.....oopps, did I just say that?.. :o
  13. nc211


    No sweat amigo, you have a valid point as well. Just passing along a few tidbits that I've seen happen to others before. MANY moons ago, I use to be a movie crew dude down in Wilmington, NC. Had a lincoln for one of the actors, had limo tint put on for privacy by the transpo dept. The actor's driver hit someone outside of the studio one night, and Universal's insurance company refused to honor the claim from the other person's damage, since the tint was so dark and illegal by NC's standards. The production company for the movie itself had to shell out close to $15 grand to fix the guys POS ride and make him sign the waiver.... Since then, special permits are "or were back when I was around" were always aquired for such tint before the keys were handed over for use.
  14. nc211

    New Camry

    Any opinions on the new Camry? Me? I love it! I think it's sharp! The front hood hump by the grill has grown on me. I love the new interior. I gotta tell ya', Toyota is really coming on strong with some nice designs...
  15. nc211


    Not to rain on the parade here, but Dens, you realize that if you tint your windows with something that is illegal, and you get into a wreck that is deemed your fault, your insurance company will have grounds to deny the liability claim which would force you to pay out of pocket for any damages, bodily harm or lawsuits from the other person your car hit. Not that they would do this, but the percentage is in the majority. Insurance companies try to find any possible way out of having to cut that check. And if they find that the owner of the vehicle they insure has altered the "visablity" aspect of the vehicle in an illegal manner...well, you see where I'm going with this. If I were the insurance agent that handled your case, and realized this bit of information, you can bet I would probably have to use it against your claim.. Ok, back into my hole I go...
  16. Does it feel like it is just the wheel and rim alone, or is it the entire assembly with the brake rotor and such? Maybe all of the times of taking on and off the wheel over the years has worn out the wheel studs themselves....Or, did you replace the lower control arm too? I don't think it's anything major, just either the lower control arm bushing is going bad "hear any clunks over bumps?", wheel studs or like you mentioned earlier, the bearing itself. I would start with making sure if it's just the wheel only. If it's the rotors too and such, then I would look at the lower control arm next. If the bushing looks ok, then my guess is you probably do have a worn out bearing. It's not unheard of at that age and mileage.. They're like $60 bucks from the online vendors.
  17. Hahahaa....I bet according to C/R if the CEO of Toyota was named head of the UN, world peace would break-out and everything would run perfectly between all nations... I agree Blake, I subscribe to their magazine, and some of their findings really leave me scratching my head...
  18. Sam, how about the rear differential fluid? Have you replaced it lately, or checked that it's at the proper level? You could have felt a little kick-back in the rear differential that would run up the prop shaft and make you think it was in the transmission...
  19. Excellent question...I was thinking about this as well this past weekend. My black LS has a ton of white pits in it, especially on the roof and was curious how one would paint a car that has such soft paint and no clear coat..........
  20. Josh, why should you have to claim it on your insurance since it wasn't ya'lls fault, it was the lady who backed out of her driveway and didn't check oncoming traffic.... Her insurance company should have the car in the shop already, being estimated and getting fixed...plus a loaner for the Mrs. Armyofone "no armies of two yet I take it? " Newlywed humor, from one to another! Hahahaa
  21. I went through the tire thing a few months ago, ended up with a new set of Michelins. This is definetly in the driveshaft area, towards the rear around the differential. If it's not raining this Sunday, I'm going to get under the car with the air wratchet and check some things out...
  22. yeah man, pulled a george jefferson...movin' on up to the east side- style. sent you a pm...
  23. I agree and disagree with SWO on the 6 year run. It depends on the loan balance and age of the car. If you want a 6 year car loan, I would scan your area for credit unions, they usually will go 6 years on newer cars (03-06). If you put down some equity on the car, the 6 year run won't be that bad, it will eat up some of that equity. But the key to this is to make sure you're with a lender that does not charge a prepayment penalty of any sort. You just pay a little extra each month which usually goes straight to the principal reduction on the loan. But that is common sense. Oddly enough, I recommend the 6 year loan if you can get it when you're buying a car towards the end of it's market value slide...aka....an older LS400 that is in the teen$. Since I work at a credit union, as an employee perk, I was able to get a 6 year loan on my 95 LS back in 2004. The payment is chump change, but since the car is so old, the depreciation and market value slide has pretty much come to a crawl. Oddly enough, I actually have equity in the car. Well, if you ignore all the freakin' money I've dumped into fixing it! :cries: It's your call Lexdiamonds...Swo is right since it sounds like you're wanting to buy a car that is pretty new. Although an Acura will definetly last 6 years easily. But if you want a 6 year loan, then I would shop a credit union in your area. They have "loop holes" to give you membership...trust me...they do. They're called SEG's "Select Employee Groups". Your employer might be a SEG to a credit union, which means you are automatically eligable for membership. But if they're not a SEG, they have these other SEG types where their employee base is not actual employees, but rather club members...with an instant one time club membership fee of like $10. You join, and you're in the credit union. And banks are mad at me for stealing their commercial loans...hahahaha...I'm going after their deposit base too!! Well, until next friday when I'm outta here for good! Off to much greener pastures....you know what they say, when you don't work for profit, don't expect to get any. You can take this 501c operation and shove it! I'm tired of being broke. Ok...ranting done...is it friday yet for cryin' out loud?!
  24. Sony, I sent you a pm over there. The main source of driveline vibration pertaining to that TSB is the driver's side differential mounting bushing. If you look under the car, from the rear on the back of the differential, you will see two donut sized black mounts sticking out the back of the crossmember. These are the two mounting cushions for the differential. The way the prop shaft spins, it puts most of the torque on the driver's side cushion. You can start the car, apply the e-brake "MAKE SURE IT HOLDS GOOD", put the car in drive, get out, and look up under the rear at the cushion. If you see the rubber is split, then it's time to replace it. I had to replace mine a long time ago, and it helped. Now if I could just stop fartin' around with my car, maybe I would stop !Removed! it up!
  25. "I want a 430, and this 11 year old 400 is getting in my way... Ohhhh..................OUCH!!!!!" Well you know what I mean . Not knocking my 95 or anything, but at somepoint I'll need to update with a LS430. In addition to all the life changing events that have happened in my world the past 30 days, I landed a new job that starts on the 12th of June. The base pay nearly doubled from where I'm at now w/ the addition of a large bonus in March, and I anticipate in another year or so, I'll be in the financial position to take on the 430. The job will require a bit of travel for property site inspections up and down the east coast. Swo, will most likely be in your neck of the woods quite frequently. DC is a big market for us, as is NY. Tighten down the hatches Yankees, the white colar hillbilly express is a coming your way! "nc211, you might want to check out a factory repair manual for the 430 before you buy one. You may think twice about getting one once you see how complicated the electronics and mechanicals are of a 430 compared to a '97 or earlier LS400." I don't doubt that! But in all honesty, technology has evolved so much over the past 11 years that Honda Civic's now have more technical wiring crap in them than my 95' LS400 does. I think it's just something we have to deal with. Luckily I'm smart enough to know Lexus builds the best and most reliable!
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