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Everything posted by 13IS250C

  1. Me neither. Lexie sat in the garage while hubby's F150 did all the dirty work...To Dallas, to Shreveport and home.
  2. I rode in a friend of mine's car and she has it. AWESOME! I might check into upgrading mine some. Thanks for the advice.
  3. Happy Thanksgiving to my Lexus buddies. I was at the Cowboy game. Hope everybody was safe.
  4. And now he is gone..... :cries: Seemed like a nice guy. At least he died doing something he loved and didn't suffer with an illness. Goes to prove that even the best drivers can lose control of a car. So sad.
  5. Love it or hate it...everywhere you go people are talking about it. I have heard nothing but negativity. I have not heard a single soul say anything positive.
  6. Paul....I owe you a HUGE apology. I just realized that I don't have the ML stereo. I could have sworn my salesman said I did, but when I was on another message board they told me that if it doesn't say ML, it isn't. I just looked at my window sticker and it just says "Lexus Premium Audio System" Shucks...I'm bummed. You would think that if you got the Nav, you would get the premium stereo system. No wonder I'm disappointed with the sound. :cries:
  7. Something loose in the trunk? Spare tire and all the tools secured properly? Maybe something loose in the exhaust system?
  8. Let us know what you decide and of course, we want pics!
  9. I think with a father like you.....she will be fine. (couldn't find a fist bump so a beer bump will have to do)
  10. Let me be the first to say that I'm sorry about your daughter's diagnosis and I sure hope everything goes well and she has total quality of life. I worry about the American people and their lack of wellness. I guess I see it more in the south than anywhere else in the country. We (not myself!) are basically obese! It disgusts me to no end to go to a buffet at the casino and see the pigs stuffing themselves with plate after plate of fattening food. I was in Canada in August and you didn't see that up there. It is an American disease. We need more wellness centers and wellness education. I can walk by people's desks up here in the morning and people are chomping down on McDonalds greasy sandwiches and hashbrowns or Pop-Tarts. Really?!?!? Our insurance companies are probably pushed to the limit on claims caused by people just not taking care of themselves....Obesity, smoking and sitting on our cans. You probably know this better than I do, but I have heard that autism isn't nearly as common in other countries as it is in the US. I personally blame the vaccinations and the hormones in our food. My 2 cents worth. -_-
  11. Welcome....post a pic when you get a chance. I was in Canada a couple of months ago. Beautiful country!
  12. You might want to go to the Club Lexus site. There seems to be a lot more folks there that are into modifications. What are you planning on doing? Good luck.
  13. David is a pot stirrer....David is a pot stirrer.... :whistles:
  14. :D Nothing ruffles my feathers worse. I work with people that wear new outfits everyday, carry Coach handbags, drive nice vehicles and have iPhones, yet they are on WIC. My daddy would come out of his grave and whip my BUTT if I ever accepted anything without working for it.
  15. "We will be a second rate, third world country with no work ethics or moral values." I'm afraid a majority of the people already fit that bill. Come to Memphis and let me drive you around and let you see how this once beautiful city has turned into ruin and decay. Nobody has pride anymore. Nobody wants to work hard and do things for the community. They outnumber us hard working taxpayers. They have the voting majority. I don't see it changing in my lifetime. I feel bad for my children and grandaughter. They will never know the life I have enjoyed.
  16. LOL...nice rant David! I have only been in for service at Lexus once so I can't say much. I did once have a Chevrolet dealership put a paper towel in my WW reservior hoping when it disolved and clogged the filter this "dumb woman" would come in and they could charge me a fortune to fix it. I simply removed the reservoir, cleaned it and the filter, replaced it all and called the service manager and told him to find another woman to try that trick on, it didn't work for me. The world is full of crooked idiots. We just have to learn how to deal with it all.
  17. You did a great job too. Beautiful car. I'm also very careful selecting the perfect license plate to match my trim. Whenever I buy a new car I go buy a new umbrella that matches the interior so it doesn't show up sitting in the door pocket. I'm totally anal when it comes to my vehicle!
  18. It was more like, spray a coat....plant some plants, spray a coat....clean up around the back entryway, spray a coat yada, yada, yada... You get the picture. ;) I can't sit still very long. Once I finished, it was top down and go enjoy the last bit of warm weather that we will have for a while. :cries:
  19. Thanks. I sure hope it holds up well. I'm going to use some on my radar detector bracket to see if it will stop it from rattling.
  20. Thx! I wanted to remove the IS250C, but thank goodness before I did I found out there are holes in the trunk. Eek! I figured that holes in my trunk were not a good thing.
  21. I am totatlly pleased with the results of this mod. It is just as easy as everybody says it is. It does take a little patience though. Lots of light coats and waiting for them to dry. I never could stand my chrome emblem on the rear of my car because all the other trim is dark. Before: During: After: Now my trim matches all around! Very pleased.
  22. Quote - "When it comes to comparisons, I reach my own conclusions based on multiple road tests/reviews and my own test drives." Can you believe that I didn't even drive my car before I bought it? I drove a regular IS-C, but not mine. Mine handles much better, but rides much rougher. I'll take the rough ride and the fun tight cornering. :D
  23. Unfortunately, I buy with my heart. I am a car salesman's dream come true. I guess when I walked onto the showroom floor and saw my car and started texting pictures of it to my family and friends....I made a big mistake. No magazine could have talked me out of that car. Believe me...I tried for a whole week to get it out of my mind. I was really wanting a 'Vette. This car was love at first sight. I really should subscribe to CR for things other than vehicles. I'm sure it is a big help.
  24. As many fast cars as I have been in, I really don't know the fastest speed I have been. One of the fastest cars, believe it or not, was a heavily modded Honda Civic. It was one of my son's friends. The speedometer went all the way around and was back on about 20 MPH so I have no idea how fast we were going. In high school, one of my friend's boyfriend had a Dodge Super Bee. I don't remember which engine it was. I was in the back seat holding on to the back of his seat yelling "faster faster faster". Everytime he would shift a gear it would throw me back against the back seat. We were on a country road that was so narrow you would have to scoot over to the shoulder if there was an oncoming car and of course, nobody was wearing a seat belt. It is really only by the grace of God that I'm still alive. I have always loved to hop into a fast car and have owned quite a few.
  25. Awe....come on Lex. If I can do it, you can do it. When my first hubby and I got married, we had a '68 440 6bbl Charger. The guy that had it before us was rich and he had bought it and bought a crate motor (engine) and had it built by Racing Head Service here in Memphis. You have to remember that this was the early '70s. That car burned so much gas that it had a mechanical fuel pump and an electric fuel pump. If you were going to floor it, you had to reach down and switch on the electric fuel pump or the car would just die. It had such a stout cam that it would hardly even idle. It sounded great and was just a ball of torque. A set of plugs would only last a couple of weeks. It would completely burn the electrode off. Wires burned all the time and we replaced alternators all the time. Of course, it had no a/c. Gosh....who needs that in the south? High performance has come a LOOOOOONG way! :D
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