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Everything posted by bartkat

  1. You tell them what the problem is and they have the TSB. Then make your appointment to get it fixed. They sent letters out on the seat belt and fuel line problems. The dealers have all of them on file. We try to keep up on the TSB's so our members are informed.
  2. You might get some access to the plenum by removing the cabin filter and using a stiff wire with a hook to fish around in there.
  3. Yes there is, but you can't post it here in the car forum. http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index.php?showforum=17
  4. I think you can get it inspected by the dealer for just a bit over $100. Lots of people do that before the purchase a used Lexus.
  5. 100 posts. Congrats. I don't remember you congratulating me when I hit 100, Bartkat! :P Congrats on 100, 200, 300 and 353. :D
  6. I don't think the noise or whatever exists within the same model and year. I've hear the cracking sound maybe 10 times in almost 3 years and no other noises whatsoever. My entire car is as tight as it was the day I took delivery and runs even better.
  7. Welcome. I see you found the owners manual.
  8. That would cost a lot because of the computer and motors etc for the self leveling and adaptive stuff. You'd be ok to install an aftermarket HID kit. http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...=headlight+mtec
  9. I like the mix of colors. I even put yellow overlays on my fog lights.
  10. Here's one fix. It's free. http://www.clublexus.com/forums/showthread...=auxiliary+TSIB
  11. Bartkat - I have to say you are out of line with the initial antagonistic comment...and then you threaten Knightshade for responding the same. Sounds like an abuse of power to me. If you dish it out, be willing to accept some. You'd be wise to stay out of it. The old brake dust thread has a flame or insult in almost every post. Things like that are cumulative. It's not up for discussion though since no power has been exercised and therefore has not been abused. Have a problem? Take it to PM. Stick to the topic here.
  12. 30 MPG from Medina OH to Columbus and back - cruse set at 75 Cool. When I71 first opened it was just from Medina to Columbus. I think there were maybe only a couple of exits and little traffic. I had a 64 Ford 390. We got on at Medina and ran 100MPH all the way to Columbus. LOL
  13. w00t w00t If I used indicated I'd say so. When I say MPG I mean MPG. Thread got closed because your repetitive, redundant, rehashed posts were killing it. Make anothe snyde backhanded remark and deal with the consequences. I have grown rather tired of your catty little trolling attempts. Be forewarned.
  14. I got 29 MPG from my IS350 from Southern Kentucky to Colubus Ohio. Top that dudes. :D
  15. I have never heard that warmer weather can improve mileage. That is counter intuitive. Cold weather air is normally more dense that hot air, meaning more specific energy per cubic foot of air. Plus, efficiencies improve as the difference between intake air temp and exhaust air temp increase. Maybe the thinner air when the air is warm has less aerodynamic drag..?? Where did you hear that warmer weather can improve mileage? By the way... my IS350 is regularly getting about 23 mpg per tank with mixed city driving. Very consistent for the past 2 years. I've never seen it go above 27 for an extended highway trip. Oh, this could blow up into another huge debate........LOL!! The temputure of the air has no bearing on fuel mileage in a modern engine as the ECU will adjust to maintain the same ratios, no matter the air temp. The only thing that may change is the amount of power the motor will produce, but even then we are talking a very small number. Baloney! Don't you unsderstand how a car works? Besides, air doesn't drive the car, the rear tires do. :huh:
  16. Some dealers will turn them off and some won't.
  17. Some dealers will turn them off for you.
  18. It generally means that most people who attach thier self worth or identity to what they drive and the things around them are generally the only ones bothered with this. I drive what I want, I mod it the way I want, it's the color I want. I don't care what other people think, or say about it. While I admit that I may raz,(harrase) others, I personally don't really care. Aw man. I was just soooooo embarrassed every day for the 8 years I drove my Fiesta to work. :P
  19. There are many posts here that recommend telling the dealer not towash your car. Most of them do just as you described.
  20. So much for trying to write so you can understand. Your asking others for support of your position, most not in total agreement, some trying to help explain things to you, indicate that you aren't as secure in your belief as you would like us to think. You continue to ignore some factors involved and as long as you do this, there's no use in trying to convince you of anything. I'll now close this thread and leave it here for posterity.
  21. Perhaps you should consider all the variables involved. But you don't so you continue to think the entire stopping process happens at once. It doesn't, it's a process, not an instant event. The disc is part of the wheel and it's the pad friction that stops it. Take the pad away and what happens? I'm sorry but you're clinging to this ignoring all the components simply because the slowing/stopping time of the wheel is left out of most descriptions just to simplify said descriptions. I'm also sorry that I haven't been able to explain this to you in a manner that you can understand or are willing to even consider due to your closed mindedness on the subject. In a further effort I'll just ask you why brakes get hot even in a single panic stop. Could it be friction? Could that be friction of the rotor sliding against the pad for a small amount of time? How could that be if the clamping (stopping) of the wheel is instananeous? But never mind. You never answer any of the questions if they don't fit your model of how the system works. It's like trying to reason with a mule. First you gotta get their attention.
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