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Everything posted by Booyah

  1. Sounds quite a few 1000 to low to me? I would hope it would bring more, but I have not looked at KBB either
  2. I cant tell that much differance either--I just crank the volume
  3. It shows that they are really the Stupid ones! My L dealer is TOP NOTCH, I would put them against anybody and challange them to be better. Isnt there any other L dealer thats just as close or even further away?--I sure hope you give them a Bad report when they ask you to fill one out or they call you back asking how your service was
  4. There you go! PRINT that and take it to your dealer so he can perform the procedure for you! Not to mention its even in your owners manual on how to adjust them.
  5. If his dealer cant even adjust the headlights do you expect them to know how to replace them---They will probably tell him he doesnt need them! I got the updated ones for mine and really there was not to much of a differnace. Adjusting them up a little is the bigggest help
  6. Yea, tell them they are full of CRAP! They can be adjusted and will not mess up the auto level feature! Telll them to get a Service manual once and a while before they speak---I hate dealers like that.
  7. Go to your dealer and have them adjusted up a little. Mine are great and I can tell you about some dark roads up here in Alaska:) Hell I would take ONE 330 HID lamp compared to any 2 regular Halogen lamp
  8. Wheeew--I just went out for lunch and my dash is a rattle trap all of a sudden--Progressively getting worse, yes its cold but its doing it on all but SMOOTH road it creaks and rattles behind the Nav display? Im calling my freindly L dealer and He will have some major work to do soon! I can live with a squeek her and there but this is rediculouis :chairshot:
  9. What about just using some WD-40
  10. I got what seems like both, dash and glovebox rattle, Living in Alaska it does get a little cold and thats when it really acts up! But there seems to be a fix from what Im reading whether its the cold doing it or not. I just hate for them to tear into the dash, because it may invite MORE Rattles--Jeez I hope not
  11. I dont think you can adjust how much tilt it does--its predetermined! I tried to adjust it while it was down (to a little more up) and it did not keep its position. If you notice the drivers side--by design goes down further than the pass side! Both my mirrors are Fine now..
  12. I had my passenger power mirror stop tilting down when I put it in reverse recently, it would tilt maybe a 1/4 inch and stop? Dealer ordered me another one and Presto good to go. Anybody else have mirror issues--probably just a fluke mirror.
  13. Same as any other HID. Probably just differant optics in the housing that makes the color change, but if you look at the 330's they also turn purple, white as you look at them from differant angles
  14. Yes it easy to reproduce, it sounds like the strut topping out or something, but very noticable on RT hand incline turns? Does it do it doing a left hand turn...check it out? Let us know what the dealer finds out because I want to get this fixed, but I cant do anything now because of all the snow. Like I said I took out a loaner 04/05 cant remember and it did the same thing?
  15. Most all OEM are 4300K
  16. See what I mean..seems no-one has this problem but its there...Ill bet ya
  17. Can you tell me what Data Dots are and what they do? Never heard of them before. Im sure your DRl should be working
  18. Funny, I got the same thing and know exactly what you are talking about! I started a thread twice with NO responses or concerns--I took out another vehicle months ago and it did the same thing so I dont know what it is but seems they all do it??? This summer Im taking my Mechanic on a ride and let him hear it himeself as he has found nothing loose in the rear. And its always a right hand turn just like you described:) weird huh!
  19. Your right, I have hear do not use the stick on labels because they can become frayed or loose and get caught up inside the CD player and Jack it all up---So take off alll your pretty labels on your CDR's They do have new stuff that actually burns the labels on the CDR's now...$$$ have not seen any yet though
  20. Smells like B/S to me! I wouldnt worry about it at all. I use burnt CD's all the time
  21. DONT EVEN THINK TWICE ABOUT IT DO IT!!!! Been there didnt do that and I had to do it all over again---no fun and a waste of money
  22. Does not matter what the heck it is!! Its under warrenty period! Since you know exactly where it is they should be able to do it while you wait--probably a 10 minute job, I know my service guy wouldnt even think twice about doing it right there--I mean he would do it with no problem
  23. Nothing to worry about-- Get the loaded one for sure-nice to have all the gadgets to play with:)- Dont forget to get the performance package too, very nice
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