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Everything posted by Booyah

  1. Thats what I meant but did not no all the details:) I was right in a way $1100 seems pricy to me, but not sure what all the parts--How much time are they taking for labor?
  2. If your temp guage reads normal then its not the thermostat. Sounds like the dealer is right, seems your valve is not switching over to allow hot water into the lines.
  3. Mine is nice and warm set at 80
  4. Yes, I have the 18's goodyears. Just drive sensably and all is well. Never had a problem or scare last year in the snow at all---unless I provoked it, playing around then the all the wizzardry electronics kicked it and straightened me out:)
  5. I live in Alaska and my RX gets around flawlessly--awesome vehicle
  6. Mine stays in the closed position with the tabs locked down so when the rear hatch opens the cover stays put.
  7. Do you find that the rear pull cover in the back makes a racket of noise when going over not so smooth roads? What have you done to prevent it besides taking it off :whistles:
  8. Can you include the 04 for idle/start problems since the motor was changed for 04?
  9. Dont wait on tem to call you--Get on the phone every Day yourself, it doesnt take them 3-4 days to make a call--SO now you have to wait till Tuesday morning and first thing make that call and ask to speak to a supervisor, not just a phone boy:) and get some answers, Im sure Lexus will make it good as they have a ton of reputation to uphold.
  10. SO what are all of you RX350 owners getting for gas mileage around town and highway! I know my RX330 sucks in town (17mpg) highway seems ok at 24 :whistles:
  11. Thats B/S--you need to hop on the phone and start talking to some higher ups!!! Be persistent but nice too. Something is wrong for sure as you have documentation already, what 3 times? LEMON LAW TIME
  12. Sounds like your other cars are running to cold?
  13. No thats what you get when you buy the big "L"
  14. Funny thing is we never know what roads or POI's are updated or added...its a crap shoot if the new update will do you any good or not.....
  15. 04 RX330, With sunroof open we were hearing like a metalic rattling near the rear of the car, with the SR shut it was quite. SO got the wife in the back seat opened up sunroof and she found the noise comming from around the headliner light--something above it is rattling. The wind is getting under the headliner with the sunroof open causing it to rattle back in the light area! Anybody have this?
  16. Nah, you are fine, just reduced gas mileage as you stated. Driviing in 4th at that low speed 65-73 and the engine it so quite its hard to tell huh....
  17. So whats the differance in these Gas struts they replace on each side(Im guessing thats what they are) More pressure?
  18. Awesome...thanks! Think Ill head over there now:) That thump is not to big of a deal but has always bugged the crap out of me every time I drive it and turn into my subdivision!!
  19. Had to find this thread again...lol But you are EXACTLY correct with the hatch being OPEN and taking the turn it does not do it--problem solved if I want to drive around with my hatch open all the time :P . NOW, has anybody had this fixed or is it unfixable? Glad someone figured it out finally--but can we eliminate is the question
  20. RX330 Problems? Hmmm mine is fine after I did the TSB on the throttle dealie
  21. I always like to hear what you have to say :whistles: Yes my 330 is AWD :P
  22. Does the steering wheel shake as bad? If it doesnt, its probably one of your back tires either out of balance or one of your tires has a bad belt....How many miles on your tires
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