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Everything posted by amf1932

  1. I started this thread on May 20, 2003, so if you go back to my first post it'll explain why I absolutely hated this ES's performance, from the time I picked up this brand new car from my Lexus dealer. Well, I can finally tell you that I'm completely satisfied with this new transmission calibration. Gone is the hesitation! Gone is the transmission hunting for the proper gear to go into! Gone is the lagging feeling as you go from a standing start. Today I picked up the car and immediately noticed a vast difference as I drove off the first time. Mind you, the transmission didn't even know my driving habits, so it didn't make any minor electronic adjustments to make it feel any better. Now the car responds like a good transmission is supposed to.....downshifts at the proper RPM and upshifts at the proper RPM. Like steviej said in an above post, it sorta feels like a manual transmission, where you would normally shift the car. It's beautiful. There is no more of having to adjust your driving style as you had to do before this upgrade. It now knows!! Lexus finally got it right! I'll post some of my findings in the future, but as of now, I'm happy as a pig in s**t. :cheers: :cheers:
  2. I dropped my car off at my Lexus dealer this afternoon. I also printed out the .pdf file with all the information about this update released April 2005. They were very much aware of this new update. Sooooo....I left my car there, and they will install the new software tomorrow morning. I'll keep you informed. I'm getting all excited. :D
  3. Stevie- Your findings are good enough for me......I'm calling my dealer to make an appointment tomorrow! Thank you for your complete take on this new upgrade.
  4. Of course there's a lot less complaints on the '05's......Lexus sold a lot less '05's so far. Ratio wise, there's plenty of complaints on the '05 also. :whistles: Check out Edmunds: http://townhall-talk.edmunds.com/WebX?14@@.ef14656/0
  5. I doubt whether the OEM brake pads will last 50K miles especially on an LX, unless you're doing mainly highway driving.
  6. Wow, that sounds terrible! 4000 rpm is quite high for an upshift unless you're really pushing on the throttle. If this is what happens when you do the re-flash.......I ain't gonna do it!! :whistles:
  7. Are you guys serious? You would spend that much money just for a rear sunshade? Awww, you're putting me on. :P
  8. even for an oil change? I think they only do that for services over $75. ← LOL an oil change at my dealer is $250... Anyways, sorry that happened. My previous dealer did the same thing. I hope they make proper amends to you for it. Unfortunately sometime accidents just happen, as long as they're willing to own up to it I'd be happy. My dealer wasn't as willing, so I took my business elsewhere. ← What exactly do they do for $250?? That sounds pretty outrageous.
  9. Stevie- I await your decision........then we could go down to my favorite Lexus dealer and get the best coffee & donuts, or bagels.......FREE!! heehee :D Who said I was cheap??
  10. Here's the message: Sorry! This page is unavailable. The page you were trying to visit is no longer accessible. This usually occurs because: The album or photo was deleted by the owner. You do not have permission to view this album, photo or web page. The web address is misspelled or no longer valid.
  11. even for an oil change? I think they only do that for services over $75. ← Yes, even for an oil change! This checkout is done to any car that's brought in for any type of service. Actually, it protects the car owner as well as the dealer. Personally, I like this.
  12. My Lexus dealer does this: As soon as you pull your car in for service, they have a guy check out the car for scratches, dents, dings, or whatever. He marks the location of the defects on a pad that has an illustration of a car. He than shows it to you, and if you agree with his findings, you sign this paper. This will prevent false accusations when you pick up your car. Clever?
  13. Here are some pics of what I am talking about. http://us.f3.yahoofs.com/users/4284049dz97...hDughCBciYPxBOg] http://us.f3.yahoofs.com/users/4284049dz97...hDughCBCc.bVu3V http://us.f3.yahoofs.com/users/4284049dz97...hDughCBoodS8vn1 http://us.f3.yahoofs.com/users/4284049dz97...hDughCBMnkMFrkZ http://us.f3.yahoofs.com/users/4284049dz97...hDughCBO6ni.U81 http://us.f3.yahoofs.com/users/4284049dz97...hDughCBHyqLXUJy ← These links don't work! I tried it on 2 separate browsers???
  14. I'm glad to hear that this upgrade worked for you, but the fact that you don't know whether the previous upgrade was done on your car will make me wait a little longer, until I find somebody that went through all the original steps of upgrading. I'm waiting for steviej to do it first. :P
  15. Seems to me, this is a case of "Road Rage"! Sorry to hear about your loss. I am willing to bet you're under 25 years old. That's why insurance rates are so high.
  16. Look up "placebo effect". ← You mean like this: http://skepdic.com/placebo.html
  17. I would suggest that statements such as those above would require the presentation of some valid statistical data from a reliable and disinterested source. ← I agree with jragosta statements! ;)
  18. Dosen't Toyota (TRD) also offer a K & N type of re-usable air filter? B) ;) You can check it out at www.trdusa.com :whistles: Not sure of the prices however. ;) ← The price is: $54.21 !!! For that amount I can buy enough OEM filters to travel about 50K + miles. :D
  19. OK, then to cut this short.....you continue using your aftermarket filter, and I'll continue using an OEM filter. I sorta trust what the engineers at Toyota figured what would be the best balance in air filtration. :)
  20. Any kind of filter creates a restriction to the flow of either air or liquids in a system, therefore a filter that creates less of a pressure drop will not filter as well. When a filter is designed the amount of restriction is taken into consideration and other factors in this chain are adjusted to work in a satisfactory manner, ie: fuel - air mixture. I would say, the more pressure drop, the more the filtration.
  21. I would assume that a lower pressure drop has absolutely nothing to do with the filtration efficiency. So, I consider this statement incorrect! <_<
  22. Doesnt that also reset all his radio settings? :whistles: Just wondering... ← Most likely the radio stations in memory will be lost when the battery is disconnected, even though some members claim it doesn't.
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