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Everything posted by pj8708

  1. You all talk about what a lousy leader Obama is. I hesitate to fully support that for one reason; Before one can be a great leader, they must have people who are willing to be led. Over the last seventy some years my view is that FDR was probably one of our best presidential leaders. One of the reasons for this belief is that he came to the office at a time when America was needing to be led and wanted someone to lead them out of the depression and out of the dregs of war and back to prosperity. Now, Obama came into office twenty months ago with the slogan of change you can believe in. But when he started working on change we all said "not me" Let someone else change. i.e. Medicare, Social Security and their false involvement in the health care debate. We just saw the same thing with the debt ceiling mess. Everybody was squealing "Don't cut defense" "Don't cut Medicare", "Screw the FAA". I don't believe Congress would be so F---Jed up if they weren't truly just acting the way we tell them to. Maybe not the little guys, but the ones who pay their campaign bills. I don't think we are a country of citizens who want a strong leader. I think we just want someone we can blame for all our troubles.
  2. Just to re-quote a comment from the beginning; I read today that Lexus will offer an option of 4 wheel steering on the 2012 GS. Intriguing!
  3. Hi Lisa, There is a member of the forum , "dcfish", who is an approved vendor for Lexus audio parts. He may have an amp. for your system. I think your right about the one on ebay. If there is no return policy I'd skip it. Paul
  4. pj8708


    As I read your post Lenore, something in my pea sized brain thinks that maybe last year or the year before, we discovered that we both had worked for the big "X" over the years. By that I mean Xerox. Am I correct? I worked in sales/marketing during the 1970's and early 1980's. Yes, that is correct, worked from 1974-2006....Shameful what happened, but hey lots of great people that I worked with...And Yes attended many, many President club functions....(do to my belief that quality of work creates happy customers) I sadly agree...when I look back on how respected and how such an innovator that company was, and now to see what it has become,wow. It puts a sour taste in those Pin'a Colada's by the pool on those Presidents club trips doesn't it. In a way, it makes me empathize for those Ford techs who now have to clean up the mess that the engineers gave them and deal with the angry customers. Somewhat like we had to do with the old Xerox 4000. Great concept, when it worked.
  5. pj8708


    As I read your post Lenore, something in my pea sized brain thinks that maybe last year or the year before, we discovered that we both had worked for the big "X" over the years. By that I mean Xerox. Am I correct? I worked in sales/marketing during the 1970's and early 1980's.
  6. When I got my 2010 ES in Black Sapphire, I noticed almost immediately that the finish was getting swirl marks every time I took it through the typical car wash. What a mistake. However, these were deep swirl marks. I went to the dealer and talked to the painter in the collision shop about the problem. He indicated that in 2010, Lexus went to a water based paint to comply with pending EPA standards for evaporating solvents, and the new paint was very soft. Almost too soft. His recommendation was hand wash only. Since then I have found a detail shop that will hand wash the car with the usual add-ons like tires and wheels, for $25. plus tax. They also apply a product called "Showroom Shine" on the car that keeps dust and pollen from sticking so readily, and makes the car look like a million bucks. Barring any rain, I can go a couple of weeks with the car looking like brand new. Not everyone wants to spend $25. every time their car gets dirty, but my experience tells me that having a professional do the job makes all the difference.
  7. Article with info. on upcoming dates for model redesigns and new editions. http://www.autoblog.com/2011/08/02/lexus-planning-lf-a-roadster-for-2014-seven-seat-cuv-delayed/?icid=main%7Chtmlws-main-w%7Cdl4%7Csec3_lnk2%7C220766 8/4/11 1:00 pm Regarding GS-2012, Just read about an option of 4 wheel steering for the 2012 redesign. Cool!
  8. My trial period for the "Lexus Enform/Safety Connect Services" is expiring. I really haven't used it during the year trial period and I'm wondering if it's worth renewing for another year. So I am asking you learned people if you subscribe to the Enform service what do you think, what do you like. If there are those who have used it but canceled your subscription, what didn't you like? I appreciate your observations! Paul
  9. You make some good points. Unfortunately, most of those eligible don't even vote, but use their right to complain about the status of the outcomes. Truman had one quality as you pointed out, that none of the leaders have today, and that is accountability. If just one would assume responsibility for their part of the problem, I believe people would be so shocked they would stand up and cheer.
  10. The PRESIDENT. You say it nc as if this office is the only elected official in the country. As a matter of speaking, you say it as if the person holding the office is more of royalty than of republic. Do you really believe that one person is controlling the lives and futures of over 300,000,000 people and that the hundreds of congress people and senators are just sitting in their offices watching reruns of Gilligan's Islands, playing no part in this stupid game of "Who gets the blame for this Mess?" As much as you may like to blame Obamba every time your sink backs-up in your house, he is not capable of controlling all things both physical and astronomical so I doubt he can be blamed for EVERYTHING economical anymore than I blame George and the republican gang for their boondoggle.
  11. Thanks For The Information-I Just Thought Oem Solution Might Be Better & Wondered If Anyone Else Has Gone That Route? Bill XM and Sirius are one in the same. It's all one company. I have both service's....XM in one car, Sirus in my other. There is really no difference, each carries many of the same channels and same packages and cost. It is strictly a matter of personal preference and which programs suit your taste. It does seem that the company is leaning towards making Sirius the dominant offering and phasing out XM, but that is just my observation. When signing up for your service play hard to get. It is amazing how quickly the price of the packages come down if you argue a little with them, or how much longer the length of the free trial gets if you just hold out from saying yes for a while.
  12. Well, I'm a little late to the game on this one. I've been to La Jolla several times, and Paul is right. MB's in certain areas of S. California are like Toyota's for the rest of us working stiffs! They're everywhere. My former boss in NC spent 10 years in Newport Beach. He still drives his 00' MB E300 sedan. I spent about 3 weeks in Newport Beach / Laguna in 2006. I knew it was time to go home when I caught myself saying "yellow just totally ruins that Ferrari". Of course, when you've got one of these in your town, MB is sort of like a Camry in the cache' realm.. http://www.symbolicmotors.com/ I like the "used" Bugatti with 800 miles on it, for $2.5M dollars! The free carfax report is a nice touch as well. Really gives a potential buyer the piece of mind he/she needs to make sure their "used" BUGATTI hasn't seen the inside of a Macco! I also chuckle that they identify a Lamborghini Gallardo as a "4x4" instead of AWD. Hey, it's a La Jolla beach-buggy with it's 4x4! If you go back to La Jolla, Paul, google the "Marine Room" restuarant along the beach. Some of the best seafood you'll ever eat! On high-tide, the waves crash up against the 1 inch thick glass. Kind of funny to be sitting there, eating a fish, and having his buddy's smash up against the glass at the end of your table, looking at you like "whoa..what happened to Bob?" Thanks for the info nc. I will definitely look up the Marine Room next time we're in the La Jolla area. I hope they'll let me in the city as I drive my Hertz Corolla.
  13. I have checked my owners manual and the reset procedure is not in there. Simply phone the dealer. Just curious....why did the message light up in the first place?
  14. Hello, and welcome the the LOC. This topic is discussed over and over again and everyone has their own specific preference. Your best bet is to do a search and read all of the post on the subject to get some perspective. Personally, decide first on whether you want dino type or synthetic. If good old dino, almost any of the majors are good. If synthetic, I like Mobil 1 or Amsoil. What is the car used to?
  15. "Always?, "they always"?, "Same thing happens"?. You take every action, statement, event and plan and automatically use "Always" to describe it without the facts or documentation to cite all of these occasions. One thing that's in the news today is not necessarily connected to an event in the news tomorrow. Regardless of how badly you may want to paint the "Progressives" with a broad brush, it can't be done. Anymore than you can not group all Republicans together and claim they have a group think ability. The current session proves that. Thank somebody.
  16. I don't have the seniority that the rest of you do, but I'm going to add my opinion to the others because I'm ready to throw-up. Lenore, I am particularly nauseated at your recounting of your Viet Nam era experience at the recruiting station and your talk about those of you who served in the military and those who didn't and those who didn't spit on the flag. You tell Josh that unfortunately he has no rights and that his leaders, i.e., Obama,will be sure to make mistakes. I am a product of the 1960's, and in addition to you, hundreds of thousands of men served and died in Nam, and a lot of them were from my hometown and my graduating class. You were not the only one who suffered indignities and or worse. My point is that people all over bothe hemispheres suffered greatly during that time. It isn't all about you. You have written about how awful a place this country is and who is responsible for every fault. Yet, you have not put forth one single thing that is positive about the United States. Why in the hell do you live here? Just so you can !Removed! and whine? The country was not founded on Christian principles. It was founded on federalist principles. The Anglicans, Deist, 2 Methodist, and Catholics that were part of the so called "Founders" DID insist on a separation of state and religion. There is no actual wording in the constitution that says church and state. Every thing you write is selfish. You don't care about the future of the country as much as you care about hating others that are different from you. You spread your half truths and innuendos to make yourself feel powerful, like your the only one who knows the real truth. Every day Limbaugh, Fox News, Laura Ingram, Glen Beck, all feed the chain letter clan more drivel to keep the conspiracy theories alive. To make my position clear: I voted for Pres. Obama I will vote for him again The Bible is not divinely inspired or auto-written Religion is poison to government A womans body is nobody else's business. Do you want someone telling you what you can do with your !Removed!? My wife is a Hospital Administrator; The Healthcare Bill helps millions of uninsured.
  17. Welcome to the LOC!
  18. I doubt the Prince gives a rip. They probably donate it to the homeless for a tax write-off. LOL
  19. IPM possible failure under a heavy load....would lead to car coasting to a stop? Owners to be notified in July of recall. Read article. http://www.autoblog.com/2011/06/29/toyota-recall-highlander-lexus-rx-400h-hybrid/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+weblogsinc%2Fautoblog+%28Autoblog%29
  20. Yeah....but you can't drive it. Besides, whenever I see the Apple logo I automatically bend over...and I have a bad back. Be nice to your elders. LOL!!
  21. The You-Tube clip shows a beautiful work of engineering and craftsmanship. It would be great if there was a way to watch the event on television. But I doubt it will be on my basic Direct-TV. Thanks for posting this! Paul
  22. And you pulled that part name out of where??.....LOL my friend.
  23. Absolutely right on!!! Paul
  24. I've enjoyed reading your piece and have copied it to a friend as well. Thanks for sharing the information.
  25. You can put the little ones in the 350c and you can ride the "Deuce"! Both can have that wind blown look!
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