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Everything posted by pj8708

  1. ASL stands for "Automatic Sound Level". When this feature is on, the volume automatically increases as the speed of the car increases and the subsequent road/wind noise increases. Leaving it off means the volume will stay the same regardless of the car speed. Frankly, I've never noticed much difference either way. In my experience I've never seen any after market product that is going to look OEM or close. A better bet would be e-bay, a good wrecker yard, or here on the forum, our authorized vendor for Lexus audio parts, "dcfish". PM him for information. Additionally, have you searched this forum/club for other members who have replaced 2002 ES head units and where they got there parts? There is a LOT of info in the search engine.
  2. Yea SW I agree I think in order for Hyundai to be successful in the luxury car market they need to spin off a luxury line. Same as Toyota and Lexus, no matter how nice the car is it is still at the end of a day a Hyundai and that is the problem IMHO. Not to get off track, but this is a really well written post Steve...sums up the market very well.
  3. This discussion re the Genesis has come up several times before, and several members have compared the ES350 and the Genesis. A quick search of the forum will find the threads regarding this topic. A link to your article in Consumer Reports would make it easier for us to read your relevant article.
  4. Gee Blue Surf, based upon the revelation you bestowed upon us, it would seem your the biggest sucker of all! Knowing what you know about the crap state of Lexus vehicles you must have had a sudden lapse in judgment when you purchased your RX Luxury vehicle knowing all along it is "Just a Toyota." It makes one wonder why then Lexus is the number one selling luxury brand in North America,(the ES out sells the MB C series all day long)and the September released J.D. Power results put Lexus as the number one build quality luxury car, and the first year reliability leader. BMW is way down the list. If you don't like your Lexus, sell it and buy a less reliable Mercedes. To verify these facts do a search of the forum.
  5. I am not a mechanic, but based upon what you have told us I have a couple of questions. You say the dealer has checked the battery. Have they simply checked it to see if it will hold a charge, or have they checked to see how long it will hold a charge and if it is loosing it's charge overnight or over a few days. Secondly, have they checked the charging system to see if there is a leak to ground somewhere that is keeping the system from totally charging the battery over several days. I ask because you write that it may be a period of two weeks between times when the engine won't turn over and start.....maybe that is another point to clarify. Is the car not turning over or is something else happening when you say it won't start? Paul
  6. These buttons/switches are present on the ES350 with the sunroof. The rear seat map lights are built into the overhead handle and if memory serves me, can be controlled to come on or not when the doors open by the setting of the main switch in the overhead console. A picture and explanation of all the interior lights is in the owners manual. Paul
  7. If white is the most popular car color in North America, what does your choice of car color say about you? Did you pick your color off the lot or did you order it special from the factory? Informative article! http://autos.aol.com/article/what-your-car-color-says-about-us/?icid=maing-grid10%7Chtmlws-main-bb%7Cdl6%7Csec1_lnk3%7C102479
  8. Welcome to the LOC. I don't own a RX350 but I have driven one several times and have never found the layout of the gearshift/console to be a problem. Additionally, I can't recall anyone posting an issue with your particular concern. I think it's like many things new, for example, when I went from my 2005 ES350 to my 2010 ES350 I thought I would never adjust to the length of the gearshift shaft, It just seemed too long and skinny and thereby, "Cheap". Now I think it looks contemporary. However, we like what we like and when your paying big bucks you should get it.
  9. It's a start...I would really like to know what they find out and how they fix it. Please post your result with the problem and the dealer. Hang in there!
  10. You went to a lot of trouble writing a detailed post asking for help, and then you never responded to a request for more information so we could try and solve your problem. You have peaked my curiosity, but as CDuluk suggested, a picture would be a logical next step in helping others determine what your talking about and what it looks like. Or did you already solve the problem?? Paul
  11. Don't have the camera problem, but my dealer would never treat me like that. It's true that they have to have a problem code to bill the warranty part to, but my dealer would simply keep the car in the shop looking for it to fail, or keep a ticket open for 24 hours or so until I get it to fail again an can bring it in. I've had them keep one of my cars in the shop for six days working on an intermittent problem. Sounds like your going to have to be very assertive....or call Lexus.
  12. It could be one of a dozen things based on your description. It could be the amp, but usually the amp will put out some sort of distortion sound or other noise first before quiting. The receiver, (head unit), could have a short or a bad solder joint. There could be a loose connection in one of the wiring harness's. This is a long shot, but the fuse supplying power might be weak and breaking connection intermittently. It is unlikely that it is the speakers, if all of them are going on and off at the same time. In order to test the amp, you'd need to find a known working amp and exchange it for your current one, then drive it around and see how it works. Not easy to find another amp I know. Contact "dcfish" on this forum for possible help with an amp or receiver. He is the LOC approved vendor for Lexus audio and navigation equipment. If your able to post a more specific and detailed description of the problem it might be helpful. For example, do the speakers make a scratchy noise before or during the time they cut out? How long do the speakers stay off? Do you lose sound in all speakers? Do the speakers cut out when you go over a bump? If you turn up the volume high does the sound go out or does it distort?.....etc.
  13. I'd also like to know....what the heck is it?? Signed, "Don't get out too much,"
  14. Here are a few quick steps for removing the sub. http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=40341&st=0&p=259941&hl=+remove%20+subwoofer%20+ls400&fromsearch=1entry259941
  15. All that being said, it sounds like Hank still would like to know if or how he can replace the outside mirror control switch. I don't know how...does anyone else? Paul
  16. I agree. You should be able to find, if not the main problem when reading out the stored problem codes, at least a number of clues that should point you or a qualified Lexus technician to the cause or causes. Many auto parts stores will offer to attach their code reader for free and give you the read out. You can then take this to your mechanic.
  17. up.Thanks for the information....sounds like a heck of a ride, especially when compared to the RX as you pointed out. As I said, I'm not in the market, but you sure have my curiosity reved up. I feel a trip to the dealer coming on.
  18. Clarification; did the dealer diagnose the amplifier as the problem, or did you or someone else determine that? The reason I ask, is that it is extremely unusual for an amplifier in a system only three years old to go bad. Whether it be in a Levinson, or a standard Lexus system. (It makes no difference whether the ML is in a LS460 or a ES350; an ML is an ML.) Unfortunately, to the best of my knowledge, if the amplifier is shot, there is no secondary market for parts. However, on this forum, we have a LOC approved vendor that specializes in Lexus audio parts and systems. His name is "dcfish". He may have an amp for you at a lesser price than the dealer. Otherwise, "ebay" would be your next best alternative.
  19. Hi Steve, I'm not in the market, but I am curious how the ride and cabin noise compare to the ES350. Additionaly, it seems like the RX is better than the average SUV when it comes to these categories, but from all the positive comments about the Grand Cherokee, it seems like it may be even better than the RX. What do you think? Paul
  20. Prices and the amount of discount available to deal with, varies greatly by region, let alone country. With the CT your talking about, even though one is a model year older, because of market demands they are still probably able to ask the same price. Hybrids are always in tight inventory situations and with the earthquake damage in Japan, production has been out of synch all year long. This means that it is a sellers market. As far as the fee's they are wanting to charge, I can't offer any help as I'm not familiar with Canadian charges. Sorry.
  21. Welcome to the LOC! Sounds like you got a nice ride but a poor baby sitter. LOL, Hope you enjoy your new Lexus experience. Paul
  22. 2013 GS Hybred reveal photos. You might have already seen these.....either way, what do you think? http://www.lexus.com/GS-2013/hybrid/?s_ocid=Pursuit:0911:CTA1:AllNewGSh&cid=Pursuit:0911:CTA1:AllNewGSh
  23. Having played in rock bands a good portion of my wasted youth, I now live with hearing aids to make up for the experience. When these guys pull up next to me, all I can think of is all the money some audiologist is going to make off of them. LOL... Seriously though, it really freaks me out when Mom and Dad pull up with a car full of children, including infants and toddlers, all of the windows up, and the tweeters driving hard enough to do a root canal. What are they thinking?
  24. Are you sure the Park Assist button is pushed on and have you checked the fuse for that feature.
  25. J.D. Powers new results puts Lexus back at the top of new car quality over all comers. BMW is way down on the list. There are mixed feelings out there about J.D. Powers but this survey is a consumer survey and should have some real validity. http://autos.aol.com/article/new-car-quality-declines/?icid=maing-grid10%7Chtmlws-main-bb%7Cdl15%7Csec3_lnk3%7C99695
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