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Ok, Thats It...i Quit.


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So yesterday, I drove my ram to work, like any other normal day. Of course it would be a monday too.

I park it at work, which it drove dutifully there. Parked just fine. Drove it at lunch, again, not a single issue.

I get in it to go home (at 645pm) and fire it up...it rumbles to life. I shift the trans from "P" to "D", and.... nothing. Engine just revs. WHAT THE FUDGESICKLE! :censored: I *BLEEP* a complete brick. :unsure: Let me tell you, I looked like a complete !Removed! in front of all my coworkers. "oh you should have bought a ford!" :blushing:

To all the dodge haters at work: The tranny is NOT gone! I called my Insurance company (geico), and the roadside assistance covered the tow. When the tow truck got there and lifted it from the back, he was putting the dollys on the front wheels, and I started it, got underneath it and played with the linkage. I moved the linkage from the Neutral position to the Reverse position and it engaged the trans. I shifted it back through neutral to Drive and it worked fine. I had the tow truck driver set it down a second, and I drove it 10 ft forward. Then I shifted into reverse to go back towards the tow truck...and NOTHING.

So, it appears that the "linkage" is broken somewhere. It looks like an electronic linkage, so I am guessing the servo went out at the trans. I can shift the trans by moving the mechanism with my hand, but other than that, nothing.

Its at the dealership awaiting further inspection today. The tow truck driver and myself didnt even get it to the dealer till 9pm yesterday night. Way to spend a monday huh? OH! And to top it all off my HID's came yesterday. Great, so I have a Ram thats allergic to mods. And as if that wasn't bad enough, I borrowed my neighbor's 92 ford escort to get to/from work till the truck is fixed. Her husband is deployed, and she cant drive standard. The car has been sitting almost a year. I am driving in to work this morning, and the R/R tire explodes. Of course I will offer to pay for it, but I don't think she will take it. and I am kind of worried about tarnishing our friendship.

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Sucks bud...I am having one of those weeks too. I have some water pump problems at home...have a plumber out there to fix it. Gets the blader tank to do the job...wrong size...2 days no water...he rigged it so it works for now...supposed to be fixed today. Then the wifes BMW...the door lock on the Front drivers door has decided to stop working unless you put the key in to lock and unlock...checked all the fuses...nope...has to go in to the dealer...

Keep your head up bud! And do the right thing by the neighbor and put a tire on the car...she was kind enough to look out for you... :cheers:

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Hey Army, just thank God everyday for waking up....these are just bumps in the road...Sorry that it happened to you in such an overwhelming way...Hey tomorrow will be better, and someday you will look back and laugh...Hope your day goes a whole lot better today...And thank you again for your service...

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Hey Army, just thank God everyday for waking up....these are just bumps in the road...Sorry that it happened to you in such an overwhelming way...Hey tomorrow will be better, and someday you will look back and laugh...Hope your day goes a whole lot better today...And thank you again for your service...

I agree 100% with Lenore cheers.gif B)

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Oh....I've got you all beat, by a country mile!!! Wanna know how my Monday went this week? Ok, try this little puppy on for size.....

Who here bought a house in 2006/2007? Lots of us...

Who here paid top market price for their house at that time? Lots of us...

Who here had to sell their house in 2009? Lots of us....

But who here actually sold for more than they paid for it? Well, according to the f'n IRS, only me....and on Monday, I was notified that I'm being audited over it!

Trade you!!!

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Death, taxes, and the IRS!!

I can't freaking wait to tell this accounting twerp what I do for a living! And the fact that his boss is sitting in a fancy new office in a fancy new office building in DC....that has a mortgage on it that I presented to my committee and got approved years ago!!! I'm serious here! Four signatures are on the 50 page investment package, that yours truly, wrote from scratch three years ago to finance the construction and permanent debt on the building the friggin IRS operates from in DC....and I'm being audited over the honest and legitimate sale of my home back in NC when we moved to ChiTcago!!! Talk about irony!

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Let's just hope I don't get a call from the FBI or the Dept. Of Justice....yep...did those buildings as well. Only one I haven't done is the ATF....so i guess i need to grab a bottle of Jack, call Mr. Marllboro, and hang out on the corner of Smith and Weson! Working on a new one specifically for Homeland Security. I'm sure after they read this thread, I'll be getting a call from them too! Hope they bring the bomb squad, because I'm a *BLEEP*ed off tax payer with two Diaper Genie bombed trashcans just waiting for a target to throw them at!! You wanna know what biological terrorism looks like, just ask the poor *BLEEP* who has to empty my trash cans every Monday morning!!

Hey, IRS, wanna audit someone? How about Congress for approving the obscene leasing rates these agencies are paying for their fancy new digs! Talk about an accounting "trick"!

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Truck is fixed, the trans was serviced a month ago, and a tech decided not to put the torx screw that holds the filter up, back in place. Soooo...my tranny filter fell into the pan.


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Yikes NC...good luck with that!

That doesn't make any sense...did you make money on it when you sold it in 2009? And even if you did...did you make $500,000 on it? Because you and your wife are exempt from capital gains up to $500,000 for your principal residence. Are they trying to argue the basis or that it was your principal residence?

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The old saying, "Into every life a little rain must fall" sounds pretty stupid with this bunch. This is more like "Live a good life and you'll get your own personal Tsunami!!" LOL


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D A M N just got my bill from my plumber $1086.00! WOW!

Good news: Your not paranoid!.....Bad news; the plumber really is out to get you!

Very sorry about your situation.


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D A M N just got my bill from my plumber $1086.00! WOW!

Good news: Your not paranoid!.....Bad news; the plumber really is out to get you!

Very sorry about your situation.


Actually Paul for what he had to do and how quick he got here I think he did ok. He didn't overcharge me...saw the invoices for his materials he had $800 in materials.

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SWO, it's the way the company handled the expenses of the sale. Instead of paying the listing fees directly, they paid me to reimburse the agent. I protested up the left and down the right to our idiotic HR department about this, as it was the wrong way to do it. Once I touched the money, it got taxed at the "bonus" level, which flowed onto the equation of the sale. IRS basically took my profit margin on the house, approximate $6k, in those taxes. They're simply confused at what they're looking at. I assure you, our idiots in HR have been made aware of this by me!

Just another day......

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