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I Guess A Lot Of You Don't Like The Rx ,new Or Old

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I started going to this forum when I bought my amazing 06 400h. Lately though,it's just such a downer to read about how many of you don't like the RX, lacks quality, etc...Murano? Please..... it's too much already. It's been nice to get info from most of you but get your Murano, your Yugo, or whatever you like better and that's it....it's too depressing here in this little forum and hearing all of the stuff you like about other cars etc.. I'm sorry but NIssan doesn't make world class cars...they just seem OK to for a year...maybe two, but then....good luck! Thanks for all of the help in the past. I will get info somewhere else. I personally love my car....but then I am not as spoiled as many sound in this forum. I have a cofortable life but I didn't start off with much so I appreciate thngs more....or that's the way it seems listening to many here that sound like whiny, spoiled Americans. Rey in L.A.

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I started going to this forum when I bought my amazing 06 400h. Lately though,it's just such a downer to read about how many of you don't like the RX, lacks quality, etc...Murano? Please..... it's too much already. It's been nice to get info from most of you but get your Murano, your Yugo, or whatever you like better and that's it....it's too depressing here in this little forum and hearing all of the stuff you like about other cars etc.. I'm sorry but NIssan doesn't make world class cars...they just seem OK to for a year...maybe two, but then....good luck! Thanks for all of the help in the past. I will get info somewhere else. I personally love my car....but then I am not as spoiled as many sound in this forum. I have a cofortable life but I didn't start off with much so I appreciate thngs more....or that's the way it seems listening to many here that sound like whiny, spoiled Americans. Rey in L.A.

Hmm, it's a car forum. They all discuss, compare vehicles, it's what forums do. All I can say, if you don't like it, you know where the door is.

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Uh, telling someone to leave is not really something that any of the non-moderators or managers should say, please!

Rey, I think you'd have to admit that vast majority of folks who frequent this forum love their RX. There will always be the occasional hater, but that happens with almost anything we may feel is universally likes - pasta, for instance! How could anyone not like it? (At least, that's what I've always told my kids).

Personally speaking, I've never owned a vehicle as reliable as our RX400h, and we've had two Nissans, Mazdas, Hondas, Mercury, etc. If you look at sales figures for the RX line, it becomes very obvious that we are in good company.

So have a glass of wine, relax, and enjoy your Lexus!


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Uh, telling someone to leave is not really something that any of the non-moderators or managers should say, please!

Then I'll say it.

If you can't handle it Ray, you should leave.

I'm serious...you're so dramatic. This is a car forum...its supposed to be fun and all viewpoints are welcome here. If all you want to read is the viewpoints of people who think exactly like you...write down what you want to read in a journal...and read that.

If you can't handle opposing viewpoints then a public discussion forum isn't the place for you.

Sorry to be curt, but you whine and complain a lot. If this gets you "depressed" and "hurt"...you need to seek the help of a professional. I mean that. Its not normal to get depressed listening to people talk about the fact that they like a car that isn't yours. Its just a car.

The RX is a great vehicle...and I'm about as big a Lexus fan as anybody here...but there are other vehicles on the market and its not the best vehicle for everyone. Discussing it frankly and honestly is only a good thing.

I'm tired of reading you say this every few months. If you're going to leave...leave. If you're going to stay, stay but you have to grow up a little about this and understand that people have a right to express their viewpoints even if you disagree, and you need to learn not to get into discussions you can't deal with.

Calling us whiny? Thats hilarious...really.

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I am getting cold feet about purchasing a Lexus. After reading this and other forums, I am really starting to feel that Lexus has become the elitist *expletive* that it set out to never be. Rewind the clock back just 15/20 years and Lexus was sitting in the same spot as the other car cos that Lexus Owners now snub their noses at and look down on. Many look down on Infiniti and Hyundai Genesis. Those companies remind me so much of the early Lexus years, it's not even funny. Luxury cars are about a statement. I thought Lexus was about quality (which it is to a point), but I refuse to be defined by the haggard masses that pick up a Lexus because it has Lexus on it. It's sad to see that the first thing out of some people's mouth's is "it's not a Lexus". Well a Lexus is not a Mercedes Benz, no matter how much Lexus tries, they will never have their look updated. Lexus quite frankly still looks the same since 1995 (the RX with holding) and they handle like slugs compared to the germans, but you dare not utter that on a Lexus board. Or the sheer fact that Lexus takes a cheap chasis and tries to pass it off as a Lexus.That is really "GM" of them.

The Elitist attitude doesn't feel good when you are on the receiving end of it. I simply will not purchase a BMW because of the type of people that drive it. I don't want to be associated with that type of attitude (check out a 3-series board if you think I am joking) Many may have questioned why I haven't bought a GS450h yet... Well up until 2010 model year the GS450h had the oldest Nav in it of any 30k+ car. Didn't even have traffic or anything else that the sub 40k cars are providing. I refuse to plunk down 50k+ for a car with 10 year old tech in it. It does not even have Bluetooth audio streaming (a2dp). You can get that on a Ford! Lexus leather seems cheap to me. It may be because of the ventilated seats, but the leather doesn't feel durable. Too thin at points. I don't think that belongs in a 50k car. Sit in a MB E- Class or BMW 5- Series and tell me that leather doesn't feel better. Then on top of that can I get more color choices (even on the non hybrid GS there are few color choices). Can you guess one of the most comfortable cars I have ever sat in?... A Hyundai Genesis. that almost 30k less than a Lexus and looks better too. Sorry for the rant, ban me if need be, but I won't take back my feelings on the state of Lexus and it's owners.

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I think you are confusing "elitist" with loyal when it comes to the Lexus brand. One of the main reasons why Lexus sells so much better than Mercedes is reliability. Here in the US, many of us have owned German and American vehicles and quite frankly have grown tired of their poor reliabilty.

Of course, after years of earning accolades, the Lexus name does have a "high-end" aura about it that must irritate the Germans to no end. They can claim "performance" as the best reason for buyers to purchase their vehicles, but here in the US, more and more buyers place that category further down on the list.

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I think you are confusing "elitist" with loyal when it comes to the Lexus brand. One of the main reasons why Lexus sells so much better than Mercedes is reliability. Here in the US, many of us have owned German and American vehicles and quite frankly have grown tired of their poor reliabilty.

Of course, after years of earning accolades, the Lexus name does have a "high-end" aura about it that must irritate the Germans to no end. They can claim "performance" as the best reason for buyers to purchase their vehicles, but here in the US, more and more buyers place that category further down on the list.

I know what loyal is and I know what an elitist attitude is. There are plenty of other reliable car companies out there. Loyal is understanding that. Elitist is blindly following the mantra and not realizing that every manufacturer has it's sore spots. Yes even the mighty Lexus has it's mess ups. The GS sedan is one of them. It's at the point where I can say I won't be buying a Lexus. So you can call up Lexus corporate and tell them that they lost 50k+ because their clientele misrepresents their brand. So I guess Lexus is the new d-bags of the auto world that BMW was 5 years ago. congrats on your crown.

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So let me see if I understand the point of this thread.

Some people feel this forum is TOO CRITICAL of the Lexus cars and is having some personal reaction to it...

Other people feel this form is NOT CRITICAL ENOUGH of the Lexus cars and feels looked down upon...

Do I have that right?

This forum is exaxctly what you PRECEIVE it to be, nothing more, nothing less. If you are having a personal emotional reaction to your preception of this forum, then you need to OWN that feeling rather than project your feelings onto others.

Can we go back to talking about the cars now and put an end to this group therapy session?

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So let me see if I understand the point of this thread.

Some people feel this forum is TOO CRITICAL of the Lexus cars and is having some personal reaction to it...

Other people feel this form is NOT CRITICAL ENOUGH of the Lexus cars and feels looked down upon...

Do I have that right?

I think that about sums it up.

This forum is exaxctly what you PRECEIVE it to be, nothing more, nothing less. If you are having a personal emotional reaction to your preception of this forum, then you need to OWN that feeling rather than project your feelings onto others.

Can we go back to talking about the cars now and put an end to this group therapy session?

Amen to THAT!

Do you know what the nice thing is about all this excitement? We're not talking about mysterious oil leaks, doors that don't lock, gas gauges that have stopped working, etc, etc. Go to any Mercedes, BMW, or Audi forum and you'll feel alot better about our "uneventful" forum. As skyfish pointed out, most criticism of Lexus hybrids is based upon personal preference and perception. If that's all we have to worry about, we are truly lucky (or insightful enough to buy a Lexus) people.

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It's at the point where I can say I won't be buying a Lexus. So you can call up Lexus corporate and tell them that they lost 50k+ because their clientele misrepresents their brand. So I guess Lexus is the new d-bags of the auto world that BMW was 5 years ago. congrats on your crown.

I can't believe that you are letting postings on an internet forum sway major decisions in your life.

I would think one either likes a car for what it is and buys it or one doesn't like it and doesn't buy it. What your perception is of current owners of a vehicle/brand should have no bearing on the purchase.

BTW, no need to call Lexus about that 50K, because they'll get it from someone else.

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ljbad4life, i had never owned a foreign made car until i purchased my 400h in july 2005. After waiting a on a list for a year it was the most i have ever spent on a vehicle. For me i wanted a hybrid suv larger than a prius and i felt that could only come from toyota, and i wanted something safer and more comfortable for work than my 99 ford exploder, purchased new, that was the worst ford i have ever owned and we drive alot of their trucks in my family business. I think of my vehicle as much as a toyota as a lexus. In Japan, until last year high end vehicles were sold as toyotas, there was no lexus brand.

The year i spent on the waiting list i read everything i could on this forum and frankly it was a source of support before i made my final decision to buy. I purchased my car from a smaller lexus dealer south of seattle, i still go there for service and with few exceptions they have performed beyond my expectations. My salesman called me once a week for six months to see how i was doing with my car. Toyota has sent at least four surveys asking about my experience with the vehicle and what could they do to make it better. I know of no other brand more connected to its customer than this one. It is common knowledge that when lexus first came out it was a huge wakeup call for mercedes because the japanese were now making luxury vehicles cheaper by far than the bloated mercedes and much more reliable. I agree other brands may be more sporty, and the seats are comfortable however there might be better ones out there. I can tell you driving this hybrid car has changed my way of driving for the better,(my employees will tell you there was alot of room for improvement) i have learned to drive in a smoother more hybrid style to save fuel, and sitting in traffic knowing i am coasting with the engine off has made what used to be frustrating actually fun. i applaud what mercedes has done with diesels, a necessity in europe, if i won the lottery i mght look at an SL, but for now and the forseeable future at 52,000 miles mark me down as very happy with my 400h

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ljbad4life, i had never owned a foreign made car until i purchased my 400h in july 2005. After waiting a on a list for a year it was the most i have ever spent on a vehicle. For me i wanted a hybrid suv larger than a prius and i felt that could only come from toyota, and i wanted something safer and more comfortable for work than my 99 ford exploder, purchased new, that was the worst ford i have ever owned and we drive alot of their trucks in my family business. I think of my vehicle as much as a toyota as a lexus. In Japan, until last year high end vehicles were sold as toyotas, there was no lexus brand.

The year i spent on the waiting list i read everything i could on this forum and frankly it was a source of support before i made my final decision to buy. I purchased my car from a smaller lexus dealer south of seattle, i still go there for service and with few exceptions they have performed beyond my expectations. My salesman called me once a week for six months to see how i was doing with my car. Toyota has sent at least four surveys asking about my experience with the vehicle and what could they do to make it better. I know of no other brand more connected to its customer than this one. It is common knowledge that when lexus first came out it was a huge wakeup call for mercedes because the japanese were now making luxury vehicles cheaper by far than the bloated mercedes and much more reliable. I agree other brands may be more sporty, and the seats are comfortable however there might be better ones out there. I can tell you driving this hybrid car has changed my way of driving for the better,(my employees will tell you there was alot of room for improvement) i have learned to drive in a smoother more hybrid style to save fuel, and sitting in traffic knowing i am coasting with the engine off has made what used to be frustrating actually fun. i applaud what mercedes has done with diesels, a necessity in europe, if i won the lottery i mght look at an SL, but for now and the forseeable future at 52,000 miles mark me down as very happy with my 400h

i love my 2007 rx400h best car ever owned next best was 1976 cady fleetwood

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I can't believe that you are letting postings on an internet forum sway major decisions in your life.

I would think one either likes a car for what it is and buys it or one doesn't like it doesn't buy it. What your perception is of current owners of a vehicle/brand should have no bearing on the purchase.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Its just a forum, and the people you see on a forum are not representative of the buying population of a car in the slightest. As car forum people go...the people here are pretty open minded and down to earth. Check out MBWorld.org or the BMWCCA...or even ClubLexus and see if you think the people here are elitist and look down on others.

The Lexus is a great car, and it is a luxury car, and one of the reasons people buy a luxury car is because of the brand cache. Nothing wrong with that. Its when people think that having a "Lexus" makes them a better person you have a problem...and I think if we have that problem here its very minimal.

One thing I will say ijbad...watch the name calling. Your opinions are welcome here...but your insults are not.

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It's at the point where I can say I won't be buying a Lexus. So you can call up Lexus corporate and tell them that they lost 50k+ because their clientele misrepresents their brand. So I guess Lexus is the new d-bags of the auto world that BMW was 5 years ago. congrats on your crown.

I can't believe that you are letting postings on an internet forum sway major decisions in your life.

I would think one either likes a car for what it is and buys it or one doesn't like it and doesn't buy it. What your perception is of current owners of a vehicle/brand should have no bearing on the purchase.

BTW, no need to call Lexus about that 50K, because they'll get it from someone else.

Yes it is a major decision in life. There are short comings to any automobile. Lexus is going to have a fight on it's hands for the luxury market when there are so many alternatives coming out in the next couple of years. I have decided against buying a Lexus not only for the sort of attitude of people that have bought a Lexus, but I was always on the fence about my purchase of the GS 450h and quite frankly the car is not up to the standards of this year let alone next year. This is just a wake up call for me. If a label makes someone buy something that's absolutely vapid and shallow. I have checked other forums such as club lexus, and mb forums and I have stated that I don't like that attitude and don't want to be associated with it. I can 100% agree that it is over the top, and that's why I have had my little mini rant. If someone is unhappy with their car (yes people do have the right not to like their Lexus' and express it). People jumped all over that other guys back for suggesting that the op (who disliked his RX) try the same path he did. I have made it a point to be as helpful as possible in my posts. I give credit where credit is due to what ever manufacturer deserves it.

I am sure another car company will be glad to jump at my 50k one less sales is one less sale. Next saturday I have a date with Tesla Motors. I would gladly wait two years for the car I want than have to compromise on the things that matter most to me.

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My guess is, if you find a Tesla forum, you'll find people there who think a Tesla is the be all end all in vehicles and will defend a Tesla against anything else out there.

So based on what you've said, you'll never own ANY vehicle because there is always bound to be some owner who buys the vehicle JUST because of the label.

Still, I have to reiterate that I have never seen anyone purchase something based on how he feels about the owners of the product RATHER than the product itself.

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Well I have found a tesla forum and non tesla forums and I have yet to run into anything of the sort. I don't care if some singularly comes along and does what he/she wants to. It's bad when someone from the outside looks in and gets that impression. I am even on other non-tesla specific forums and I have not run into one person that acts the way a good amount of people do here. Go ahead and pat yourself on the back maybe you can sleep better at night because you own a Lexus. Maybe you need to take a step back and look at the cause. Or maybe you should save your words and use that to help the new Lexus owner with a RX 450h that won't go into EV mode, oh wait I did. I bid Lexus forums goodbye.

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I like my 400h too. Yes it has some things that could be improved and it has a few quirks. But overall it is an enjoyable car to drive. If I want a sporty drive I take my Porsche; if I want to haul stuff I take my Yukon. If I just want to get somewhere in style and confort I take my 400h.


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My wife and I LOVE our RX400h; but I tend to nit pick everything in my life, so why should my car be any different. For as much as I !Removed! on certain things (like the NAV system, XM Radio 'upgrade'; bluetooth issues; my wife and I marvel at the quietness, the ride comffort, and the reliability. We were previous RX300 owners for almost 8 years before buying our 2nd Lexus, the 400h. It has been the most reliable car I have ever owned. I wouldn't take a BMW (WAY overpriced for what you get), a Mercedes (horrible relaibility), Range Rover (see previous comment) The only car we considered before buying this was the Acura MDX, which was actually a little too big for our tastes. I am a HUGE Acura fan, but also a HUGE Lexus fan!! :)

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Well I have found a tesla forum and non tesla forums and I have yet to run into anything of the sort. I don't care if some singularly comes along and does what he/she wants to. It's bad when someone from the outside looks in and gets that impression. I am even on other non-tesla specific forums and I have not run into one person that acts the way a good amount of people do here. Go ahead and pat yourself on the back maybe you can sleep better at night because you own a Lexus. Maybe you need to take a step back and look at the cause. Or maybe you should save your words and use that to help the new Lexus owner with a RX 450h that won't go into EV mode, oh wait I did. I bid Lexus forums goodbye.

And the Lexus forums bid you goodbye. Banned.

Sheesh...and he says we're self righteous?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just joined - this thread is sketchy, sorta bizarre.

Being a BMW and Porsche owner, and on those forums as well for some time now, I can safely say that there seems to be outliers on every forum. Some people need diapers, others need a gag, but the vast majority are here to probably gain insight and share ideas. This is an automobile forum -things should never get personal.

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