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What Should I Do


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Sorry to see that. Glad you're (apparently) okay, though!

Do you have collision coverage on the vehicle? That damage looks pretty serious, but it could've been much worse! Your best bet is probably to get a used door and fender from a junkyard and have it painted to match. Best of luck!

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Yes I'm (thankfully) OK, and I do have collision coverage. Does anyone have any ideas on what something like this costs to fix. My diductable is $500. How much does it cost to have paint mathced? If I do find a good replacement door can I possibly swap them myself, or is it best to have it done by a pro?

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Yes I'm (thankfully) OK, and I do have collision coverage. Does anyone have any ideas on what something like this costs to fix. My diductable is $500. How much does it cost to have paint mathced? If I do find a good replacement door can I possibly swap them myself, or is it best to have it done by a pro?

Go to a body shop and get the estimate straight away.

By the looks of it though and the car you have, I'd guess the $500 deductible is spent. Aligning these doors could be a real tough thing to do unless you've got skills. So, a claim may be the lowest out-of-pocket cost. The estimate will be telling tho.

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Yes I'm (thankfully) OK, and I do have collision coverage. Does anyone have any ideas on what something like this costs to fix. My diductable is $500. How much does it cost to have paint mathced? If I do find a good replacement door can I possibly swap them myself, or is it best to have it done by a pro?

Go to a body shop and get the estimate straight away.

By the looks of it though and the car you have, I'd guess the $500 deductible is spent. Aligning these doors could be a real tough thing to do unless you've got skills. So, a claim may be the lowest out-of-pocket cost. The estimate will be telling tho.

I agree. Don't just go to one shop either. Go to many shops.

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The first estamit is in and...(drum roll please) It's $4735.75. TOTALLED. I do think I can get a cheaper estamit though. I was recomendded this body shop by the CIO of a major company, and the first vehical I saw there was a Ferrarri 350 spider. I plan on checking with some other shops next week, and hopefully I can get the steering all sorted out before the weekend is over. Should it really cost $1100 for a door shell?

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The first estamit is in and...(drum roll please) It's $4735.75. TOTALLED. I do think I can get a cheaper estamit though. I was recomendded this body shop by the CIO of a major company, and the first vehical I saw there was a Ferrarri 350 spider. I plan on checking with some other shops next week, and hopefully I can get the steering all sorted out before the weekend is over. Should it really cost $1100 for a door shell?

Yes, I think that's probably not that unusual for a door shell. Have you considered just taking the check from the insurance company and buying a similar LS? I've heard of people taking the check and buying the car back from the insurance company for cheap.

If the damage is limited to only the door and fender (and not the frame or anything), you could probably do the repair yourself with a little work (except for paint) by finding junkyard parts. Easier said than done, but I think you might have some success--that is, if you really really want to keep this car.

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I would like to keep the car, and I dont expect any structual damage. The estimate i got is not offical and the insurance company hasn't said anything yet. If i can get a cheap enough estamet I would like to just pay the $500 and get it all fixed up. I don't yet know how much the insruance company says my car is worth, but hopefully it's around $4500ish. If this would have happened 17 days ago my car would be worth around $5K. I really don't want it to be totalled. Cross your fingers.

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Have you already filed a claim with your insurance company?

If you don't mind me asking, how old are you? I'm guessing you are probably of the younger generation since you say this is the first accident you've been in.

If you are in fact a younger individual, the increased insurance rates may not be worth fixing this relatively minor damage on a 15-16 year old vehicle. Filing a claim after an at-fault accident can raise your premium costs around 27%, or even more than that if you are under 21 years of age. They will stay that way for three years afterwards.

IMO, regardless of your age, the increase in your insurance costs would not worth it for this vehicle. At least it is still driveable (or appears to be). There is a person on the Kansas City Craigslist who has been parting out 2 LS400s, one the same color as yours, for several months. If the parts are still available, and you would want to do the work yourself, that might be a good opportunity for you to get your car fixed without any paint work and without increasing your insurance costs.

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I disagree. Insurance on that car is probably running about $400-500 per 6 months, and if it goes up 33% or so that could be an extra $165 every 6 months or $330 a year. If, as you say, the increase in premiums lasts for 3 years, that's $990 in increased premiums. Add $500 deductible, and you're getting $4000 of repairs for about $1500.

I'd definitely make a claim, even if you're not going to get it repaired.

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I disagree. Insurance on that car is probably running about $400-500 per 6 months, and if it goes up 33% or so that could be an extra $165 every 6 months or $330 a year. If, as you say, the increase in premiums lasts for 3 years, that's $990 in increased premiums. Add $500 deductible, and you're getting $4000 of repairs for about $1500.

I'd definitely make a claim, even if you're not going to get it repaired.

If the original poster is less than 23 years of age, like I am expecting, he is paying much more than $400-500 every 6 months for insurance. Insurance rates are much higher for younger individuals under 23 than they are for adults.

A friend of mine passed his 1995 LS400 onto his son when he turned 17 years old. He has never been involved in any accidents and his parents are paying $1300 every 6 months for comprehensive, collision, and liability coverage. They live in the same city where the original poster and I both live.

And if the original poster goes ahead and files the claim, what if he has another accident before he turns 23? Another claim before that and his insurance company will most likely either drop him or require him to purchase expensive "high-risk" insurance. There are several insurance professionals on this board and the consequences of young drivers filing too many claims have been covered several times in the past.

killerfatty, assuming you are a younger driver, I think you should find a way to repair your car on your own, or continue driving it in it's current condition if you are able to do so. Wait to take advantage of your collision coverage until you are driving a newer vehicle that is worth more money. Otherwise, your rates will increase with your current company and you will have a much more difficult (and expensive) time getting insured should you switch companies.

Like I said in my previous post...not worth it for a 15 year old car.

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I disagree. Insurance on that car is probably running about $400-500 per 6 months, and if it goes up 33% or so that could be an extra $165 every 6 months or $330 a year. If, as you say, the increase in premiums lasts for 3 years, that's $990 in increased premiums. Add $500 deductible, and you're getting $4000 of repairs for about $1500.

I'd definitely make a claim, even if you're not going to get it repaired.

If the original poster is less than 23 years of age, like I am expecting, he is paying much more than $400-500 every 6 months for insurance. Insurance rates are much higher for younger individuals under 23 than they are for adults.

A friend of mine passed his 1995 LS400 onto his son when he turned 17 years old. He has never been involved in any accidents and his parents are paying $1300 every 6 months for comprehensive, collision, and liability coverage. They live in the same city where the original poster and I both live.

And if the original poster goes ahead and files the claim, what if he has another accident before he turns 23? Another claim before that and his insurance company will most likely either drop him or require him to purchase expensive "high-risk" insurance. There are several insurance professionals on this board and the consequences of young drivers filing too many claims have been covered several times in the past.

killerfatty, assuming you are a younger driver, I think you should find a way to repair your car on your own, or continue driving it in it's current condition if you are able to do so. Wait to take advantage of your collision coverage until you are driving a newer vehicle that is worth more money. Otherwise, your rates will increase with your current company and you will have a much more difficult (and expensive) time getting insured should you switch companies.

Like I said in my previous post...not worth it for a 15 year old car.

I'm 22, and I'm paying less than $500 every six months for full coverage ($500 collision deductible) with 1 speeding ticket (61 in a 35 zone) and no accidents/claims. I think my estimate is reasonable. Then again, I do have a good student discount (although I'm sure it's not much). If I ever made a claim, I don't think the insurance company would jack my rates up that much. After all, I have been driving for over 5 years without any claims. A 17 year old would have much higher rates because he has no driving record at all!

You make a good point about having another accident before turning 23 or whatever, but then what exactly is the point of anyone under 23 having collision insurance then? Maybe he should've just gotten liability coverage only and just risk everything. But then again, it's not much different than what you're having him do now...

Then again, I'm only 22 and I don't really have as much experience with these things, but personally, I'd make a claim and see what happens. Maybe they won't be so harsh since it appears that the weather was a contributing factor and that there were no other vehicles involved.

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I'm 15 years old. The insurance is under my dad's name, but still covers me. I have not made a claim, and i couldn't find an LS's being parted on craigs list. Currently My passenger door dosnt open, and my steering is a little iffy. How hard would it be to take off the door with it all bent up like that. Is there any write ups on busted door removal? Thx for all the help so far guys. I plan on geting the steering checked out on sunday or monday?

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killerfatty, if you are 15 years old, I would strongly advise you not to file a claim.

For now, just fix what is necessary to make the car driveable again and pay out-of-pocket for that expense. Worry about cosmetics later. You'll have another opportunity to get those fixed up. There are lots of Lexus LS cars in Kansas City and I'm sure you'll get yours fixed one way or another.

I just e-mailed someone I know who is parting out a tan 1993 LS 400. If he has the parts you need, I'll let you know. While not the correct color, a local salvage yard has a front fender for $175, and I believe another one close by has a door that shouldn't cost much more. Just to give you an idea.

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killerfatty, if you are 15 years old, I would strongly advise you not to file a claim.

For now, just fix what is necessary to make the car driveable again and pay out-of-pocket for that expense. Worry about cosmetics later. You'll have another opportunity to get those fixed up. There are lots of Lexus LS cars in Kansas City and I'm sure you'll get yours fixed one way or another.

I just e-mailed someone I know who is parting out a tan 1993 LS 400. If he has the parts you need, I'll let you know. While not the correct color, a local salvage yard has a front fender for $175, and I believe another one close by has a door that shouldn't cost much more. Just to give you an idea.

Do you have the name of this junk yard? Please let me know more info about your friend parting out his 93 LS. What i would like to do is get a more relistic estamit and file a claim, then go out and find the used parts. I realise my rates will go up, and the value of the car is fairly low, but i do love this car and plan on keeping it until it dies.

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The increase in your insurance rates will likely cost more than if you just bought the parts and fixed the car yourself without getting the insurance company involved. Filing a claim will also make it extremely difficult and expensive for you to get insured if you have another accident before you turn 23 years old.

If you are still going to file a claim, get the highest estimate possible. Eveland Bros. Body Shop in Merriam is probably a great place to do that. They do some of the best body work in Kansas City and their prices are very high. Keep in mind that your insurance company may not pay based on estimates you obtain. They might just send an adjuster out to look at your car instead. But like I stated earlier, I don't think that filing a claim is a good idea.

The name of the salvage yard is Rich Industries, www.rich-industries.com. They have a gray fender for $175. Avenue Auto Salvage located nearby may have a door. If the other person who is parting out the tan-colored car responds to my e-mail message, I'll give you his information.

If you don't end up getting parts that are the right color, K.C. Colors Body Shop at 103rd and State Line Rd would probably be a good place to have them painted. A friend has used them several times for his 1994 LS and has been pleased with their work and reasonable prices.

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Dang Thomas...that is some seriously complete info! Good Job!

OP, I am with the other guys here...get it fixed on the cheap as you can afford it. Don't ruin your good insurance rates with claims this early. Insurance companies will get that money back one way or the other....guaranteed.

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any junkyard around you look them up in the yellow pages and start visiting them till you find a car like yours. they'll probably make you take the parts off yourself. i live in FL and ive seen plenty of ls400's in junkyards around here so im sure you can find one goodluck. and dont file a claim its alot more trouble than its worth just fix it yourself or at least get the parts for cheap and act like it never happened

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A door shell is just that, a shell, right? no window, interior, or anything just the metal? How easy is it to remove one from a parts car or should I just get the whole door? I'm going to look at a couple of parts cars today, the one I'm interested in is a 94 of the same color as mine. Would the door and trim as well as the fender fit on my '93? This guy is also parting a '90 or "91 I cant remember which, but would those parts fit as well? Any thoughts are good, THX

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A door shell is just that, a shell, right? no window, interior, or anything just the metal? How easy is it to remove one from a parts car or should I just get the whole door? I'm going to look at a couple of parts cars today, the one I'm interested in is a 94 of the same color as mine. Would the door and trim as well as the fender fit on my '93? This guy is also parting a '90 or "91 I cant remember which, but would those parts fit as well? Any thoughts are good, THX

Just take the whole door. I'm sure there is more damage to yours than just the "shell", but you could reuse your existing interior door panel, glass, window motor, etc.

The parts from the 1991 should still fit, but the trim on the bottom of the doors and fenders is different and would require replacement eventually if you wanted them to match.

Good luck. If you have questions when you start installing parts, remember that we live in the same city!

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A door shell is just that, a shell, right? no window, interior, or anything just the metal? How easy is it to remove one from a parts car or should I just get the whole door? I'm going to look at a couple of parts cars today, the one I'm interested in is a 94 of the same color as mine. Would the door and trim as well as the fender fit on my '93? This guy is also parting a '90 or "91 I cant remember which, but would those parts fit as well? Any thoughts are good, THX


here's what you do. Now I'm assuming you have full coverage meaning Comp, collision and liability right? If there was no one else involved, then you are in luck. Here's why.

Comprehensive coverage covers all "Acts of God" in your case as can be seen by the pictures... it appears it was snowing yes? Well guess what... this is an act of God. by law, your rates cannot be adjusted if your claim is deemed a comprehensive claim.

PM me if you have further questions regarding comprehensive coverage. Good luck

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