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Gore's Home Still Guzzling Energy


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Human beings can destroy the world in a few short generations?? Don't give humans THAT much credit.

Europeans have been taxed and controlled under the global warming hoax for MUCH longer than we have, and what have they benefited? Nothing. After so much has been said and done there are no positives to report?? Just more "doom and gloom".

As for CO2 (carbon dioxide) When did this become a pollutant?


"CO2 is toxic in higher concentrations: 1% (10,000 ppm) will make some people feel drowsy. Concentrations of 7% to 10% cause dizziness, headache, visual and hearing dysfunction, and unconsciousness within a few minutes to an hour."

"Carbon dioxide in earth's atmosphere is considered a trace gas currently occurring at an average concentration of about 385 parts per million by volume or 582 parts per million by mass."

"Five hundred million years ago carbon dioxide was 20 times more prevalent than today, decreasing to 4-5 times during the Jurassic period and then maintained a slow decline until the industrial revolution, with a particularly swift reduction occurring 49 million years ago.[20][21]

Up to 40% of the gas emitted by some volcanoes during subaerial volcanic eruptions is carbon dioxide.[22] According to the best estimates, volcanoes release about 130-230 million tonnes (145-255 million tons) of CO2 into the atmosphere each year."

"Carbon dioxide content in fresh air varies between 0.03% (300 ppm) and 0.06% (600 ppm), depending on the location"

To all those global warming EXTREMISTS getting so upset over co2.... come on, get real.



Take the time to look at the graph and read the description of it in the 2nd link.

LOOK AT ALL THAT CHANGE IN CLIMATE!! I like how it has changed from "Global Warming" to "Global Climate Change"

The climate fluctuates all by itself. It has in the past. Remember Ice Ages?? How did it thaw? The climate changed, and no SUV's and factories were around to cause it. The world did it on it's own.


Maybe it's just me but I don't see too many recent record highs or lows. Most recent low is 1999.


George Carline may not have been a rocket scientist neurosurgeon but what he said in my previously posted links is just common sense. Same goes for John Coleman. Finally a guy who has the grapes to stand up against all these extremists and everyone blasts him for it.

Also, there IS NO PROOF that global warming is a real issue. Why will NOBODY, especially GORE, debate it with anyone??? I would love to see someone go into a national live televised debate solely on "global warming" and watch the supporters stutter and lose it.

Please think with your own mind and not the media's or environmental extremists.

Anyways....I need to get to work just got a last minute job. Good day to all! :cheers:

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Wikipedia...another non-100% trustworthy source.

Its George CARLIN, not Carline ;) The reason people blast John Coleman is he speaks using his own knowledge and expertise to back him up, of which he has none. He's a goofy weatherman, wears funny shirts and makes funny noises when he reports the weather.

I also didn't say we had destroyed the earth, I just said it only makes sense that all these unnatural things we do would be in general not so good for the earth.

The issue with CO2

Please think with your own mind and not the media's or environmental extremists.

Thats fine, but I think there are people in the world that know more about this subject than you or me...or John Coleman.

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J', I gotta' respectfully disagree with you on that one amigo. Why just today, after speaking to our San Fran field office, they told me it was 110 degrees, literally. Now, that's damn hot for San Fran! Just a few weeks ago, here in Raleigh, it was over 100+ for nearly a week straight, which in all honesty is a bit rare for June. Maybe August, but not June. I do think we certainly tax the planet, but to what extent is up for debate. However, in favor of your comments, I will note that I've seen some pretty crazy weather over my life in some pretty random places, way before this whole global warming debate became public debate #1 (well, #2 behind Britney). 1985, Oklahoma City, winter..18 inches of snow in November. Ice & snow on Holloween. 1996-2000..Hurricanes Bertha, Fran, Bonnie, Floyd, and others that I can't rememeber anymore, kept hitting Wilmington, NC, same place, same times of the year. Blah blah blah...you get the point.

To say we don't have some sort of impact on the planet, which is primarily water anyway, is a hard sell on me, personally. But to what extent is the question. Those who say "we're all gonna' fry in the next decade", I would suggest a trip to their nearest boobie bar for some purple hooter shooters and relax a bit. But, to say our time will be up at some point? Yeah, I'd buy that. Probably won't be from Mother Earth, but rather Abubu-boobie-bomb-bomb who sneaks a cold-war nuke from russia somewhere, sets it off, and starts a chain reaction. Or a virus, or space rock. You know the rule: If there is no ending, then there technically can be no beginning. Just hope I, my kids, grandkids, and several more generations of me, are long gone feeding the worms by that time. Or, it's quick. Cause' I don't want to be around here if it's Max Mad Thunderdome crap. Screw that, just nuke me, be done with it, and I'll catch you sucka's on the flip side.

Eitherway, and to support SWO's comments about ole' Al, he's got the world talking, the scientists are center stage at the UN, the media, the money sources. I don't think anyone would really complain if Detroit stopped smelling like sulfur anymore. If the world outside felt as clean as the world inside. Just think, for those of us old enough to remember when a person could smoke on a plane. Remember how gross that was, yet at the time it seemed normal. Now, thanks to so much media attention on smoking, it's history and I can't even imagine a smoker being indoors of anything anymore, except for maybe a bar. I personally think that's been a fantastic improvement of our quality of life. And I use to be a smoker! Now, as for the past 5+years, I'm a nicorette fien! :pirate:

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Sorry for the typo SW0 ;) haha

And I'm not saying humans have zero impact on the world, but I'd find it hard to believe humans have the power to destroy it just by living life for a couple centuries.

But bottom line arguing global warming is like arguing religion. People who believe one way will not easily sway one way or another.

I think people can believe whatever they want, but when the government gets involved and starts FORCING people to do things for some issue that isn't even a hard proven fact...that's what irks me. I don't care if people want mercury filled light bulbs, or organic products that don't seem to be nearly as effective as their test tube counterparts. I just want to be able to live my life.

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I want to live my life how I want, and pursue the things I want.

Not to be FORCED to buy a CFL over an incandescent bulb. Not to be FORCED to drive 55mph for NO REASON. There is no shortage now like there was back in the day when OPEC was playing games. I don't want to pay taxes for co2. Is it going to come to the point that we will be taxed for exhaling??

I just want to thank everyone for giving me the chance to debate ;) I really haven't done much since high school. hahaha


( oh and NC....it's been July for about 11 days now! heheh ;) )

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And I'm not saying humans have zero impact on the world, but I'd find it hard to believe humans have the power to destroy it just by living life for a couple centuries.

Thats just it, we're not "living life" as a natural species would. We create machinery and chemicals and pollutants that are not naturally occuring on the planet and are not naturally occuring in the concentrations we create. We're not like deer...or bears...we're more like parasites the way we consume the planet's resources without replenishing them. Humans do not live in harmony with the environment the way other species do.

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I want to live my life how I want, and pursue the things I want.

But the problem is the way you want impedes on me being able to live my life, be free, and pursue happiness.

Smog gives kids asthma, beaches are dirty. My freedom is threatened by our dependence on foreign oil. Its harder for me to pursue happiness because gas is $5 a gallon. Caring about the environment can be a selfish thing too.

Not to be FORCED to buy a CFL over an incandescent bulb. Not to be FORCED to drive 55mph for NO REASON. There is no shortage now like there was back in the day when OPEC was playing games. I don't want to pay taxes for co2. Is it going to come to the point that we will be taxed for exhaling??

Buying CFL (i hate them too) keeps all our energy costs down and saves us tax dollars by not having so many lightbulbs in landfills, driving 55MPH absolutely saves gas which saves us all money. Pay taxes foir CO2? Do you herd cattle?

Conservation isn't just because of the environment.

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There are a couple of fairly major inaccuracies with big Al's slideshow. Er, well, 9. Um....actually 35. At what point does it then qualify as fiction (as presented)?

"Al Gore’s award-winning climate change documentary was littered with nine inconvenient untruths, a judge ruled yesterday.

An Inconvenient Truth won plaudits from the environmental lobby and an Oscar from the film industry but was found wanting when it was scrutinised in the High Court in London."


"A spokesman for Al Gore has issued a questionable response to the news that in October 2007 the High Court in London had identified nine “errors” in his movie An Inconvenient Truth. The judge had stated that, if the UK Government had not agreed to send to every secondary school in England a corrected guidance note making clear the mainstream scientific position on these nine “errors”, he would have made a finding that the Government’s distribution of the film and the first draft of the guidance note earlier in 2007 to all English secondary schools had been an unlawful contravention of an Act of Parliament prohibiting the political indoctrination of children. "

Actually there are way more errors. The court was being kind, and maybe a bit PC.

Read them here:


Or you can download the pdf file here


So, the high court in England sort of disagrees that his slideshow is accurate, and ruled it should not be taught as proven scientific fact to school children there.

Plenty of scientists not on the BIGGOV grant list / dole agree as well. If it were written as a scientific paper as opposed to entertainment meant for public consumption, it would never even get to the point of peer review.

Taken in context with his "carbon credit" company GIM, with which he stands to make quite a bit of money if this AGW stuff catches on, and the fact that he in effect 'buys' 'carbon credits' from himself from his own company... well, you get the idea.

Ask yourself this: Why are the polar caps on Mars melting? And evidence of freestanding water there? Supposed to all be frozen wasteland.

Could it be Sun cycles? The Martian atmosphere is 90% carbon dioxide--shouldn't it be much, much hotter than it is according to the GW hypothesis (not theory--as it does not meet the definition of theory)?

The simple fact that co2 in paleolithic times has been 10 times and more than what it is now, with out 'warming' sort of blows the hypothesis apart (no co2 emissions dontcha know).

As a side note, Hansen at nasa (not The Muppets ;) ) was the same guy who was screaming there would be an ice age by now, back in the 70's, and quite a bit has been found wrong with his data intrepretation, compilation methods, and even his al-gorithms. His "science could not be trusted then. It cannot be trusted now.

Check out Steve McIntyre who actually made him change his faulty "warming biased" calculations, and pronouncements here:


When global alrmism is founded on "science" like this http://gallery.surfacestations.org/main.php?g2_itemId=837, then it's validity must be questioned.


Alarmism is nothing new.

Follow the money.

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Don't get all political on me, you know I didn't mean it that way. We have to be realistic about the way we as a species interact with the ecosystem we're a part of and how that interaction differs from other species. After all...we're just another species on the planet. Deer don't mine coal, bears don't cut down rainforests. Birds don't put out natural wildfires. Other species live in harmony with the environment, we conquer the environment and consume it for our benefit.

Here's the definition of parasite:

an animal or plant that lives on another animal or plant without giving anything in return

What do we give to the ecosystem we reside in? Nothing.

You say about humans "How could humans distroy the world just by living life for a couple centuries", its because we don't just "live life" the way other species on this planet do. We've changed the ecological makeup of this planet in exponential ways. We've depleted the rainforest by a huge percentage, the rainforest being responsible for scrubbing the air that filters into the atmosphere. We've burned holes in the ozone layer, we've tract-farmed huge portions of the land, we build huge dams that change the course and nature of rivers, we split atoms, we dump chemicals into the oceans, we have devised engines that offload huge amounts of chemicals into the air. We genetically engineer food. We have caused the extinction of countless other species. I'd say we're pretty atypical as far as species go.

I ask again, what have we given to the ecosystem? How is a any other species better because we're here?

Think about it.

I'm not advocating that we shouldn't be here or that we're not worthy as a species. We are here, and my life is pretty good so I won't complain. All I'm saying is being careful about how our lives and what we do effect the planet is a good thing. So what if Al Gore makes millions of dollars with his movie and his carbon credit company? At least his carbon credit company donates a lot of money to research into clean fuels and other technologies that will in the least make our air a little cleaner and maybe help us with our dependence on foreign oil. His movie has opened people minds to the idea that the way we live might not be good for our ecosystem and its had an impact that I can see in terms of people deciding to be more energy efficient. Environmentalism and research creates wealth and jobs. Those are good things.

People make millions of dollars engineering !Removed! and designing nuclear bombs and nobody complains about that. People make hundreds of millions of dollars making movies about rape and serial killers that don't add any intellectual debate or discourse into our society. Whats the big fricken deal?

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Wow... such a one track negative mind.

Deer don't mine coal because they can't and don't need to. Bears aren't lumberjacks because they're bears. Birds don't put out fires either because they have yet to organize a fire dept. Such malice for the human race from you. Maybe we should just go back to living in caves, and eating bugs.

Why do you live in a house then? (made from trees) Why do you drive a car then? (expel huge amounts of chemical into the air) People have diverted rivers into dams to provide countless numbers of humans to get energy to stay alive. Atoms can be used for the same reason.

What have we given the ecosystem????????? If you really think NOTHING then maybe all of this "global warming", "save the world" propaganda really IS BS! Think about that.

People make millions of dollars researching and developing the equipment and techniques it takes to save human lives, and nobody complains about it. People make millions of dollars making movies about amazing feats of human courage and sacrifice that cause people to think, and converse so much.

I am very surprised to see such disgust and loathing for the human race out of you. What has happened in the course of your life to make your views on the world so bitter and one-sided?

Humans are parasites and have done nothing but "conquer the environment and consume it for our benefit."......

I'm sorry but I can't take the negativity, and "anti-human" aspect of this thread any longer. My replies here will stop. And Steve I really hope that one day you can learn to love the human race for not only their achievements, but their failures as well, and how they went about succeeding at what they've failed at in the past.

Best wishes to all :cheers:

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I'm not negative or anti-human at all. In fact the tone of my post is very positive! Stop putting words in my mouth.

As I've said before, I am not an environmentalist and I really don't give the environment much thought in my daily life. I just simply don't understand the desire to villify people who care about the environment. Caring about the environment is a good thing, and if someone like Al Gore can get rich (the American dream) AND do good for the environment? All the power to him.

Deer don't mine coal because they can't and don't need to. Bears aren't lumberjacks because they're bears. Birds don't put out fires either because they have yet to organize a fire dept. Such malice for the human race from you. Maybe we should just go back to living in caves, and eating bugs.

I never said that, my point was that we are atypical among the species on the earth.

Why do you live in a house then? (made from trees) Why do you drive a car then? (expel huge amounts of chemical into the air) People have diverted rivers into dams to provide countless numbers of humans to get energy to stay alive. Atoms can be used for the same reason.

I never said these things were bad or that we shouldn't do them, I simply noted that we do them and that has a huge impact on the environment and the ecosystem we live in and depend on. To deny that fact can only come from ignorance or from a refusal to accept the reality of how we interact with the planet.

You made my point for me though. We do these things to kee ourselves alive. We change the makeup of our ecosystem so that it better serves us. We conquer it. Its a fact.

What have we given the ecosystem????????? If you really think NOTHING then maybe all of this "global warming", "save the world" propaganda really IS BS! Think about that.

What have we given the ecosystem? Answer my question. You can't because we haven't given anything to the ecosystem, we take not give.

People make millions of dollars researching and developing the equipment and techniques it takes to save human lives, and nobody complains about it. People make millions of dollars making movies about amazing feats of human courage and sacrifice that cause people to think, and converse so much.

They do, and thats great. I don't understand your point...they still make millions of dollars designing !Removed! and making rape movies too, my point was why is it evil that Al Gore make millions with a movie that spreads awareness about our environment and for helping to start a company that allows people to inexpensively support the development of clean and efficient renewable sources of energy?

I am very surprised to see such disgust and loathing for the human race out of you. What has happened in the course of your life to make your views on the world so bitter and one-sided?

HAHAHA, you're a peice of work. I have no disgust or loathing for the human race at all, in fact I said just that! I simply understand that our existance on this planet, overall, has a negative impact on the planet and the other species that live here. Thats a fact and theres no way to dispute that. Being realistic is not being pessimistic.

Humans are parasites and have done nothing but "conquer the environment and consume it for our benefit."......

Its true! Give me one argument against that statement that doesn't involve God or our divine right to use the earth as we see fit, or that it benefits us. Give me one argument, one way we live in harmony with the environment the way other species do. ONE argument.

I'm sorry but I can't take the negativity, and "anti-human" aspect of this thread any longer. My replies here will stop. And Steve I really hope that one day you can learn to love the human race for not only their achievements, but their failures as well, and how they went about succeeding at what they've failed at in the past.

I'll thank you not to make personal assumptions or accusations about me, I haven't done that to you (but I'm about to...). I'm not talking about the worth of the human race, as I said I am a human and I enjoy my life so I won't complain. All I have said is that overall we damage this planet and its nonhuman inhabitants much more than we help it, and that someone shining a powerful light on that is a good thing, not a bad thing regardless of whether it makes them rich or not.

You can shrink away from the debate when it gets tough if you want, but I and everyone else know you're doing it because you have no argument or way to combat the argument I'm making because its irrefutable. Denigrating me as opposed to trying to bolster up your viewpoint is small of you. Dissapointing.

You have a lot to learn about the realities of life. Things that are good for one group can also be bad for other groups. Saying that our way of life is bad for the planet doesn't mean our way of life is bad for us. Trying to find ways to make our way of life less damaging to the planet is a good thing. Continuing to pretend that we don't damage the planet as you seem to want to do doesn't help anyone. Its ignorant.

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SWO....tell me again why you're not a lawyer? Because I gotta' say amigo, you'd probably be pretty damn good at it!

I'll tell you where we messed up on taking global warming seriously....Bio-Dome.


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Everyone has an ego and they have to get past this first, Life is a gift as is the ground we all stand on. Reality is that if there was no life this planet would be similar to any other ( dead ) sphere in this universe. So Al Gore lied and is a self proclaimed inventor and uses the media to his advantage. He'll meet his maker as we all will. Then he will pay like we all will. There are so many misused resources on this earth that never have the limelight shine on them like the infamous Al Gore. He's a liar and misuses the media. And he does not care what it costs. Plain and simple. The earth has been changing forever and always will. Does anyone really think that mankind can even have the smallest grasp on changing that ? The rest is history and always will be. With love for all humanity, It is a short stay for all of us.

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I'm going to have to find that old Paxil prescription and see if I can't get it refilled, after reading this stuff.

Life starts, and stops. No start, no stop. No stop, no start. Just like the rules of time itself. If you all believe in Jesus and the basis for religion, no matter what path of religion you take, then you've got to say to yourself "well, ain't nobody hoovering in the air yet, we must be doing something right". I'll tell you when we'll know we've screwed up and gone too far, is when I can drive my gasoline addicted, nicorrette lovin', capitalistic, short-sided American viewed, white collared wallet with a blue collared smile, Happied-!Removed!-Happy-Mealed, sunburnt, wind-burnt, frost-bit, wiener wackin', lip smackin', !Removed! producin', self-rightous, self serving, self-inflicted but damn good lookin', leftist-rightist-liberal lovin' conservatism to my own grave in my earth killing V8........via the newly formed highway in the parted sea. And as I lay myself down to sleep, I'll mutter the last words of my life "damn, that was fun, but I think my air filter might be a little dirty".

Point of my post: live your life to the best of your ability to contribute to the good of society and try not to negatively impact those around you. My best requires a car, expelling methane gas out of my butt, and dimmer switches on my lights. But, I keep the car tuned up, only !Removed! in public if it's obvious I can blame it on somebody else, and barely use my lights at home since my 42 in' power-meeter busting Plasma TV lights up the room enough!

I need a beer. Anyone know where I can get an american beer anymore?

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Nc, You are always welcome in my home ( Plenty of beer and Cheetos ) I am a naturalist in more ways than most, When I leave home I do not leave anything I brought along and I do not take anything that was at my destination. I am always downsizing to my specific needs, ( I will always have my lexus ) Being a chef I waste nothing when it comes to consumption, Everything that is naturaly left over gets tilled into the garden. Back to the infamous Gore..............In my opinion he has abused his public stance for personal gain ( What a Punk ) Why did he not disperse his gains to the needy ? But NO... I don't think the military has a uniform that is ( eco- friendly for that ill fitting ex ................... I care more about my neighbor than I do about that afterthought Al who ???? :lol::lol::lol:

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I'm not negative or anti-human at all. In fact the tone of my post is very positive! Stop putting words in my mouth.

As I've said before, I am not an environmentalist and I really don't give the environment much thought in my daily life. I just simply don't understand the desire to villify people who care about the environment. Caring about the environment is a good thing, and if someone like Al Gore can get rich (the American dream) AND do good for the environment? All the power to him.

Those who just barely eek by can't afford to be environmentalists ... whether the Pakistani burning coal to stay warm, or the West Verginian poor slob who can only afford a smog belching gas wasting 70's road runner. Only those w/ a little extra cash can afford to 'do right'. We've been buying CFL's since the mid 90's when they 1st came out. They were horrible compared to modern ones. Now they're more efficient, come in warmer colors, contain less mercury, etc. Plus, more & more places are set up for recycling them. If no one ever bought them, they'd never be made better ... just like hybrids, or battery cars. Now with econo lighting, the best is LED ... but the excelent ones (for use in R30 can lights) cost over $115 a piece. But if those of us who can afford 'em never buy them, then the prices will never come down via mass production. It's just as easy to bag on 'CFL users' (... claiming how they can harm the environment if not disposed of properly) as it is to bag on hybrid drivers. People say about hybrids, "your not helping w/ your high mileage car, because it costs more energy to build it" ... etc. Yep, there's alway something folks can find on the negative side.

Gore? I'm not for or against the guy, but from experience I know OUR home uses over $500 in electricity some months, because we run our small businesses out of the home. So the AC has to be set around 72 for customer comfort. Now if I had a ton of Secret Service on property, and who knows how many other folks running around the landscape, I'd probably be using 8 or 10 times more power. All that to say 'walk a mile in their shoes'. Do the best you can. That's all you can do.

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Thats exactly my point. We use $500 a month in some months too and we live in a 2500 square foot townhouse! $2500 for a big house with all that security and office equipment doesn't sound out of line to me.

As for Al Gore. I honestly don't understand why people like dcfish (nothing against you dc, its just your opinion of Gore I don't understand) hate Gore so much. What has he done thats any different than what other former Presidents and VPs do? Clinton has made millions upon millions being a hired spokesperson for foreign interests (why do you think they wouldn't divulge a lot of their finances when Hillary was running?). Jimmy Carter has made money being a spokesperson for Habitat for Humanity. Gerald Ford made a TON of money off his celebrity as president and he wasn't even elected (read his biography). Making money isn't a crime, and I don't see how what Gore does cause anyone any harm. He's the front man for a cause that he believes in (and he's believed in it since well before he was VP). I don't see the issue. The only reason to hate him is political.

Why does he not disperse his gains to the needy? Why don't you give your income to the needy? Why doesn't the CEO of Google give all their money to the needy? Just because someone has been in public life they aren't allowed to earn a living?

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Blog: Science

Myth of Consensus Explodes: APS Opens Global Warming Debate

Michael Asher (Blog) - July 16, 2008 9:35 PM


Viscount Monckton gives a presentation during the 2007 Conference on Climate Change"Considerable presence" of skeptics

The American Physical Society, an organization representing nearly 50,000 physicists, has reversed its stance on climate change and is now proclaiming that many of its members disbelieve in human-induced global warming. The APS is also sponsoring public debate on the validity of global warming science. The leadership of the society had previously called the evidence for global warming "incontrovertible."

In a posting to the APS forum, editor Jeffrey Marque explains,"There is a considerable presence within the scientific community of people who do not agree with the IPCC conclusion that anthropogenic CO2 emissions are very probably likely to be primarily responsible for global warming that has occurred since the Industrial Revolution."

The APS is opening its debate with the publication of a paper by Lord Monckton of Brenchley, which concludes that climate sensitivity -- the rate of temperature change a given amount of greenhouse gas will cause -- has been grossly overstated by IPCC modeling. A low sensitivity implies additional atmospheric CO2 will have little effect on global climate.

Larry Gould, Professor of Physics at the University of Hartford and Chairman of the New England Section of the APS, called Monckton's paper an "expose of the IPCC that details numerous exaggerations and "extensive errors"

In an email to DailyTech, Monckton says, "I was dismayed to discover that the IPCC's 2001 and 2007 reports did not devote chapters to the central 'climate sensitivity' question, and did not explain in proper, systematic detail the methods by which they evaluated it. When I began to investigate, it seemed that the IPCC was deliberately concealing and obscuring its method."

According to Monckton, there is substantial support for his results, "in the peer-reviewed literature, most articles on climate sensitivity conclude, as I have done, that climate sensitivity must be harmlessly low."

Monckton, who was the science advisor to Britain's Thatcher administration, says natural variability is the cause of most of the Earth's recent warming. "In the past 70 years the Sun was more active than at almost any other time in the past 11,400 years ... Mars, Jupiter, Neptune’s largest moon, and Pluto warmed at the same time as Earth."

Update 7/17/2008: After publication of this story, the APS responded with a statement that its Physics and Society Forum is merely one unit within the APS, and its views do not reflect those of the Society at large

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