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Spears Baby


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Well, you knew someone was going to post the discussion point... Any opinions on the lastest tabloid yap-crap about the Spears family?

Mine? I think they all need to go home. And I hope the little girls of this world don't look up to either one of them as role models. Especially that trainwreck Britney.

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Well, you knew someone was going to post the discussion point... Any opinions on the lastest tabloid yap-crap about the Spears family?

Mine? I think they all need to go home. And I hope the little girls of this world don't look up to either one of them as role models. Especially that trainwreck Britney.

WHO GIVES A F__________!

That is all I can think whenever I hear this on TV, the radio...etc! I wish the people in the media did not even publish this type of garbage.

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I still find it pretty amazing that these kinds of "accidents" still take place. Everyone knows what a condom is and how it works. They're not foolproof by any means, they can break, they can slip off etc. In those cases there is also "The Morning After" pill (available over the counter at CVS/Walgreens) that they can take after something like an "accident" takes place and there is also other forms of birth control. I feel sorry for the kids to have those people as parents. Britney looks like a lost cause. I don't have any children of my own, but I do hope that the kids that do see these celebrity trainwrecks realize that those are not role models to look up to.

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I wonder if the kids ever thought about the reputation they leave for their family name/parents. I would be so embarrassed. The irony? Her mother was going to release a book on parenting.

They do not care. They have no self respect so why would they care about anyone else. The worst thing is now they are responsible for someone elses life...

Their mom is a joke!

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Oddly enough, I just got back from taking our office manager, a single mother of 3, to pick up her car from the dealership so she could go pick up her 11 year old son from school, who is in big big trouble. He wrote a note, that started off with "if you were my homework, I'd do you on the table..." and it gets worse from there, much much worse. The kid is in the 5th grade for cryin out loud! :chairshot: She was in tears over this.

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The times they are a changin'

I think the issue with Britney is the classic too much too soon syndrome. You have a simple, uneducated, young person thrust into all this fame and money and it just destroys their lives. Honestly, none of us can even comment on it because it has to be such a surreal existance we have no idea how we'd react.

Plus on top of that you have all these paparazzi catching every little thing you do on tape which causes even the slightest mistake on film or camera and turning it into a huge fiasco when they are things that happen to people.

I feel really sorry for her.

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I think the issue with Britney is the classic too much too soon syndrome. You have a simple, uneducated, young person thrust into all this fame and money and it just destroys their lives. I feel really sorry for her.

Maybe so. So we should feel sorry for her. Poor Britney. Sorry I do not feel sorry for her at all... If you want to feel sorry for someone feel sorry for her children.

Honestly, none of us can even comment on it because it has to be such a surreal existence we have no idea how we'd react.

That would explain why there is almost an acceptance of this type of behavior in society. Because we don't know what it is like to be poor Britney. That is just an excuse. So because I do not know what it is like to have been abused as a child I shouldn't comment on child abusers. Come on. Sure she has had more money and fame thrown at her than probably all of us would have know what to do with. But that is an excuse, and there is no excuse in her acting the way she does with her children. She has more than enough resources to have her children looked after properly if she just wants to be a screw up now.

Plus on top of that you have all these paparazzi catching every little thing you do on tape which causes even the slightest mistake on film or camera and turning it into a huge fiasco when they are things that happen to people.

And this of course is what she wanted to start with. I think it is disgusting that people waste so much time, energy, and money...giving a s h i t what Britney Spears, or any other celebrity does. Why??? I can understand the little teeny boppers but come on. So what they sing, act or do whatever they are paid to do. They may be in some cases very talented...again so what. I must be different but I have never been one to get infatuated with celebrities.

And the last thing that *BLEEP*es me off about this stuff...is that you can not even watch the news with out hearing about her or Parris, Nicole, Angelina...and we are surprised when this happens.

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That would explain why there is almost an acceptance of this type of behavior in society. Because we don't know what it is like to be poor Britney. That is just an excuse. So because I do not know what it is like to have been abused as a child I shouldn't comment on child abusers. Come on. Sure she has had more money and fame thrown at her than probably all of us would have know what to do with. But that is an excuse, and there is no excuse in her acting the way she does with her children. She has more than enough resources to have her children looked after properly if she just wants to be a screw up now.

I wasn't admonishing your remarks at all, I was simply talking out loud about the situation in general.

Remember this girl is only 25 years old. Her bahvior is unacceptable but many girls her age act that way its just not broadcast all over the world.

I don't have to condone her behavior to feel sorry for her. I was taught not to judge lest ye be judged. I'm not perfect either, and nither are you.

As for child molesters, the two scenarios can't be compared. Child molesters often have a psychosocial sickness that drives them to do what they do, its an entirely different situation.

And this of course is what she wanted to start with. I think it is disgusting that people waste so much time, energy, and money...giving a s h i t what Britney Spears, or any other celebrity does. Why??? I can understand the little teeny boppers but come on. So what they sing, act or do whatever they are paid to do. They may be in some cases very talented...again so what. I must be different but I have never been one to get infatuated with celebrities.

You obviously feel very strongly about Britnery Spears.

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I wasn't admonishing your remarks at all, I was simply talking out loud about the situation in general.

I don't have to condone her behavior to feel sorry for her. I was taught not to judge lest ye be judged. I'm not perfect either, and nither are you.

I never said that I was judging her. I even cut out part of my rant out... I was going to say that we are not here to be judge anyone. That's pretty funny that you said it.

But I do not feel sorry for her. She has many opportunities to do good with her fame, no she doesn't have too...but this to ME determines what type of person she is. The question is if you had a young daughter would you want her to look up to her. My answer is NO. She is a terrible role model. She is a terrible mother from what we have seen.

I will certainly agree that if you took my life or Your life and put it under a microscope you would find many imperfections. I never said I was perfect.

Remember this girl is only 25 years old. Her bahvior is unacceptable but many girls her age act that way its just not broadcast all over the world.

And why are so many kids doing this...do you think that some maybe acting like her? This is the part that gets me. Why would you let your daughter act like Britney Spears?

You obviously feel very strongly about Britnery Spears.

I guess now you are just going to reverse what I have said. "I think it is disgusting that people waste so much time, energy, and money...giving a s h i t what Britney Spears, or any other celebrity does. Why??? I can understand the little teeny boppers but come on. So what they sing, act or do whatever they are paid to do. They may be in some cases very talented...again so what. I must be different but I have never been one to get infatuated with celebrities."

I do not care one bit if Britney Spears is here today or tomorrow. She will be replaced by the next "Star" Anna Nicole, Britney, Paris, J lo, Jessica, or any of today's pro athletes...I may listen to their music, watch a football game or two. But I will not change my life in anyway to be more like any of them. As a matter of fact. I have actually not purchased items because of a celebrity. I think that it is crazy that " T. O. " acts like a spoiled little child...and people look up to him. Dad's...with their kids cheer him on. Then they are amazed that their kids act out with the same disrespect that he does??? I do admit he has been much better with Dallas then he has ever been, but in my opinion he should not even be on the field. So many people want their children to be successful...but they do not care how they achieve it. This is my problem and what I feel so strongly about. When there is outrage in the public about the most trivial things but as you said " many girls her age act that way its just not broadcast all over the world " and most people today accept this.

The times they are a changin'

See what I mean. Why are time a changin' Because it is becoming the norm to have little girls act like prostitutes and have a few babies before they are out of high school. I wonder what things will be like in another 10 years with so many people that just do not care.

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Well, you knew someone was going to post the discussion point... Any opinions on the lastest tabloid yap-crap about the Spears family?

Mine? I think they all need to go home. And I hope the little girls of this world don't look up to either one of them as role models. Especially that trainwreck Britney.

WHO GIVES A F__________!

That is all I can think whenever I hear this on TV, the radio...etc! I wish the people in the media did not even publish this type of garbage.

Perfectly said.

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But I do not feel sorry for her. She has many opportunities to do good with her fame, no she doesn't have too...but this to ME determines what type of person she is.

The issue is she doesn't have the values or the skill set to realize these opportunities exist. Thats not her fault, its her parents fault. This is pretty common with young hollywood types. Look at Angelina Jolie, she spent her entire youth doing CRAZY things and was wild. Now that she's grown up she does a lot of good in the world.

The question is if you had a young daughter would you want her to look up to her. My answer is NO. She is a terrible role model. She is a terrible mother from what we have seen.

Well this goes without saying, of course I wouldn't.

And why are so many kids doing this...do you think that some maybe acting like her? This is the part that gets me. Why would you let your daughter act like Britney Spears?

Some parents have niether the ability nor the desire to control their children. If you raise them right they won't act like Britney Spears. I never did, my fiance never did. I have many many friends I grew up with that never did. But I do know people who did, and the issue always went back to their parents.

I think the funniest part of this is Spears' mother was going to release a book on parenting until daughter number two got knocked up at 16. The publisher canned it lol.

This is my problem and what I feel so strongly about. When there is outrage in the public about the most trivial things but as you said " many girls her age act that way its just not broadcast all over the world " and most people today accept this.

Again I wasn't condoning it, I was just saying she's not so different from a LOT of other girls in the world. People were like that long before she was around too.

See what I mean. Why are time a changin' Because it is becoming the norm to have little girls act like prostitutes and have a few babies before they are out of high school. I wonder what things will be like in another 10 years with so many people that just do not care.

Don't think that I don't care, thats absolutely not true. I think its a serious issue that parents need to deal with. I'm just not sure what is the best way to handle the issue. You have a cultural issue here, my generation and the generations below us have a fascination with celebrity that is fueled by this media empire. I'm not sure anything can be done about it.

I think all we can do is try and do as good a job raising our own children as we can...

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I think the funniest part of this is Spears' mother was going to release a book on parenting until daughter number two got knocked up at 16. The publisher canned it lol.

Which is why I said that their mom is a joke!


I think you and I are on the same page on this. :D :D

I agree 110% that for the most part it falls back on the parents. But there are so many kids that are growing up without any parents, or parents that care. And one day they will be parents too. That is what is so scary... I see more and more young people that have no respect at all. Most younger people today have no clue what life is about. They grow up seeing this "fantasy life" and they act, and imitate these people. My parents taught me to respect my elders. They also taught me to treat people the way I would like to be treated. It is called values.

Most people even my age (28) have no respect for adults. It drives me crazy when I see an older person walking in/out of a restaurant and you see a younger person almost knock them down to get in before them. It is a shock to ever see a younger person hold the door for anyone. I could go on and on...cell phones everyone knows but they accept this. You are right...this is mainly because of parents or lack of parents!

What is going to happen in another 10 -15 years when these kids start raising kids. I have a 18 year old sister in law. I have know here since she was 10 years old. I have seen the impact "stars" like Britney and Paris have on kids. My sister in law is a good girl and knows right from wrong but 8 out of 10 of her friends that she was in school with and grew up with do not. So even when her parent try to teach her values...it is difficult when the kids that are around her all want to be like "Britney" or any of the other celebs. She has just started working a "real" job, bought a car, and just has had to move back in with mom and dad for the 2nd time. She is finding out how hard life is. "STARS" like Britney and such are setting the "ordinary" children back so far in life by acting the way they do and setting a poor example. And quite a few of the parents are paying her to do it!

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I still want to know, Who is Britney Spears? :rolleyes:

Ask your !Removed!, I'm sure it recalls the days of "Opps, I did it again"! Hahaha!!!! Now, THAT'S FUNNY! :lol:

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I still want to know, Who is Britney Spears? :rolleyes:

Ask your !Removed!, I'm sure it recalls the days of "Opps, I did it again"! Hahaha!!!! Now, THAT'S FUNNY! :lol:

NC, You are a gas....Cheetos and beer = NC=GAS :cheers::lol::lol::lol:

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I still want to know, Who is Britney Spears? :rolleyes:

Ask your !Removed!, I'm sure it recalls the days of "Opps, I did it again"! Hahaha!!!! Now, THAT'S FUNNY! :lol:

NC, You are a gas....Cheetos and beer = NC=GAS :cheers::lol::lol::lol:

Now I know who she is....

I think she owes me a beer :cheers::lol::lol::lol:



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