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Ignition Key Wont Turn!


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Hi there, I tried to start my mothers rx300 after it had sat for a week and the ignition key would not turn. Tried 2 other spare keys and they wouldn't turn either. Shift lever was in park, etc. Not sure, but I think the light that surrounds the igntition switch wasn't on like it should be when I was trying to start the car. Not my car so I wasn't paying attention.

2 hrs later we tried it again, still wouldn't work. Tried it one more time, and it worked, car started right up. Now it works, but for how long??

I'm wondering what contacts failed temporarily after a week of sitting causing the igntition switch to lock out. Is there a door activated switch that might have been stuck? We're taking it in to be looked at on thurs, but i'm afraid they're going to find everything works.......for now. I'd like to get an idea of where the problem might be for the future. Thanks for your help!!!

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Did you turn the steering wheel to make sure it did not lock the wheel?

Hmm... yes I turn the wheel back and forth a little, it wasn't locked. I kind of tried everything I could think of, figuring that I had forgot something really obvious, but nothing worked, until I pretty much got ou,t and then got back in, put the key in, and it worked.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Did you turn the steering wheel to make sure it did not lock the wheel?

Hmm... yes I turn the wheel back and forth a little, it wasn't locked. I kind of tried everything I could think of, figuring that I had forgot something really obvious, but nothing worked, until I pretty much got ou,t and then got back in, put the key in, and it worked.

I am having the same problem with my IS300 the key won't turn I have tried everything ummmmm 2 days now hate to have it towed if it is something minor

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Even though I consider myself an accomplished back yard mechanic, I once thought my ignition switch was toast on another car. I twisted, turned, did everything I could to turn the key but no luck.

As it turns out, I had to turn the steering wheel as hard as I could to one side before I could make the key work. I would ensure that your steering wheel lock is not the culprit and that it just isn't jamming your ignition cylinder.


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  • 2 months later...

The anti-theft system may have needed time to wake up or recogonize the key (??). If the system does not recognize the key, it will not allow the cylinder to be turned. A discharged battery could also be the culprit of a key cylinder failing to turn.


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Even though I consider myself an accomplished back yard mechanic, I once thought my ignition switch was toast on another car. I twisted, turned, did everything I could to turn the key but no luck.

As it turns out, I had to turn the steering wheel as hard as I could to one side before I could make the key work. I would ensure that your steering wheel lock is not the culprit and that it just isn't jamming your ignition cylinder.


Add me to this list as well. Of course it happened about two days after I bought the car so I was convinced it was a defect with the key or something else related to the ignition or security. My girlfriend suggested turning the steering wheel.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...

I own two LEXUS RX300 RX330. By mistake I inserted the RX300 key into the RX330. The result is that the RX330 key does not work and will not turn in the ignition switch. I have followed the recommended process in the owners manual to use the "flat" key but to no success. Any suggestions appreciated.


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I own two LEXUS RX300 RX330. By mistake I inserted the RX300 key into the RX330. The result is that the RX330 key does not work and will not turn in the ignition switch. I have followed the recommended process in the owners manual to use the "flat" key but to no success. Any suggestions appreciated.


Sorry Gary, but we need a little bit more info. Is the 300 key stuck in the ignition? Don't have a manual (the 300 is my DIL's) so I don't know what the "flat" key is.

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I own two LEXUS RX300 RX330. By mistake I inserted the RX300 key into the RX330. The result is that the RX330 key does not work and will not turn in the ignition switch. I have followed the recommended process in the owners manual to use the "flat" key but to no success. Any suggestions appreciated.


Gary- have you done a search on this and the other popular Lexus forum? I'm sure I remember a thread about the key not turning under similar circumstances. They figured out the answer to the problem, and though the fix seemed unconventional it indeed did work. Seems to me the dealer quoted a huge sum of money to replace the ignition switch and a whole bunch of other stuff, as the only fix. The ACTUAL fix was quite simple and COST NOTHING!

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Like Code58 said, use the search topic block "Ignition keys stuck RX300" Looks like the answer might be a hammer and screwdriver! Who would think...

I chuckle every time I think of that. Not much wonder you don't find that fix listed at your local friendly Lexus dealer. Can you imagine the Philadelphia lawyer it would take to figure out the technical enough description to bill that at what they would want to charge. Pretty hard to put in "Hit ign. lock with hammer and screw driver to repair.... $350." :lol:

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  • 2 months later...

I have a 2004 RX330 that when using the remote to lock the car - beeps five times. Didn't use to do this. Along with this issue is that the drivers side door lock doesn't disengage when either unlocking the door lock or when turning the ignition off to get out of the car. This only seems to be an problem when inside the car. Any ideas n either of these issues? Thanks.

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RSML- Are you sure that the drivers door is locking solidly and quickly when you lock with the remote from outside the car. It's easy to watch the inside lock knob on the inside handle to see if it moves fully and swiftly when locking with the remote. It sounds like the typical Lock actuator problem that is common on the Lexus's when they get some age on them. If it does what I asked, but just just doesn't respond to unlock command, it may be in the drivers master switch assy, which is electronic. I would be glad to look at it and try to diagnose at no charge if you are interested, since I also live in So. Ca. (F.V.)

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  • 2 months later...

the fix to this problem can easily be solved without spending hundreds of dollars. it can be fixed without stress and without towing your car to the dealer. some of these fixes seem kind of dumb. i felt stupid even telling my dad some of the suggestions from this and other websites over the phone. i dont know what is the actual method that worked. but what follows is everything that we tried:

1) disengage battery for 5 minutes

2) lube key and try turning the key and the wheel hard for a while, back and forth

3) leave key in ignition for 5 minutes without doing anythingg

4) tap ignition cyclinder with a hammer pretty firmly (i think this is what worked so do this a bunnch)

5) spray wd 40 in the area you put your key into

i hope that one of the suggestions works for you. after about half hour, the problem was fixed.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Key wont turn problem has happened to our RX300 a number of times. Lexus dealer no help, nor Lexus.

My solution - Unlatch and lift front bonnet (English term) and then slam it down - works every time.

As a precaution clean out the key with a toothbrush and rub a little pencil lead along the key.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I own two LEXUS RX300 RX330. By mistake I inserted the RX300 key into the RX330. The result is that the RX330 key does not work and will not turn in the ignition switch. I have followed the recommended process in the owners manual to use the "flat" key but to no success. Any suggestions appreciated.


I did the same thing this morning. I inserted my wife's RX330 key to my daughter's RX300. After that, The ignition locked on the RX300. I tried disconnecting the battery 2X, opening and locking the door several times, letting the key sit in the ignition few minutes. After about 2 hours of this frustration, ignition turned like nothing ever happened. My guess is that by disconnecting the battery it somehow reset the ignition to reconize the key again... but this took 2x, I don't know why.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I got same problem! Tried all the above methods with moving steering hard, until I sprayed lubricant on the ignition cylinder, inserted key several times and fixed it right away! Ignition cylinder was very dirty which was causing pins to lock it! ;)

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  • 1 year later...

Just recently had this problem with a 99 Lexus RX300. I read the online posts and by far the most successful trick is tapping the key while in the ignition. Approximately three times with a hammer is about all it takes. Depending on what type of key you are using, be careful as you could then crack the remote casing. WD 40 works occassionally and so does patiences, as evidentially it will give. I ran out of both and the hammer was a nice option. According to High Tech Locksmiths, which recommend the two top options above. They explain that its a tumbler within the ignition that hangs and fails to drop in place for your speciality laser cut key. We are replacing the ignition at this point as the problem continues to happen more often, especially it seems in colder temperatures.

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  • 6 months later...

Replaced a master key and before I put the chip in the remote I tried to see if it would turn it. Wound up setting off the security system the key wouldn't turn the ignition not even the valet key I was using before. Called Lexus roadside and they had me make sure all doors were shut then lock the driver side door then unlock it then open and close it a total of 3 times then I had to wait about 10 minutes. Luckily it worked it reset the security system lock out.

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  • 1 month later...

OK this forum is not where I found my answer by my ignition was stuck in 2002 RX300 in ACC--tried all the wheel turning, etc and even spare key didn't work. Husband used a little WD40 and thin screw driver and after a little tapping and moving screw driver deeper into ignition - it worked! No tow, no cost, whoever "Bill" was in a answer at this site is you're the man! Thanks a million for all who posted about this problem and most of us got it fixed without spending a penny! Will definitely come back to this forum when and if necessary.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Back on the key-not-turning issue. Security on all Lexus vehicles is pretty strict about the key matching the vehicle. Not as well known is that if you have two Lexus keys on the same keyring sometimes the vehicle fails to recognize the correct key, and it won't turn. Not saying that the wrong key was inserted, simply saying that the presence of two Lexus keys on one ring - even if you insert the correct one - may confuse the security system and prevent the key from turning. Hope that helps a bit (rather than just adding to the confusion).

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  • 1 year later...

Wow...who would have thought! Ignition wouldn't turn on my '02 RX300. I googled it and found this forum and read some of the 'solutions' and I knew the battery was okay and the transponder on the key was okay and that basically left replacing the ignition switch and/or trying the screwdriver and hammer method - - which seemed like a joke to me; however, since I was expecting to replace the ignition switch, what did I have to lose? So I tried it with a flat head screwdriver...tap tap tap...nothing. Came back in and read some more - others saying this method worked, so I went back out and tapped some more...nothing...blew air into it and shot some WD-40 in it (don't judge me!) and whacked it a few more times...nothing. Came back in - read some more - went back out and whacked it a few more times....and it worked! I'm still a bit shocked - it took more whacks harder than I would have expected, but it worked.

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