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Everything posted by oldlexusrx300

  1. Wow...who would have thought! Ignition wouldn't turn on my '02 RX300. I googled it and found this forum and read some of the 'solutions' and I knew the battery was okay and the transponder on the key was okay and that basically left replacing the ignition switch and/or trying the screwdriver and hammer method - - which seemed like a joke to me; however, since I was expecting to replace the ignition switch, what did I have to lose? So I tried it with a flat head screwdriver...tap tap tap...nothing. Came back in and read some more - others saying this method worked, so I went back out and tapped some more...nothing...blew air into it and shot some WD-40 in it (don't judge me!) and whacked it a few more times...nothing. Came back in - read some more - went back out and whacked it a few more times....and it worked! I'm still a bit shocked - it took more whacks harder than I would have expected, but it worked.
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