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Hillary For President? I Think Not!


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While again, I think ALL the candidates so far are like choosing between the firing squad, hanging, or lethal injection, something in my gut just says that Fred Thompson is more sincere and honest.

I don't see how you can have that opinion, or any opinion about Fred Thompson, he doesn't say anything and has absolutely no experience whatsoever that would show any track record for success in a role such as the presidency.

I actually disagree, I think we have some interesting candidates this time on both sides. Definately better than 04.

I was very surprised by Mike Huckabee. He speaks and debates very well. I think he lacks support and money though. And I think his last name just would never let him win. LOL!!!! President Huckabee?

I think he personally is a good guy, but I could never vote for him he's too in the pocket of the religious right, a group that I feel are some of the more evil people on the earth today.

And I'm sorry, Rudy just looks like a guy who is doing what he's told to, and not what he believes. But of course, we seem to like puppets in the office so there is nobody to ever blame for anything.

I just don't see that at all.

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I'm disgusted with all of them. They're all for sale, ESPECIALLY Giuliani....

If someone could talk Joe Walsh into running again (as he sarcastically did in the late 80s/early 90s), us Baby Boomers may very well get him elected this time. Of course, I remain amazed that he's managed to stay clean enough to remain alive....

If you're too young to know who Joe Walsh is, never mind. Just go listen to the album "Life's Been Good" from 1978.... Or better yet, google "The James Gang"....

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Many people are gullible fools. The Clintons believe this. What Hillary says in public is not what she says in private. Some say she is strong. WRONG !!! Hillary is strong for Hillary, NOT AMERICA !!!

All the quotes are true. The sources are substantiated. The quotes describe a person of low character and integrity. Our President must set the example of executive professionalism. Hillary's behavior is disgusting. She is treacherous and a liar. She is capable of smiling at you then spitting in your face and telling you it's raining. I believe she is not good for America. I also believe that she is the anti-christ.

If she is elected president, God help us and God save America !!!

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All the quotes are true. The sources are substantiated. The quotes describe a person of low character and integrity. Our President must set the example of executive professionalism. Hillary's behavior is disgusting. She is treacherous and a liar. She is capable of smiling at you then spitting in your face and telling you it's raining. I believe she is not good for America. I also believe that she is the anti-christ.

If she is elected president, God help us and God save America !!!

Hahaha, you're nuttier than a fruitcake. The antichrist? Come on.

Now, I'm no Hillary fan, but the quotes are meaningless. Absolutely meaningless. This is 2007, people say nasty things. Who cares.

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I'm disgusted with all of them. They're all for sale, ESPECIALLY Giuliani....

If someone could talk Joe Walsh into running again (as he sarcastically did in the late 80s/early 90s), us Baby Boomers may very well get him elected this time. Of course, I remain amazed that he's managed to stay clean enough to remain alive....

If you're too young to know who Joe Walsh is, never mind. Just go listen to the album "Life's Been Good" from 1978.... Or better yet, google "The James Gang"....

Yea I agree with you, they are all disgusting, cant tell the difference anymore between the parties when it comes down to supporting this nation, and its people. Friend once told me they would become honest if you held them to their campaign promises...If they didnt do it you hang them on the lights in DC....After that election things would change...Way too far but getting a politician to stand to his commitments is like picking fly !Removed! out of a pepper barrel.... I wish we had a president that thought America is great, and make decisions on his beliefs rather than the polls....Sad state of affairs....

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I'm disgusted with all of them. They're all for sale, ESPECIALLY Giuliani....

If someone could talk Joe Walsh into running again (as he sarcastically did in the late 80s/early 90s), us Baby Boomers may very well get him elected this time. Of course, I remain amazed that he's managed to stay clean enough to remain alive....

If you're too young to know who Joe Walsh is, never mind. Just go listen to the album "Life's Been Good" from 1978.... Or better yet, google "The James Gang"....

Yea I agree with you, they are all disgusting, cant tell the difference anymore between the parties when it comes down to supporting this nation, and its people. Friend once told me they would become honest if you held them to their campaign promises...If they didnt do it you hang them on the lights in DC....After that election things would change...Way too far but getting a politician to stand to his commitments is like picking fly !Removed! out of a pepper barrel.... I wish we had a president that thought America is great, and make decisions on his beliefs rather than the polls....Sad state of affairs....

Money talks and Bull$hit walks, Then retires on our tax $$$$$$$$

Where is our infinite healthcare ???

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Many people are gullible fools. The Clintons believe this. What Hillary says in public is not what she says in private. Some say she is strong. WRONG !!! Hillary is strong for Hillary, NOT AMERICA !!!

All the quotes are true. The sources are substantiated. The quotes describe a person of low character and integrity. Our President must set the example of executive professionalism. Hillary's behavior is disgusting. She is treacherous and a liar. She is capable of smiling at you then spitting in your face and telling you it's raining. I believe she is not good for America. I also believe that she is the anti-christ.

If she is elected president, God help us and God save America !!!

See....this is what you get when you select Celion Dion to sing your campaign theme song!!!! The DEVIL WEARS A BRA!

"I wish we had a president that thought America is great, and make decisions on his beliefs rather than the polls....Sad state of affairs...."

Uh, isn't this what Bush has been doing? The "Decider".... hahaa...

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All canidates stink...:chairshot:

Can someone please push the restart reset button.....


I agree... none have impressed me one bit, and sadly, the ones who should run, and would win in a massive landslide, won't.... aka... Colon Powell instead of Obama. Gore instead of fang-toothed dirt !Removed! who has a secret crush on devil diva Dion.

Personally, I think the real canidates aren't focusing on this election, but the next one in 2012. This one is a heavy sucker, and who ever wins has to deal with Iraq. I'm curious if W' will act like Peanut Brain Carter in is retirement and bash the sitting President.

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Well all I can say about the upcoming elections nationwide, is that we "NC" have to have the worst of the worst running for the senator seat.... Clay Aiken! I kid you not, that twerp is actually running for the senate. And in response to the war, he says, and I quote "bring those young, handsome and strapping boys home".

Not that I'm against bringing the troops home...but did Clay Aiken, the jr. Fantago Liberace' really have to say that? :ph34r:

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Well all I can say about the upcoming elections nationwide, is that we "NC" have to have the worst of the worst running for the senator seat.... Clay Aiken! I kid you not, that twerp is actually running for the senate. And in response to the war, he says, and I quote "bring those young, handsome and strapping boys home".

Not that I'm against bringing the troops home...but did Clay Aiken, the jr. Fantago Liberace' really have to say that? :ph34r:

:blink::lol: :P :cries:

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I'm not kidding, sadly. My office is in Chapel Hill, and during lunch I sometimes walk over to my local hotdog shop for some grub. They have the local independent news paper that I cruise through while eating. I kid you not, a few months ago he took out a full page ad about his run for the senate, with an interview. I couldn't finish my lunch.

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There is no friggin' way that Clay Aiken is running for senator.... North Carolina is not California, regardless of what "American Idle" (yes, that's "idle", not "idol") may think....

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Thank God! I hope you're right! Talk about an insult to the folks of North Carolina. Bad enough we can't keep him out of the little girls clothing section of JC Penny's down at the mall, but to put him on a political stage, representing the state, would be the butt of jokes from Leno to Letterman.

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Man...Aren't you people being a little harsh on Hillary and all other canidates? These are people too I think...

Be nice now.....

Be nice? What? hahaa... One wants to get her hands in my back pocket with raised taxes, one wants to get his hands....argh, I can't even say it; and the other wants to steal my mojo and turn me into a suburbia minivan driven drool-stool. I think they should go on tour as the "Moon Lizarded Liberace' Horned Devil Circus Act!" I'm sure there would be some great behind the scenes footage of Horned Devil and Liberace' fighting over who gets the diamond encrusted microphone! Hahaha....

Argh... gotta' go refill my blood pressure medicine now :wacko:

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Man...Aren't you people being a little harsh on Hillary and all other canidates? These are people too I think...

Be nice now.....

Be nice? What? hahaa... One wants to get her hands in my back pocket with raised taxes, one wants to get his hands....argh, I can't even say it; and the other wants to steal my mojo and turn me into a suburbia minivan driven drool-stool. I think they should go on tour as the "Moon Lizarded Liberace' Horned Devil Circus Act!" I'm sure there would be some great behind the scenes footage of Horned Devil and Liberace' fighting over who gets the diamond encrusted microphone! Hahaha....

Argh... gotta' go refill my blood pressure medicine now :wacko:

Nc, ROTFLMAO :cheers::cheers: I enjoy your posts, Seriously Comical................. :lol::lol::lol:

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Ok, then continue roast away... I will then continue to laugh with you all...

I am a simple man, not big on politics, and I simply try and look at the big picture such as....How is Bush's terms affecting my life style and the future of our Country and what can be done to improve it...

Positives -

1) My current taxes seem to be in line... No over taxation without representation.. (tea bag anyone?)

2) Economy seems to be pumping, jobs and work is available for most..

3) Interest rates remained very resonable over the past 8 years..

4) Home Security seems to be working, no dirty bomb detonations in the States of late..

5) Crime is good and unchanged in my area...

Negatives -

1) This middle east war efforts are a mess, I think Mr. Bush bit off more then the he can chew... Kids are dying and I don't see a conclusiong to this war anytime soon... We Americans like to win and not lose this I know.. We sure don't wan't to cut our loses and run away with our tails between our legs and back out of this war after sacrificing the lives of our troops.. That would be a shame..

2) Our Social Security program is still being taxed hard and is unclear if it will be around when us baby boomers come of age and need it...

3) Still very discusted with our illegal immigrant situation, illigals continue entering the USA at an astronomical rate, clogging freeways, schools, courts, parks, etc.... This is taking away from the quality of our lives as US citizens and is only getting worse...

4) The ongoing welfare and health care systems can be greatly improved...

5) Environmental issues scare me and is I ask is enough being done to insure our future and especially our kids future on this planet.....Probably not!!!

6) Way to much dependancy on foreign oil still........

7) Nations defecit?

These are few conciderations which I think about when trying to decide to vote for our next president...

A) Now I ask myself what canidate is most likely to continue on the positives and help correct some of the negatives... Who's just saying what is needed to be said to win the election and who's really going to act on their promises? Ethics...

B) Whom is going to lead our country effectively and effeciently and will strengthen domestic and foreign affairs, Etc..

C) Which president canidate is sencere and not full of crap with their statements and promises.. Same as A)... I have to doulbe this thought because it is hard to weed thru all the lies and empty promises..

I know there are many other positives and negatives to concider but I just ran by a few that came to mind...

So now I am shifting threw the canidates to see whom can help with these issues, whom caries the highest level of integrity and commitment, and truely cares about improving the country through his or her terms..



Does anybody agree with these assessments of mine and want to add to the positives and negatives to help us all choose our next pathetic president? I personally don't know whom I am going to vote for, maybe Rudy but I am not happy about it...

Can Hillary run the country like Bill did?...Will the economy prosper? Will foreign relations improve? Hmmm?

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Ok, then continue roast away... I will then continue to laugh with you all...

I am a simple man, not big on politics, and I simply try and look at the big picture such as....How is Bush's terms affecting my life style and the future of our Country and what can be done to improve it...

Positives -

1) My current taxes seem to be in line... No over taxation without representation.. (tea bag anyone?)

2) Economy seems to be pumping, jobs and work is available for most..

3) Interest rates remained very resonable over the past 8 years..

4) Home Security seems to be working, no dirty bomb detonations in the States of late..

5) Crime is good and unchanged in my area...

Negatives -

1) This middle east war efforts are a mess, I think Mr. Bush bit off more then the he can chew... Kids are dying and I don't see a conclusiong to this war anytime soon... We Americans like to win and not lose this I know.. We sure don't wan't to cut our loses and run away with our tails between our legs and back out of this war after sacrificing the lives of our troops.. That would be a shame..

2) Our Social Security program is still being taxed hard and is unclear if it will be around when us baby boomers come of age and need it...

3) Still very discusted with our illegal immigrant situation, illigals continue entering the USA at an astronomical rate, clogging freeways, schools, courts, parks, etc.... This is taking away from the quality of our lives as US citizens and is only getting worse...

4) The ongoing welfare and health care systems can be greatly improved...

5) Environmental issues scare me and is I ask is enough being done to insure our future and especially our kids future on this planet.....Probably not!!!

6) Way to much dependancy on foreign oil still........

7) Nations defecit?

These are few conciderations which I think about when trying to decide to vote for our next president...

A) Now I ask myself what canidate is most likely to continue on the positives and help correct some of the negatives... Who's just saying what is needed to be said to win the election and who's really going to act on their promises? Ethics...

B) Whom is going to lead our country effectively and effeciently and will strengthen domestic and foreign affairs, Etc..

C) Which president canidate is sencere and not full of crap with their statements and promises.. Same as A)... I have to doulbe this thought because it is hard to weed thru all the lies and empty promises..

I know there are many other positives and negatives to concider but I just ran by a few that came to mind...

So now I am shifting threw the canidates to see whom can help with these issues, whom caries the highest level of integrity and commitment, and truely cares about improving the country through his or her terms..



Does anybody agree with these assessments of mine and want to add to the positives and negatives to help us all choose our next pathetic president? I personally don't know whom I am going to vote for, maybe Rudy but I am not happy about it...

Can Hillary run the country like Bill did?...Will the economy prosper? Will foreign relations improve? Hmmm?

Vote for Zuni :lol::lol:

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All the quotes are true. The sources are substantiated. The quotes describe a person of low character and integrity. Our President must set the example of executive professionalism. Hillary's behavior is disgusting. She is treacherous and a liar. She is capable of smiling at you then spitting in your face and telling you it's raining. I believe she is not good for America. I also believe that she is the anti-christ.

If she is elected president, God help us and God save America !!!

Hahaha, you're nuttier than a fruitcake. The antichrist? Come on.

Now, I'm no Hillary fan, but the quotes are meaningless. Absolutely meaningless. This is 2007, people say nasty things. Who cares.

Who cares ? People who are sensible, intelligent, and credible. Also, people who have integrity and character, that's who cares. That's how one judges a persons integrity and honesty. I like the comments of members like NC211 and smooth1 and I especially like the comment of GRYPHON. Good one. Most people look down on individuals who think they know more than the rest of us and most people look down on individuals who resort to personal insults in their replies.

My purpose was to use an "attention getter" and the anti-christ comment did it. Of course you could check revelations for the description of the anti-christ to see if it fits Hillary.

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