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ok not one of these threads again, you do realize that if they all left it would hurt our economy due to the jobs the hold, not to be racist or anything but illegal alieans typically hold the same jobs, we all know what they are, and these jobs are primarily occupied by them, imagine if they left, that industry would lack employees like crazy

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I don't know if this means anything, or even relates to anything... but my son just lost a part time job at a grocery store, to someone younger than him who can't even speak english. & my son's in med school

Not only does it not relate to anything. It does not even make sense. Reread and think about what you just wrote!

1. For someone to be in medical school, they must have a Bachelor’s Degree. Even if they came from a very small college they must have superb credentials in order to get accepted into a medical school.

2. One’s inability to speak perfect English does not mean they are illegal.

3. As a former “surgeon” you are well aware of the demands of medical school and a med. student’s failure at work is likely due to med. school’s work load and evidently not by some non English speaking immigrant!

In this day and age there are numerous professional jobs for graduate students in colleges and universities. Which makes it hard to believe a med. student would be working in a grocery store to begin with........ :huh:

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ok not one of these threads again, you do realize that if they all left it would hurt our economy due to the jobs the hold, not to be racist or anything but illegal alieans typically hold the same jobs, we all know what they are, and these jobs are primarily occupied by them, imagine if they left, that industry would lack employees like crazy


When you get a chance watch this video and see what you think. I have no problem with anyone that wants to come to this country legally...to work! Do you know that hospitals all along the border are closing because of illegal immigrants that are crowding the hospital...and the hospitals have no recourse to get any $$$. There are actually reports that the Mexican ambulances drive the Mexican Citizens to the AMERICAN Hospitals. These hospitals are closing because they are being drained. Our Social Security system is being abused by illegal and legal immigrants that take advantage of social security disability. The Mexican government is not willing to help with border security instead they are providing handheld GPS systems to their citizens to avoid getting caught entering our country illegally so they can send our money back to their country. Do we have a problem with immigration from Canada? No...why? Because that Canada is not pushing its poor out into another country. Why should our TAXES provide schools, clothing, food, etc. to illegal immigrants...and lets not even get into the crime that is done by illegal aliens. I have followed this debate on the news and have heard both sides. I do not think that the jobs justify the illegal aliens. There are plenty of legal immigrants and other people that could do the work if we had a guest worker program.

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my main problem with this issue isn't necessarily the illegal immigrants coming here to work, and sending their money back to their families in Mexico. A father has the responsiblity to provide for his family, and we are the land of opportunity. My problem is with what they contribute to the system while they're here. And that problem is not solely on the burden of the immigrant, but the employer him/herself. They're not paying taxes, not the employer for ss wages, and not the illegal for income taxes. The illegals are driving around, and in more than one incident, cause accidents, sometimes fatal due to a sheer lack of respect.

However, in this day and age of our country, I can't blame the illegals with wanting to come here and do the jobs that we don't want to do. In my neck of the woods, you go 40 miles east of Raleigh and you'll find thousands of illegal immigrants picking the soybeans and curing the tobacco, living in former chicken houses for 6 to 8 months out of the year. It's a tough job, and I can say that only the illegal immigrants are the ones lining up to do it. The legal citizens would rather survive off of unemployement benefits and government cheese.

But when they're applying sheetrock to new houses, and installing vinyl siding for a major corporation, well, that's BS!! Because you know that major corporation is paying them under the table through subcontractors, and not paying payroll taxes, not prividing insurance coverage to them, and certainly not acting in a manner that benefits anything other than their own profit line. Those types of situations I believe should require a mandatory 10 year jail term for the employer, and permanent deportation for the worker. I was shocked to learn that NC is one of the top 5 states with an illegal immigrantion population problem. That is, until I go to my inlaws house 45 minutes east of Raleigh, drive through the country and see exactly who is bent over in the hot sun picking beans in the fields.

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my main problem with this issue isn't necessarily the illegal immigrants coming here to work, and sending their money back to their families in Mexico. A father has the responsiblity to provide for his family, and we are the land of opportunity. My problem is with what they contribute to the system while they're here. And that problem is not solely on the burden of the immigrant, but the employer him/herself. They're not paying taxes, not the employer for ss wages, and not the illegal for income taxes. The illegals are driving around, and in more than one incident, cause accidents, sometimes fatal due to a sheer lack of respect.

However, in this day and age of our country, I can't blame the illegals with wanting to come here and do the jobs that we don't want to do. In my neck of the woods, you go 40 miles east of Raleigh and you'll find thousands of illegal immigrants picking the soybeans and curing the tobacco, living in former chicken houses for 6 to 8 months out of the year. It's a tough job, and I can say that only the illegal immigrants are the ones lining up to do it. The legal citizens would rather survive off of unemployement benefits and government cheese.

But when they're applying sheetrock to new houses, and installing vinyl siding for a major corporation, well, that's BS!! Because you know that major corporation is paying them under the table through subcontractors, and not paying payroll taxes, not prividing insurance coverage to them, and certainly not acting in a manner that benefits anything other than their own profit line. Those types of situations I believe should require a mandatory 10 year jail term for the employer, and permanent deportation for the worker. I was shocked to learn that NC is one of the top 5 states with an illegal immigrantion population problem. That is, until I go to my inlaws house 45 minutes east of Raleigh, drive through the country and see exactly who is bent over in the hot sun picking beans in the fields.

What yanks my chain is the mothers-to-be purposely come over the border to have there offspring and we pay for it, Then the offspring is automatically a US citizen and the government/we are responsible for the child until the age of 18. Then the parents want to stay with there children here often illegally. Now that torques me bolts. :chairshot: I say send them back with the kid and bill there government and reimburse the hospitals here @100%, Then maybe our government would step it up a bit. Build a fence, WHAT A JOKE :censored:

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my main problem with this issue isn't necessarily the illegal immigrants coming here to work, and sending their money back to their families in Mexico. A father has the responsiblity to provide for his family, and we are the land of opportunity. My problem is with what they contribute to the system while they're here. And that problem is not solely on the burden of the immigrant, but the employer him/herself. They're not paying taxes, not the employer for ss wages, and not the illegal for income taxes. The illegals are driving around, and in more than one incident, cause accidents, sometimes fatal due to a sheer lack of respect.

However, in this day and age of our country, I can't blame the illegals with wanting to come here and do the jobs that we don't want to do. In my neck of the woods, you go 40 miles east of Raleigh and you'll find thousands of illegal immigrants picking the soybeans and curing the tobacco, living in former chicken houses for 6 to 8 months out of the year. It's a tough job, and I can say that only the illegal immigrants are the ones lining up to do it. The legal citizens would rather survive off of unemployement benefits and government cheese.

But when they're applying sheetrock to new houses, and installing vinyl siding for a major corporation, well, that's BS!! Because you know that major corporation is paying them under the table through subcontractors, and not paying payroll taxes, not prividing insurance coverage to them, and certainly not acting in a manner that benefits anything other than their own profit line. Those types of situations I believe should require a mandatory 10 year jail term for the employer, and permanent deportation for the worker. I was shocked to learn that NC is one of the top 5 states with an illegal immigrantion population problem. That is, until I go to my inlaws house 45 minutes east of Raleigh, drive through the country and see exactly who is bent over in the hot sun picking beans in the fields.


I agree with you 110% about a father providing for his family...

But the fact that they are sneaking in to get the benefits that our country offers is cheating our system. They are not contributing to our country but yet taking jobs that would pay more if they had too. You are right most pay little or no tax...and then use benefits that shouldn't be available to them (schools, hospitals, etc). I don't care if they are working in the fields illegally or if they are working at Microsoft illegally it is still wrong...and I don't buy the well if they don't do it who will. My father in law is a farmer...I have helped pick watermelons, cantaloupe, dig up sweetpatotoes etc. My grandfather his (7) brothers and their father all were all farmers...it is hard work. They found people that worked...now they all are retired besides my father in law and yes he has trouble finding people that will do that type of work...and it is because the cost of his produce is forced down by cheap labor...to keep his prices low he has to keep his pay low. There are still people that will work...but what happens when he has his $8- $9/ hour employee and then his competitor hires a $5/ hour illegal immigrant as an employee. Illegal immigrants are doing work for less $$$ an hour than what you or I would do or could afford to do it for regardless if it is construction, farming, whatever it is wrong. It is all B. S. The employer...whether it is a farmer or a contractor should be fined and fined big time! Well I feel better! :D

What yanks my chain is the mothers-to-be purposely come over the border to have there offspring and we pay for it, Then the offspring is automatically a US citizen and the government/we are responsible for the child until the age of 18. Then the parents want to stay with there children here often illegally. Now that torques me bolts.:chairshot: I say send them back with the kid and bill there government and reimburse the hospitals here @100%, Then maybe our government would step it up a bit. Build a fence, WHAT A JOKE :censored:


That too! :chairshot:

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IMO, its not the mexicans' fault, its the damn mexican government, i am infuriated by the fact that they won't accept their poverty and try to put that load on our shoulders, because we all know exactly how much effort they are putting in to help their people, its places like mexico that corruption is the way of life. it *BLEEP*es me off that everyone just goes with the flow and takes bribes and steal things. i hate the mexican government with a burning passion. atleast pay for the damn hospital bills,

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Here's the reason that the Mexican government makes no effort to control illegal immigration into the USA:

$60 billion dollars are earned by illegal aliens in the U.S. each year. One of Mexico's largest revenue streams (after exports and oil sales) consists of money sent home by legal immigrants and illegal aliens working in the U.S. Economists say this will help Mexico reduce its $17.8 billion defecit and may bolster the peso. $10 billion dollars (as of 2003) are sent back to Mexico annually, according to the Pew Hispanic Center, reported in an Associated Press article, up $800 million from the previous year. ($9 billion dollars were previously sent back annually, according to a September 25, 2002 NPR report). That figure equals what Mexico earns annually from tourism. This is a massive transfer of wealth from America - essentially from America's displaced working poor - to Mexico.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's the reason that the Mexican government makes no effort to control illegal immigration into the USA:

$60 billion dollars are earned by illegal aliens in the U.S. each year. One of Mexico's largest revenue streams (after exports and oil sales) consists of money sent home by legal immigrants and illegal aliens working in the U.S. Economists say this will help Mexico reduce its $17.8 billion defecit and may bolster the peso. $10 billion dollars (as of 2003) are sent back to Mexico annually, according to the Pew Hispanic Center, reported in an Associated Press article, up $800 million from the previous year. ($9 billion dollars were previously sent back annually, according to a September 25, 2002 NPR report). That figure equals what Mexico earns annually from tourism. This is a massive transfer of wealth from America - essentially from America's displaced working poor - to Mexico.

I am sorry, but after hearing they want to sing the

National Anthem in Spanish - enough is enough.

Nowhere did they sing it in Italian, Polish, Irish (Celtic),

German or any other language because of immigration.

It was written by Francis Scott Key and should be

sung word for word the way it was written.

The news broadcasts even gave the

translation -- not even close.

Sorry if this offends anyone but this is


I am not against immigration -- just come through

legally like everyone else. Get a sponsor; have a

place to lay your head; have a job; pay your taxes,

live by the rules AND LEARN THE LANGUAGE as all other

immigrants have in the past -- and GOD BLESS AMERICA!!



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