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Minor Car Accident In Parking Lot


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Today i carelessly backed up into a stopped car behind me, in line at a parking lot (100% my fault). The woman was extremely *BLEEP*ed and wouldn't let me just "pay" for it w.o getting the police involved. I stepped out of the car to the sound of her saying, "Call the police."

The ONE thing i am afraid of is insurance... I didn't even want to call the police but this lady insisted she "wanted it done by the book". I even told her i would pay for everything! But NOO...

...I guess she was right. she didn't know if i would just later 'pretend' i didn't know who she was. Anyways...

20 minutes later the police pulled up. After he took our statements he told us that we didn't even need to notify our insurance companies if we chose not to... That this was a civil case & we could handle it any way we chose. ONLY if the damage to both cars was <$1,000. He said if its over 1k for each, then we would have to file a state 'something or other' & the insurance compaines would find out.

question: How much $$$ am i looking at for her car to get fixed?

It was a late 90's Dodge minivan, dark metallic green. There is a "warp/scrape" to her hood and a lot of scrapes to her front bumper along with a hole in it as well! I'm guessing the bumper will need to be replaced. I wish i took pictures :angry:

What price to you think i'm looking at for hers? any other thoughts?

Thanks :(

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depends where shes going i guess. if there was only bumper damage, my guess is less than $1500, maybe half of that. i hate it when people get all *BLEEP*ed off about getting into car accidents. they happen, deal with it. Its not like you were blaming her...lol

edit: i just realized, you may have meant for both bumpers. 1500 sounds about right. although, you dont have to fix yours if you dont want to right now.

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itsa a chrysler for goodness sakes, its practically made out of cardboard. 600 tops

i guessing a little work on the hood to unwarp it, a little polish, good as new.

The make of the car makes no difference and the parts cost about the same wholesale. Its no cheaper to do repair work on a Chrysler than it is on a Lexus. Regardless of the make, he damaged her vehicle and it should be repaired properly and completely.

depends where shes going i guess. if there was only bumper damage, my guess is less than $1500, maybe half of that. i hate it when people get all *BLEEP*ed off about getting into car accidents. they happen, deal with it. Its not like you were blaming her...lol

edit: i just realized, you may have meant for both bumpers. 1500 sounds about right. although, you dont have to fix yours if you dont want to right now.

See LexKid's original post:

It was a late 90's Dodge minivan, dark metallic green. There is a "warp/scrape" to her hood and a lot of scrapes to her front bumper along with a hole in it as well! I'm guessing the bumper will need to be replaced. I wish i took pictures

Its going to need AT LEAST a new bumper cover and a new hood, painted to match. If no mounts are broken and no lights are damaged $1,000 maybe. I'd plan on $1,500 however.

As far as people getting all bent out of shape over accidents. Well, unfortunately thats because of the lack of social responsibility people in our country have. Some people after an issue like that would try and turn it around on the driver who got hit. I know, I've had that happen before. As for the police, some insurance companies won't pay unless theres a police report. As for not turning it over to insurance, if I had been backed into the first thing I would do is to give the other person's insurance info to my insurance agent.

Unfortunately, you've got to protect yourself in situations like this.

Now, what would I do? I would wait and see if the woman ever contacts me. Older van, she may have been mad but may never get around to getting it fixed. I wouldn't call her, let her make the next move.

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lol the chrysler comment was me being sarcastic.

I believe this

he damaged her vehicle and it should be repaired properly and completely.
contradicts this
I wouldn't call her, let her make the next move.

i dont think you are forced to tell the insurance company if its over 1000. its still your choice and hers whether or not you want to. but seeing how shes handling the problem currently, im guessing you will end up calling up mr. money shark.

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That is if she's interested in having it repaired then Lex should pay to do it completely and to her satisfaction. He certainly shouldn't worry about it if she doesn't care.

If I were at fault I would of course try and circumvent the insurance company. If I were hit though, they'd be the first people I'd call.

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lol everyone always tries to benefit themselves before others, but i agree. I got hit one time, and the guy didnt have insurance...got his drivers license number and so on, didnt report it, and the guy ran off and i never heard from him ever again. stupid move on my part. my insurance company decided to pay for it, except for my deductible, and is still "investigating" the scene. lol

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i dont understand this forum, you can say !Removed!, but not the word that starts with P and ends in ISSED

LOL who knows. We have nothing to do with those filters, I think they're pre-programmed into the software. I'd be all for just shutting them off.

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I was in the Rx300 at the time actually. My wife took the 350. The camera could have helped me!

I was talking to my 'close' body shop guys today... they suggested i go through my insurance. They said if i had both of the cars done there, they could 'help' me on the deductable or something? Also said i should have the insurance co "check out the damage" @ their body shop, of both cars; any ideas as to why?

I have NO idea what to do... I'm gonna wait for this woman to call me with the 2 "estimates" she's getting for her car. If they seem too high, i'll ask if she wouldn't mind having it done at the body shop i'm talking about. They have a lifetime warranty & do GREAT work. I had the hood & the two left side moldings repainted on the rx300 by them this year. I couldn't believe how good they look! They didn't charge me that much either. Hood was $400 (not a blend into the fenders; didn't even need to!) and the two side door moldings (the gray color) came to $150. They said they could replace & repaint my back bumper for $600.

I called my insurance co today too. They said if i filed a claim w. them, i would have to pay the $250 ded. & $250 a year for 3 years. & of course a surcharge!!

So either way, i know i'm paying over $1,000. :angry: Even though it WAS my fault, it's just a pain in the neck!

Thanks guys,

any other thoughts? :unsure:

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I was in the Rx300 at the time actually. My wife took the 350. The camera could have helped me!

Well at least it wasn't the new car! Don't feel bad, everybody does stuff like this at one time or another. Last year I backed right into a big concrete pillar in my parking garage at work, as careful as I am too.

I have NO idea what to do... I'm gonna wait for this woman to call me with the 2 "estimates" she's getting for her car. If they seem too high, i'll ask if she wouldn't mind having it done at the body shop i'm talking about. They have a lifetime warranty & do GREAT work.

I'd just wait and see what she does. I bet she never even calls you.

I called my insurance co today too. They said if i filed a claim w. them, i would have to pay the $250 ded. & $250 a year for 3 years. & of course a surcharge!!

Well, that makes the decision for you. Most people don't know this, but since you called your insurance company and asked them about your options they already added the at fault accident on your record which means your rates will go up anyways. So at this point, I'd just let the insurance company handle it.

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:o You've gotta be kidding me LOL. I asked the lady "off the record"

But of course i gave her my name, and basically ever piece of info but my SS number :angry: My insurance co is Liberty Mutual BTW. How sure are you?

& i already had this SAME bumper repainted last year (Feb) when i backed into a car coming out of a parking space. :unsure:

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Doesn't matter, the deed is done. Was it your specific agent or just someone at the call center? My agent will answer questions like that off the record because he knows me, but the call centers wont.

I'm 99% sure.

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Yep, never identify yourself to your insurance company's call center unless you've already decided to allow the insurance company to handle the situation. There is no such thing as "off the record" if they know who you are....

Whenever I have questions or concerns about policy changes or effects, or I'm simply trying to get an estimate of what a particular new vehicle we may be interested in will cost me to insure, I always call my long-time local agent. He knows better than to attempt to jack my rates just because I'm chasing additional information or estimates, particularly when both of us have had completely clean driving records for at least a decade now....

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Doesn't matter, the deed is done. Was it your specific agent or just someone at the call center? My agent will answer questions like that off the record because he knows me, but the call centers wont.

I'm 99% sure.

This is so TRUE!!! And as a matter of fact many agents still add the claim on to your policy to lock you in. If you have a claim and no money is paid out it would still show an at fault accident on you CLUE report. The same was true with homeowners insurance. It sucks but the problem is the way the law is filed in the state. The state can easily make inquiry's a non chargeable event. They have just done so in MD for home insurance see below:


HOUSE BILL 285 (Chapter 454) - Homeowner’s Insurance - Underwriting,

Premium Increases, Cancellation, and Refusal to Renew

• Prohibits an insurer selling a homeowner’s insurance policy from refusing to

underwrite a risk, increase a premium, or cancel or refuse to renew coverage based

on an inquiry by an insured or an insurance producer on behalf of an insured, that

does not result in the payment of a claim.

• Defines inquiry to mean “a telephone call or other communication to an insurer

regarding the terms and conditions of a homeowner’s insurance policy, including a

telephone call or other communication about whether the policy provides coverage

for a particular loss or the process for filing a claim.”

Effective date: October 1, 2006

LEXKID if you said off the record and she agreed and she was your agent or someone working for your agent...then she more than likley would not put it on you...but if she did I would move every bit of business away from her/him higher premium or not!

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:cries: It was just some woman from the 'call center' i'm guessing. I asked her what my rates would be if this was a hypothetical situation.

Damn. Oh well; i'm sure i would have gone through insurance anyways! :unsure:

Still no call from this woman yet. I do believe she will be calling soon though. She was crying she was so upset after it happened...

She seemed a little tapped in the head if you ask me...

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Whenever I have questions or concerns about policy changes or effects, or I'm simply trying to get an estimate of what a particular new vehicle we may be interested in will cost me to insure, I always call my long-time local agent. He knows better than to attempt to jack my rates just because I'm chasing additional information or estimates, particularly when both of us have had completely clean driving records for at least a decade now....

Yep, this is why it pays to have a good local agent that values your business. Sometimes even over cheaper rates...


HOUSE BILL 285 (Chapter 454) - Homeowner’s Insurance - Underwriting,

Premium Increases, Cancellation, and Refusal to Renew

• Prohibits an insurer selling a homeowner’s insurance policy from refusing to

underwrite a risk, increase a premium, or cancel or refuse to renew coverage based

on an inquiry by an insured or an insurance producer on behalf of an insured, that

does not result in the payment of a claim.

• Defines inquiry to mean “a telephone call or other communication to an insurer

regarding the terms and conditions of a homeowner’s insurance policy, including a

telephone call or other communication about whether the policy provides coverage

for a particular loss or the process for filing a claim.”

Effective date: October 1, 2006

We had a rep from my company's in house insurance company come give us a training on this...

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Whoa, sounds like she is getting her car painted. lucky her, sucky for you, so sorry for your bad luck. I am awaiting the shoe to hit the fan after I co signed for my daughters loan, and she just totaled somebody else's Mustang convertible. Just found the other person has acquired an lawyer. Oh boy..... My name is on her registration along with daughter, but the car is insured under her name only, but, and boy I must say but, We found out that she had minimum property damage to the tune of $5k, not enough to cover the mustang, I dont know if I am in trouble or not being the co signer and my name on her cars registration because of the co sign. Man I hate accidents, and definetly dont like my daughters driving. Second car wrecked in two 1/2 years. Children, what we do for them and suffer the consequences. I checked my property on my insurance and it was only 25k, not good for a total loss on somebody else's Mercedes or Lexus or Mustang with all the bells and whistles. Called insurance and increased it for only $7.00 per year to $50k. Man you have to read those policies carefully. I always thought property was like if you hit a light poll or fence or something. No it is the value of the other drivers car. Collision only covers your car. Very enlightening for a guy who has been driving for 30 plus years and did not know that till daughters accident. Does anybody think they will go after me because my name is on the registration of daughters car, but not the insurance? Sorry about jumping into this thread, but seems appropriate.

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