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Wrecked My Baby Today!


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Here's a prime example of why NOT to type e-mails on your BlackBerry when you're driving...



Luckily I wasn't going too fast, no one was hurt, my air bags didn't deploy and it could have been a lot worse!

Still, I'm crushed! Now I have to live without her while she gets repaired! :cries:

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Good you got off relatively lightly. Should be a lesson there for all of us.

Who / what did you hit? How did they fare?

Here's a prime example of why NOT to type e-mails on your BlackBerry when you're driving...



Luckily I wasn't going too fast, no one was hurt, my air bags didn't deploy and it could have been a lot worse!

Still, I'm crushed! Now I have to live without her while she gets repaired! :cries:

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Yes definitely a reason not to use the Blackberry in the car. It could have been much worse however..sounds like everybody made out ok....

Good you got off relatively lightly. Should be a lesson there for all of us.

Who / what did you hit? How did they fare?

Here's a prime example of why NOT to type e-mails on your BlackBerry when you're driving...



Luckily I wasn't going too fast, no one was hurt, my air bags didn't deploy and it could have been a lot worse!

Still, I'm crushed! Now I have to live without her while she gets repaired! :cries:

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youve jsut created a first generation LS in the front. lol

glad to here no one was hurt, and that airbags did not deploy

for anyone who has not had an airbag blown to your face, the smell and pressure of it is punishment enough! lmao

Hahaha, it does look a little like a 1st gen. LS....!

What does the airbag smell like? I know about the pressure but never heard about the smell.

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well...you know how some plastics smell bad? well imagine something smelling like burnt plastic, and then folded away in an almost air tight container for a couple of years. lol its not pleasant thats all i have to say. Now i have only experienced it once, in a mercedes, so maybe lexus' airbags smell like roses in a garden

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Oh man, that sucks!! Question: was a police report filed, and or insurance being tapped for the repair? Just curious becuase it doesn't look that bad at all, and would hate for it to show up on Carfax. You can avoid Carfax if you pay out of pocket and no police report is filed.

I know exactly what you mean about the blackberry...aka...crackberry. I have one too, and I hate it, yet addicted to it. You've got to be a freakin' Smurf to type on that thing!

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Actually this happened to me the other day. I was looking for a song on my ipod and there was a stop light. I stopped but while i was using the ipod i let go of the brake, and hit an explorer. No damage! none. Granted it was like a 3mph tap...thankfully the person wasn't a mooch. I could've gotten a $90 ticket, 3 points on my license, and higher insurance.

I don't see any damage. Just pull that bend out and call it a day. I'm glad your okay and i'm very glad the airbags didn't go. Airbags suck at low speed crashes. My friend tapped the rear end of a f-150 and the airbags blew up in her face and damaged her nose and gave her a black eye and burned her eye somehow. She was wearing here seatbelt too.

My new advice is, put the electronics down! My luck is running thin, and i can't afford (or bear to see) my old LS hurt.

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Thanks for all the kind words! Yes, it could have been a lot worse.

No police showed up. The whole thing was over really quickly, actually. I hit an old man (near 80, I would guess), driving an '03 Buick LaSabre. He says "So a 2003 Lexus hits a 2003 Buick!" He was cool about it, thankfully.

I did report it to insurance, and dropped it off today at the body shop. They estimated $8K in damage. Had the other driver said "don't worry about it" (which he did at first, then changed his mind), I probably wouldn't have reported it to insurance, but now I'm glad I did. Even if it's only $7K, plus whatever it costs to get his car fixed (probably $1,500-3K), plus my rental....OUCH! I don't have that kind of money sitting around... But you know what, it was my fault, I admit it, and I'm responsible for it.

So will it still show up on CarFax if I didn't file a police report? Do the body shops report them, or maybe the insurance companies??? :unsure:

Now I'm stuck driving an Altima for the next few weeks... :(

You guys are great, though. You made me feel a lot better!

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My friend tapped the rear end of a f-150 and the airbags blew up in her face and damaged her nose and gave her a black eye and burned her eye somehow. She was wearing here seatbelt too.
That's pretty common to happen to people who have their air bags go off. Of course, the bruising comes from the bag flying out of its case at 200mph and making contact with you, and the burns come from the chemicals (I think nitrogen gas is the end result.) that make the bag inflate. There are a bunch of websites that explain airbags in great detail. I'd much rather get battered by an airbag than crack my head open on the dash or steering wheel! :pirate:
No police showed up. The whole thing was over really quickly, actually. I hit an old man (near 80, I would guess), driving an '03 Buick LaSabre. He says "So a 2003 Lexus hits a 2003 Buick!" He was cool about it, thankfully.
Sorry to hear about this. Most important is that you and the other driver are safe. ;) Jeeez, $8k? Did they give you the break down yet? Your car really doesn't look bad at all. That's good that the other driver wasn't a jerk, and even better is that he didn't pull one of those self righteous attitudes and said that if you weren't playing with your cell phone this wouldn't have happened. We all participate in distractive activities while driving, so sh_t happens. No one was hurt, and I'm sure both cars will be back to new in no time...
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I don't see any damage. Just pull that bend out and call it a day.

No damage?!?! There's $7-$10k in damage there.

EDIT, ah, $8k estimate my guess was pretty spot on.

Blackberries are trouble in the car, I stop myself from looking at mine all the time. You know what I've found that helps, set a "Driving" profile in the phone's ring profile area, set it not to notify you of emails when you're driving.

It may or may not show up on Carfax, usually its only if a police report is filed.

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Blackberries are trouble in the car, I stop myself from looking at mine all the time. You know what I've found that helps, set a "Driving" profile in the phone's ring profile area, set it not to notify you of emails when you're driving.

That's a great idea...thanks! I have to admit, I even caught myself getting ready to type responses today in my rental car! :wacko: Any idea where I can get into a "CrackBerry Anoymous" group? ;)

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Blackberries are trouble in the car, I stop myself from looking at mine all the time. You know what I've found that helps, set a "Driving" profile in the phone's ring profile area, set it not to notify you of emails when you're driving.

That's a great idea...thanks! I have to admit, I even caught myself getting ready to type responses today in my rental car! :wacko: Any idea where I can get into a "CrackBerry Anoymous" group? ;)

Forget email...dialing the phone for me is a hazard because of the tiny keys.

I have had one going on 3 years now and I think after a while you just lose the desire to be that reachable...but Steve is right turning off the notify on email is a big help. Also leaving it on your desk at work is also a big help which I have done 'inadvertently' a few times. :whistles:

I did report it to insurance, and dropped it off today at the body shop. They estimated $8K in damage. Had the other driver said "don't worry about it" (which he did at first, then changed his mind), I probably wouldn't have reported it to insurance, but now I'm glad I did. Even if it's only $7K, plus whatever it costs to get his car fixed (probably $1,500-3K), plus my rental....OUCH!

That's why we have insurance :)

I bet the hood (which they will replace for that price) is an expensive part, plus all the labor to paint/align etc. Sometimes I think I should have opened a body shop...

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i agree that it doesnt look that bad, but 8K sounds right cause its a lexus...

my sienna got him on the side by a guy who couldnt turn properly, and the cost of 14K just to redo the side doors and such, no airbags as well. Thats half the price of the car jsut for two doors!

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I've just seen worse i guess. The hood is a little bent and the bumper has some scuffs. No cracked headlights, no blown airbags, radiator looks as if its ok. I am an optimist i guess.

When things bend that way they tear off mounts and things like that. The headlights, while they look okay from the outside probably have ripped mounting holes and things like that. The hood latch will have to be replaced, the bumper cover, probably the bumper mounts, may need some metal work to the radiator supports. Bodywork is expensive, on modern cars it takes a lot of very expensive equipment and a lot of expertise.

You can't just "pull out" panels, they aren't just flat metal.

It also pays to do it right, or the value down the road is going to be effected.

thats an f'in rip. I can't believe a few couple hours of work and maybe two grand in parts and they charge 14k? I need to get in this business.

I think you need to get a little more information about the work and tools that go into doing bodywork on modern cars. Who knows what they had to do in that situation, that probably involved some frame straightening, any damage to the rear quarter panel, the floorpan, or the B pillar is very expensive to repair because you need to cut out and weld in new metal, and grind it all smooth.

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I've just seen worse i guess. The hood is a little bent and the bumper has some scuffs. No cracked headlights, no blown airbags, radiator looks as if its ok.

Yeah that would be another 5k. The headlights alone on this car are about $1000 a shot. Also there is the labor to mount and align the hood, and move all of the padding and other ancillary items onto the new metal part. And who knows what other damage is not readily apparent, most likely there is at least a new bumper cover like Steve said.

Modern cars today also are designed to dissipate impact energy around the passenger cabin, so in some cases (doubtful in this case) there may be damage far from the zone of impact. That's why these days a seemingly minor accident can total a car. I remember seeing pictures of crash testing for the previous S-class where the metal on the trunk area behind the rear wheel buckled in a head-on collision with the wall. The impact energy was disappated across the roof and sides of the car causing the whole structure to roll back; keeping the passenger space intact.

They are amazing these cars, but they really are engineered to give their lives for our own.

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One of the headlight mounts was indeed cracked, necessitating the replacement of that headlight. And that's just what I could see through the gap in the hood that was created when it was creased up. That hood was stuck shut...I couldn't get it open no matter how much effort I applied...

You really start to appreciate these cars when you're forced to drive something inferior... ;)

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Good you got off relatively lightly. Should be a lesson there for all of us.

Who / what did you hit? How did they fare?

I'm glad your OK and sorry it happened to you....Eddie

Here's a prime example of why NOT to type e-mails on your BlackBerry when you're driving...



Luckily I wasn't going too fast, no one was hurt, my air bags didn't deploy and it could have been a lot worse!

Still, I'm crushed! Now I have to live without her while she gets repaired! :cries:

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