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Es Heavy Front-end Accident

Guest snugglebunnies

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Guest snugglebunnies


This clown makes an a-hole move (by his own admission)

and all anybody cares about is what Lexus he's gonna get next.

I'm curious, and be truthful, did you even "try" to contact the victim

to see how she's doing? Be thankful she didn't have kids in the car.

Hope your'e feeling better...

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Hey come on now, everybody makes bonehead moves at some point in their lives. We're here to talk about Lexus vehicles, not to pass judgement on the actions of our members.

Calling him names is really innapropriate, and that kind of thing absolutely will not be tolerated here.

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What is done is done and there is no reason for the level of flaming you have brought to the thread.

What are you mad about he admitted he is wrong and made a thread to show the pics and tell the complete story bad parts and all.

If lex said someone cut him off we would have been none the wiser and life would have continued. Why would you even ask him to be truthful it is none of your business in the first place and second where has he given the impression that he isn't especially from this thread by his own admission. Things happen and i am sure he realises it ,leave the comments of that nature to somewhere else where it might be welcome .

Attacking members is unwarranted especially when it is a newbie to a veteran on this and other Lexus clubs.


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We're here to talk about Lexus vehicles, not to pass judgement on the actions of our members.

Your comments contradict with your past comments.


Thats a little bit different. Josh posted, and had posted and boasted several times previously about his excessive speed and antics on public roads. I posted what I did in an effort to help him realize that these types of behaviors were dangerous, because he obviously did not believe they were.

Lexusk8 made a mistake, he realized it was a mistake and said so, he wasn't boasting about this great thing he'd done like Josh was in that thread.

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Thats a little bit different. Josh posted, and had posted and boasted several times previously about his excessive speed and antics on public roads. I posted what I did in an effort to help him realize that these types of behaviors were dangerous, because he obviously did not believe they were.

Lexusk8 made a mistake, he realized it was a mistake and said so, he wasn't boasting about this great thing he'd done like Josh was in that thread.

I understand where you are coming from now. :)

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Guest snugglebunnies

Whether I have been posting to this forum for 5 days or 5 years

has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with this topic of discussion!

SKPerormance, are you saying that because he has been around for

awhile that he is entitled clemency? Do you honsestly believe that?

LexusK8 is dangerous behind the wheel. He admits that his area is an unsafe

place to drive, so what does he do?...puts an innocent woman in the hospital,

then he boasts about how much money he's getting from the insurance payoff.

But did he ever mention that he apologized to her? I think since he's been so

forthcoming as SKPerfomance has pointed out, then he would've indicated that,

but I don't see it in any of his theads, do you?

For the record, I personally have never pulled such a "bonehead" move like that.

My parents didn't raise a fool.

Sorry if I offended a few skirts, but I will not apologize for what I believe is just.

Don't like what I have to say? Then kick me off, at least I can look in the mirror.

LexusK8, glad you're feeling better...

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Whether I have been posting to this forum for 5 days or 5 years

has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with this topic of discussion!

SKPerormance, are you saying that because he has been around for

awhile that he is entitled clemency? Do you honsestly believe that?

LexusK8 is dangerous behind the wheel. He admits that his neighborhood

is an unsafe place to drive, so what does he do?...he puts an innocent woman

in the hospital, then he boasts about how much money he's getting from the

insurance payoff. But did he ever mention that he apologized to her? I think

since he's been so forthcoming as SKPerfomance has pointed out, then he

would've indicated that, but I don't see it in any of his theads, do you?

For the record, I personally have never pulled such a "bonehead" move like that.

My parents didn't raise a fool.

Sorry if I offended a few skirts, but I will not apologize for what I believe is just.

Don't like what I have to say? Then kick me off, at least I can look in the mirror.

BTW, I'm not mad as SKPerformance once again has gotten completely wrong,

I'm just stating the obvious (at least to most of us it was...)

ouch, you better get around to toning that down buddy. i dont think thats fair for you to say such things about anyone until you know every detail of the story. its called an accident for a reason, i can guarantee lexusk8 did not intend on hitting anyone.

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Guest snugglebunnies

If he "intended" on hitting that woman, then it would be Vehicular Homicide,

and we would be having a completely different conversation.

Yes, it was an accident, but...one that was avoidable. May I humbly suggest

to you sir that you read the thread, maybe then it will be plainly obvious to

you that LexusK8 made a conscious decision that caused the accident.

Next time when he hits you or yours, maybe then you'll see my point of view.

BTW, I'm not your buddy. I'll thank you to remember that.

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Whoa dude we all make mistakes. We're all human. There's no need to get bent out of shape. THAT'S WHY ITS AN ACCIDENT.

Dude if he ain't your buddy then why are you here? To pass judgement on others? Its not your place.This is place for enthusiasts and friends. You can have your opinion but being disrespecful is somthing else. Besides what good are YOU doing? I can understand if you sensative to the situation but really. Calm it down. If somebody hit me i'd be *BLEEP*ed but it happens. What are you gonna do? Live your life in fear of being hit? Whatever... life is too short for the BS.

Also makeing a mistake has noting to do with the way you're brought up.

*PI$$* is bleeped? .... who knew

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What is done is done and there is no reason for the level of flaming you have brought to the thread.

What are you mad about he admitted he is wrong and made a thread to show the pics and tell the complete story bad parts and all.

If lex said someone cut him off we would have been none the wiser and life would have continued. Why would you even ask him to be truthful it is none of your business in the first place and second where has he given the impression that he isn't especially from this thread by his own admission. Things happen and i am sure he realises it ,leave the comments of that nature to somewhere else where it might be welcome .

Attacking members is unwarranted especially when it is a newbie to a veteran on this and other Lexus clubs.


Agreed SK & SW!

Doug, sorry to hear about your accident bud :( Happy to know everyone will be ok too! B)

Keep your head up & stay in the Lexus family. ;)

The newbie's comments are totally out of line. :rolleyes:


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Alright, it sounds like I have stirred some people's emotions in a different manner which was never intended, but let me clarify a few things here before this thread gets out of hand...

First off, this was what I have described in the beginning, an accident in its pure sense. I did not intentionally mean to cause it, and like what a lot of my friends and co-workers have said, "Sh*t happens". The woman in the Mustang is OK as far as I know. 3 days after the accident, I ordered and sent some flowers from FTD.com as well as an apology note for any pain and anguish I may have caused on her part. This is as much contact as I want to make with her at this point; it's not like I want to be close friends with her. This is the human nature of things, and everyone has to deal with it some point in their lives. I of course do not want to think about this accident, as it's in the past and I have moved on from it. What's done is done.

Also, just in case any of you are not aware of, Florida has a "no-fault" state insurance law, where in the scene of any accident insurance companies from both parties are responsible for paying the damages from their respective sides, regardless of who's at fault. This includes medical payments and property damage. In addition, the no-fault law disallows one party to sue another involved in the accident. In other words, although I essentially caused the accident by making an improper left turn into approaching accident, by state law I cannot be sued by the woman driver for causing the accident. You could say I am very lucky in that sense, but I don't like to think of it that way if you know what I mean.

Oh, one more thing about the high payout of $18,678.78 by my insurance. I believe the reason it is high is because I had fairly high coverage on my ES at the time of the accident. This includes full coverage and liability, and $250 deductible for comprehensive and $500 deductible for collision. I was paying around $400 premium per 6 months for that car. One of my in-law relatives who works in the insurance business told me that insurance companies must adjust their payouts accordingly with the customer's premiums. Of course, this is just one factor in determining the insurance payout. There are others like researching the local market of '01 ES sales with similar mileages and condition. The Orlando FL market is fairly huge and competitive in that sense.

I hope this clears up any confusion for any of the respondents to this thread, but I am disappointed to hear from the attitude and behavior of snugglebunnies. It sounds like this person has never been in an accident, but yet doesn't seem to know the important part about dealing with the consequences in such an accident. I'm not going to brag about it, but I've been in 3 other accidents prior to this one. I've always made sure everyone involved is OK, that's my #1 priority, not about the condition of the cars. I always learn from my mistakes, and I tend to bounce back in a more improved manner. Accidents are not the prettiest things in the world, and neither is dealing with insurance afterwards, but I have had extensive experience after all my accidents.

snugglebunnies, you need to be more careful with the things you say, especially over an Internet discussion forum. The last thing I need in this world is to say some choice words to someone who has not read about my accident situation in detail (including my feelings provoked) and jumps in with a hateful attitude and directs bitterness without regret towards me. As Skperformance said, I am a moderator and long-time poster (4 years to be exact) on ClubLexus.com, and if you ever come into that website with the attitude you dealt to me, you will be harshly lectured and possibly be given the ban flag by the administrator team. There are rules in every discussion forum. You signed up as a member, meaning you agreed to the conditions and terms stated prior to registration. Your BS is not welcome here or anywhere else :angry:

To everyone else, if you have questions or comments that are unrelated to the tone of this thread, please PM me. In the meantime, I will keep you all posted on the arrival of the insurance check, and my upcoming test drive of the G35 tomorrow :)


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Guest snugglebunnies

Let's get one thing straight Dougie my boy...

I don't care how long you've been here or what

your title is.

You by your own admission caused the accident.

You are the reason that poor lady was taken away

to the Hospital on a stretcher.

Enjoy the G35, I just wonder what the lady you hit

is driving? That is if she is out of the Hospital...

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Let's get one thing straight Dougie my boy...

I don't care how long you've been here or what

your title is.

You by your own admission caused the accident.

You are the reason that poor lady was taken away

to the Hospital on a stretcher.

Enjoy the G35, I just wonder what the lady you hit

is driving? That is if she is out of the Hospital...

Doug has made it crystal clear in his comments about what has happened & has been very remorseful towards the lady involved IMO.

Nuff said! B)

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That's it snugglebunnies, you've been warned twice, but you continue with your comments. As stated before, we will not tolerate this here, so this thread is closed, and we'll be in contact with you.

Doug, I'm sorry that your thread has come to this. Please let us know when you find a replacement for your ES. ;)

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Sorry to re-open this for a second on you Blake, but this needs to be driven home.

Sorry if I offended a few skirts, but I will not apologize for what I believe is just.

Don't like what I have to say? Then kick me off, at least I can look in the mirror.

I'm going to issue you a warning, you need to tone it down. People have accidents, its a fact of life. In fact, I bet even you have been or will be involved in an accident that you could have avoided. Hindsight is always 20/20.

If you want to be able to flame on people for things like this, you're in the wrong community. Like Doug said, go to CL and try that and see what they do and tell me I'm being unfair.

For the record, and your own education its not your opinion that is an issue. We're all entitled to our opinions and we're all entitled to express them here PROVIDED that they are not direspectful towards other members. Calling another member of this forum a clown, a fool, condescending junk like "Dougie my boy", is certainly not respectful and its certainly not going to be tolerated. Doug's a respected member in the online Lexus community but it makes no difference, my response would be the same had you directed comments at ANY member of our forum that way.

So you know, this is warning one. Next time something like this happens you'll be gone for 2 weeks, then for a month or for good at our discretion. Either respect your fellow forum members, or leave.

Thread closed again.

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Not to try and change things by opening this but i still feel the thread has some weight to it before the BS started. I'll take the time and split and relock the garbage in another thread .

As far as SB is concerned enjoy the steel toed part of my boot. Your past few responses in threads have been childish and just plain stupid. You need to take some Prozac otherwise you are just an !Removed!. thanks and good by..

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