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I'm starting this thread in appreciation to all of our California members........

Your State is Beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am sitting in my hotel room at 900 Newport circle, Newport Beach, CA at the Marriot...

What an amazing State!! You guys are sooo nice out here! Although I did get a few wierd looks at the Neiman Marcus across the street due to my accent...but money talks and b/s walks..

Anyway, as a diehard southern man "gentleman I hope"... I tip my hat to those here in Cali... what a beautiful place you all "ya'll" call home.....

I'm here for 3 weeks. My wife comes out next weekend for the 4th holiday. I've reserved a convertible and plan on hitting the PCH up to Hollywood, down to Mexico via Laguna, La Jolla, San D and all parts in-between...

If anyone has any suggestions for places to visit, please let me know! I want to explore this beautiful place!!

:cheers: :)

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Hey head north a little to Santa Barbara, beautiful town with the only mediterean climate in the United States. I would so go further north to Monterey but that is a long drive. Enjoy and be careful driving.

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nc211, on your way northwest up to Santa Barbara, on highway 101, you'll see more Lexus's and Infiniti's on the road that you have probably ever seen anywhere else in the USA before, particularly around the ritzi towns of Calabasas, Thousand Oaks, Westlake Village, etc.

Or, if you take the coast highway #1 to Santa Barbara, you'll also see Lexus's and maybe Lamborghini's and Ferrari's around the movie star towns of Malibu and Pacific Palisades.

In Santa Barbara Lexus's and Porsches are very popular

At Lexus.com I think you'll see there are over one dozen Lexus dealers in the Los Angeles area.

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Thanks fella's! I'm sure we'll probably hit those places as well. I thought about heading further north towards Monterey as well, and we might, just depends on how we feel at that moment I guess...

On a funny note: On our way down the road to Laguna for lunch today, in a sea of Maybach's, MB's, BMW's and Bentley's,,,, a Ferrari Enzo went by us. Reading my environment this week, I've decided to keep my mouth shut the best I can to avoid showing my small townish exposure. But when that thing went by, I instictively said "Goll' Lee...LOOK AT THAT CAR!!" I sounded like Goober from Mayberry... The guys in the car jokingly said "yeah, and we've got electricity out here too, hillbilly..." Hahahaha.. Oh well, you should see how we poke fun of those "Tofu gurus" back in NC....guess my time was due for a little payback! Hahaha

From what I understand, every Saturday Morning from 7:00 to 8:00 am at the Starbucks parking lot on the PCH in Laguna, all the rich boys bring out their toys for an impromtu car show. I was told today from a guy in the office that it's stuffed full of Ferraris, Porsches "oh yeah, saw a GT today too...cooooool car" Lambo's and everything else you can think of, from muscle to classics..... I might rent a car tomorrow night and head down there saturday morning. I was told it's about 5 miles down the PCH from Newport, on the left....you can't miss it from what I hear..... If I go, you bet I'll be posting up some pictures!

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hmm , sounds nice....

Enjoy your trip , funny enough doesn't matter how much money you have you can't buy class.

Hopefully i will get out to that end for a trip , look forward to the scenery and cars but not the people who seem to be too much into themselves. The coffee shop sound like though.

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You know I have lived all over the US and california is definetly full of some of the biggest look at me folks, but they dont represent the bread and butter folks like me. But I will tell you the folks in NC are by far some of the nicest that I have met anywhere. I have met great people all over, but only a handful of places have people that are really genuine in their personality. The South rules as far as I can see. The rural areas are always the best. Anyway my two cents, have a great time and enjoy the sites, that is why people come to live here, but quite frankly I would move to your neck of the woods anyday, just dont care for the humidity. I live in Virginia Beach once in my past and my Grandaughter was born in Jacksonville NC and what a wonderful town of people that is, friendly and polite as can be. Have a great weekend.

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You gotta cruise Mulholland Drive out towards Topanga just so you can always say that you did....

If you're into beautiful high-desert scenery, drive out to Vasquez Rocks which I believe is about an hour northeast of LA proper. Very dramatic (and famous) cliffs and overhangs which you'll instantly recognize as a film site for many different TV shows and movies over the past fifty years. I believe that it is now a county park, but don't be surprised if a film crew is shooting there when you visit....

Enjoy your trip and don't worry about coming across as a hayseed - it's an astonishing place and you have every right to walk around pointing with your mouth hanging open on your first visit (I certainly did back in the mid-70s)....

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nc211, on your way northwest up to Santa Barbara, on highway 101, you'll see more Lexus's and Infiniti's on the road that you have probably ever seen anywhere else in the USA before, particularly around the ritzi towns of Calabasas, Thousand Oaks, Westlake Village, etc.

Or, if you take the coast highway #1 to Santa Barbara, you'll also see Lexus's and maybe Lamborghini's and Ferrari's around the movie star towns of Malibu and Pacific Palisades.

In Santa Barbara Lexus's and Porsches are very popular

At Lexus.com I think you'll see there are over one dozen Lexus dealers in the Los Angeles area.

Very true. If you ever go up to Yosemite, and go thru Fresno, I'm telling you, it's a Lexus country out here. There's gotta be a Lexus in almost every neighborhood here (or any luxury car but mostly Lexus).

You're right. CA is beautiful (until you start looking at real estate prices).

True, but also depends on area. I know Bay Area/San Francisco is all the way up there in prices, so let's not talk about that. Here in Fresno, it's gone up too but the market has leveled, and seeing a lot of price reductions (even though the listings aren't over priced) tells you that the market is slowing down here.

As i heard , it doesn't matter if you lose money when selling, because you will gain money when you buy. Huh? Ok here's the explanation.

Let's say you have a $200k house. Someone gives you an offer, THE ONE AND ONLY OFFER, of $170k. So you accept that, and close escrow. Now your price range to buy is about $400k. You see a home that's about $450k or $475k. Make an offer of $400k, definitely the sellers will give in.

Houses in the higher price range, have a harder time to sell, even if they're priced right. Now in the paragraph above, you did lose $30k in your own home when you sold it, but the seller of the home your buying lost $50k-$75k. So in the end(theoretically), you actually earned about $20k-$45k because you bought another house with your very low ball offer.

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hey nc, i have loved your posts always, so while in california rent a convertable and give yourself a few days and head up the coast hwy1 not the 101, they are different things although they merge from time to time and go up to san francisco and check out the beauty along the way. Youll find that once out of southern california people become a hell of lot more human than in so.cal. If you make it up that far drive a few more hours up chico and check the sierra nevada brewery,you can also get dinner there, for some of the best beer ever. Whew. I feel like huell howser.....also if you go up the coast check out san luis obispo, a farming college(mostly) town that also happens to be on the coast. Big sur, monterey, santa cruz, berkely are all bigcities that come to mind up there, but any where you go , you cant go wrong. let us know what you did. Also if your an AAA member just find one and theyll give maps and books for anywhere in us for free or even custom if you want....

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I concur, come up to san francisco...we've been getting pretty good weather last week...a little foggy this week, but none the less its worth it. Come check out the famous hills which ruin my brake pads every 15K miles. its uber fun!

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Well geezzz 92ls, thank you for the kind comments my friend! Mighty oblidged amigo....:cheers:

Same for you RX :cheers:

Hell, all of ya'!! :cheers:

Well had my 1st SoCal local experience this past weekend. I'm in need of a haircut, and don't have a car handy at the moment. I"m across the street from a mall called Fashion Island "should have been a clue to the following true event"...

Anyway, yesterday "Sunday" I decide to head out from the pool and find a place to get my haircut. There is a place that I've been told is good, a barbershop of sorts in one of our buildings, but they were closed. So I ventured over to Fashion Island. Found this place "that I won't mention due to slander laws, but will give you HINTS" that from a distance looked like a good place. I'm not necessarily in the "Cheap Charlies / Super Cuts" neck of the woods here. By the way, I like cheap charlies...I'm 32 and quickly making the turn from a Robert to a Bob in the receeding hair line race....oh well, life is life..

Anyway, I head over to this place, trying to not get run over, or bump into anyone's very expensive looking german sedans. I walk in, and instantly notice the GUY at the counter probably named TONI was wearing makeup! I'm not talking that metrosexual makeup, I'm talking full on makeup.....not that there's anything wrong with that..... Me, in my NC Tar Heels shirt, wanting to just get a quick clip so I could drink some beer and watch the NCAA baseball championship game between NC and OSU...negotiating with a dude in makeup.... I asked him how much it cost to get my hair cut "banker style"..... $75 bucks w/ a 2 hour wait.... There were only 2 people waiting in the sitting area! I laughed and said "son, I ain't got 75 hairs left...I'm not going to pay a buck per hair". I totally gave away my roots, and I got the snub routine..... I walked back across the parking lot to the hotel bar, just giggling to myself.....

Now having said this, by all means please don't take my approach to this in a slanted way... I completely understand and respect the whole different strokes for different folks thing. I have not a single problem with anyone who lives thier life any way they see fit that makes them happy, so long as it doesn't threaten others. I completly realize I'm a bit outside of my comfort zone here, and I'm actually enjoying it quite a lot! Even though I get a laugh out of some of the differences from normal here v. normal back home..everyone is so nice and polite it makes it impossible to not appreciate their ways...

But...when I get home in 12 days, I'm going straight for some PARKER'S BBQ back in Wilson, NC!! It's a Carolina thang'. :cheers:

RX, sorry man but I don't think we're gonna make it up quite that far to SanFran, this trip anyway. But I wouldn't be too suprised if you find me there some day not too far off....we've got an office in the Walnut Creek area. :cheers:


If a white kid from the south is seen hauling !Removed! on the local news in LA from South Central this weekend....well....you'll know who that is, and you'll know he took a wrong turn... Hahaahaa...

If you see a pretty blonde girl in the passenger seat beating him with her fancy beverly hills bag...keeep watching...see how fast he does a U turn back to south central to drop her off!!! :cheers:

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now that you mention fashion island...i was there in december. I promise, not all of california is filled with rich white people with their small little malls. and if that guy with the make-up is outside your comfort zone, then maybe you should stay away from san francisco for a while :lol:. kidding aside, its actually not that way up here.

I understand its hard to drive 500+ miles up here, but its worth it in the future

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yeah ive spent plenty of time in the newport/corona del mar/balboa area, in fact i was at

corona del mar on sunday, which is just down pch about a half mile from fashion island, when i was younger i used to work for haagen-daaz and would have to deliver to fashion island and let me tell you, as local so/cal guy, even i found fashion island to be pretty useless. If your gonna stay local (re;so cal) then might i recommend going to the gaslamp district of san diego? Also, if you like beer, in north county there is the stone brewery(do a google search) fine purveyors of arrogant *BLEEP* ale,ruination ale,double *BLEEP* to name a few...if yo do go down to san diego check out coronado island. oh and Rx is right san francisco is well worth it. Ive made it to sf using the 101 to 1/cabrillo highway via santa cruz then through i think the 173(blood alley) in about 6 1/2 hours before. if you want to travel up the 5 and come through south san fran that would take about 4-5 hrs, but much less scenic. Good luck and let us know how it went. Those *BLEEPS* = b a s t a r d

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I'm talking full on makeup.....not that there's anything wrong with that.....
There's a Seinfeld episode for almost any situation you find yourself in! LOL :lol: They must say "not that their's anything wrong with that" at least 10x in The Outing episode. As for me, barbers are vastly superior to salons! My barber still has the hot shaving creme machine....so good!


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