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Standardized Testing


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now im not sure how it goes in other states, but in Texas, we have a test called TAKS (texas assesment of knowlege and skills), which IMO, sucks badly. it is on different subjects, usually one 4 math and one 4 reading. this year i have 4, in a row. i dont quite understand why the curriculum is based on these tests. i dont know if i would mind if the pressure wasnt so intense on us, but right now, it is. when we take it tommorow, we are not allowed to talk for all 8 hours of school, even if everyone is done. we are having lunch in our testing rooms, silently. our school's staff believes that if we make them be quiet all day, than they wont have any pressure on them to finish, ironically, the teachers have been indirectly telling us that this is the most important test of the year. i dont mind the SAT quite that much because its not the only factor that your intelligence or school sucess depends on, but the TAKS test goes like this, (in some grades, i think 4th and 6th) you pass, you move onto the next grade, you fail, you redo the grade. and what about the kids who have ADHD??? how are they suppose to concentrate? please tell me im not the only one agaist standardized testing. hope i didnt make anyone mad. i dont blame the teachers, because if we fail, they are the ones that look bad, i blame the TEA.

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I dont blame you for not liking the test, however what has happened is our society has been dumbed down by the constant barrage of dont let anyones feelings be hurt and pass everybody. Because of this we as a nation can no longer compete scholastically with many other countries in the world. I blame the generation of idiot educators (my generation) that could not stand to hurt anybody. So now the pendulum has swung against them and they are using this technique to motivate students. When we as a nation demand that children be treated as different individuals, and yes some will fail, then we can move on. There are so many problems that this forum could not have enough time to discuss. The other major failing is allowing the education system to teach in fifteen different languages. Boy when I went to Europe and the far east you either learned in there language or you were sol.... The time and money spent teaching bilingual just eats the learning curve up for our kids and destroys the foundation of this country. Hey America is made up of immigrants that learned to speak English and support our new nation. We have a sick, broken, education system ran by a bunch of left over hippies from my generation. Sorry but that is how it is, maybe we should teach English, Math, And History instead of all these feel good classes and social programs which tear down our society. Funny, I took a American History class at a local college and was astounded how bad Americans are in the light of these revisionalist instructors and text book writers. I spent the whole summester defending our nation, by the way the instructor backed down everytime, showing what he was really made of, a coward and unAmerican idiot suckered in by the teachings at Berkeley or whatever. This could go on forever, but Study hard and pass that test, and demand more for your children in the future.

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Yeah we just had a big stink in memphis about this type of thing not too long ago. Memphis is largely 'african american', so simple math would tell you that more 'african americans' will fail these tests than whites. Well, this somehow translated to them that these simple tests were racist because you cannot graduate until you pass them, and more blacks were failing than whites. IMO, if you can't pass these simple tests you need not only to be held back but possibly hit in the face (j/k). Unless, of course, you have some type of learning disability. I took these tests in high school, and they are mostly made up of middle school math, english, and reading comprehension. You have 4 years to pass them before you graduate, same test.

Lenore- Couldn't agree more! As a senior in college, I've experienced attempted indoctrination more than you can imagine. I was even once in a political science class called a racist by the professor for defending the presidents school voucher program. I just hope its better by the time I have kids that are in school...

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I think ACT/SATs aren't worth the paper they are printed on. I can think of a several dopes that I went to high school with that got 27s or 28s on the ACT and had gpa's below 1.5. Yeah, that's a good measurement of their intelligence. Those boring practice coruses and books really helped me to take the tests better. If you have ADD/ADHD/other issue, I know you are allowed to take the ACT at a much slower pace. A friend of mine has dysgraphia, and ACT allowed a teacher to give him the ACT during his lunch period.

I think almost all public schools are subject to some form of a std. test from the state. I've seen the one that LA public schools take (the LEAP), and it's a joke--grade school level testing given to high schoolers. I'm glad that I went to private schools becasue we never had to bother with that rediculous test.

I was even once in a political science class called a racist by the professor for defending the presidents school voucher program. I just hope its better by the time I have kids that are in school...

LOL I know exactly what you mean. Most of these left-wing nuts in the class rooms aren't worth fighting with since they can't hold a decent debate without it turning personal. It really is a shame to hear about what middle and high school teachers are doing to these young kids. I heard about one on the news the other day, that made the kids say "John Kerry is the best" (something along those lines) regularly. I'm not sure if that was the same teacher that was showing the film strip calling some of the more popular conservative figures very obscene names. Apparently, anyone can be a teacher these days....

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Yeah we just had a big stink in memphis about this type of thing not too long ago. Memphis is largely 'african american', so simple math would tell you that more 'african americans' will fail these tests than whites. Well, this somehow translated to them that these simple tests were racist because you cannot graduate until you pass them, and more blacks were failing than whites. IMO, if you can't pass these simple tests you need not only to be held back but possibly hit in the face (j/k). Unless, of course, you have some type of learning disability. I took these tests in high school, and they are mostly made up of middle school math, english, and reading comprehension. You have 4 years to pass them before you graduate, same test.

Lenore- Couldn't agree more! As a senior in college, I've experienced attempted indoctrination more than you can imagine. I was even once in a political science class called a racist by the professor for defending the presidents school voucher program. I just hope its better by the time I have kids that are in school...

If you have children probably the only cure is either huge parent participation or private school.

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This is nothing new in our state. Been this way since the 90's...

Problem is all they do is teach to take a test. SAT's are another joke but they need something to weed out some people.

Then again I know people with 1100 scores that got passed over for others with half that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

yes, but its not like some one hands you a sheet of paper with 4 choices and you bubble in the one you want to use, i cannot think of any situation in which you are limited in choices, sure some dont seem very wise, but the possibilities are almost always endless, IMO.

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"last week about 4,000 students learned they had been given the wrong score on the October SAT."

Full article: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11788171/site/newsweek/

To me it’s like stabbing someone to death, than taking their internal organs and feeding it to tigers. OH I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean it, hope you have a good after life.

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