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wow i can not belive this but i was drivin down this road after picking up some friends and some :censored: threw a rock at my car and it hit my front passenger fender i floored the brakes but the :censored: ran off and there wasnt much i could do anyone kno how to go about this im filing a report with police in the morning because theres nothing they can do now really :chairshot:

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Sorry to hear ,they might not be able to do anything right now but if this kid likes to do this alot they may be able to catch him from other complaints then it should be a much larger charge than public nuisance.

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this **** is rediculous ive had my car keyed, front bumper cracked, 5 dents in rear quarter panel, and now a dent on my front passenger fender to compliment the 6" key mark left there im about ready to get rid of this car and get a ford or kia even

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Sorry to hear ,they might not be able to do anything right now but if this kid likes to do this alot they may be able to catch him from other complaints then it should be a much larger charge than public nuisance.


True story.......Outside of Seattle, last summer, a couple of kids (12 - 13'ish) were pulling the same kinds of stunts. They rocked a car that had a couple of 23 year olds in it. The 23's slammed on the brakes, jumped out, & proceeded to give chase...................just in time to see one of the kids run straight out into a 4 laner.

You guessed it, obituary time. The two 23 year olds spent an agonizing 5 days while the prosecuting attorney let them twist in the wind, ostensibly trying to decide whether or not to try them for manslaughter. The p/a finally decided that there was no legal basis for charges (more like he decided he couldn't use them for political gain - he was running for higher office, don't you know....). I don't know if it ever went to civil court.

So, for as much of a pi**er as it is, how much is the repair bill? (keeping in mind that if there were to be a civil trial, your insurance company would run away from you faster than Courtney Love from a De-tox clinic). There you are, footing the bill for your defense, in the court of public opinion............Doesn't sound like much "upside potential" to me.

I don't feel great about saying this, but for as much of a tragedy as it was, I can't generate a huge amount of sympathy. The kid was out of control & his parents weren't looking after him. Rocks & windshields in automobiles travelling at 60 to 70 mph do not mix well. However, entirely the kids fault?.....not in my opinion. The 23's didn't behave much more intelligently than the perp......

I'd suggest biting the bullet.........The kid(s) stand a better than even chance of getting nailed. My preference is to be on the other side of town when that happens & in whatever form it takes.

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this **** is rediculous ive had my car keyed, front bumper cracked, 5 dents in rear quarter panel, and now a dent on my front passenger fender to compliment the 6" key mark left there im about ready to get rid of this car and get a ford or kia even

Where did most of these damages take place?

I don't understand why people key cars, etc. it's understandable if they know the owner!? :blink:

Edit after reading the top post: not including kids........

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On the flipside of these stupid children and the lack of parental control there is a story of a Canadian who was in Florida another moron did the same thing to there vehicle going through an overpass.

Problem was the rock smashed the windshield and imploded the young mans head. He survived but lives a life that he nor his parents deserve.

I believe in respect ,show me none and i WILL reflect the same to you.

Would i feel bad if i gave chase and the dumb !Removed! died , no not really as they also gave no thought to the well being of me and my passengers .

Their fun would have been at my expense of my wife's, child or my own ......

The keying the car thing someone looking to get pummeled. I have had people dent my cars before right in front of me thinking it doesn't matter and say "SO what" when i call them on it.

You can guess how that ends........

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Would i feel bad if i gave chase and the dumb !Removed! died , no not really as they also gave no thought to the well being of me and my passengers .

i understand this statement somewhat but we are supposed to be the adults and any loss of life would be a tragedy especially a kids life. most of us have done some pretty bonehead things as kids

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o wait you guys think this is a kid who did this last night it was a GROWN MAN not no kid the key mark was at WORK with grown men there too so this isnt kids messing with my car

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A grown man ................. nothing else to say about it.

I should clarify my term ,when i say kid i am thinking teenager 12 and under is when maturity is non existant and is very well not expected.

drove by the place where the guy threw a rock at my car and he was sittin in his garage think i should go ahead and inform the police and make him pay or talk to him myself and make him fix it

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i am really truely the first person to turn the other cheek but i have been in extereme situations plenty of times and i can't really say that i would go out of the way to hurt the guy but i could still easily shoot him without the slightest bit of remorse, but all in all life or death that doesn't say much about how a person should treat another person, just let it go it's just a car i mean after all, if you were broke you wouldn't dirve, if you were missing a leg, you wouldn't walk, if you were dead you couldn't live.....sad things happen like mischeif gone wrong and the like but remember if it doesn't kill you don't worry about it, because it's not a big deal. or here is another point of view, if you give this guy a hard time, mess with him or something, he might get even more extreme and mess your car up worse, and then you'll prolly hurt him and you'll be the one going to jail....so don't stoop to their level, just take a little pride in the fact that that guy probably doesn't even have a car much less a lexus....and that is what this site is all about, a lexus right?

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my bag guys, now i would have to really teach a grown man a lesson and im not talking about calling the police b/c if you didnt actually see him do it the police arent going to do anything

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I would definitely call the police as his next victim could be a child with the rock killing them easily as small as a pebble.

For all you know that has already happened and you are the only one who can point out the perp.

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Report to the cops, if needed ID the guy, etc. No this guy is not going to learn, etc... But if you report him, maybe, just mybe, no more victoms, and no one gets hurt.

Report him, and follow-up on it, then lert it go. He will need to deal with the cops, and your insurance company.

But remember, on your worst day, your life and you as a person are 10 time (if not more) better then then his.

Last guy that hit my car did 8o days in jail and got deported... My life is much better then his and that's good enough for me.

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Wow, that is rough!

As for the kid or young man... If I would have cought him I would have taped him to a tree till the police came.. He ran into the road and no longer will throw rocks at cars.. Maybe they were good young boys, but I doubt it. Someone up here died a while ago when a rock crashed through the windshield.. Once I remember kids were throwing snow balls as people drove below underpasses. Really shocks the hell out of you.

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Wow, that is rough!

As for the kid or young man... If I would have cought him I would have taped him to a tree till the police came.. He ran into the road and no longer will throw rocks at cars.. Maybe they were good young boys, but I doubt it. Someone up here died a while ago when a rock crashed through the windshield.. Once I remember kids were throwing snow balls as people drove below underpasses. Really shocks the hell out of you.

thats exactly why i didnt stop kewlguy becuase my friend lost it when the kid threw the rock because it couldev hit the window and hit him and he was already gettin out of control so i just left it alone but i went and reported it today and the detective said he would call me back all i want out of this are the dents out of my car and that guy to learn his lesson

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