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Extremely Disturbing Events About 9/11!


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I noticed before that there were a few political thread discussions, well this is the King of all Kings as a friend of mine sent me this from google yesterday. I don't much enjoy politics, scandles, etc.. and don't get into them too much, but this caught my attention in a big way. I am a strong supporter of our Country, and love my Country...I am a Republican whom keeps an open mind to things. I support the Bush Administration, and our war efforts to eliminate terrorist activities, but now I am a bit rattled to say the least.

However, after viewing these two links, I must now wonder and ask what you guys think? THIS IS PUBLIC information which was found on Google which anyone can view and looks to be very factual, disturbing, and legit. I believe some questions really need to be answered!!!! Keep in mind this gets more interesting as the short documentary continues. Here is the website have a look and comment please, I am saddened to think this theory of his may be possible to some degree- I hope I can link these here, it goes-

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid= 2023320890224991194

If that is not enough evidence for you here is some more-


I tried to link these sites but do not know how, maybe someone can help us all view these websites easily..and post the links down below...

I really don't know what to think of this? I am just disturbed by this to say the least, and I think if you view it all, you too will be disturbed and will have questions...

A saddened American......

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I noticed before that there were a few political thread discussions, well this is the King of all Kings as a friend of mine sent me this from google yesterday. I don't much enjoy politics, scandles, etc.. and don't get into them too much, but this caught my attention in a big way. I am a strong supporter of our Country, and love my Country...I am a Republican whom keeps an open mind to things. I support the Bush Administration, and our war efforts to eliminate terrorist activities, but now I am a bit rattled to say the least.

However, after viewing these two links, I must now wonder and ask what you guys think? THIS IS PUBLIC information which was found on Google which anyone can view and looks to be very factual, disturbing, and legit. I believe some questions really need to be answered!!!! Keep in mind this gets more interesting as the short documentary continues. Here is the website have a look and comment please, I am saddened to think this theory of his may be possible to some degree- I hope I can link these here, it goes-

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid= 2023320890224991194

If that is not enough evidence for you here is some more-


I tried to link these sites but do not know how, maybe someone can help us all view these websites easily..and post the links down below...

I really don't know what to think of this? I am just disturbed by this to say the least, and I think if you view it all, you too will be disturbed and will have questions...

A saddened American......



There you go JIBBBY.

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Disturbing sites, however I hate when these conspiracy things, but yes the pentagon crash is suspicious.

I agree with you 100%, I can't stand these conspiracy things either, and I also think the pentagon crash is the most suspicious...

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I've seen these before and its always compelling...

Just remember that film and facts can be used to indicate nearly anything, and in a time of such severe panic and grief people start clamoring for attention and their minds play tricks on them, and the media needs desperately to fill 24 hour broadcasts.

The main question you have to ask yourself is why would the government do this. There has to be some reason.

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I am not very knowledgeable on world affairs, but I do stay informed and watch and read the news daily and know some things. I too remain very skeptical about this and still rest my faith in our leaders that they are doing the right things, but there are some compelling facts that need to be explained especially with the pentagon crash..

The only possible reason I could think of would be - The USA needs control of the middle east gas supply. Without control of oil we cease to be a Nation. It is like blood to the body. Without it everything dies.

The big money people possible needed a reason to go into the middle east to control the oil supply...the ends justify the means more than likely with the real movers and shakers of government (who aren't the elected people - they are just pawns from Bush all the way through the ranks).

Create a cause to move the agenda....end of story.

That above statement is just a thought.... I really do hate politics and conspiracy theories in general, but I just wanted to get some other opinions on some of these compelling facts......

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There was a PBS Frontline documentary on the Pentagon Crash last year that explained in considerable detail

the special structural features of the Pentagon that enabled it to withstand the impact of the wings of the 757 so well.

If there was any serious doubt that a 757 really did crash into the Pentagon then I believe some of the hundreds of 757 pilots would have spoken out by now to express their doubts, but none have to my knowledge.

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Yeah... i just got through watching the whole thing... I'm really not impressed. I went into it with an open mind, but if you just take a step back and look at the big picture that this guy paints, it doesn't fit together. Very interesting though.

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OPEC is the problem. When the world is held hostage by a cartel, nothing good can come from it. We're slowly dismanteling this cartell by ways of bullets, political pressure, and allowing the terrorist states to taste the benefit of their own ways...aka...we go to their country, they try and bomb us in their country, and then their country gets tired of being bombed by terrorist, which brings them on board with the rest of the world to defeat these terrorists.

I'm looking forward to seeing what this world will be like when this is all done. I have a feeling we'll be telling our grandkids someday "I remember when it was...."

I don't necessarily agree with everything Bush does and says, but at this time in our existance, I do like the fact that he will fightback. I like the fact that other world leaders have realized that we've had enough power lunches, payoff negotiations, and "deals", it's time to make some changes, no more talking, no more delaying and passing the problem down to another generation. You fix it, or we'll fix it for you. Even if the short term consequences paints us as the bad guys. I think the long term benefits will remind the world that America is still one country that's not affraid to take the lead when the going get's tough. We like it tough, it makes us tougher! If this country is at war, then you know it's for all the marbles! Especially after vietnam, and all the fears associated with that war. I really don't think we had a choice though in the matter. There have been only a few calls in history where a Cowboy and his mind-set was needed. On 9/12/01, that call was made, and we've answered.

I am not very knowledgeable on world affairs, but I do stay informed and watch and read the news daily and know some things. I too remain very skeptical about this and still rest my faith in our leaders that they are doing the right things, but there are some compelling facts that need to be explained especially with the pentagon crash..

The only possible reason I could think of would be - The USA needs control of the middle east gas supply. Without control of oil we cease to be a Nation. It is like blood to the body. Without it everything dies.

The big money people possible needed a reason to go into the middle east to control the oil supply...the ends justify the means more than likely with the real movers and shakers of government (who aren't the elected people - they are just pawns from Bush all the way through the ranks).

Create a cause to move the agenda....end of story.

That above statement is just a thought.... I really do hate politics and conspiracy theories in general, but I just wanted to get some other opinions on some of these compelling facts......

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The only possible reason I could think of would be - The USA needs control of the middle east gas supply. Without control of oil we cease to be a Nation. It is like blood to the body. Without it everything dies.

Which means our soldiers are really fighting and dying for oil. And preemptively killing other innocent people to get it (40,000 Iraqi gov't officials, soldiers and civilians that had nothing to do with 9/11 have been killed to date by USA troops).

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I hope and pray our soldiers are over their fighting and dying for more then just oil which I believe they are.....and I want to believe we are helping to prevent terrorism and not just heating it up. I know the problem doesn't stop at Iraq, there are neighboring countries just as bad as Iraq, that most likely harbor terrorists and extreme hatred towards the US.. I think if we settle down Iraq and create a democracy really against half the countries will, then the buck doesn't stop their. After Iraq is finished when ever that may be, what's to say it's over. Iran is now a threat.. The only problem with extending the war beyond Iraq is we would be perceived as a conquerer and aggressor. Nations such as South Korea and China get nervous and start their Nuclear programs back up, the Unitied Nations takes a walk on us. This is a delicate mess we are in, and like I said before I hope and pray it turns out for the best.......

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What is truly disturbing is that i watched that video last week at a friend's house but didn't even know you guys had seen it. truthfully i believe it. i have seen "Farenheight 9/11" by Mike Moore, and this just seems to confirm some of the thing he said with other supporting facts. Come on Guys, Osama bin Ladin, himself said that he never did a thing! OSAMA! "DEATH TO AMERICA" guy! honestly i think Osama is a LARGE drug dealer (poppies come from Afgahanstan, as seen on PBS: Opium, Herion are made from poppies) so money isn't a issue, and fear? he's not scared. just think about what Bush did while in Florida when the towers got hit? first i just thought he was an idoit and didn't know what to do. but after seeing this, his reaction makes perfect sense! why would you care about something you orgistrated going perfectly as planned? remember when the single engine sesna plane flew over the White House after 9/11? where was bush during a "Yellow terror threat?" riding a BIKE? huh? the most hated man in the world just rides a bike at his leasure when "Ali the terrorist could strike any moment!" :lol::lol::lol: and look at "F 9/11" the first thing that was done in Iraq was build an oil pipeline! some say it is for the benefit of the country but who's running the country now, while gas prices continue to climb back up! Mark my worlds "GAS will be about 3.00 per gal this summer." why, because the American public already expirenced it so what's another summer, right? wrong! (buy hybrid cars!)

OPEC is the problem. When the world is held hostage by a cartel, nothing good can come from it. We're slowly dismanteling this cartell by ways of bullets, political pressure, and allowing the terrorist states to taste the benefit of their own ways...aka...we go to their country, they try and bomb us in their country, and then their country gets tired of being bombed by terrorist, which brings them on board with the rest of the world to defeat these terrorists.

I don't necessarily agree with everything Bush does and says, but at this time in our existance, I do like the fact that he will fightback.

Just for the record, not all peoples hate America! quick story: my friend Aaron is in the MARINES, went to Fallujah, and did lots of bad things. granted a lot of people had RPG's and AK-47's, but he said as his unit was clearing houses, the poeple inside were watching "106 and park" the BET = to TRL, in english! He said that M16's dont scare Iraqi's, but 9mm's do? huh? well Saddam used to execute prisoners with 9's. so they're more afraid of saddam's persence than the U.S.'s. Hmmmmm? i also have a friend who used to live in Samolia! he personally witnessed BLACK HAWK DOWN. not the movie, live action! He cant say enough about the US military! granted he is a muslim, he speaks as if the army was his salvation! He cant get enough of america! this guy is one of the biggest OSU fans i know! he's glad that he was granted refuge in america so he could leave his war torn country! not plotting terrorist attacks, just trying to LIVE IN PEACE! But what some don't know is that peace comes form good rulers! How many wars did Clinton CAUSE? saddam should've been removed, but with more careful planning! Personally i think Bush is more concerned about his Belly than anyone else! his family has been friends with bin Ladin's for years! think about this.... Saddam, the man who had about 1mil cash on him when found couldn't escape His Country! HIS COUNTRY! he knows all the back roads, hidden tunnels, etc. Bin Ladin, on the other hand "cant be found?" :lol::lol::lol:

and Bush isn't fighting back he's instigating conflict! and my heart pains me to think about the next few years after all the messes he made are attempted to be cleaned? IRAN, IRAQ, RUSSIA, CHINA, N. KOREA, they wont forget.

But with that said, who cares! if wanted, Bush could have me taken out! catch my drift! the world is comming to an end fast! just make sure you have the correct Bording Pass! :cheers:

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K09ols- It's sounds to me like your a Bush basher and a Clinton supporter which is fine and that is your choice, most everyone takes sides anyways. I don't get into politics like most everyone and don't take sides. That way I can view each President with an open mind and not be influenced..Republicans vs. Democrates that is not for me, we are one Country and should be United in which we Stand. I voted for Clinton and I voted for Bush... As for Bill Clinton I think he did some good things for our economy, I also think he handled foriegn relations better then Bush. I also like what he is doing now with the Library and other good stuff he is trying to do. However, I didn't like how he pardoned 50 prisoners at the end of his Presidential term for personal gain $. That was not right...Those prisoners were in jail for a reason and should not have been pardoned. I have no other problems with Clinton..

Bush, don't know what to say just yet, his father was not all that bad so I would like to think his son is just like him... Like I said in the previous post if this war was started for other reasons then what we are made to believe then it had to be for a very good reason, right? If our Government setup 9/11 to gain world support or for a bigger and greater cause then so be it... I can't believe Bush and top leaders would start a war for popularity or personal benefit and murder 1000's. If that were the case our leaders would be Murderers and no better the Saddam himself.. I believe we the US are over their fighting for a good cause. We all know these muslim extremists blow them selves up to kill innocent people. We know that Sadam was a murdered and also killed his own innocent people. We also know that Iraq has defied the US for years. Did not come clean and easy with the prior nuclear inspections, etc...

In conclusion, maybe we need a strong hold in the Middle East other than Isreal, maybe oil does play a part...who really knows, other then our leaders. I would still like to believe and rest my faith in the leaders of this great country and would like to believe they make decisions to help and or benefit our Country rather then to tear it down.. So whether or not these conspiracy theories are real we may never know. As for me I can still sleep at night peacefully trusting in our "elected" officials......but I do have my doughts from time to time and that is why I started this thread...

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ko90ls, if you really believe this, then wouldn't you think that the democrats, or girl scouts, or Inside Edition, or republicans, or someone with the ability to expose the truth, would have by now to get Bush impeached? I mean if everyone hates this guy so badly, if he's really the most hated dude "which I will NEVER accept as truth", and your theory is correct, then where's the action to prove it? Obviously if we're talking about this theory, then the powers-that-be have had this converstation as well.

What wars did Clinton start??

None, which led up to where we are today. If Clinton hadn't messed some trailer park prom queen's dress, we could have acted in the "required" manner and killed Al Queda a long time ago. HE HAD THE GREEN LIGHT with his finger on the button to kill him. They had him in our sites, but due to the heat of Lewinski at the time, Clinton got cold feet about lobbing a few tomahawks into afghanistan. This is documented fact, not speculation or theory. Clinton has even admitted it, on record. He also ignored several oportunities from other countries "India being one of them" to get Osama, but he did NOT return the phone call, literally.

Look, I'm not pro-bush either. I did NOT vote for him. I think he's an idiot businessman, who made his millions off of junk bonds for the texas rangers baseball stadium. I think he's a bit of a snake when it comes to business, and I would never do business with him personally. Even though I'd probably make millions, my ethical stance would not let me sleep well at night. HOWEVER I do think he was the right guy for the job on 9/12/2001. Do you think McCain would have done it better, or how about Gore? There is a TOUGH road ahead not only for this country, but for the entire industrialized world. It's not tough because of now, it's tough because of all the "negotiations" that have gone on for decades to just delay the inevitable...a fight. To even suggest George W. Bush caused 9/11 is just obsurd! I respect your opinion though, I really do. And I can see where you're coming from too. But remember, Bush was no where on the politcal radar scope back in 1993 when they tried to take down the towers with car bombs. Bush was no where on the scope when USS Cole was hit, or the american embassies in Africa and some other country were bombed. Bush wasn't even sober when the barracks in Lebanon were bombed back in the 80's, or the downing of the Pan Am flight in Lockerbie Scottland. The only other President we've had that had the guts to fight a terrorist in a full on "you want to fight? Then let's get it on!" fashion was the beloved Ronald Reagan, when the 1st smart bomb was delivered to Momar Kadoffie via his chimney back in 86'. Never heard from that duchebag again, until a few years ago when he realized Bush would do the same, and Kadoffie stepped in line, for world peace.

Let me just be clear here: I am not slamming you on your opinion, I respect it, and I admire you for having the strength to post it! I am not 100% Pro-Bush. I think he's a freakin' moron in more ways than I care to admit. BUT, I've said it before, and I'll say it again, only a few times in history has the world called out the United States of America to a fight, and on those times, the gunslinger cowboy was needed, and lead this country and it's friends to victory. This IS one of those times! I can guarantee you that none of those responsible for 9/11 had a Texan accent.

What is truly disturbing is that i watched that video last week at a friend's house but didn't even know you guys had seen it. truthfully i believe it. i have seen "Farenheight 9/11" by Mike Moore, and this just seems to confirm some of the thing he said with other supporting facts. Come on Guys, Osama bin Ladin, himself said that he never did a thing! OSAMA! "DEATH TO AMERICA" guy! honestly i think Osama is a LARGE drug dealer (poppies come from Afgahanstan, as seen on PBS: Opium, Herion are made from poppies) so money isn't a issue, and fear? he's not scared. just think about what Bush did while in Florida when the towers got hit? first i just thought he was an idoit and didn't know what to do. but after seeing this, his reaction makes perfect sense! why would you care about something you orgistrated going perfectly as planned? remember when the single engine sesna plane flew over the White House after 9/11? where was bush during a "Yellow terror threat?" riding a BIKE? huh? the most hated man in the world just rides a bike at his leasure when "Ali the terrorist could strike any moment!" :lol::lol::lol: and look at "F 9/11" the first thing that was done in Iraq was build an oil pipeline! some say it is for the benefit of the country but who's running the country now, while gas prices continue to climb back up! Mark my worlds "GAS will be about 3.00 per gal this summer." why, because the American public already expirenced it so what's another summer, right? wrong! (buy hybrid cars!)

OPEC is the problem. When the world is held hostage by a cartel, nothing good can come from it. We're slowly dismanteling this cartell by ways of bullets, political pressure, and allowing the terrorist states to taste the benefit of their own ways...aka...we go to their country, they try and bomb us in their country, and then their country gets tired of being bombed by terrorist, which brings them on board with the rest of the world to defeat these terrorists.

I don't necessarily agree with everything Bush does and says, but at this time in our existance, I do like the fact that he will fightback.

Just for the record, not all peoples hate America! quick story: my friend Aaron is in the MARINES, went to Fallujah, and did lots of bad things. granted a lot of people had RPG's and AK-47's, but he said as his unit was clearing houses, the poeple inside were watching "106 and park" the BET = to TRL, in english! He said that M16's dont scare Iraqi's, but 9mm's do? huh? well Saddam used to execute prisoners with 9's. so they're more afraid of saddam's persence than the U.S.'s. Hmmmmm? i also have a friend who used to live in Samolia! he personally witnessed BLACK HAWK DOWN. not the movie, live action! He cant say enough about the US military! granted he is a muslim, he speaks as if the army was his salvation! He cant get enough of america! this guy is one of the biggest OSU fans i know! he's glad that he was granted refuge in america so he could leave his war torn country! not plotting terrorist attacks, just trying to LIVE IN PEACE! But what some don't know is that peace comes form good rulers! How many wars did Clinton CAUSE? saddam should've been removed, but with more careful planning! Personally i think Bush is more concerned about his Belly than anyone else! his family has been friends with bin Ladin's for years! think about this.... Saddam, the man who had about 1mil cash on him when found couldn't escape His Country! HIS COUNTRY! he knows all the back roads, hidden tunnels, etc. Bin Ladin, on the other hand "cant be found?" :lol::lol::lol:

and Bush isn't fighting back he's instigating conflict! and my heart pains me to think about the next few years after all the messes he made are attempted to be cleaned? IRAN, IRAQ, RUSSIA, CHINA, N. KOREA, they wont forget.

But with that said, who cares! if wanted, Bush could have me taken out! catch my drift! the world is comming to an end fast! just make sure you have the correct Bording Pass! :cheers:

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Jibby and NC211, just wanted to express the fact that i feel Bush is an idoit and since you guys agree then my point is made! personally i also think Clinton was an idoit, come on Monica Lewinsky? huh? :lol: but like i said at the end of the post is the real Meat and Potatoes!

and to think that Access Hollowwood would try and expose bush! HA! did anyone notice who the new ancor on one of those prime time wastes of time.... why is that Bush's little cousin? don't remember the first name but he's a Bush! check it out! and like Jibby mentioned: "our 'elected' officials". I live in Ohio a 2004 battle ground state... and the things that went on here would make most of the country cry! seriously. pain and agony, mud slinging, death and firebrands, you name it!

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I was going to comment on this, but not only do I not know where to start with all of the nonsensical fiction posted, but also, I'm not sure I can take a thread seriously that has Michael Moore's name mentioned as a source of the truth. lol :blink:

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Really, Come on guys!! Right, Left who gives a hoot..We are now at War!! Whether you like it or not..Take a hold of your A$$es , I agree with NC..Only a cowboy will pull us out of this one and we did not start it..We weren't on "watch" aka Clinton..another Clinton :wacko: will do us in...Permanent!!!! Where is John Wayne? We are in Deep Shizer!!! and sitting Ducks. God Bless America!! Blake.. Nonsensical is to put it mildly. ;)

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come on now, it's all i good fun! if you take it seroiusly or personally then i think that is an issue you have to workout yourself, i'm just expressing my feelings on the subject at hand, which is not "Why Bush Is President?", it is a reflection on the movies presented. thank you :cheers:

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true, true, but i just think some things are interesting? what if these guys are really right? but really it's the opinions that matter! i like to see how other people feel about things, you know? so how about you got 45 min? huh? i feel education is important, and i learn form others. so how do you feel?

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I know that I wanted to hear other opinions from you guys and that is why I ran this thread. I am also glad I did.. Although a little too much gloom and doom talk, come on guys America is the strongest country in the world and we will prevail. Apparently the Middle East needs some house cleaning and we are the cleaners... I am curious though do you guys really think the Iraqi people will come to adopt US enforced domocracy? These people are third world, limited education for the most part, and huge regions are religious fanatics that think America is evil.. This seems like a tall order to accompish.... Is this war going to work out and have a happy ending? What is next for the US after Iraq? Any thoughts on those issues.....

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I don't think Iraq will adopt the US Democracy as we know it to be, it's just not apart of their way of life. However, I do think they'll adopt an "elected" government by the people, for the people. I think the main goal for us to go to war with Iraq, was to end these countries that are held hostage by one man, through fear and torture. I don't necessary think it's a question of whether or not Iraq will become the 51st state, but more of a question if Iraq will become a free society defined by the laws of thier beliefs, which it wasn't under Sadam's rule. We, and the world, can respect that type of government, and work with them for world peace, like we do with the Saudi's. I agree that's it's pretty tough to see through the smoke of all of these religious factions in such a small territory. I think the honest Iraqi people know that it's not an entire army causing this, but a few hundred radical terrorists who have nothing in their live's to define themselves by, except for violence. Kind of like that arrogant dude at the bar, looking to gain claim for starting a bar fight, when in all honesty if they would just shut, sit down, have drink and tell some jokes, they would find that everyone else really isn't that bad.

Honestly, I think WW3 is very very close with Iran on the radar now. I'm not worried about this Russia stand they're taking with Iran. Russia did the same thing with Iraq. They're a former superpower trying to fix their own floundering perception in the world. If anything, they should be helping clean up the mess THEY created by leaving the gates unlocked at the ammunition dumps when they fell apart back in the 90's. Ever seen that movie Lord of War? Go rent it, it's very interesting, and very true.

It is a tall order, but so was WW1 and WW2. I think it'll all work out fine in the end. Iran will fall quickly, and they know it. They're freakin' scared senseless right now with the modern society they've always hated lined up on all borders, with the muzzles pointed in towards their country. Me personally? I hope we do get it on with Iran, I think it's about time to call them out and see what they've got. They've been throwing threats to the world for decades and holding the economic progress hostage with it's oil production OPEC mentality.

But that's just my opinion.

Ko90ls.....I hear ya' ;) And I think your opinions are good, even if I don't completely agree with them. Education is key to everything. If I had the choice though between Jihad and fighting over oil, well, I'd take oil as the motive, that's bullets and gernades. Jihad is full on, kill everything on earth and let the God's sort it out. I hope that doesn't happen. I also hope we don't have to turn Iran into a self-lit glass parking lot for the rest of time from a nuke.

Blake, I was listening to Rush yesterday at lunch, was thinking about you. :cheers:

I know that I wanted to hear other opinions from you guys and that is why I ran this thread. I am also glad I did.. Although a little too much gloom and doom talk, come on guys America is the strongest country in the world and we will prevail. Apparently the Middle East needs some house cleaning and we are the cleaners... I am curious though do you guys really think the Iraqi people will come to adopt US enforced domocracy? These people are third world, limited education for the most part, and huge regions are religious fanatics that think America is evil.. This seems like a tall order to accompish.... Is this war going to work out and have a happy ending? What is next for the US after Iraq? Any thoughts on those issues.....

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