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90k Service


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Hey guys, I'm starting to wonder if my local dealership actually did the full 90k service as agreed upon when I purchased the car at 84k miles back in May 04'. I know they did not change out the air filter in the glove box. From draining my tranny fluid two weeks ago and it being nearly black, that makes me wonder too. The differential fluid was nearly black as well. They said at the 90k service, the fluid is flushed, not just drained. After the 2 quart drain n' fill last week, it shifts smoother now than it ever has under my ownership. The car is making a sound at idle like the ildler bearing is going bad...the engine doesn't sound very tight, if that makes any sense. I'm wondering if they really did change out the timing belt and water pump as promised now? Any thing that I can check easily on the car to verify this was done? I saw lexls site, but not sure if it's applicable to the gen 2 models? They did the 90k in a one day time span. Dropped off at 9:00 am, picked up all washed and cleaned at 5:00pm the same day.

Also, how hard is it to replace the idler pulley?

By the way, the car now has 106k miles. I've put just a tick over 21k miles on her since I bought it and the 90k service was done.

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Timing belt box? Are you referring to the cover(s) for the left and right side? I'm talking greek here and a bit lost. :blink:

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Take it back! The idler pullies are deep in there. The time they took is reasonable. Someone who has changed the timing belt before on a LS can easily do it in under 5 hours.

The easiest way to check the timing belt cover is to remove the cover on the driver's side that says 4 cam 32 valves. You'll see the belt right there. It should look perfect still.

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I'm going to check for that sticker here in an hour or so. Would those fluids be that bad off with 21k miles of normal driving? I wouldn't think so, but I've never had a car like this before, or of this age. I would have thought that if the tranny fluid was completely flushed and replaced with new, it wouldn't go dark maroon/black that quickly.

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The transmission fluid should still look very good to nearly perfect. I doubt they flushed it.

From the description you give it sounds like nothing was done. Ask the dealer to see the paperwork on the service and see who did the work. Personally I would get to the bottom of this. <_<

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I'm going to go through my original paperwork this weekend and look for that timing belt sticker under the hood. I would think they still have that on file at the dealership, even though it's been 16+ months, don't you guys?

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I'm going to go through my original paperwork this weekend and look for that timing belt sticker under the hood. I would think they still have that on file at the dealership, even though it's been 16+ months, don't you guys?

Yes, It is in there computer system. They need your vin# to look it up.

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nc - I'm in a very similar situation! I purchased my '98 back in February and I have 99k miles. The 90k was done (at 92k miles) and I swear the air filter was not changed either. In addition, I also was surprised to see the condition of the tranny fluid.

Of course all of the fluids are broken down on my receipt, but I feel as if the perhaps the tech felt that the owner (who did every service called for at every interval) didn't know an air filter from an oil filter, and decided that maybe he would just do the timing belt and water pump and the coolant and brake fluid (because those are so very visible) and call it a day.

On the other hand, it is possible that the car was driven through some dirty areas and the filter clogged quickly, and also I was told that they do NOT do a transmission flush at 90k but just a drain and fill on the tranny and differential. I think the Dealers offer a flush but it must be requested at an extra cost, so it is possible that the condition of my tranny fluid is that of a transmission that was drained and refilled every 30k miles at the Dealer and nothing else. But I still feel that they skipped a few things.

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Ditto Gumart..exactly. I'm curious because I negotiated the 90k service into the purchase price, and made damn sure "timing belt and water pump" were on the dealer "we owe you" ticket for the service. I'll know more on Monday for sure.

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Two things....

The first time, ~44,000 miles, I drained the ATF from my 2001 AWD RX300 I put in only four qts as recommended by Lexus. a few weeks later the ATF was once again looking dark. Turned out the transaxle holds 5 qts but you must remove a separate drain plug in the diff'l "section" (not PTO) in order to drain the extra quart.

The second time I drained 5 qts, dropped and cleaned the sump pan and installed 5 new qts.

Given the pristine condition of the timing belt that came out of my 92 LS400 two years ago at 153,000 miles I have little doubt that not a few dealers are beginning to skip the effort, time and material, involved but charging the customer anyway.

Who's to know?

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the lexls site should work for you as far a diagonstics go. if your engine isn't vvti then the timing belt should be a non interface and accessable under the LH spark plug cover

look at the sealant on the water pump and surrounding area. is it clean? dirty? old looking? if it isn't clean then the water pump wasn't changed. period. for a new water pump the old has to be removed and the only way to add a new one is to clean off all the old sealant! also BEWARE OF SHADY DEALERS. if your mechanic doesn't drive lexus just works on them then what does he care if the parts are changed or not?

just my two cents

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Well, I checked for that sticker, even called the dealership and asked where it would be...No sticker. However, they did update the manual saying it was done, and I do have the original invoice of all parts, including part numbers, that were replaced. On that list, the actual sticker part number is not listed as being installed. So, I think they did do the timing belt and water-pump, but they just forgot to put on the sticker. I'll be heading up there sometime this week to ask some questions.

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  • 2 months later...

Baja, got your message on this one. Yes they did change the timing belt, they just did not put the sticker on. They said they don't do that too much anymore "put sticker on that is" when doing the 90k service in general. Don't ask me why this is?? But have heard the same from a few others on here too. It's stamped in the manual records, and I have the workorder receipt that shows part number and labor. You know, you'd think if they spent that much money on parts and labor, they'd pony up for a $1 sticker too. Me? I think it's shady. But if it brakes, and I've their documentation in hand....well....it's off to court I go! :ph34r:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Bottom line ! Don't trust any dealer anywhere! After I have ANYTHING done, I check fluid colors and condition of anything that was asked to be replaced. I would even go to another Lexus dealer after a FULL Tranny flush and say "I was thinking of getting a tranny flush, what can you tell me about my system?" If I need ball joints replaced, I ask for old ones to have them independently checkd to see if I was 'taken for a ride'. You have to do this as you are not around to watch the whole procedure.

You HAVE to try and trap them in a lie or a non-done repair, or they Will screw you. It's all about $$$. How little can I do yet charge full price.

I bring in my own Mobil 1 Oil and filter - on the filter I put an "X" in ultraviolet marker (can't be seen in normal light). After the 'change" I check that the new filter is in (and the old one not just cleaned off and passed off as new!!!) by using a blacklight to search for the "X"

The first time I get screwed on a vital component replacement / service issue, I'll have ALL the documented proof to sue the !Removed! off the dealer and hopefully prevent them from !Removed! others.

REMEMBER - there are 2 areas where dealers make $$$ - 1) Financing, and 2) After sale service

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read my "think i figured out the wobble" thread. My dealer is top notch. I understand where you're coming from, especially at indi mechanics or other manufacturer's outfits. But I have a hard time believing Lexus is one of those types of places. True there are those few who've had a bad experience, maybe caught the cashier on a bad day or something like that, but I disagree on Lexus dealers being bad in general. Question, you mention that you double check everything, I'm curious about something. How many times have you caught the dealership !Removed! you? Because in all honesty, if they made a mistake "and it does happen" then it's a mistake and they'll fix it. But if they're doing it on purpose, then they're just plain stupid and risk loosing their reputation, not to mention their business license and their rank with Lexus USA on the list for inventory delivery status. The better the dealership, the higher up the list they go to get the newest models delivered. And who is to say that when you take your car to the second dealership to make sure the 1st dealership did the work right, that the second dealership isn't going to just remove that new part the 1st dealership just installed, and replace it with a used one laying around, and put your new part back into rotation, or maybe install it on thier own Lexus?

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read my "think i figured out the wobble" thread. My dealer is top notch. I understand where you're coming from, especially at indi mechanics or other manufacturer's outfits. But I have a hard time believing Lexus is one of those types of places. True there are those few who've had a bad experience, maybe caught the cashier on a bad day or something like that, but I disagree on Lexus dealers being bad in general. Question, you mention that you double check everything, I'm curious about something. How many times have you caught the dealership !Removed! you? Because in all honesty, if they made a mistake "and it does happen" then it's a mistake and they'll fix it. But if they're doing it on purpose, then they're just plain stupid and risk loosing their reputation, not to mention their business license and their rank with Lexus USA on the list for inventory delivery status. The better the dealership, the higher up the list they go to get the newest models delivered. And who is to say that when you take your car to the second dealership to make sure the 1st dealership did the work right, that the second dealership isn't going to just remove that new part the 1st dealership just installed, and replace it with a used one laying around, and put your new part back into rotation, or maybe install it on thier own Lexus?

Hey NC211 !

Good thread!

I'm glad you have a good dealer. Mine has had one of the lowest Service reps in NA over the past 5 years. The next dealership is an extra 70 miles away, and with the price of gas, well. I like to change my oil monthly, as I put about 1500 MI per month on my ride. The extra 1400 miles per year to the other dealer translates to $210.00 - maybe not a lot of money to some, but I'd rather have it to spend on my kids!

I did have several bad experiences at my dealer and had to fight for my position when there was obvious mistakes on the dealers part. Nothing ever really MAJOR, but silly little things that keep happening and shouldn't. SUCH AS:

1) Improper installation of an oil filter that leaked as I was accelerating onto highway, drained the oil, had a blue cloud behind me, and could have ignited

2) Loss of a tire when changing to summers from winters

3) Forgetting to replace all retainers on plastic oil pan guard such that it detached and dragged under car resulting in destruction of said guard.

4) Forgetting to retighten door hinge

5) Having mechanic -or whoever drove car to/ from shop leave a ink pen streak down side of drivers seat

The list goes on

Bottom line: My trust has gone. Without trust, you have suspicion, with suspicion you have doubts about everything they do and charge. Wouldn't I love to get a bill and not even have to look over every single solitary penny before I paid it

I feel as if I were the IRS at tax time !!!!

I like the people but hate the service - it's sub standard

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DANG!! I would have no trust either under those circumstances! Hey, sorry man, I sort of stepped on your toes a bit today, and in the other thread. Too much caffiene and dealings with the general public in general. That, and I ran out of niccorette about two hours ago, so I'm a little touchy at the moment :angry: . No ill harm intended if I came off that way. :cheers:

read my "think i figured out the wobble" thread. My dealer is top notch. I understand where you're coming from, especially at indi mechanics or other manufacturer's outfits. But I have a hard time believing Lexus is one of those types of places. True there are those few who've had a bad experience, maybe caught the cashier on a bad day or something like that, but I disagree on Lexus dealers being bad in general. Question, you mention that you double check everything, I'm curious about something. How many times have you caught the dealership !Removed! you? Because in all honesty, if they made a mistake "and it does happen" then it's a mistake and they'll fix it. But if they're doing it on purpose, then they're just plain stupid and risk loosing their reputation, not to mention their business license and their rank with Lexus USA on the list for inventory delivery status. The better the dealership, the higher up the list they go to get the newest models delivered. And who is to say that when you take your car to the second dealership to make sure the 1st dealership did the work right, that the second dealership isn't going to just remove that new part the 1st dealership just installed, and replace it with a used one laying around, and put your new part back into rotation, or maybe install it on thier own Lexus?

Hey NC211 !

Good thread!

I'm glad you have a good dealer. Mine has had one of the lowest Service reps in NA over the past 5 years. The next dealership is an extra 70 miles away, and with the price of gas, well. I like to change my oil monthly, as I put about 1500 MI per month on my ride. The extra 1400 miles per year to the other dealer translates to $210.00 - maybe not a lot of money to some, but I'd rather have it to spend on my kids!

I did have several bad experiences at my dealer and had to fight for my position when there was obvious mistakes on the dealers part. Nothing ever really MAJOR, but silly little things that keep happening and shouldn't. SUCH AS:

1) Improper installation of an oil filter that leaked as I was accelerating onto highway, drained the oil, had a blue cloud behind me, and could have ignited

2) Loss of a tire when changing to summers from winters

3) Forgetting to replace all retainers on plastic oil pan guard such that it detached and dragged under car resulting in destruction of said guard.

4) Forgetting to retighten door hinge

5) Having mechanic -or whoever drove car to/ from shop leave a ink pen streak down side of drivers seat

The list goes on

Bottom line: My trust has gone. Without trust, you have suspicion, with suspicion you have doubts about everything they do and charge. Wouldn't I love to get a bill and not even have to look over every single solitary penny before I paid it

I feel as if I were the IRS at tax time !!!!

I like the people but hate the service - it's sub standard

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Hey NC,

Sometimes the previous owner is not as meticulous about maintenance and we change our fluids and there is so much crap built up it gets dirty again. Sort of like draining an old tub. Can't particularly say where that tub came from, use your imagination. You put fresh water in it and the crap washes right into it. That's why I had mine changed twice in 500 miles and it got much better. I would hate to think a Lexus dealer would shortchange your service but, there is usually a bad apple in every barrell. Hammo, you should definitely report yours to Lexus with great Gusto!!! Don't go to the District rep, in the good buddy chain, go to National.

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Hello. I have to ask about the timing belt. I just bought a '94 and am getting the kinks out, so to speak. From my analysis of yearly miles I think my maintenance falls under category "B", from the owner's manual. "B" suggests examining the belts with continued examination every 12K miles. If replacement doesn't appear needed continue the process as each 12K rolls around. Is this wrong? I have 98,500 miles. The average mileage has been between 7K and 8K a year.

A question. My emergency brake doesn't release completely. Sometimes the light goes off and comes back on as I'm driving. Yesterday, I was near home heading down a hill. I began hearing a very strange noise. It sounded like a tire going flat. I was within a couple hundred yards of home and decided to keep going. As I turned a corner the loud noise quit and it ran along as if nothing happened. Strange, huh. Any ideas. Regards, Gene

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Gene, when you pull the e-brake release handle, use your foot to assist in the pull back on the brake lever. My 95 has a worn out spring that pulls the brake pedal back as well, this fixes it cheaply. Not sure about that noise, have you had your tranny mount and engine mounts checked?

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