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My 400h Is In

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Surprise! Our Bamboo Pearl rocketship is here and will be prepped tomorrow morning! It was due to arrive on the 25th (Monday), but you won't see me compaining about its early arrival. Of course, I will provide a full report tomorrow night. The dealership is a fair distance from home, so I will have a good chance stretch its legs a bit. I WILL find out what the break-in procedure is before venturing out after the purchase. After all, we tend to keep our vehicles for many years.

Anyway, here's to a soon-to-be Lexus owner (for the first time)! :cheers:

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Congratulations! I also found out that my Flint Mica/Blk. (ML, no RESS) arrived today and it will be ready for delivery tomorrow. Unfortunately I have to travel to Europe tomorrow so I may not have it until Saturday or Monday. I'm having a hitch installed so some extra time was expected. I can't wait. I was #1 in line at my dealer, waiting since Feb 04. Full report to follow ...

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Wow what an exciting day you have ahead. We will be eager to hear about how the driving experience of the hybrid compares to a regular RX. Also, I hope your gas tank is filled so you can calculate your gas mileage in a week or two.

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Thanks QT and Monarch! Well, I can compare it to a few other vehicles, but not an RX330, as I do not have one. I was number 15 on the list since last April, so I am doubly surprised at the earliness of the arrival. I'm sure there's a chance that Patt will be receiving hers early as well. :D

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When I talked to the dealer this afternoon, he said our Rx 400H was expected this evening. We were number 2 on the list, but the dealer just started the list 2 weeks ago so that list is probably more solid. Sounds like tomorrow is going to be a good day for a lot of us. (This is only one day earlier than I expected it, but Friday was suppose to be the outside date.) :cheers:

Did you see the post from the person who already got theirs? Sounds like we will have plenty of reading to do. B) And he said it had laser cruise control after all. From my test drive, I didn't find the breaks mushy. Guess it depends what you are use to.

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My car is in and I am visiting the dealer this PM. Did you get a 3500# hitch. when I check last year Lexus did not offer a 3500# hitch you had to buy and aftermarket. I also will be buying a hitch.


.  I'm having a hitch installed so some extra time was expected.  I can't wait.  I was #1 in line at my dealer, waiting since Feb 04.  Full report to follow ...

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Me 2

I signed up on a list in Feb 04. But I don't think they used the list excep to

contact interested parties. In fact i had two dealers call me around April Ist

asking for my color choices. I couldn't make up my mind (initially Flint Black

which was on display at the Chicago Auto show ) until I went to the dealer in South Bend. It had just stormed and all the colors looked dirty except for awesome Bamboo Pearl. I agree with you 400H on your color choice.

It was a great transaction! No deposit, no signatures, no hassle!

2 make a long story short -- (initially they told me a delivery date of June or july even though I was #4 on an original list from 2/04/.) They called me to reverify colors inside n out. on Aprill 11.

When they did that I asked for the dvd also. 2 my surprise they called me back

and said my car was in the first shipment and would arrive between April 15 and 19. It arrived on the 19th. Total cost around 53k for ALL options.

But why Im posting is 2 let you know I'm also getting the twoing kit. The screamer will be ready on Saturday. Can't wait 2 check it out!

(In conclusion, I believe that the process is not based on any lists but just matching colors/ options to ANY available buyer)

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(In conclusion, I believe that the process is not based on any lists but just matching colors/ options to ANY available buyer)

It varies a lot from dealer to dealer. Some didn't do a list at all. Some only an informal no deposit interest list and some for deposits ranging from $100 to $1000. One would hope with a list with a deposit, the dealer would stick to the list order as much as possible. Even in that case, they don't necessarily get the colors in the order they request them which causes some shuffling.

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Our car is at the dealers. They had hoped for it to arrive last night, but the truck didn't come in until early this afternoon. The tech's are working on prep and we hope to get it this evening.

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:cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

Our car is at the dealers. They had hoped for it to arrive last night, but the truck didn't come in until early this afternoon. The tech's are working on prep and we hope to get it this evening.

You're so close, I'll bet you can smell that leather already! We picked ours up this morning/afternoon and I drove it home. Here are my impressions thus far:

Power: Although our salesman told us that there is no need to "break-in" the drivetrain, I always, as a rule of thumb, take it easy for the first few hundreds of miles. I still need to check the manual, but for the time being, I won't "floor it" to see how that 650 lbs-ft of torque feels. Still, I can tell that there is plenty of power on tap at any speed. Post note: the manual states that you should a) Avoid full throttle acceleration when stsrting and driving. B) Avoid racing the hybrid system. c) Try to avoid hard stops during the first 300kn/200 miles. d) Do not tow a trailer during the first 800km/500 miles. The engine is not quite as silky smooth as Nissan's V6, like the one we have in the Quest. Then again, I have yet to drive a non-rotary engine vehicle that is. The kilowatt gage that replaces the tach is similar to a boost gage - it shows you how much electrical power is being sent to assist the gasoline engine. Not experiencing any transmission shifting is a bit weird-feeling at first, but you get used to it quickly.

Fuel economy: The gas tank was full when we left the dealership and although we have traveled 50 miles or so, the gage hasn't budged one iota. I can already tell you the key to great gas milage for this vehicle - use the electric motor power whever you can. The gas pedal travel is very long and the initial inch or so is almost always all eelectric power as long as the pedal is pushed slowly. You can tell, subtle as it is, when the engine wakes up.

Road noise Subdued, although not quite as much as subdued as in a Mercedes or BMW sedan, but fairly similar to our Quest GXE van. You can barely hear wind noise, but road noise is there, maybe because the tires are so new.

Interior Very nice - the intensity knobs for the heated seats are in the front/center console and are easy to see. The NAV is utterly fantastic. I can see why SW likes his so much. It's like having a laptop with GPS in your dash. The stereo sounds very good, but I have not adjusted anything yet, so it is possible that I can make it sound even better. By the way, I like those blue LED lights in the center armreast cup holder compartment - very cool! Our saleman told us that there is NO laser cruise with the RX400h, however. Our interior color is gray and I can already tell that the carpets will show dirt very quickly. I may have to buy some brown carpet mats; they hide dirt very well.

Our salesman told us when we arrived that the bluetooth service (lifetime support for ensuring cell phone compatibility with the RX's bluetooth integration) was added to the price and for $90 (one time fee), I decided to get it. Eventually, I suppose, we will have bluetooth-equipped cell phones.

Exterior: I can never stop looking at that Bamboo pearl in the sun - very unique - glows with a radiant luminesence. Looking at the RX400h from the rear is a treat; the suspension components stand out and look great. There was one thing that was a bit troublesome, though. The rear tailgate would hit my segmented garage door if I extended the tailgate all the way up. My question is: Can the tailgate travel be limited. I need only an inch or so. Mmmmmmm.

All-in-all, we are very happy with this vehicle. Pics:



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Seems my dealership has already received 5 RX 400h's from all I can tell. It appears one is "on the lot" for sale and not accounted for. Does it seem to anyone else that a lot of people either backed off the waiting list or that the initial demand isn't as high as marketed, er, I mean reported? Or that Lexus is putting out more than they previously said they would? 5 in a week for a dealership in Lincoln, Nebraska just seems like a lot.

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The saleman at our dealership told us that Lexus shipped a larger-than-normal number of RX400hs in the first round of shipments. Even thoughthis dealership is relatively small compared to other Lexus dealerships, it received 11 or 12 RX400hs at once. However, they expect an average of 3-4 RX400hs at a time in future monthly shipments. Many people placed their names in more than one dealership - hence, the occasional "floating" RX400h.

By the way, our gas gage is still pegged on FULL and I drove the RX back and forth to work today. This thing is getting GREAT milage!

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I picked up my Flint/Black 400h on Thursday and then had to go out of town for a couple days, so I finally got to drive it today (Saturday). I took all of the extensive manuals with me and read them on the long flights. It made for some interesting conversations because most people who saw me reading the manuals were very curious. Most Europeans don't expect to see the 400h for a few more months. One gentleman I spoke with wanted to trade his turbo diesel for one. Anyway, it was fun to talk about but I really wanted to drive it.

When I returned to Michigan today, it was snowing! Not a real bad snow for us in the "great white north", but nonetheless, the RX400h handled very well and it was interesting to feel the AWD and watch the energy diagrams. The heated seats felt great, the auto sensing windshield wipers worked flawlessly, and the heated side mirrors came in handy. The black interior will work great from a winter dirt standpoint.

All I can say is ... this is an unbelieveable engineering marvel. I'm very impreseed with how easily it all works. Seamless smooth power. It reminds me of the Teddy motto ... "walk softly and carry a big stick"

This is my first Lexus, and I had been driving an ML430, so a lot of the differences are new and dramatic to me. The ML430 is truly a truck and it has good power, but the 400h is much more sophiticated and refined. There is really no comparison.

bikeandsail: I did have the Lexus 3500# hitch installed and it looks great. Same 2" size as the one on my ML430. It fits snuggly under the rear bumper with a nice looking Lexus insignia rubber cover. I don't haul anything heavy, just bike racks (Thule and Sportworks) and a Kayak trailer.

Also, I quickly paired my bluetooth phone (Moto RAZR V3) and it works great. The navigation is far superior to what I was used to in the ML430. I feel almost overwhelmed with all the new things to learn.

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Nice writup, QT. We are really enjoying ours as well. LexKid, you'll be joining us before you know it. In the meantime, enjoy your other toys!

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I picked up my Flint/Black 400h on Thursday and then had to go out of town for a couple days, so I finally got to drive it today (Saturday).  I took all of the extensive manuals with me and read them on the long flights.  It made for some interesting conversations because most people who saw me reading the manuals were very curious.  Most Europeans don't expect to see the 400h for a few more months.  One gentleman I spoke with wanted to trade his turbo diesel for one.  Anyway, it was fun to talk about but I really wanted to drive it. 

When I returned to Michigan today, it was snowing!  Not a real bad snow for us in the "great white north", but nonetheless, the RX400h handled very well and it was interesting to feel the AWD and watch the energy diagrams.  The heated seats felt great, the auto sensing windshield wipers worked flawlessly, and the heated side mirrors came in handy.  The black interior will work great from a winter dirt standpoint.

All I can say is ... this is an unbelieveable engineering marvel.  I'm very impreseed with how easily it all works.  Seamless smooth power.  It reminds me of the Teddy motto ... "walk softly and carry a big stick"

This is my first Lexus, and I had been driving an ML430, so a lot of the differences are new and dramatic to me.  The ML430 is truly a truck and it has good power, but the 400h is much more sophiticated and refined.  There is really no comparison.

bikeandsail:  I did have the Lexus 3500# hitch installed and it looks great.  Same 2" size as the one on my ML430.  It fits snuggly under the rear bumper with a nice looking Lexus insignia rubber cover.  I don't haul anything heavy, just bike racks (Thule and Sportworks) and a Kayak trailer.

Also, I quickly paired my bluetooth phone (Moto RAZR V3) and it works great.  The navigation is far superior to what I was used to in the ML430.  I feel almost overwhelmed with all the new things to learn.

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..... The rear tailgate would hit my segmented garage door if I extended the tailgate all the way up. My question is: Can the tailgate travel be limited. I need only an inch or so. Mmmmmmm.

All-in-all, we are very happy with this vehicle. Pics:



So I'm not the only dork who has hit the tailgate on the garage door :( , if you find a way to reduce the door travel please post.

Nice pics, too bad there are two clowns standing in front of the car blocking our view (hey, sit back down, it's only a joke) :cheers: .

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Nice pics, too bad there are two clowns standing in front of the car blocking our view (hey, sit back down, it's only a joke)  :cheers: .

Hey, at least I didn't hit the garage door with the hatch! :P

I just made sure that I knew if it would, should someone inadvertantly hit the button to open the hatch!

I will let everyone know if I have any success with this issue.


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Can you answer incoming calls from sterring wheel without stopping vehicle?  Can you dial some of the phone # using phone book without stopping car?


Yes, you can answer incoming calls by simply touching the answer button on the steering wheel. When you do, the audio system and voice guidance is muted. You can also hang up from the steering wheel button or just refuse the call. While you are talking you can adjust the volume as well. The system remembers the last 5 received calls. It works great.

It's true that you can't dial while driving. That goes for new numbers you want to dial, phonebook numbers, previously dialed numbers and recieved call numbers. However, you can set up 1-touch dialing for up to 18 numbers. You can populate (register) this list from any of the sources above and place the calls while driving. The 6th number is always the last received call, so in case you need to return your last call, it is available while driving.

This works well for me, but there are occasions when you (or the person in the passenger seat) might want to dial a new number. I suppose this is the price we pay for our litigious society.

Good luck

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Can you answer incoming calls from sterring wheel without stopping vehicle?  Can you dial some of the phone # using phone book without stopping car?


Yes, you can answer incoming calls by simply touching the answer button on the steering wheel. When you do, the audio system and voice guidance is muted. You can also hang up from the steering wheel button or just refuse the call. While you are talking you can adjust the volume as well. The system remembers the last 5 received calls. It works great.

It's true that you can't dial while driving. That goes for new numbers you want to dial, phonebook numbers, previously dialed numbers and recieved call numbers. However, you can set up 1-touch dialing for up to 18 numbers. You can populate (register) this list from any of the sources above and place the calls while driving. The 6th number is always the last received call, so in case you need to return your last call, it is available while driving.

This works well for me, but there are occasions when you (or the person in the passenger seat) might want to dial a new number. I suppose this is the price we pay for our litigious society.

Good luck

What happens if you try to dial the phone via the keypad?

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What happens if you try to dial the phone via the keypad?

While you are moving the keypad is not functional. The only way around it I've found is to dial the handset itself and it will connect. Kind of defeats the purpose.

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What happens if you try to dial the phone via the keypad?

While you are moving the keypad is not functional. The only way around it I've found is to dial the handset itself and it will connect. Kind of defeats the purpose.

I actually meant the phone keypad, from what you say the touch screen has a keypad too. That would make sense that would not work.

I would think voice dialing WOULD be active while you drive so you can keep your hands on the wheel, one would assume....

But it does not??? or does it?

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