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New Member With Question!

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Welcome to everyone! This board has been helpful to me and I am making my first post. I bought a silver 98 GS300.

The headlight covers are dirty on the inside. There is no moisture, but they are not super clean anymore. Is it easy to clean? What is the best way to get in there? (I did a search and could not find anything on this).


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I had the same problems with the headlights on my car...

I removed the headlights from the car....the front of my headlights are plastic,the fronts will come off,but its a tricky job to get the fronts off,if you do get them off you will need to reseal the units will sealant or something or they will get moisture inside them......

I couldnt get the fronts off mine so i went for the more :chairshot: brain dead job of using a old metal coat hanger,straightening it out and tying a clean damp rag to the end of it,then removing the bulbs and threading the rag tied to the wire through where the bulb goes....

Yea it took ages to clean,bit by bit but it was worth it :chairshot: there was alot of dirt and dust inside the unit....

For the outside of the lens i cleaned them with `T cut`


They came up like new and i can see where im going now at night :chairshot:

:cheers: chips

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