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Buying Merc S-class,need Your Guys Opinion


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I agree with the others. Though, I think that the '00+ S class is a gorgeous car and is one of the two Mercs that I really want. Getting a flashy car to catch the attention of a !Removed! girl is a bad idea. I would hate the thought of being used for my money which is represented by an expensive car-it's not cool. Why chase a woman that just wants a relationship with your bank account??...she should want the relationship with *you.*

Personally, I'm not very fond of the attention that I get from my Lexus. I just turned 18 a few months ago, but have been driving Lexus since I was 16. The stares at stop lights from other drivers, comments from friends, etc. it just gets old. People at school would rag on me all the time because of the cars I drive; I'd actually laugh at the comments I'd get since the money spent on the two Lexi is close to $20k which won't get you much in the new car market. If anything, I wish the Lexus wasn't regarded so well because of the flack I get because I'm so young, but I find that 20% tint gets the job done for me(I don't like a lot of attention drawn to myself or people staring at me). :D Luckily, my cars have never been vandalized(knock on wood, but that's what insurance is for should it happen. lol).

The few millionares that I know don't drive the most expensive cars in production(contrary to popular belief); they have Lexus, Infiniti, and Lincoln in their garages, but their daily drivers are very old and undesierable-like old Accords, Chevy trucks, and Broncos.

Go for the GS430! I've driven my neighbors '01 before, and it's just an awesome car-reliable, fast, sporty, and very nice looking in and out!! B)

Lexus., I thought you dumped your '95 LS for a Sorrento, no?


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In reply to "only" $60K per year:

"Highest" top paying annual salary by location-

$63,056 (San Jose, CA) #1

$57,708 (New York, NY) #2

$56,602 (San Francisco, CA) #3

$51,170 (Danbury, CT) #4

Lowest annual average salary-

$22,269 (Jacksonville, NC)

$22,892 (Brownsville, TX)

$23,429 (Yuma, AZ)

$24,672 (Myrtle Beach, SC)

So, @ $60K- most would be very satisfied.

AHH...Where did you get these stats? Looks like something off of May 1992 issue of Newsweek magazine. Anyway, I always comparing myself to typical Lexus buyer, they have an average income of $200,000+ year. I know many people that make over $300,000 a year, albeit most are old folks. But I have a few friends in their 20s and 30s making over $100,000+ year. But that doesn't mean that people without fat paychecks can't enjoy finer things in life. Like some of you guys in this forum, smart enough to buy used and do own fixes.

Lexus., I thought you dumped your '95 LS for a Sorrento, no?

Well kind of...my dad was buying that hum-drum joke of car, so I traded it in for some cash. (My dad paid me back the difference). Didn't want to hassle with selling it on my own. Sold it because I have plans to buy a newer car later on.

I am leaning towards GS400 or a 2002+ BMW M3.

The few millionares that I know don't drive the most expensive cars in production(contrary to popular belief); they have Lexus, Infiniti, and Lincoln in their garages, but their daily drivers are very old and undesierable-like old Accords, Chevy trucks, and Broncos.

Think of it this way, most Mercedes/Lexus/BMW buyers are rich, but conversely, most rich folks don't buy these kind of cars either.

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:D LOL. Sorry, these were not from a 1992 newsweek magazine, but rather the just released 2005 World Almanac, which is very accurate from what I can tell and from what I have heard. As you can see- from the averages- if you make $60K per year at that age, you are quite successful according to these statistics.

Wondering where the average Lexus owner makes $200K per year? Are you referring to the 2004-2005 Lexus buyer?

I will be the first to admit- at this time I make no where near the $100K average.

The young folks making $100K per year should be very satisfied with their earnings- if they like their work. I once knew of someone that knew someone that won $10,000,000 dollars. There life went downhill after that. Wanted more and more and more and more. We have all heard it before.

Many of the older "wealthier" people buy Cadillacs and Lincolns. My uncles father-in-law is quite wealthy and he has owned Mercedes, but mostly Cadillacs. Most recently, he traded in his wifes 2002 Cadillac in on two brand new 2005 Cadillac DeVilles- one for him and one for her and still has his Mercedes S-Class. He got a slight discount on the Cadillacs- because of the "GM owner loyalty plan" and he also paid cash for them.

Sorry- I have no idea why I started rambling. I do that from time to time.

Seriously- really just buy the car you want. If you like a Mercedes- buy one. I was considering a while back ( a 1981-85 diesel model and even a 86' 560SEL, because *I* like the styling, and safety and relibility (of the diesels) of these cars. I may eventually get one yet. Who knows. Again- good luck.

In reply to "only" $60K per year:

"Highest" top paying annual salary by location-

$63,056 (San Jose, CA) #1

$57,708 (New York, NY) #2

$56,602 (San Francisco, CA) #3

$51,170 (Danbury, CT) #4

Lowest annual average salary-

$22,269 (Jacksonville, NC)

$22,892 (Brownsville, TX)

$23,429 (Yuma, AZ)

$24,672 (Myrtle Beach, SC)

So, @ $60K- most would be very satisfied.

AHH...Where did you get these stats? Looks like something off of May 1992 issue of Newsweek magazine. Anyway, I always comparing myself to typical Lexus buyer, they have an average income of $200,000+ year. I know many people that make over $300,000 a year, albeit most are old folks. But I have a few friends in their 20s and 30s making over $100,000+ year. But that doesn't mean that people without fat paychecks can't enjoy finer things in life. Like some of you guys in this forum, smart enough to buy used and do own fixes.

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The master average income for the entire country is something around high 30s. 60k at 28 years old is unquestionably an income to be proud of. Six figure incomes are pretty rare, more rare than most of us who make them/are around people who make them are led to believe based on their experiences. Only about 1% of the country makes 200k or more, something like 15% make over 100k.

I spent the day at the Washington Auto Show and sat in several Benzes, notably an S500 and an S55. The S55 was BEAUTIFUL, drop dead beautiful but it should be for $115,000. The S500 though, plain jane next to cars like the LS430 and the 745 which IMHO have MUCH more class, especially in the interior department. The interior of the S class was spartain with no wood wheel or shift knob and relatively plain plastics. Not a car I'd want to own.

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High $30s is what I was thinking too SW03ES. That is also about the average in the middle of the "high and low" annual averages I posted. I also agree - $60K for a late 20s aged person would be super.

I have a lot of friends in their late 20s (being in my late 20s myself) that would love to make $60K per year. Many do not make that in 2 years. Most late 20 year olds are not that fortunate at that point in their lives.

I also agree with you about the $100K+ per year salary. Not nearly as many Americans make that much as many think. $200K is even more rare- I do not know who would need all of that money anyway. :D Anything over 100K should be given to their favorite charity. :)

I remember reading reports about the 2000 S-Class when it was redesigned. The testers were displeased with the car, as the interior material quality had drastically decreased compared to the 1999 and older models. Even poorer than the 1981-1991 models. The 1981-91 Mercedes have a high class interior, built with outstanding materials, perfect interior panel fit. Only notable problem is that the dash panels on the 1991-older Mercedes are well known for cracking of the padded dash top, unless it was a garaged car. The biggest complaint on the 2000 S-Class was the very cheap hard plastics on the lower seat covers and they also made a heavy note on the "hard plastic" glove box door was a poor example of quality materials in a premium luxury car.

I like the styling of the 2000+ S-Class, but the interior disappoints. I really like the interior and exterior styling of the latest BMW 7-series sedans. The 5-series is also a real beauty. If I had a choice of a premium 2005 luxury sedan- I would choose a Lexus LS430 or BMW 7-Series over the new S-Class.

The master average income for the entire country is something around high 30s. 60k at 28 years old is unquestionably an income to be proud of. Six figure incomes are pretty rare, more rare than most of us who make them/are around people who make them are led to believe based on their experiences. Only about 1% of the country makes 200k or more, something like 15% make over 100k.

I spent the day at the Washington Auto Show and sat in several Benzes, notably an S500 and an S55. The S55 was BEAUTIFUL, drop dead beautiful but it should be for $115,000. The S500 though, plain jane next to cars like the LS430 and the 745 which IMHO have MUCH more class, especially in the interior department. The interior of the S class was spartain with no wood wheel or shift knob and relatively plain plastics. Not a car I'd want to own.

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Well, I live in Bethesda, MD (outside of DC), and the median household income here is in the low to mid $100Ks. Ditto for Fairfax county. Of course, a decent townhouse here cost over half a mil, so you need to make a lot just to live. $80K is a totally average salary for a professional here, so if you've got a dual income household plus investment income $200K is not at all unusual. I've got friends here pulling in a mil a year.

Bear in mind I'm talking about professionals here. As they say, "...your mileage may vary..."

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I wish i made 60K a year. I would feel a lot more secure about my future than i do now. As for my family.... we are not rich whatsoever and having my younger sister attending M.I.T doesn't help us either. My dad just LOVES lexus that he would save money year after year till he has enough to buy one. He bought the 92LS that i'm driving brand new. He saved money cause he knew one day i would get old enough to drive and he knew he will get another new lexus afterwards. So when he saved enough to get a 2k LX470 then he gave me a "HAND ME DOWN."

Even though it was a hand me down... i love this car. Suprisingly there hasn't been that much problems with it. The normal P/S pump n stuff like that. But i still love it.

I'm 22 years old now.... i also feel embarrassed at times when people know what i drive. It kinda makes me feel awkward back when i was in HS and have all these people ask me for rides b/c they didn't want to get into another friend's civic. You kinda feel used. I for one don't go to a private hs where you have teachers that are paid well... i went to a public school.... and at times i would wait for some teachers to get into their cars first to drive home b/c i dind't want them to feel bad with what they drove since i was so young and driving a LS.

I have had my car egged before in college... n it got me sooo angry. My car's lift mirror was bashed in when i was parked on the street in front of my house.... but i think it went for every other car on that avenue for a mile.

But back to the topic... my dad's best friend drives a 2001 MB... forgot which model but one of their top models. He also owns a Mazda 626. He loves the MB b/c of it's technology in certain areas.... but he hates the overall built. After driving my old 92LS he prefers the drive over his MB... and he is kinda wishing he bought a Lex instead. There isn't that much service that went into my LS n he appreciates the reliability. He drives his 626 more than his MB b/c he's afraid to have to bring it into the shop for another expensive repair... in my opinion i think he should sell it and use that money to buy a lex.

Drive every car your planning to invest. I for one would pick a BMW over a MB. But i would pick my lex or a newer lex over a European car. I guess thats wut my dad has probably instilled in me since i was 10. You might actually like the BMW over the LEX when u drive it. So take those car out for a test drive and give us your review on it. :lol:

My lil sis b/f just came back from Iraq and was able to buy his SC400 for pretty cheap and he likes it just as much as his friends BMW.

Good luck and sorry for such a long post. :chairshot:

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I have a buddy who loves Mercs, especially the AMG's. When I first showed up with my LS, his comment was "real nice car" and the one fact he really likes about Lexus is that they forced the rest of the luxury car market to start making quality cars and stop relying on there name alone for the high prices they demanded in the early 90's. even today Lexus still sets the mark to Europe to follow, Stay with the Lexus. The one thing I wish lexus/Toyota would do is stop making the lexus line look like a toyota with a lexus badge, That's why I like the Gen I ls400, they don't look like a bigger camry, they have a look all there own.

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At the end of the day, you should buy what you like, but know what you're getting into. Everyone agrees that the Merc is expensive to buy, keep, and maintain. You have to decide if its virtues outweigh its risks. Same for any other car. In fact, the same for buying a used LS that might require repairs.

If I were to give advice, I'd say, live within your financial means without stretching them.

You shouldn't buy something if you think that expected repairs would sink you.

Otherwise buy something that helps you live YOUR life. Don't live for your car.

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When I decided to go for a used luxury car, I almost bought a Mercedes, but after trying out a Lexus ls400, it felt to me, a better quality car- I was impressed! Even with 186,000 kilometers on it, I bought it (when it was 8 years old) and now have 397,000kms on it and I plan to keep it for a long time yet. I just had the compression test done on it and it is well above what it is suppose to be. This engine I feel will go a long time yet. The exhaust hasn't been touched yet, Shocks are still good, starter is original. Power steering pump, I installed new seals and front bearing. From the power steering pump leakage the alternator went. The power steering pump has close to 200,000kms since the rebuild and shows no sign of leaking. Replaced the alternator and did the brakes. Did one major tune-up (spark plugs, wires, cap and rotor) and I do the timing belt every 100,000kms. Now I am set for many more kms. I drove it across Canada from Edmonton to PEI and back, no trouble! Reliability is there with a little maintenance now and then.

The ride is nice and the cabin is quiet and the Nak stereo is awsome! I had people ask me if that is the original paint (I still wax it once a year). Nice compliment for a 14 year old car.

Hope this helps somewhat. Daffy

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This may be of some help for you. First I own a 1995 LS400, bought new, that my wife drives. I also own a 2002 Mercedes ML320, also bought new, that I drive. There is no comparison in the service departments, with the Lexus head and shoulders above the Mercedes. With the ML, I had a factory 50,000 mile warranty and even though something was obviousley broken, and obviously covered by the warranty, they acted like they were doing me a big favor to fix it. Now that I am out of warranty, I go to a local shop owned by a former Mercedes SA and he appreciates my business and is usaually about half the dealer cost. I recognize that the ML is not the car you are looking at, and that it is a truck, and drives like one. The LS400 Lexus is our second with the first being a 1995 ES 300. The ES300 had a sportier suspension and the LS 400 much softer. Both were excellent cars. Right now, I have no plans to buy another Mercedes, but have no qualms with another Lexus.


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Sorry for the wordiness of my last post to you, but forgot a very important issue. As this is a Lexus forum, there is also a Merceded forum, again not sponsored by Mercedes, but by owners. I suggest you call it up and read what the owners are saying. The websight is "www.benzworld.ord", look under "forums".

Good Luck,


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:lol: Checked out Mercedes forum and searched "Lexus". An abundant amount of tales of people bitching about the overall poor quality of Merc, decline in quality of their cars in recent years, dealers being very rude and arrogant. That's the part that I would not tolerate. You're the paying customer contributing to their livelihood and they act like they're better than you giving you a favor?

Seems like the forum is used to just to talk about problems of Mercedes.

Some stories of Mercedes-loyal Lexus naysayers converting to Lexus!!!

I think the new S-class is a rip off, not worth buying unless you get S55 AMG or S600 for $110,000-130,000. The S-430 does not come with wood steering wheel/shifter, heated seasts standard. Does not come with Xenons. These things could be forgiven if it was a $45000 car. But its a $86000+ car.

Even a Mazda 3-S comes with Xenons!!! And its a $16000 car!!!

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I have been a member of a Mercedes forum for quite sometime. It is about the same there, but I read a lot more complaints of Mercedes there, than I do Lexus here. Also- you really cannot really mention Lexus in there, because there are several that are bias. They say that Lexus cars are junk and Mercedes is the way to go- which is comments that should be expected from Mercedes fans and owners.

Not sure which Mercedes site you went to, but this one is my favorite:


this is the direct link to the forums. The "tech help" seems to be the most popular forum, but all are active.

:lol: Checked out Mercedes forum and searched "Lexus". An abundant amount of tales of people bitching about the overall poor quality of Merc, decline in quality of their cars in recent years, dealers being very rude and arrogant. That's the part that I would not tolerate. You're the paying customer contributing to their livelihood and they act like they're better than you giving you a favor?

Seems like the forum is used to just to talk about problems of Mercedes.

Some stories of Mercedes-loyal Lexus naysayers converting to Lexus!!!

I think the new S-class is a rip off, not worth buying unless you get S55 AMG or S600 for $110,000-130,000. The S-430 does not come with wood steering wheel/shifter, heated seasts standard. Does not come with Xenons. These things could be forgiven if it was a $45000 car. But its a $86000+ car.

Even a Mazda 3-S comes with Xenons!!! And its a $16000 car!!!

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Mercedes quality is iffy, as is BMW. We have owned a '94 E320, and it was an excellent car, and we did our very own rear impact crash test (which is why we dont have the car now). We had a '98 ML320, and it was an absolutely terrible car. If it could go wrong, it did. My father now, has a 2004 BMW M3, and really does love it, because of the way it drives. He purchased it on a Friday. The next day, he played his usual day of golf, and of course, spread the word, about his beloved addition to the family (that car takes priority over me). A few of his golf buddies gathered around to hear it start. He put the clutch in, and turned the key, and guess what? NOTHING HAPPENED. Tried to jump start it, NOTHING. So, he had his 1 day old car, dragged into the shop. This was just the precursor to the issues with the Cruise Control, and other features. Quite pitiful, for a $55,000 car. He has been through Porsches, Corvettes, and along with all of them, owned a Chevy Suburban (or truck). The most reliable of all of them? The '96, and the '00 Suburbans. Both went to 140,000 without any issues. Mercedes is never stepping foot in the house again, and probably not BMW either. We also have an Infiniti FX35 at this time (Homely little car). It is 2 years old, the service is TERRIBLE, and it is full of rattles. The moral of this story? More expensive (i.e. lots of flash) doesnt mean that you are getting a good car. (Granted, the Burbs were cheapest up front, but we did fork over $60 per week in gas) We know multiple people with Lexi. They have owned Lexus for years, and will continue to own them. And if image is what you are looking for, go buy a Jag.

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One thing about the Mercedes ML320 is that they are built in southern Alabama, USA.

I have owned a BMW 7-series in the past and it was a nightmare, but the car was well used and abused before I got it, so I really cannot comment on that. My cousin has a BMW 6-series coupe and it has had its fair share of problems and has left him stranded on the expressway several times.

The only bad thing about Jaguar, is they have electrical issues. My uncle used to have a 1983 Jaguar XJ-6 several years ago. I drove the car several times in the past. They have super handling, with a cloud-like ride- really amazing. The engine had been converted to a Chevrolet V8- which is something that happens a lot to these cars, so it was very reliable- not to mention it was built like a tank.

Mercedes quality is iffy, as is BMW. We have owned a '94 E320, and it was an excellent car, and we did our very own rear impact crash test (which is why we dont have the car now). We had a '98 ML320, and it was an absolutely terrible car. If it could go wrong, it did. My father now, has a 2004 BMW M3, and really does love it, because of the way it drives. He purchased it on a Friday. The next day, he played his usual day of golf, and of course, spread the word, about his beloved addition to the family (that car takes priority over me). A few of his golf buddies gathered around to hear it start. He put the clutch in, and turned the key, and guess what? NOTHING HAPPENED. Tried to jump start it, NOTHING. So, he had his 1 day old car, dragged into the shop. This was just the precursor to the issues with the Cruise Control, and other features. Quite pitiful, for a $55,000 car. He has been through Porsches, Corvettes, and along with all of them, owned a Chevy Suburban (or truck). The most reliable of all of them? The '96, and the '00 Suburbans. Both went to 140,000 without any issues. Mercedes is never stepping foot in the house again, and probably not BMW either. We also have an Infiniti FX35 at this time (Homely little car). It is 2 years old, the service is TERRIBLE, and it is full of rattles. The moral of this story? More expensive (i.e. lots of flash) doesnt mean that you are getting a good car. (Granted, the Burbs were cheapest up front, but we did fork over $60 per week in gas) We know multiple people with Lexi. They have owned Lexus for years, and will continue to own them. And if image is what you are looking for, go buy a Jag.

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Jaguars are beautiful, timeless, automobiles. Supposedly, now that they have ditched Lucas electrical systems, they are pretty reliable cars. But, I still would trust the Lexus more. The ML 320 is built in Birmingham, Alabama. Supposedly, Lexus will dump the Land Cruiser based LX470, in favor of a Sequoia based SUV. I wander how that would go over. I really dont see a need to get rid of the LX. It has been here a while, and is still a very pretty car, with an interior that puts most other cars, and trucks, to shame. The difference between the Mercedes, and BMW, is the service. With the Mercedes, we would have to make ourselves at home, in the waiting room, for a few hours. With the BMW, the come out, pick up the car, and drop off a rental, FREE OF CHARGE.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes, I remember my uncles early 80s XJ-6 was a fine driving car- not to mention it was built like a tank. Handling was excellent, ride was supurb. I guess with the Corvette engine, it was a reliable automobile.

That is discouraging news about the Mercedes dealership in your area. They should have better respect.

I know that my local Lexus dealer was very friendly and helpful when I would take my car in and they always had fair pricing and good service.

Sad that the LX470 will be dropped. The Land Cruiser (which it is based on) is a fine automobile, that has been around for a long time and has proven it is a fine car. I like the Sequoia as well however. It is much larger than the Land Cruiser, so it will be interesting to see what the Lexus model looks like.

Jaguars are beautiful, timeless, automobiles. Supposedly, now that they have ditched Lucas electrical systems, they are pretty reliable cars. But, I still would trust the Lexus more. The ML 320 is built in Birmingham, Alabama. Supposedly, Lexus will dump the Land Cruiser based LX470, in favor of a Sequoia based SUV. I wander how that would go over. I really dont see a need to get rid of the LX. It has been here a while, and is still a very pretty car, with an interior that puts most other cars, and trucks, to shame. The difference between the Mercedes, and BMW, is the service. With the Mercedes, we would have to make ourselves at home, in the waiting room, for a few hours. With the BMW, the come out, pick up the car, and drop off a rental, FREE OF CHARGE.

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I wish i made 60K a year. I would feel a lot more secure about my future than i do now. As for my family.... we are not rich whatsoever and having my younger sister attending M.I.T doesn't help us either. My dad just LOVES lexus that he would save money year after year till he has enough to buy one. He bought the 92LS that i'm driving brand new. He saved money cause he knew one day i would get old enough to drive and he knew he will get another new lexus afterwards. So when he saved enough to get a 2k LX470 then he gave me a "HAND ME DOWN."

you'll have plenty of time to make 60K your only 22, give her time......

it doesn't matter how much money you make, its the person you are in life, and how you treat others that matters....

just because we drive lexus cars doesn't make us better than anyone, it just means we might be a little smarter :lol:

they are great cars, with a lot of class. you don't have to make 200k a year to drive a lexus, there are great used ones out there that are just as good as new ones at half the cost. so they can be very affordable if you know how to go about it.

anyway this is off topic i know, sorry.......but i enjoyed the little story, thanks for sharing.

thats a great example of true lexus enthusiast :)

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