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Headlight -- Left And Right Have Different Range


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My car is RX330. The headlights on the driver and passenger side have different range. The passenger side headlight seems to cover a bit further. Is this normal?


Hey cxw,

Yes this is normal, usually the driver side is aimed a little bit lower then the passenger side to prevent glaring for the cars on the opposite direction of the road.

- Robert :D

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I have the same problem with my headlights. I can't see the side of the road, the centerline and only about 10-15 feet in front of me on the driver's side.  I think this is a real safety issue.  Anyone out there have similar problems.

During my 10K service, I asked to dealer to raise the headlights. The tech told me that he will adjust the lights up by "1 inch". I don't know what he was referring to but the range of the headlights after the adjustment was much improved.

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I am experiencing trouble seeing out of the driver's side at night because of the limited range of the headlights on that side. Also I see a defined horizontal straight line a short distance in front of the car. The space between the car and the line is light and the space beyond the line is pitch black. I've attached a diagram to clarify this description. Is this normal?


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I had the dealer raise the aim level on the lamps on my 04 RX-330. They went a little too far - but it is much, MUCH better now. Just tell the service rep that you insist they raise the lamp level.

Usually on HID lighting systems, the pass side lamps are aimed a bit higher and a lot more off to the side of the road. I think it works great. It gets rid of the tunnel vision feel when driving on a dark road.

You're right tho - the cut off is so sharp on those lights it's like driving off a cliff until they get re-aimed! Good luck!

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That line is called the "cutoff" and thats normal with HID lights.

Thanks for the suggestion. I can only see about 35 feet in front of my car and then it is completely dark. The Texas drivers manual says that one should see between 300 and 500 feet ahead on low beams and the beams should hit the road 100-150 from the front of the car. For high beams the numbers are 500 to 1800 feet range and 350-500 for the beams to hit the roadway. The lights on the drivers side of my 04' RX330 are no where near these specs.

How did you get Lexus to adjust the lights. My dealer said it could not be done.

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I posted my problem on the web yesterday regarding the head lights on my 2004 RX330 - there were several replies with the same concern. Some people got the problem improved by insisting the dealer adjust the beam higher. The problem that we run into is the service department told us that's the way it was designed. They service the car, not redesign the car.

We contacted the Lexus head quarter's customer satisfaction department - they told us that our service department reported nothing is wrong with the car - case is closed. They said they are like the supreme court of Lexus, there is nothing else we can do. The problem is, our "cut-off" line is about 35 feet from the car - how can anyone drive on highway in the dark at >60 mph with the visibility of 35 feet? Anything beyond the 35 feet cut-off line is like a pitch dark cliff? We only drove the car one time at night on the highway and my husband freaked out and did not drive the car at night again. We thought the problem could be resolved by simple adjustment, but so far, it's a nightmare - We keep on emphasizing the extremely un-safe condition - so far, no one cares! Case is closed by the supreme court!

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I posted my problem on the web yesterday regarding the head lights on my 2004 RX330 - there were several replies with the same concern. Some people got the problem improved by insisting the dealer adjust the beam higher. The problem that we run into is the service department told us that's the way it was designed. They service the car, not redesign the car.

We contacted the Lexus head quarter's customer satisfaction department - they told us that our service department reported nothing is wrong with the car - case is closed. They said they are like the supreme court of Lexus, there is nothing else we can do. The problem is, our "cut-off" line is about 35 feet from the car - how can anyone drive on highway in the dark at >60 mph with the visibility of 35 feet? Anything beyond the 35 feet cut-off line is like a pitch dark cliff? We only drove the car one time at night on the highway and my husband freaked out and did not drive the car at night again. We thought the problem could be resolved by simple adjustment, but so far, it's a nightmare - We keep on emphasizing the extremely un-safe condition - so far, no one cares! Case is closed by the supreme court!

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cristie and Paul

Don't buy it!!! These headlamps are VERY easily adjusted! It's NOT a big deal at all! My service techs parked my car facing a wall, then parked another RX-330 next to it with the lights on to use as headlamp "aiming guidance". That is NOT a very scientific procedure and it should be done using a better method - but it got done in about 20 minutes. They adjusted the lamps a little too high, so the cut off is just a bit above the eye level of on-coming cars - but I don't get "flashed" too much and the improvement is like night and day (no pun intended!)

If your service tech can't make this simple adjustment - tell them to read their service manuals again!! That's just crazy! :chairshot:

In fact - aren't the adjustment bolt locations (and adjustment procedure) shown in the manual that came w/ your car? Could've sworn I saw it in there some place. I'll have to look and see which page it was on. But in the mean time - get your manual out and go thru EVERY PAGE - I think you'll find it.

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They refuse to do anything and insist the head light is in spec. Actually we noticed the right light is projected lower since we took the car for the service to make the differences between the cut-off line closer - it is actually worse than before.

We were so happy when we brought the car, but the happiness ended when we took the car for the first ride at night on the highway.

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Here's the simple method for adjusing vertical aim of HID lights.

1. Park on a flat level surface and measure the distance from the ground to the center of your headlight (bulb).

2. Make horizontal lines with a magic marker on a garage door or a light colored wall, at the same height from the groun/floor, that you measured in 1.

3. Now draw another line parallel to and 0.8" (20 mm) below the first line.

4. Park the car on a level surface so it is pointing squarely at the wall that you marked and with the headlights 10 feet from the wall.

5. Start the engine, make sure the self leveling cycles, then sitting in the drivers seat see where the lights hit the wall in relation to the lines.

5. Adjust the vertical aim of each light so that the bottom of the light pattern (cutoff) is at the level of the lower line that you marked in 3.

If you don't have a wall to mark, you can mark the same distances on a big piece of white cardboard and stand it up 10 feet in front of the lights and adjust to that.

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OK - sorry for the delay.

In the 2004 RX-330 Owner's Manual on page(s) 613 - 614 "....Adjusting Headlamp Aiming".

This shows where the vertical and horizontal screw adjustments are located and a basic description of how to make the adjust of the aim.

Now take your car to to your dealer's service tech and walk in with your manual in hand, turned to this page and INSIST they make this minor freekin adjustment!!!!

If your IDIOT service tech still can't get it thru his thick skull, then you could just go to a decent auto repair shop (not a Jiffy Lube kinda place mind you...) and tell a mechanic what you are trying to do. I'm sure they would be more than happy to help you for probably a very minor fee.

Try this and let us know how you make out. Believe me - you will be very very happy with the results of raising the aim!

You sound very disappointed about the entire car because of this stupid little adjustment and that's really too bad. Your dealer should be ashamed of themselves!!!

Good luck.

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OK - sorry for the delay.

In the 2004 RX-330 Owner's Manual on page(s) 613 - 614  "....Adjusting Headlamp Aiming".

This shows where the vertical and horizontal screw adjustments are located and a basic description of how to make the adjust of the aim.

Now take your car to to your dealer's service tech and walk in with your manual in hand, turned to this page and INSIST they make this minor freekin adjustment!!!!

If your IDIOT service tech still can't get it thru his thick skull, then you could just go to a decent auto repair shop (not a Jiffy Lube kinda place mind you...) and tell a mechanic what you are trying to do. I'm sure they would be more than happy to help you for probably a very minor fee.

Try this and let us know how you make out. Believe me - you will be very very happy with the results of raising the aim!

You sound very disappointed about the entire car because of this stupid little adjustment and that's really too bad. Your dealer should be ashamed of themselves!!!

Good luck.


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Thank you so much for your information. We sent a registered letter to the Leus head quarter as they stated in the owner's manu for official notice - we don't understand how can they insist the 35 feet lighting range is in spec., where the law states the lighting distance is 150 feet minimum.

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