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I'll Be 41 On Tuesday


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Hi Guys!! :)

As the subject says - I'll be 41 years old - on Tuesday. [the 27th of July]

41. Forty One. 4 times 10 - PLUS ONE. 30 plus 11. Hmm... no. Any way I say it - it just does NOT sound YOUNG. But then again - I guess if you're OLDER than 41 - 41 doesn't sound so bad. To someone who is 60 - maybe 41 is 'punksville'. But to someone who is 20 - 41 is 'old mans ville'. Hmmm....

The scary part of getting older - is that an uncomfortable little 'truth' begins to reveal itself. NO - in spite of what someone half my age might think - I am NOT slowly starting to become 'ok' with the idea of DEATH!! The same is true [which is even scarier] for someone who is 80 or older. We like to comfort ourselves - sometimes - by believing that 'old folks' are OK with the idea of BEING old. But that's not necessarily true. I don't FEEL 40 [or 41 - as the case will soon be] In fact - I don't FEEL all that different from when I was 18 or 28 or whatever. Lately - I've been catching a reflection of myself in store windows. [or whatever] I'm often struck by the fact that I'm NOT young anymore. I wonder who that OLDER guy is looking back at me. Just before I phone the police - to have that old creep arrested - I realize that 'creep' is ME!! lol My mom says the same thing. She often wonders WHO that old woman is looking back at her in the bathroom mirror.

Do yourself a favour. Don't allow a person's AGE to decide for you - what you think of them. There are just as many wonderful 80 year olds - as there are 8 year olds.

Something to think about.

Craig!! :)

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hey Craig! this is not the end:) this is just a beginning. why the heck r u thinkgin about death? you should think about having fun and going up the ladder and being able to get urself more toys and have more fun. you have nice cars and you prolly have lots of friends, so just go get drunk and get some fun.

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yesturday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, TODAY is a gift (that's why it is called the present). Dance like no one's watching, sing like no one's listening, laugh like you've never laughed before. Most of all, just enjoy the day.

I am right behind you at 40 and change. I am having more fun now than I did at twenty.


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Happy 41 craig!

I turn 31 on Wednesday, july 28th!

Any other leo's out there?

I don't feel or look 31 but I hate to tell people my age.

I actually look and feel 19. I hope I can stay that way as long as possible.

I'm going through a divorce right now and THAT is what is making me age so much faster!

Have a good one!! B)

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Hi VMF, steviej, wolfie212003, blake918 and dcfish!! :D

Thank you - all of you - for the wonderful birthday wishes.

And wolfie212003.....

Happy 31st Birthday!!

Craig!! :D

ps hey blake918 - believe me - I can relate to feeling older than you are. I swear I was born a 30 year old. [poor mom!!]

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I'm looking at 56 in September. People say I look like I'm still in my 40's... maybe.

I rememebr 40 and feeling that life was very good. You don't have to compete with "kids" anymore. Keep this in mind - the world is run by people from 40 to 65 and even older. You will do your best work (unless your a pro athlete) in your future.

I think Dave Barry said that once you turn 40, you can buy a new car without looking under the hood. We're enthusiasts so that might not apply, but the point is fewer pretentions, less trying to impress others. You will come to realize who you are and maybe why you're here.

Getting older ain't bad... getting old is.

Musings from an older guy.

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man i tell you, when i was younger i thought 40's and 50's was old, but now since i'm about to be 25 and my parents are in their 50's, i see them, and thats not old at all, they are still very young and full of life... its great to see.

its very reasuring, and makes me feel a HECK of a lot better about the normality of growing old.. :cheers:

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I swear I was born a 30 year old. [poor mom!!]

Hahaha...too funny! :D I presume your birthday was good?? I just read that the LS is finally taking it easy on you, so that's atleast a good start! ;)

I could really give a crap about getting old! It's just part of life(and death). No need to fear the inevitable! ;)


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Happy Birthday, Craig! Next time I'm in Victoria I'll show you what "old" is! Hmmm, I used to make it to Vancouver Is. fairly often but the older I get the less time I seem to have. When young, time seems to drag by but when older, time flies and there is never enough of it.

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Hey Craig,

First of all----- HAPPY 41th Birthday on the 27th. I didn't have time to

post on the 27th, but I saw the thread.

Secondly, I share the same birthday, also July 27th, but I turned (hmm-

maybe flipped would be better) on the 27th to FIFTY. I really don't feel a

bit over 49 1/2 but......I guess 50 is ok (at least the first couple days so far).

Also, my son was born on July 27th, so I've got convince him to trade his

Altima for a Lexus and let him join LOC!! Someday!!

Hope you Enjoyed the B-Day,

PharmGuy (Paul)

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Secondly, I share the same birthday, also July 27th, but I turned (hmm-

maybe flipped would be better) on the 27th to FIFTY. I really don't feel a

bit over 49 1/2

Happy birthday!!! :D :D


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Thanks PharmGuy!! :)

And a great big HAPPY BIRTHDAY back to YOU!! [and your son!!]

You know... if you don't FEEL older than 49 1/2 - chances are - you probably don't LOOK a day over .. umm..... 49 1/4.

So that's good!!

Craig!! :)

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The day you are old is the day after you [ or I ] pass , Until that time comes , all of us are young .Look at the sun and ask yourself , I'm only this young today ? For tommorrow never comes !!!!!!!!!!!! B) ;)


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