Well see that's why I'm asking. I wasn't too sure if the older 4th gen 4Runners have XREAS on all SE models.
Anyways, comparing the ride of a 4Runner w/o XREAS, I'd say it's about, or very close to the ride of the GX. ;)
Sounds like I may as well save $$$ and get a new 4_Runner if the rides are similar.
You're call. As I said, I'm not familiar with the X-REAS ride so it's up to you but all I can say is that the GX and 4Runner (w/0 X-REAS) seem to have a similar ride feel.
Personally the 4Runner feels more handy to drive around town too. It may be cramped for a guy like me, but the feeling of it feels a little more handy especially if you're mainly an in-town driver.
Plus I never mentioned, there are small differences you have to get used to with the GX. First, this one's a biggy to a lot of people, but the side openning rear door. I dont know if that's a problem with you, but that could be one reason why you would opt to get a new 4R instead of a GX. But there are a lot of features the GX has that not even the loaded LTD 4Runner has (real wood grain, reverse tilt side mirrors,auto tilt & telescopic steering wheel, etc.)
Btw since you mentioned you had a V8 4WD SE, it doesn't by any chance, have the clunk issue, does it? I've heard from the 4Runner forums that the V8 4WD 4Runner starting from 03-some 06s still have the clunk. The V8 4Wd setup of the GX and 4Runner are similar so that's why both vehicles had it during the same time period when Toyota/Lexus were still trying to find a fix for it.