The two I found were....
Episode 2 - Jack steals a Green (looks like an '86) Olds Cutlass Supreme......the car had a cell phone in it.....when he looked at the keypad, it had a full charge......a very short time later he glanced at it again, it was down to only 1 bar on the charge. ;)
Episode 4 - (And I'm very suprised at this blunder!) When Ahmed takes his neighbors hostage.....he sends the father out to pick up a package.....and eventually let's the wife go. The wife get's in a Toyota Sequoia & she drives away. After her short drive she pulls over on a side street to call the father to let him know she has been released.....she is driving an Infiniti QX4 SUV! They panel back again & she is back in the Sequoia! B)
Anybody else notice anything?