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Everything posted by bainzey

  1. Hummer didn't stand a chance in that challenge... Oh well they had a decent run. I must say kudos to the CUDA chick. She seems kinda like a kid, but she can drive that thing pretty well... The whole time her dad's like "slow down, slow down..." ha ha, And she wasn't even phased, in fact looked pretty damn focused. I hope the Wu's make it through...
  2. HAHAHAHAHAHA OK, I actually have nothing constructive to offer this thread but... but that seems to be the point :-) But all I have to say is that they must have some high quality chronic in those parts... Maybe English is not his native language? Possible... But I'm pretty sure it's the constant slang, that's the issue here. If he simply attempted a normal post, it might actually hold enough water that it doesn't come across as gibberish... and DUDE, lose the EMOTICONS... just one post with our one.
  3. HAHAHAHAHAHA OK, I actually have nothing constructive to offer this thread but... but that seems to be the point :-) But all I have to say is that they must have some high quality chronic in those parts...
  4. LOL that was hilarious, what was the point. Idiots!
  5. I am also missing my remote fot the dvd system. After reading this thread I decided to call my local Lexus dealer just to get a price. The parts guy was as surprised as I was, when he told me $505!!!! OMG, that is crazy. I think that I can live with using my Nav screen to control. $505!!!!! :o :o :o
  6. not "right before" but maybe a month or so ago? I'd take them... the more you have to show them the better... If they are time stamped even better.
  7. really??? did i miss something... NEWHOO See ya later LEXUS chix... See ya later... Man that one chick was sooo annoying.
  8. Dude, that is crazy! I feel for you. I mean a scratch or two one might be able to justify, as they are doing a decent sized job, but that is ridiculous. That reminds me of when I put an after market stereo in my sisters car when I was 14. Let’s just say “I made it fit”. You HAVE TO deal with this. If not for anything else for the rest of the Lexus community who’s cars this YAHOO might actually be able to get his hands on. :chairshot: :chairshot: :chairshot:
  9. I didn't get it when she was saying that the elevation was causing havoc on her engine, it was stalling, and steering was locking... huh?
  10. Man what a challenge yesterday... the Lexus chicks almost got beat by two 50+ folk driving a mini... oh man... so much for her great racing resume, whatever. For me it's a toss up between team Hummer, and Lambo. I like them both. LAMBO makes a pit stop at the bunny ranch, now that is something you will probably never see in a bull run derby, or for that matter any car rally where time is of the essence. You have to hand it to those guys.
  11. I'm hoping Lambo makes it through for a while... They keep things interesting that's for sure... As for the Lexus chicks... According to her, she's a racer and drifter... all I gotaa say to that is... "Don't believe the hype believe what you see..." Hopfully she steps up, and doesn't embarass her self... LOL It sure would be sweet if they end up clearing house tho...
  12. I've got a Garmin unit, and built in Navy. Sure the Garmin is more feature rich. But I tell yah, I will not buy another vehicle with out built in Navy. Its just way to convenient. I just can’t be bothered with clicking it in, clicking it out, plugging it in… Maybe I’m lazy, maybe I'm not… But what i can say is that convenience is worth something to me.
  13. Do people in Ottawa speak English? Actually a fair number speak French as a first language and English as a second language, or are quite comfortable with either. When someone who speaks Spanish (which seems to be the second language in the U.S.), posts a semi-understandable question on here (which I've seen) I bet not many Canadians ask if the original poster can speak English. What was the point to your post, since it obviously didn't answer either of the questions. Ditto... I was able to understand his post just fine. And yes there was some grammatical type errors, but clearly the guy tried his best to explain his concerns and situation. Last I checked this is a LEXUS OWNERS CLUB... Where we try to share knowlage, not a "Hey buddy, lets slam you cuz apparently you may not speak English as your first language..." club. Whatever man.
  14. She should've gone and picked him up. I think that is what he's implying... Man this guy is awesome... DAMN you LEXUS DAMN you, you call this customer service... RX_LS_IS you should call back and do the customer satisfaction survey or something... I think she also should've asked if you were hungry at the time, and brought you a sandwich...
  15. Do let us know how that goes... We'll be on the edge of our seats waiting.
  16. I'd pass on the 300. The tranny just doesn't seem worth the risk... In regards to the lack of selection in your area, I'd recommend expanding your search to the Vancouver mainland, as there are many for sale here, might be worth the ferry ride... Don't know your budget but, sometimes you can even get a pretty decent price on a first generation RX330 (low 20's, I've even seen a high milage one for $18)
  17. I had followed these steps to the T in the past and it allowed me to do the change my self. Over the weekend it was time again to do it. I did notice that Lexus has left a small opening in the panel in front of the oil pan drain plug, allowing one to drain the oil with out removing the panels. Now the question was that darn hidden oil filter, can I get to it without being able to see it. Well the fact is if I hadn't done it previously following the steps out lined in this thread I would never know where it is. But now that I do I attempted to see if I can in fact reach it from the top. Mind you I am just over 6 feet, so I may have a reach advantage... But I was able to feel around and find it. So, as a result my oil change experience is now less than 10 minutes. :D :D :D
  18. Why not check the rotors and 'turn' them if necessary, without new pads? Well being the fact that I will have this vehicle for a while I don't mind springing for new ones at this point, as I do know that turning them will only be a fractional increase in life, especially with all of the mountian driving that I do. I suppose my question was more in regards to wheather I can stick with my existing pads, or should they be changed out.
  19. Hi, About 1500miles ago I started to feel a light “pulsing” sensation when braking, especially down hills… I knew that I was close to requiring new pads, so I replaced them. The “pulsing” was vastly reduced, almost completely gone. In hind sight, I probably should’ve replaced the rotors at that time. Now it’s been a while and the “pulsing” is back, only worse. I am assuming that I need new rotors as they (at least one for sure) are probably “warped”, as I do a fair bit of hill driving, so lots of pressure on them. My question: Can I replace both rotors at this point and leave the existing pads, as I know they probably still have about 80% if not more left on them? Or will this in turn potentially cause the new rotors grief possibly causing them to warp… thnx
  20. Exactly. There is a reson for it being on, that's where you should be spending your efforts, figuring that out. Figure that out light goes out.
  21. Sure, sounds like a great deal... :-)
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