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Everything posted by LEXIRX330

  1. Dimsboy...what lesson has he learned? If you knew the way insurance worked why did you say "why does he have to pay out of his own pocket? isn't it the purpose of buying full coverage insurance is to cover everything? doesn't matter who drives it, as long the car is insured." I am glad you know some adjusters, and a owner of a body shop! Here is my virtual pat on the back! :D :D Maybe you should ask some of the adjusters about these types of claims... it was for the other guy who said he should pay out of his own pocket, and no I'm not owner of the shops, just my good friends are. OK...not a peeing contest. But read my post. It says "I am glad you know some adjusters and a owner of a body shop. I didn't say you owned a body shop." Also you need to read these post...maybe you don't understand or something? He was advised to pay out of pocket to avoid being dropped or have his rates increased by his insurance company in the beginning by me. That is why it was reiterated that he pay out of pocket since his parents are independently wealthy as he says "a Lexus is like a corolla to his parents" I just don't think you understand what has went on in this entire post what exactly would you like us to understand. He and his parents are committing insurance fraud...it is wrong...That is that. I will lecture anybody I want on this trust me I hear all of the time from people...my rates are going up and I didn't have a claim, or get any tickets why? Here is a perfect example. Your way or reasoning is other people do worse things...and he is a good kid! Do you have kids? Do you want your kids at 19 to have 3 speeding tickets and 2 at fault accidents? Would you keep paying for them to act irresponsible...in dash radar detector, license plate covers for speed cameras? Please read this post what is left of it and keep defending him.
  2. Dimsboy...what lesson has he learned? If you knew the way insurance worked why did you say "why does he have to pay out of his own pocket? isn't it the purpose of buying full coverage insurance is to cover everything? doesn't matter who drives it, as long the car is insured." I am glad you know some adjusters, and a owner of a body shop! Here is my virtual pat on the back! :D :D Maybe you should ask some of the adjusters about these types of claims...
  3. So you think insurance fraud is OK? I guess you don't mind paying more for insurance because people are turning in claims like this. You obviously don't read all of the post, and you must not understand the way insurance works. I tried to explain it in the other post. I would think that you being such a hard worker and a business co owner should understand what full coverage covers from what I posted if you had read it. You must have learned the value of hard work and what it means to earn a dollar so why do you want to chime in and defend this kid...who only cares about getting his car fixed...that doesn't have time to work to pay for "petty things" like a Lexus. So spare me from your B S, and read what you can from his deleted post!
  4. Insurance will vary state by state...but most companies will pull driving records and clue reports when there is a not at fault accident filed. So the rate may not go up because your mom filed the claim...it should not anyway..."not at fault claim" since you lied about it. You know it is very easy to forward all of this to your state's insurance department. http://www.dbr.state.ri.us/divisions/insurance/consumers.php or someone could just call... Fraud Reporting: To report suspected automobile insurance fraud, please contact the RI Auto Theft and Fraud Unit at 401-444-1035. If anyone in RI is sick of their rates going up report him...he and his parents seems to think you should pay for his accident. "been a lesson" why not tell us what kind of lesson? Yes the purpose of full coverage is to cover everything. No one said it would not be covered. He is not using his "full coverage" he is using his under/uninsured motorist part of his policy. I had advised him originally not to report the claim since no one was hurt and the only damage that was done was to his car and he would be surcharged for it. Since his mom is reporting it like "OH my I just went in the store and I came out and my car was hit" It is not the "full coverage" part of his policy comprehensive or collision it is uninsured motorist, hit and run. The part we all have to have because of inconsiderate jerks! The fact is he is not going to be surcharged for this...this is wrong since the claim is being paid by the insurance company and he more than likely has a lower deductible. So the next the next time your insurance increases and you did not have any tickets or accidents remember that you want to give him a "break" because you just did you are paying for his claim. By the way he did do this to his own car...remember drove into a fire hydrant. He shouldn't have a drivers license...3 tickets and 2 at fault accidents that we know of...in what maybe 3 years of driving. This kid is not responsible for any of his own actions at all...he wants to justify everything by saying he is a "good kid" if he was my kid he would be walking! Lecture...I wish some of your parents would have given you a lecture on morals, or ethics or maybe just made you earn a dollar. :chairshot:
  5. That is what I said about 15 post ago! :D But seriously the fact that he wants to justify the actions that he and his family have taken is what is sad. cduluk the fact is that you got yourself into this mess, and your parents getting you out of it teaches you nothing. I saw that you have speed covers on you license plate. So the 3 speeding tickets have not slowed you down. Now you cry that you if your report the claim you may get dropped and mommy's fat wallet can't take care of that. I told you in the beginning not to report the claim if there was no damage other than to your car. Here is a news flash! When you file a not at fault claim...insurance companies many times will pull driving records. Laws prohibit companies in most states from charging more for a not at fault accident. So I hope whatever company you are with pulls your MVR and then your parents will have to drop you or get high risk insurance. It shouldn't bother them as you say "a Lexus is like a corolla to my family" If you lose your drivers license and or get dropped by your parents insurance...and they make you get a J O B, start paying for your own insurance...I bet your attitude would change. You are 19 you have been driving about 3 years...you have 3 tickets and have had 2 accidents that we know of. You seem to act like it is no big deal. "they only were 10 over" Your driving record sucks! Many states would have made you take a driver improvement course, and or suspended you driver license. Again I tell you to grow up! Just this week there was a bad car accident that claimed the lives of 2 young kids and injured 2 more around here. Why because of speeding. Here read about it http://www.wboc.com/Global/story.asp?S=9531739 it happens every day. I have a family right now that is being sued because of their "good kid" was in a accident and the policy limits have been exhausted. I am not saying that I am perfect and that I have never done anything wrong, but stop trying to make your self feel better by trying to justify what you are doing. Then deleting your previous post to try and make it look like we are picking on you. There is nothing funny about what you or your parents are doing...but you seem to think that it is. Looking at your post on you car it looks great. You have spent a lot of time, and someone's money fixing it up. Keep your grades up and when you have a family think how would you want your son to act. Would you encourage his bad driving habits by paying for and allowing him to have a in dash radar detector, speed lenses plate covers? I do not blame you half as much as I blame them. They keep taking care of things for you and you see it as no problem...you are 19 a legal adult. Grow up!
  6. We are horrible? You came here for advice I am an insurance agent I write for many companies. I tried to tell you what you were doing was a bad idea. I don't think you understand that when people like you, and your parents file false claims like this we all end up paying for it. People are always mad at insurance companies but who they should be mad at is people just like you. You know it is not right. You think that it is funny so what type of person are you. Oh I know a nice person.:cries: man grow up. And just to let you know you may think that is no big deal but as I have said I hope you or your mom didn't file a false police report. You do what you want we have tried to help you. Your parents should read this too.
  7. I advise my clients that if the only damage that is done is to their own car they may not want to file the claim. Insurance companies want all accidents reported. Where you can get in trouble is when the nice person allows you to pay out of pocket. It normally doesn't work out well. Funny he wants the thread closed or deleted. He just needs to wise up. And no it is not the same thing an at fault accident and a hit and run. You would be surcharged or dropped for a at fault you wouldnt for a not at fault. In most cases your out of pocket cost would be different as well. So therefore its not the same for the insurance company or the other policyholders. I still can't believe that your insurance company did not require a police report for this. Almost all the companies that I use would. If they have you better rethink this. By the way if you want this post to stop, stop posting.
  8. That was obvious. Petty things. So why are you so worried about coming up with a few grand to fix a car if it is chump change, and I am pretty sure you don't have a clue what work is. Can read you like a book. Called the tickets right...called the insurance and the car right. You are a know it all. Why did you ask for opinions anyway? Insurance fraud is what your parents thought was best...so you wouldn't get in trouble. You should be dropped by their insurance, and since they are so well off they should have no problem paying the higher premiums. Like you said a Lexus is like a corolla to them. 3 tickets and now 2 accidents! Glad you are not on drugs...and you are in school. When you get a job and start paying for you own stuff you might get a little pis sed that you have to pay for people like you! So you justify insurance fraud by saying there are far worse things...OK! You remember that when some one hits your car and leaves, or steals your car. Hey there are far worse things. The fact is that insurance fraud is a crime. Even if you think it is no big deal we all have to pay more money every year because of people just like you. But how on earth could you understand...you don't even know what it is like to have to pay bills yet. As I said you have a lot of growing up to do. You parents are setting a poor example and should be ashamed of themselves. And no one is picking on you about having a nice car or because you have nice things... you need to grow up...and your parents need to re think their decision about this. It may come back to bite them!
  9. People like you and your parents are why we all have to pay so much. You think I am rude? That is funny. You have a lot of growing up to do. By the way your rates should be high. Look to what you have told us 3 tickets, 2 at fault accidents. And you are complaining, you shouldn't even be driving. I bet you don't even pay for your car or insurance. And that is why you could care less. One day mommy is not going to be there. And sorry the truth seems rude.
  10. Like I said before if that was all you had. 3 tickets too. Well when your mommy gets a visit from the police in the middle of the night she will know she did nothing to prevent it. The fact that you think it's funny shows just how "young and dumb" you are. Hopefully you won't kill anyone including yourself.
  11. That is called insurance fraud. I am glad you are excited and hope your insurance company drops you and your mom both. This is why everyone's rates are higher. This was not a hit and run...any good insurance company will have an adjuster look at the car. A good adjuster will easily be able to tell that this was not a hit and run. In most states you are required to file a police report. So go ahead and keep lying on a little more...and hopefully they will prosecute you and your mom both. Wow...no wonder kids are they way they are today...I can’t imagine your parents are teaching you things like this. :chairshot:
  12. It would save me less than $30 a year to change mine from $50 to $500. Comprehensive claims are not counted against you the same as chargeable accidents. In most cases if the Comp loss is less than 1,000 it would not change your premium at all. I am all for not filing small claims...but a comp claim here and there is not going to hurt you. Best of luck with whatever you decide to do. I personally would let a professional glass company do it that the insurance company or shop would recommend. But sound like you know what you are doing.
  13. I admit that I am not an insurance professional or anything, but at what point or dollar figure would you recommend the guy file a claim? $4000 starts becoming real money to me, and common sense kind of implies that insurance is there to insure the vehicle against loss... If BillyShaft Insurance Company were insuring this guy, he would certainly have his rates raised and/or coverage dropped, but that is just me talking here. Interested to know, ~Brian Good point about the money Brian but if he was my son, or if he was the son of one of my clients I would recomend that he would have to save the money to fix the car or he would be driving a car with a dent. Since he has already filed a claim. This would be a second claim. Hopefully that is all. That is a different story. 4k is a whole lot of money...but I have 19 year old drivers that are paying more than that a year for their insurance because they have gotten kicked off their parents policies. You have to remember insurance is state specific. I have no idea what kind of rates he is paying in RI? I know in MD a young driver full coverage on a Lexus with 2 at fault accidents would get it handed to him. I don't think it will cost him 4k to fix it though. Find a shop explain that you want to pay out of pocket for the claim and see what the best price you can get. Shop around. As far as the issue of his insurance. Not sure specifically who you are with there are some companies that will never drop you they will just keep raising your rates...even if you get so many tickets that your license is suspended. But if you are under 25 with 2 at fault accidents you will have a hard time getting standard/preferred insurance. He will probably end up with a high risk or a state insurance fund. If he files a claim his parents will more than likely get a non renewal with an exclusion offer if their state will allow this. They exclude him and they keep their insurance or they all have to get new insurance. Most of the carriers that I write business for/with for standard business will not allow a young driver to have any incidents at new business to qualify.
  14. And you know this how? There are many companies that will drop a young operator under 25 on a parents policy for having anything more than one accident. I would strongly advise you not to file the claim.
  15. If a 2007 RX400 needs to have anything done to the battery, or anything else under the hood it would go back to the dealership. By removing the tape I would bet if you have a problem with the battery in the future the warranty would be void. Just my opinion but if it says maintenance free I would leave it alone at least until the warranty is up. If the battery needed to be topped off with water I think it would be required maintenance that would be done on service intervals anyway.
  16. ok...well my problem is that my car attracts bugs when I am driving! Get them all over the front. :whistles: :whistles: :D :D Seriously...I have a white Jeep that sits outside and I notice little black bugs all over it too. But then again have not washed the thing in 6 months so...
  17. Investor 1: Which one would you rather be: the sh*t or the fan? Investor 2: Does it really matter? Investor 1: Not really. But at least we're not the bug or the windshield. Investor 2: Not yet. :D I am in it for the long haul. Most of my losses are paper not realized losses. It sucks looking at it...but I just keep thinking I am 29 and this is a great buying opportunity. So I am dumping as much as I can in to my retirement account at work. As far as my individual stocks that I was tinkering with on my own...I did take some losses that I can claim on this years taxes. Yanked most of it out before the SH*T hit the fan...but still the market was down anyway. About 29% in losses...Oh well...beats 99.9 - 100% in losses. Now have very little in stocks, and have a little in conservative mutual funds...
  18. Investments... First word to come to mind????????? GONE !
  19. You will be in my Prayers. Keep you head up and be thankful for each day!
  20. Something did have to be done. But we started to see what would happen, companies that made stupid mistakes would go bankrupt or be bought out for pennies on the dollar. It is what should happen. The loan to AIG was a mistake and the company should have been gobbled up like Countrywide, Lehman, WAMU and such. The government should not pick and choose who to loan money to, who to save and who to let fold or be bought out. This whole thing is screwed up. The fact is credit worthy borrowers are starting to have trouble getting financing...banks are not loaning to other banks because no one know what is going to happen. People are scared and with the election coming up the media is making everything 100% worse. There are business owners on news programs left and right talking about their lines of credit being reduced. Bailout...we will see what happens. I have lost some money in my retirement accounts, and in stocks and I was sure way wrong about countrywide when I bought that...but I think the market overall will turn around in time.
  21. Well my RX...was a CPO. If I was to do it all over I don't think I would look for a CPO, just find a good clean with under the 50k, as you said. I have been more than happy with the "new" used car, The wife's benz is a lease and as far as I am concearned if we owned it or it was financed I would trade it off now. Fun car but it is to small for me, and since we have had the little one I have been driving it the most. I have been riding my Harley back and forth to work anyway...on nice days. I think I am going to look at another suv around this time next year when the lease is up...not sure what yet to far from now. OK...back on topic. I would stay far away from carmax. Have heard to many bad things from people that get their cars, I would call whatever dealership that you use...tell them what you want and tell them to call you when something comes in off trade. My RX never hit the lot...just came in off trade, did the whole deal before the car ever even got cleaned up for the lot. Worked out great for me.
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