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Everything posted by nc211

  1. In my opinion, Al Gore needs to really push his platform in the developing counties, especially China! My GWAD, have you seen pictures of Beijing at rush hour? You can barely see across the street! That can't be good. The US might be the "consumers", but I'd have to say in comparison to the other big boys, we're actually pretty responsible with how we use treat emissions. Granted, we can do better, much better, but at least we have catalytic converters, emission controls on cold cars to rev up higher to warm up quicker, egr valves, etc... I'm not sure what we do with the coal burning facilities though, but I'd be hard pressed to think we use the exact same technique as China, Russia, India, etc.. Eitherway, with the world's population ever growing, the answer in my opinion lays with technology only, not reduction of consumption. I just don't think it's possible anymore. I think we've passed the point of no return when we parked the horse & buggie in the Smithsonian. I also think that the first person who invents the piece of equipment that can add some level of hybrid technology to the existing fleet of cars, will make Bill Gates look like the poor kid in town. If anything, some sort of electonic gadget that can seemlessly shut the car off at the light and turn it back on when you're ready to go, kind of like putting it into "sleep" mode. I find on my 4runner I use up far more gas just puttering through the lights, then I do at 80mph+ on the highway. With cars being so electronic now, I don't see this as an impossible task. Or, what about just shutting down all cylinders but 1 when at the light, then instantly putting the fuel back to all 4/6/8/12 when you push the gas? Furthermore, I think more technology could be applied to mufflers and cats. But, I honestly don't think the whole Global Warming issue is fake. We've all seen that beat-up work truck/van/car sitting at the light, slowly puffing black smoke from a busted engine, and then the light turns green and all of the sudden, that 1978 Nova becomes Spy Hunter with it's smoke screen. There's no way that can't be bad for ole' momma' earth. But if you really want proof, just go to Europe and look at the old churches. They're COVERED in black sut from decades of pollution. When we were there last fall, several were undergoing renovations, that were basically high tech pressure washes to not damage the architecture. The difference was increadible. One side is a nice light tan stone, and two feet to the left is black rotten looking crud. These are structures that are 10 times older than our country to begin with, yet the damage only began about 60 years ago..right around the time of the automoble explosion over there. If you don't believe me, just hop over to the european portion of LOC and ask. They'll tell ya'!
  2. Ditto, I agree with that. I'd have your driver's side engine mount looked at.
  3. Blake, you better just double check with the insurance company that is issuing you the check that they don't expect to receive your totalled car in exchange. Odd as it may seem, several insurance companies that have to reimburse a loss tend to expect the totalled vehicle to become theirs, so they can sell it for scraps in an attempt to recover some of their expense. If you go and start parting it out beforehand, you could very well end up with a prorated check.
  4. I received a reply from the Creative Director over the weekend. She said they appreciated my letter, including the directness of it. She said it will be shared with the folks who write those 10 second updates, especially during family friendly viewing hours. I've noticed during the past two evenings the updates were more about local news, like costs of road repairs to the interstate, and that sort of stuff. Even though they started the news with the horrible of horrible stuff, they didn't seem to blare it during primetime viewing. So maybe someone actually read and gave thought to my email. But, I bet it's back to the normal junk within a week or two, if not sooner. I know, and it's just sad. I miss Cheers, Cosby, Family Ties, Newhart, Wings, etc.... Instead, now it all seems like CSI, Law & Order, Etc.. I mean, they've actually tied murder into math, with the show Numb3rs. All that stink a few years ago about Howard Stern on the radio, and now we've got sh*t, a-hole, G/D and subject matter meant for HBO, on CBS from 8-11. I guess I shouldn't be suprised that people find those types of news briefs interesting, considering what they're watching in general at the time. I'm finding my protective instincts coming to the surface more these days as I settle into fatherhood. I get this overwhelming sense to say "hey, that ain't right man, knock it off". Guess I'll have to read the instruction manual for the TV and figure out this V-Chip thing.
  5. Service. Service. Service. Service. BUT, with reasonable costs. In my honest opinion, there is absolutely no excuse why it costs $100+ for an oil change, when the Toyota dealership across the street will do it for $39.99 with the exact same oil and filter. I pay for the Lexus Experience when I buy the car. I waste money when I service the car at Lexus. Or you should at least offer the $39.99 rate for those who don't want/need to use a loaner. Saying "we do more than just change the oil", is a copout. How much does it cost to check the air psi in tires and shake the air filter of loose debrie? Two: Have all technicians take monthly exams to make sure they're up to date on what symptoms mean what problems. I've had more than one occassion when some new-guy told me the wrong fix and cost me several hundreds of dollars. But, I think that's a Toyota Corporate thing in general, if not just a auto-repair thing. But then again, you're asking us to give you feedback on how to make you different. There are guys on here, me included in some areas of the cars, that simply know far more about the cars then 95% of the technicians in the shops. We know what rattles usually mean what parts. We know TRUE timeframes for repairs, we know how to do it. We also know what "TSB" means, which to this day just shocks me when I bring a copy of a TSB to a dealership for a repair to be done and they have no idea what it is. There is a lack of trust sometimes with Lexus repair shops. Some of the greasy smile b/s "it's fixed and drives perfectly, keys are at the cashier", only to find 5 miles down the road, it isn't fixed at all. You want to charge a premium for services, then you need to be 100% with those repairs. Pay your senior technicians more to mentor the new guys. How many times have you guys charged several hundreds of dollars for a new "evap canister", when all that was needed was a tightening of the gas cap? That kind of stuff, is crap. I have no advice for the sales aspect of your operation. I'm not one to be impressed by sales techniques. I know what I want, what it's worth, what is a fair profit, and how to buy. Everything else beyond that is just filler. I will say however to not be fooled by a pair of jeans, tee shirt and ball cap. Some buying power likes to dress down when shopping. Suit & tie only apply 9 to 5. Johnson Lexus of Raleigh lost a sale of a used MB 300e 18 months ago from me for my wife due to arrogance, games, and sheer stupidity. Irritate me, that's just life. Insult me, and you won't see me or my money again. The guy never knew I had a USAA Bank check in my wallet, that just needed my signature. I was a repeat customer too, but never again. You want to be the best? Then prove you're a dealerhship, not a stealership. People will flock to that.
  6. I certainly agree with that! He's been very successful at bringing the topic to the front pages, and keeping it there. Something that has been tried for decades, with minimal results. Just to clarify: my comment earlier wasn't directed straight at Gore, but to politics in general. A whole lot of "do as I say, not as I do" these days.
  7. Saw an article today highlighting the new Ford Flex wagon. It looks really cool! I like the styling direction these days of Ford. But, the article said "Bye bye SUV" and "SUV Killer". However, when reading about the car on Ford's site, it says 17mpg city / 24 highway. My 05' V8 permanent 4x4 4runner gets that, or very close to it, with an average of about 18-19 mpg. Certainly not enough to call the Flex an SUV killer, in my opinion. What do you guys think? Is high teens city, low to mid twenties mpg enough to justify it for a replacement of the SUV? Edit: I'm talking in general terms. There is no way I'm giving up our 4runner.
  8. Hahaha....what a politician...aka...double talker.
  9. Last night we were watching TV on one of the prime channels. During two of the commercial breaks, the local news broadcast did their 10 second update. I decided to write this email below and sent it to them. These folks seem to do this almost everytime I watch that channel, and simply had enough. If you find your local channel(s) do the same, and it makes you sick as well, please feel free to cut n' paste this letter, or send one yourself. I doubt it'll do anything, but it was worth a shot, I guess. "I just wanted give you guys a little feedback from a viewer. On several occasions while watching primetime shows, when you guys do your 10 second news updates during the commercials, it makes me turn the channel and avoid ####. Imagine watching some Sunday night movie with your family, and all of the sudden the local news lady comes on with the overly-juiced sound levels and screams something like "10 year old boy beaten to death and found in a ditch. More on the story at 11:00". Or "baby drowns at the hands of the mother. More on the story at 11:00". It just RUINS the mood, and makes me flip the channel to something else "thank God for cable". I understand you guys have to report the news, and you do a good job of it. But, I have to be honest here, it seems to me that you're just "selling" for ratings with the most horrible story of the day. We all know what time and what channel the local news is on, you don't have to "shock" us to watch. We'll watch, when we want to watch. But what kind of person gets excited to hear the details of how someone was murdered? Don't you guys have something else you can pitch during family viewing hours to attract viewers? The world's hard enough as is and I honestly feel like the first news broadcast that offers "good news", if not even silly news, will attract the attention of viewers, and spark their curiousity to watch. Instead of "13 year old girl shot to death by child rapist and tossed onto I40, more at 11:00." That's just sick, and will be avoided by this viewer. You can report it, but do you have to advertise with it? Especially with such tone and excitement that it sounds like "you don't want to miss this!" I find you guys to be the worst of the local channels with this stuff. Regards, ####"
  10. Thanks J' ;) I don't know man, I guess it probably will hit $7, or worse, before it's all done and said for. I just don't think it'll stay there. It just doesn't seem to add up to me. I read an article in Barrons the other night while waiting for NC jr' to assasinate another diaper about Brazil's HUGE find of oil. Something like 8 billion barrells worth in pretty shallow waters, just a mile or so under the surface. They said they won't be joining OPEC either, which is good for us! I also read about an area 25 miles off the coast of Pensacola, FL called the Destin Dome, which is under the off-shore drilling ban. It's a natural gas pocket the size of like 34 Trillion cubic feet, and has enough natural gas to heat 1,000,000 homes for the next 60 years. I just think there are so many other avenues that we can take to get off the mid-east's delivery route. Oddly enough, as Bush keeps saying that it's an issue of national security that we erradicate ourselves from foreign oil, he-clinton-bush sr., keep on keeping the rigs out of our own waters. They've been reissuing the same ban document since the mid 80's when Reagan was around. But, they want more nuclear plants.... That makes no sense to me either. Who in their right mind would choose that route in a worse-case scenario? Especially in today's global environment. That alone is making me rethink McCain. I like him, but I think I have a responsibility to not leave tons and tons of radioactive waste for the next million years behind. But, you do run the risk of oil spills/accidents. I don't know fellas... But I'm spooked about it, that's for sure. I do know that if history does repeat itself again with this, the higher the ball bounces, the harder it hits the ground. OPEC knows it too, and I believe they see the writing on the wall of the serious potential of a mega-slide of profits in the future. An oil glut, once Brazil comes on line, and if we decide to start drilling here again. Eitherway...I gotta' admit, I'm really sick and tired of hearing about it everytime the TV comes on, the radio, the internet. So much ugly stuff being reported these days, I've simply had to stop watching & reading the news shows/sites "other than bloomberg.com", and go outside and play. Humanity makes me sick to my stomach sometimes, especially these days. Some pure evil people on this planet, that's for sure. I wish I knew how to eliminate them all at once, so the good folks could get back to the days of knowing your neighbor's kids names, leaving the door unlocked, and 10 year olds weren't learning about herpes and killing people in graphic detail on the Atari. I need a beer, and some sleep. PS: Can't wait to see the "green" light bulb expose' one day on 60 minutes. Some dude saying "Al Gore made me do it." I swear, sometimes we shoot ourselves in the !Removed! to save our shoe laces. I guess I know what happened to Forrest Gump: He's head of the EPA. Stupid is, as stupid does.
  11. If it's at start up, then fades away as it warms up, then my guess is a little water in the tank/lines. If it's been sitting on some dealer's lot for a while, and knowing they usually leave those tanks practically on empty, the time and changes of temperature/morning dew/etc... probably has put some condensation into the lines. A simple bottle of HEET will take of it. But if it's smoking a lot as it idles, and drives, then I'd suggest having a toyota/lexus tech do an inspection of the car for you, if of course you're really serious about buying THAT one.
  12. My 95', at about 132k on the clock, in cherry condition with documents and receipts to prove it, sold for about $7,500 last November. It sat for a long time. I started at $9,000 myself, had several calls, but nothing came through. I then took RXinNC's advice and called a friend of his who sells used luxury cars. It took a while, but it did sell. The hard part isn't the interests you'll receive, because you'll get plenty of interest. The hard part is the money. At that age of car, it's either an all-cash deal, or a personal signature loan, which requires very good credit. What we found is in those price ranges, most folks don't have the kind of credit required to get a signature loan for that amount, or if they do the interest rate and term is too high. An interesting tidbit that happens here in NC, true story, not meant to be slanderous by anymeans. My inlaws live in the country, about 50 miles east of Raleigh. Several farmers use mexican labor out there. And if you put a car up for sale for the right price, no matter what the miles are, just as long as it starts and runs, they buy it with the cash received from working in the fields. It's the strangest thing I've ever seen. They had a 99' Honda Accord, with over 250k miles, parked it on a corner in town, and it was sold for $5,900 cash, within a few days. They also have a 99' Civic coupe, with 280k+, for sale in the same spot for about $5k, and it too is getting lots of bites. But, the head gasket needs to be replaced. They inherited an old Oldmobile Cutlass that could barely hold oil, and again, bham, sold. So, that might be something to think about as a possible avenue....
  13. Yep. and my house will continue to appreciate. I better buy this computer now before they double in price. The reality is: we're in a cycle. What goes up, must come down. The theory of hedge funds zeroing out against eachother may be true, as in the realm of market balance. But what do you tell those who are constantly on the losing side, Joe Voter American in St. Louis. The school teacher, the constuction contractor, the single mom with 3 kids who can't fit them into their fancy little eco box and needs that minivan, suv. What do you say to them? Tough sh&t, you're screwed? No, I don't think so. That is the problem with having hedge funds and investment banks using commodities as profit centers. It's way too easy to manipulate with spook tactics, not actaul real, hard, proven evidence. Play the game within industry, but not with life sustaining materials for the average american who lives pay check to pay check. Personally, I hope congress and the legal powers that took down Enron run through these hedge funds like a bowling ball of fire, and finally sets some rules of play. Explain to me why those who produce the oil, keep saying the last barrell of the day costs us $60 to produce. By the way, it's that last barrell that sets the price, not the first, which ultimatly costs less anyway. I respectfully disagree with you on this one. But time will tell who's right, and who's wrong. I have never said anything will happen this summer. In fact, if you go back a few pages, I predicted this summer would be the worst by far, then as we near the election, it will ease up. I am sticking to that prediction, 100%. Otherwise, all elements of economic study in terms of price points, elasticisty of availablity, and about 200 other chapters that have been taught throught our history, just went out the window. This country cannot continue if the poverty line is $100k a year. Taxes would be so high, even the lucky folks like many of us, would be enjoying a nice meal of governmnet cheese on the sidewalks. Supply "capacity" is fine, it's the definition of demand that's out of wack. And will continue to be if nobody, as mentioned before, doesn't get control of who's writing that definition. Furthermore, as history does repeat itself. Look back upon the major elections of this country in the last 25 years. Mark that time and check the economy of that time.....out...of...whack... 92', 00', 81', 87'. You can't deny the pattern of history there. It's written in stone. Other country's prices are dictated by where they get their supply. If not, why is gas like .$25 cents in Dubia? I certainly do agree about the weak dollar! That's a bit of a booger at the moment. Those scientists, who predict the doom and gloom of fossil fuels. Aren't they the same ones who support these "green" light bulbs? The same light bulbs that have such high levels of mercury in them, that if one breaks in your house, you're too evacuate and call your local EPA to come clean it up. The same ones that if it breaks on your carpet, you're to actually cut the piece of carpet out of your living room and dispose of it at an approved hazmat dump site, which usually are way out in the country, that you have to drive to. And, my favorite: several communities around the country don't even have a hazmat dump site, and can't accept these bulbs. So, what do you think is going to happen to those bulbs when they've burn't out.... Stuffed in that plastic biodegradable trashbag with yesterday's chicken, sent to the land fill, and will most likely seep into the ground. Best hope it's nowhere near a water table... Last time I heard, trees helped scrub carbon from the atmosphere, but nothing helped destroy mercury. What I'm trying to say, is don't be sold by what's on the front page. The truth is in the back. I think Warren Buffett said it best years ago. He said something like "if I believed the first three pages of a company's annual report, I'd be bankrupt."
  14. No golf and beer for you nc :D Trust me...me on a golf course without a beer would be like putting Osama Bin Laimass in the middle of the Mall of America, on teen-girls-shop-free day. Somethings just don't mix.
  15. My problem is time. When I'm up there, my schedule is usually so packed, that by the time my day is done, usually around 9pm, I'm dead on my feet! But one of these days we'll definetly make that happen! How about I buy lunch, you buy the drinks. I'm a cheapskate, a very very thirsty cheapskate.
  16. Rant On: For those hypermiling folks out there not satisfied with your 35mpg civics, and feel the need to drive 15mph below the limit, coast with the car off at 50mph, stall out at the light because your battery has finally died due to constantly turning the car on and off "not giving the alternator a chance to recharge it". TAKE THE MOTHER 'N BUS! And get the hell out of my way! Geezzz...what's up this week with drivers? Idiots everywhere. Got stuck behind some kid in a new civic this morning going 35mph like a yo-yo in a 55 mph zone. I couldn't get around him either due to too much traffic at the passing points. I could tell he was turning the car on and off up and down the hills. He pulled into the same gas station as me, and I asked him if he was having car troubles. This kid got flippy with me and said "Honda's don't have troubles, unlike Mazdas". Well, that ticked me off, and I was in no mood to be messed with. I told him "maybe so, but at least I've got a f 'n engine that works". He then proceeded to pull away, gave me the bird, and said "Hypermilling...google it, you old *BLEEP*". That little punk got back onto the road, going the same direction I was going, but I was still fueling the car. When I got out on the road, there was a freakin TRAIN of traffic behind this kid. If you can't afford to operate in a normal fashion, I feel for you. But do not think for one second that gives you the right to negatively impact those around you that can afford it. I understand you've gotta do what you've gotta do to get by these days. But, have your pimple faced peckerwood buddy kick in a $10 spot on gas and drive like a normal person. Otherwise, somebody is probably going to yank your butt out the window and beat the snot out of you! Rant Off: PS: He had a Hillary sticker on his car. Everybody in Chapel Hill has that damn sticker "or Obama", along with peace on earth, save the whales, impeach bush, hippy-love, not my war, yada yada yada....all over their oil burning, out of tune, old Volvos. Makes me want to puke sometimes!
  17. The reason why OPEC doesn't want to increase production, and will probably cut production, is because they know speculation is really driving the problem, along with a scared fed that is walking on egg shells which is helping the dollar continue it's slide. OPEC doesn't want to enter an era like we had in the late 80's and 90's, where they reacted to supply and demand concerns of the early 80's, only to be burned for the following 20 years. But, we all knew this was going to happen this summer anyway....as the Bush Wackers load up their candy sacks as fast as possible before the door closes. Now congress is trying to spook the speculators out of the market, or hoping to anyway, so they don't have to actually do anything that could screw up their 2pm tee-times at the 19th hole. I am 100% convinced of my Bush administration comments of late. I use his position of "it's supply and demand only" causing these problems, even though the oil producers themselves are saying "no it's not. It only costs us $50 a barrell to produce. We have nothing to do with these prices of today." Heck, they're even worried about the damaged reputation of this situation! They're even saying it's too much and there is clearly a problem outside of the oilfields themselves. This came out today, thought it was interesting. Even if congress doesn't do anything, stories like these will eventually cause enough concern to cause those not comfortable with so much exposure to take their profits and run, I hope! "Gas could fall to $2 if Congress acts, analysts say Limiting speculation would push prices to fundamental level, lawmakers told By Rex Nutting & Michael Kitchen, MarketWatch Last update: 4:24 p.m. EDT June 23, 2008Comments: 1255WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- The price of retail gasoline could fall by half, to around $2 a gallon, within 30 days of passage of a law to limit speculation in energy-futures markets, four energy analysts told Congress on Monday. Testifying to the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Michael Masters of Masters Capital Management said that the price of oil would quickly drop closer to its marginal cost of around $65 to $75 a barrel, about half the current $135. Fadel Gheit of Oppenheimer & Co., Edward Krapels of Energy Security Analysis and Roger Diwan of PFC Energy Consultants agreed with Masters' assessment at a hearing on proposed legislation to limit speculation in futures markets. Krapels said that it wouldn't even take 30 days to drive prices lower, as fund managers quickly liquidated their positions in futures markets. "Record oil prices are inflated by speculation and not justified by market fundamentals," according to Gheit. "Based on supply and demand fundamentals, crude-oil prices should not be above $60 per barrel." Futures trading in London has not been a major factor in rising oil prices, testified Sir Bob Reid, chairman of the Chairman of London-based ICE Futures Europe. Rising prices are largely a function of fundamental supply and demand, not manipulation or speculation, he said. "Energy speculation has become a growth industry and it is time for the government to intervene," said Rep. John Dingell, D-Mich., chairman of the full committee. "We need to consider a full range of options to counter this rapacious speculation." It was Dingell's strongest statement yet on the role of speculators." But, it's this stuff below that fuels Wall Street. Not the stuff above. When you have a market driven by fear techniques, you're on a one-way path to a dead end road. Markets are like people...when pushed hard enough and long enough, the "fight or flight" instinct kicks in. Either way, once one path is choosen, it's over. Market chooses "flight", bye bye demand, and all you've got are obligations to buy barrels of oil stockpiling at the docks at obscene prices. If it chooses "fight", the big boys come out to play and settle the scores to a more honest level. Today, those big boys are sitting on the side lines, waiting to see what happens. "Oil prices rose on Thursday, supported by risks to unrest in producer nations and a weak dollar, after sliding a day earlier on easing concerns about US energy supplies, analysts said. The president of OPEC, Algerian Energy Minister Chakib Khelil, predicted Thursday that oil prices could rise to 150-170 dollars a barrel during the northern hemisphere summer. " BUT THE PROBLEM is: Where to next? It's obvious those who are speculating up these prices are trying to off-set their losses sustained by the housing mess, like Citibank at the moment with 10's of billions of write-offs to their CDO investments "subprime junk". If oil tanks too quickly, it can act as a double-wammy to these players, and possibly put them down for the count. We don't want that either. When major financial institutions collapse, it causes even bigger problems. It's my theory that many of these financial houses, are also major financial donors to politicians....see the other string of the web? The problem is: Where to next? My guess? Commercial Real Estate. Residential tanked, but commercial fundamentals have remained solid, very much so. Sure, some over fluffed stuff here and there, mostly garbage type property classes. A good example of the strengths in CRE: I counted over 13 construction cranes in the central district of Washington, DC yesterday as we were taxing out to the runway at Reagan. More than I've ever seen before, by far. More impressive, it's an election year. Who knows what the next President is going to do to government funded programs??? Cuts, probably...
  18. I'm just waiting to see a news report of some drunk getting caught doing 50mph on a golf course with one of these!
  19. Had a brand new Chevy Malibu for a rental these past two days in DC. Car had 7 miles on the clock when I picked it up at Reagan airport. My opinion: ...getting better, but no cigar. All you guys complaining about the electronic throttle delay of Toyotas....go test drive the Malibu, you'll really see what throttle lag is all about. It's damn near impossible to drive that car smoothly from a stop. Interior is tight, not roomy. Lots of torque steer. You need monkey arms to close the door when it's open all the way. Who in the hell designed that, needs to be beaten. The front doors open so wide, that when you're going to close them while in the seat, you practically have to lean out of the car to grab the handle. The ride is smooth, classic Chevy style. I like that! But bump insolation will easily not last long. Some THUMPS were felt from the back. The transmission hunts, alot! And gear slap is felt. I honestly though the car was breaking down on me while I was in SE DC by the Fed-Ex stadium, which I'm sure SWO will confirm, is NO place for a "cracker" like me to breakdown. Seat position creates wedgies, especially for boxer wearin' guys like me...probably more info than you needed to know. Paddle Shifters....on a Malibu? Seriously? Why? Engine vibration easily felt under acceleration...a lot. BUT, when asked, it will move. But the whole car vibrates from headlight to tail light while under heavy foot. Stereo is ok...classic Chevy. I'd put it in the Delco family. A/C is great! Steering wheel positioning is great! American cruiser ability, which is great. Turning radius....why even offer a steering wheel? 3 point turns = 5 point turns. Blind Spots = perfect car for Stevie Wonder. Window are small. Rear window and pillars are sportscar like. Front passenger position blocks view of outside mirror sometimes. Seat heater switch is easily hit by accident "at base of seat along edge of left leg". Seat heater WORKS though, like a !Removed!! I though that Thia food was causing a radioactive reaction while on my way back to the airport earlier today...only to realize the seat heater was on, again. Electronics=good. Trip computer, tire pressure monitor read out for each tire, oil life, real-time mpg, etc.. readout on dash. Tracking ability....not much. Car really reacts to wind too. There seems to be no true center when cruising. You have to drive the car, which is clearly different from previous Chevy's. This is my biggest dissapointment. Chevy's have always been one of my favorite over-the-road cruisers. The Malibu isn't bad, but needs about 2 more years of tweaks to get it right. Overall impression: Not bad actually, typical American sedan. Has some neat styling cues, mostly in the wheels though. The ads about being at "import" levels are BS though. I can tell the car will become a rattle bucket around 50k. BUT, at least the dashboards are centered correctly now. Fit & finish of the interior is much improved, but still "Chevy". Some cheap-!Removed! looking crome pieces around the a/c controls. Oh, almost forgot the most annoying part of my rental car....the driver's door was not aligned very well. The latch would strike the metal receiver on the top, making a noticable noise. As a rental: Probably one of my favorites. As a buyer: Probably not, sadly. It would be very tough for me to not consider a used fully loaded Toyota product before a new Malibu, at this stage. PS: SWO: If you haven't seen the new Gaylord Hotel/conf center project yet....It's worth the trip. Un-friggin'-believable on the inside of the conference center! Last I heard....$3b "as in billion" in that total project area to date... But...no views of true Washington landmarks, which is dissapointing. Looking out over the river, via a 100+ ft. window "probably the biggest expansive glass stucture I've ever seen before"...and no views of DC landmarks? Just the Carlisle... Ooops....
  20. WELL...WELL...WELL....LOOK WHAT THE CAT DRAGGED IN! How goes life Chris? LONG TIME = NO HEAR AMIGO! Glad to see you're still alive my friend! We were about to send DCFish on an expedition to find you! Newbies....allow me to be the first to intoduce you to one of the ole' schoolers...akewlguy
  21. Sounds like an adjustment of the outter tie rods is needed. I wouldn't mess with the steering wheel directly though, with that airbag sitting in there. That thing goes off, and you've got a problem, if not a broken nose.
  22. Those little plastic clips wear out over time, usually after a few removals. Take them out 3 times, and they start to get loose. Buying a bag of them for like $20 and going through the engine area replacing the old ones with the new ones is no biggie. If you bought the car from the dealership, they'll probably gladdly replace them for you. The windshield can be repaired with a windshield repair kit, and is advised, as cracks like that tend to grow with bumps and temp changes. A little poxy resin, it's all good. I wouldn't replace the windshield if you don't have to though, as Lexus glass is EXPENSIVE stuff! They'll probably just have their glass guy do the repair. It doesn't take much. Or if they won't, just call any ole' glass guy to make the repair. Probably cost you $100 bucks. The bumper...who knows man. That's their call. If it was like that when you bought the car, then why didn't you point it out at the time of sale? That's what they'll probably say. If it wasn't there when you bought it, they'll probably say someone rubbed you in a parking lot and caused the paint to crack, and now peel. I doubt they'll float the bill for that one.
  23. Aftermarket brake pads will make popping noises as well when first applied in any direction. They sit loosely in the calipers and when you put the car in reverse, hit the brakes, they smack against the caliper seat. Put it in drive, hit the brakes, and they smack against the other side of the caliper. Don't use them for a few miles, then hit the brakes, they'll sometimes smack the calipers again, as they've centered into the caliper seat during normal driving. But, if you're also getting pops over bumps, then it's most likely suspension related. Probably strut rod bushings a the very front of the car, right under the fender. Seems to be the 1st bushings to go, and the most common cause of the pop over bumps noise.
  24. I saw that too, and thought the same thing. I have several of his clips on my Ipod, and still crack up when they come on. I remember when my older brother was like 14 years old he tricked my dad into taking him to see Carlin at the Purdue theater in Indiana. Dad didn't know who Carlin was, but my brother did. Needless to say, dad came home white as a ghost, while my brother was instantly the coolest kid in the 8th grade.
  25. They're all over London and Paris. They're the "waverunner" of the road. They've got a dealership here now, and I've seen a couple on the road. My wife has wanted one since seeing them in London. But, man, with all the yahoos out there, it's tough to see that thing in a safe light. Just last night on my home from the coast, a dumbass in a dodge shadow T-boned a family in a ford taurus, right in front of me. The guy ran the stop sign. Thankfully nobody was seriously hurt, but sure did scare everyone. The guy in the dodge shadow, was a scum bag low life punk from Durham with a suspensed license. Cops arrested him on the spot, which is probably best for him. I wanted to take the tire iron out of the trunk and kill the s.o.b. We'll see if I get called as a witness. I did give a statement and signed it. But, life is life, and living it too safely is boring.
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