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Everything posted by nc211

  1. https://techinfo.toyota.com/techInfoPortal/...o.toyota.com%2F $15 for a 24 hour account. A few hours to grab all the Pdf's files. Good as gold after you're done for just about every nut and bolt from stem to stern, including torque settings for the bolts. This is one of the main reasons why I buy only Toyota products now. I've got one for my current GS, and 4runner, and still have the one for my former LS. This is also where a lot of the PDF's you see posted on here from other's come from.
  2. Your best bet is to go through DCFish on this sort of stuff, as he knows every inch of these cars. Not all connectors are the same, not all speakers are the same ohm's, even on the same model year of a car. After quickly learning this when trying to find a replacement for my factory subwoofer in my 95', I bought an oem sub replacement for my former LS from DC, and was more than pleased with the results. Trust me, there are more than a few posts on here over the years about guys and gals buying, what they thought, were oem quality refurbished units, only to be in the same place a few months later due to crappy internal parts used to refurbish them. Not selling DC here, but if I were you, I'd trust his judgement over anyone else's when it comes to this stuff. I doubt you'll find anyone more knowledgable about this kind of stuff, than a guy who's been partcipating on this site for over 6 years, with over 9,000 postings of advice.
  3. Yeah, I might have jumped the gun a little bit on this one actually. Granted, I don't think it's a good idea, especially since some of that TARP money is starting to be paid back early from other shops. But, who knows man, who knows. I think any losses of lenders these days is hurtful in general. I probably would feel as such if everything else was in the crapper too, with cities and states facing bankruptcy, school boards cutting programs, and national unemployement heading to the double digits. But, I probably jumped a little too soon on this one. This stuff wears me out man! I live in this financial meltdown world, as a commercial real estate investor for a life company. Two years this has been going on now. My weekly mindset is down to: Monday=I don't care, leave me alone, Tuesday=Ok, I still don't care, but what's wrong, Wednesday=Ok, we've got problems, here are some solutions, let's get busy, Thursday=Why in the hell aren't you listening to my solutions, you idiots, Friday=I don't care, leave me alone.....and the cycle keeps on rolling up and down the bell curve "which is getting narrower and narrower as this drags out". My initial post, was on a Thursday!
  4. which is why i won't touch the stuff. Black Sholes...my butt.
  5. Better late than never, chief! I'm curious how Bing is going to do to Microsoft. I can't say specifics, but I can say that there has been a lot of focus in commercial real estate on IT based facilities as of late...a sign for that sector.
  6. Uh, how old are you? You might want to read a history book on Lenin before making those kinds of statements. I read another article today about BofA (their quarterly reports are out). They're still taking it on the chin a bit, but the interesting thing about the article relates to CEO Ken Lewis, and the Government medding in the bank's affairs too much. As some of you are probably seeing in the news lately, Lewis was pretty much bullied into taking on Merril Lynch last winter by Paulson and Bernake (mostly Paulson). Well, long story short; Although BofA is still hurting, they're getting stronger and stronger. And comments were made that the more the government screws with the bank via their forced TARP funds, the more the government threatens Ken Lewis's job, the MORE the big boys are starting to support Ken Lewis! Ladies and Gentlemen, just a cursory read between the lines will tell you that this additional support of Ken Lewis is clear evidence of the growing disconnection between the Titans of Industry, and the current administration's policies. Remember, sadly but true, what wins the Oval Office seat.....money! Those with the most money to spend during a campaign, seem to win. I know we've got A LONG way to go before election time, but these powerhouses that are starting to rally against the administration's back-office policies don't have the "drive-thru" mentality. They remember when.... Personally, I hope BofA kicks butt! Not because I'm a huge fan of them "I'm a credit union kind of guy", but because they're a southern bank, with southern principals, from day one, dollar one. They've become the giant they are, by being openly ANTI-Wall Street. I like that! True, they're sharks, but in my opinion, a shark that I can respect, unlike the manicured/pedicured/frosted-tip/two-faced wall street sharks.
  7. It sure wouldn't hurt! But if you're going to do the hood and roof, just do the entire car. Take a look at what a black lexus can look like after a claybar job and some wax...my old 95' LS with 120k miles on it... http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...showtopic=27799
  8. Finally! Someone says something other than UP UP UP! RX, if you're still kicking around with the crude options, you better have a hair trigger to bail, because I think the drop is going to hit hard, and hit fast! Summary: Oil to hit $20 this year... http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...id=aQBXqFcd5gJo
  9. Can someone please explain to me, how in the hell we can "lend" $10's of billions of dollars to two auto makers who, for years, have produced sublevel products "only to have them go bankrupt anyway", and not lend CIT the $5 billion or so it needs to continue being a source of capital for America's small business owner? CIT was denied help today...it's going down in the history books with Lehman, Bears, and the others. Who in the hell is running this thing? What's more important to this country; a minivan that leaks when it rains and 13 mpg SUV's, or a countless slew of small businesses being able to meet payroll? It won't matter if GM comes out with the flying car in the next 5 years, because nobody's gonna have the ability to buy one anyway. It's beginning to be harder for me to think Obama will be a two term leader, instead of one.... Get ready folks, here comes the rope-a-dope.
  10. I know where I'd like to mount mine, everytime it doesn't work and I have to pay that $.80 cents at the next stop...but I hear Cook County Jail ain't the place for this Blues Brother to be hangin' out these days...
  11. Us V8 4runner guys have been stinkin' up the place with this issue for years! We have a TSB for new cats that are covered under the same warranty. Some have had the proceedure done, but the smell seemed to come back after time. I read somewhere that it is a product of the fact that these are exceptionally clean emission cars. Maybe I heard that from SWO? I'm not sure. But eitherway, you guys think your car stinks, try having one that allows you to lower the back window, and then stomp on the gas! HOLY COW! That smell will actually burn the inside of your nose! But look on the bright side of this, which is why I won't mess with the new cats approach on my 4runner: It's a GREAT way to deal with tailgaters! One of my favorite things about the 4runner is the ability to pop that baby in neutral and give it a couple redline revs and watch those tailgater scramble to fall back or pass you! It's like dropping a !Removed!-bomb in their lap! It's one of those little things in life that I enjoy! ;)
  12. In my opinion though, if you don't claybar the car as well, then you're not going to get the biggest benefit from the job. Claybaring a car is THE key component to restoring a paint job, if you ask me. Just washing it with dish soap will still leave contaminants in the paint, of which you're just going to wax over.
  13. If you've gone throught the hassle of removing the wheel, take an extra 30 minutes to clean the inside of the rim. Wash it, then hit it with a Mr. Clean Magic Erasure bar, then put a little polish on it "I like Mother's metal polish myself". I think you'll find this little extra touch really goes a long way to keep the wheels looking good. Plus, it also seems to help with keeping the brake dust off. Just a thought!
  14. That's why they're called a "Stealership". I do my own oil changes, with Mobile 1, which usually costs me around $50 bucks including filter. Places like Discount Tires will sometimes rotate your tires for free, with hopes of creating a future customer. I only reserve the dealership's mechanics for crucial, lifeline type repairs to the car, that I feel the full backing of Lexus is needed if the repairs aren't done correctly. Which, being a Lexus, doesn't really happen. I had my oil changed and tires rotated on my 4runner at the local Toyota dealership two weeks ago for $89 (I didn't have time to do it myself, and was getting ready for a road trip) - Mobile 1 used too. Try a Toyota dealership next. My 4runner has the same 4.7 V8 as the GX470.
  15. According to the guy you recommended to sell my LS, I've got the feeling those 9 of the 10 probably let you win for fear you'll sasquatch them!
  16. We spent the week of the 4th back in NC (Atlantic Beach), and drove the 2,300 mile round trip drive for one reason, and one reason only...... The Carolina members will certainly understand.
  17. B) ;) Tommy, I offer you exhibit A:
  18. Tommy, I believe the wire problem IS400 (the most beautiful thing I've ever seen holding a torque wrench) is talking about pertains to the model years prior to the 1995+ series. I think the little black wire problem was solved with the update done to the LS series in 95'. I think you're ok with your 96'. What part of NC are you from? I was just there last week (Atlantic Beach) for family vacation, and LOADED UP on some sweet Carolina go-go juice (Sun Drop). I had our family 4runner loaded down with 58 - 2 liters, 3 cases of cans, and 3 cases of the oil-can bottles, to bring back to Chicago! If anyone doubts the pulling power of a Toyota V8 engine, then you should have been with us last Friday while going through the mountains of West Virginia while on our way back to sh*tcago.
  19. OUCH! :o That just sucks! I'm willing to bet they weren't trying to pry open your gas cap door to steal the gas, but rather to add something to it. Good to see that little door can take a beating, because had they been successful at obtaining access to your gas gap, you would probably have some pretty nasty problems with the engine to deal with too. Nothing like a little dirt, pee, or god forbid, sugar, in the gas tank to cause some serious problems. Call your insurance company asap, and follow their advice on what you should do. They might require a police report to be filed to accept the claim. No doubt in my mind this repair will be in the thousand($) to fix properly. It can be fixed and brought back to new though. Heck, my second car (92' Sentra SE-R) was bought after a golfball hail storm hit auto-row in Overland Park, Kansas back in the day. It was white, and looked like a "golf ball". It was fixed, and look like brand spankin' new for the several years I had it "I loved that car". But, you should also keep in mind Carfax will be lurking in the shadows as well. And when you file that police report, their is a very good chance Carfax will pick up on it and forever attach it to the car's report going forward, which could hurt you down the road when it comes time to trade it in or sell it. Sometimes, crap like this just happens in life. But, as my dad always taught us boys, "it isn't your enemies that will get you into trouble...it's your friends!" I'm not saying anyone in your circle is to blame for this, but let this experience stay with you later in life as to where you want to be led to "hang out" with the amigos. ;)
  20. Geezz. A guy goes to a car shop with the simple problem of dirty transmission fluid, has no other symptoms of problems, and gets told the most expensive part is burned out. Anyone else hear the b/s alarm going off on this one? If I were you, I'd find another shop, specifically one that specializes in Toyota/Lexus cars. You DON'T take a Lexus to your local Firestone shop, ever, never, period! Go to the Toyota dealership, buy a box of transmission fluid type IV and do a couple drain n' fills yourself over the course of the next few hundred miles. Do a search on here for "drain and fill" and read up on how to do it "it's easier than changing the oil - just one of the easiest accesible bolts on the car is all it takes".
  21. Addition - 1. The garage "Man Land" is not an extension of your hobby room. It shall not, will not, and must not, smell of anything other than gasoline, motor oil, beer farts, and cigar smoke. Any attempts to add "color" in the form of flowers or plants to Man Land will result in the rolling and smoking of said items. Furthermore, any complaints about the required 42' Plasma, beer fridge, and assorted seating furniture will result in the invasion of the bonus room with said items "and associated neighborhood members of Man Land". Any infractions of said rules, will result in the implementation of rule "10-100" - aka - peeing on your shrubs! 1. All of the "you don't pay attention to me" comments are the sole reaction to the fact that you pay way too much attention to me. 1. Use the damn exhaust fan when you take a shower! Otherwise, you will be required to scrub the mold from the tile grout on a weekly basis. 1. When we say "that just makes her look trashy", what we're really saying is "damn, now that's hot" 1. Yes, it really does take us 45 minutes to "10-200". Yes, we do like to play football on our PSP during 10-200. No, we have no idea why the wireless internet keeps locking up during that time.
  22. ...and the best way to stop in the snow, is to pop the car into neutral when coming to a stop. This takes the torque of the engine out of the equation, and lets the resistance of the snow against the tires help to control the car.
  23. Chicago's Department of Transportation idea of fixing a pothole, is to turn it into a speed bump. Somebody, please, buy these idiots a leveler to use! I just love the double speed bumps in the MIDDLE of the 290 every 300 yards while going to/from downtown. I'm not joking guys, there are these double humps on the freeway, that will actually throw your loose change out of the ashtray! And if you slow down to hit them, you're gonna have all sorts of trouble coming up your tailpipe. Your money would be better spent at the "Save Bernie Madoff" store, then at the alignment shop around here. In my opinion, the last thing you want to buy here, is a 14 year old LS400 that has 120k miles on the air struts.
  24. I'd agree with that! Duke is a bunch of cry baby brats (who can't play basketball without cheating), and Auburn football can lick the sweat off a dead squirells on a hot August day in Tuscaloosa!
  25. Actually, given the path in life he took, I'd have to say Bill Mays earned the respect, to be respected. A guy who came up from poverty in West Virginia, made a living as a teenager hauling toxic and hazardous waste before waste management regulation made it to W. Virginia, earning his stripes on the boardwalk of New Jersey slinging products, to a multi-million dollar fortune and a branding ability soley on his own appearance. I'd say, there aren't too many folks out there that can say they've got the guts and balls that guy had to make something of himself. May he rest in peace. But I've got to admit, the OxiCasket, in my opinion, is pretty funny, in a twisted sort of way. And, who isn't just a bit twisted on here anyway?
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