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Everything posted by 13IS250C

  1. The way I look at it is this. Ethanol is made from corn. Corn is sugar. In other words, you are just pouring sugar in your gas tank. Anybody with a small two stroke engine will tell you that that crap just gums up everything. There is no way I would use that E85. The government is forcing that on us. As I've mentioned before, when I drive to the casinos, I travel through some of the richest Mississippi delta farmland. The soil is so rich that is is almost black. There used to be nothing but cotton and soybeans being grown. Now it is almost all corn.
  2. Got'em! Darn I thought he was gone.
  3. My neighborhood is too boring to walk in. Only one block and there are still houses under construction. When it gets a little nicer, I'm going to start walking on our greenway. I gotta get me a holder for my phone so I can listen to my tunes. The bad thing about that is that then I want to start dancing and singing. Teeheehee.
  4. I have a TV mounted on the wall in front of my treadmill. I can get interested in a program and the next thing I know I have walked for an hour. Only bad thing is you have to turn the TV so loud to hear it over the treadmill. I need to get my hubby to pull it off the wall and see if there is a headphone jack on the back. I refuse to get old like other people my age. All kinds of diseases and joint replacements. Not my thing.
  5. Most people just don't give a darn. Going with what y'all said about the food purchases of these bozos, if you don't care about your car you probably don't care about your body. I enjoy the walk. God blessed me with a healthy body. I want to keep it that way. I will also walk a long distance to put my buggy in the cart rack.
  6. My mom said it was my first word. Loved them all my life. Even songs about cars, thus my love for the Beach Boys. My mom had a red '70 Charger. I kept it pristine. She hated when I moved out and she had to go through car washes.
  7. Give your gas mileage a while. It will get a little better for about 10k miles. The engine is still tight.
  8. I have lots of vices. My car is my favorite one.
  9. Oh sorry. That was my blonde coming out. I thought it said $1.79. Teeheehee.
  10. Yeah, I prefer to do my gambling where I get free drinks, dinners and rooms.
  11. I remember it as cheap as $1.18 for premium. Of course, with the hot rods I drove, you needed it that cheap. I must be the oldest one here. :-(
  12. If I buy a stock it drops like a rock. I leave it to the professionals.
  13. Let us know. Sounds really strange.
  14. Welcome Mike!!!! Mine is a 13 and a convertible so I really can't help you much but to say that I love my car and have had almost 2 trouble free years of fun driving!!! Mine is a 250 too. I'm not sure if our engines are different or not. Since most of my cars have had 300 or more HP, the 250 is a bit sluggish. It isn't to the point that the car is not fun to drive or hard to pass or get around people. I guess the only place I really feel underpowered is entrance ramps that are uphill. My car is heavy with all the gear for the retractable top. Other than that, if it downshifts to the right gear, she will get up and go" Our good buddy VBDenny has one. I'm sure he will chime in soon. Let us know what you decide and post pics!!!!
  15. Welcome! $2600!!!!! That is rediculous. Is that an estimate from Lexus? If so, I would take it to a local muffler shop and get a quote. As far as the CC goes, I don't see why there would be any relation to the converter. Maybe try disconnecting your negative battery cable and see if that would reset it.
  16. Awful stuff. Higher percentage of ethanol. I wouldn't touch it.
  17. I loved it. I told tasteless jokes, talked about football and cars and really turned on the southern accent. I was their top salesman for years. Just got burned out and AZ and O'Reilly were putting the poor small town jobber out of business. It was sad to watch people lose their business just because big corporate a-holes would come put a store across the street that was open 24/7 and was a dime cheaper on parts. Very sad.
  18. Well....nothing but the best for my Apples! I love my iToys.
  19. OK, there are 50,000 to choose from. What made you pick this one? I also found me a cool little adapter that would work with all my Apple devices.
  20. Easy to work on. Easy to get parts for. I sold car parts wholesale for 13 years. I could tell you every part number for a 350 because they outsold the others 5 to 1. Spark plug, R45TS, filter PF45......I could go on and on.
  21. I need to get something like that. I also need an apple adapter because my iPad and iPod use a different cord than my iPhone. Where did you get it?
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