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Everything posted by LexKid630

  1. I realize traveling at high speeds is dangerous, but i am willing to take the risk. Call me lucky so far, but it seems to be working for me... unless i get pulled over.
  2. No one has the statitistics or data, but the word on the street is that it's only on AWD models. I haven't seen a post or heard of anyone with FWD having the problem.
  3. i guess we have to agree to disagree on the subject.
  4. I believe someone once told me, that the section of the car in question is actually "part" of the car, which means it can't be replaced, only banged out and painted. I attached a picture with the shaded region representing the section that cannot be replaced, only fixed. Is this the section you're speaking of?
  5. So let me get this straight. Its okay for you to drive 30-50MPH over the speed limit because you need to get where you have to go, faster? This logic works for you? I think it seems very logical. Traveling at a higher rate of speed (r ) at a constant distance (d) equals a smaller time (t). Use the equation t=d/r. Neglecting friction, and drunk drivers.
  6. I would say that it depends on what work you need done. I can't think of anything an average shop couldn't do that lexus can do better.
  7. I couldn't have said it better! I don't speed for "fun" or to "race". I speed because it gets me to where i have to go, faster. I travel more than an hour a day, and that's averaging 85mph. Just imagine if i averaged 50!? I stay in the high speed lane and pass when the person in front of me refuses to pull over. I don't weave or drive recklessly, and always loser my speeds based on the weather and different conditions. The only danger is the other idiots on the road, and that's out of my control. I guess i take a huge chance, but i've been doing it for 30 years without a problem. The only things getting in the way are cops and people who don't get out of the way. Seriously, the Rx350 at 100 feels and handles the same as it does at 60. Sometimes i get up to that 112 when i cuts off the gas, and i think to myself, wow i would have guessed i was going 80.
  8. Normally, i would not suggest you purchase an Rx300 because of the known transmission failures (about a $4400 fix) but since you're getting it for 5k less than what it's actually worth, your transmission could fail and you'd still be ahead. Plus, im sure if you're friends with the lexus guy, he'd probably fix it for free anyways! Even $21 is a good price, even with that mileage. $16 is GREAT for an 03 rx300. TAKE IT!! Is it AWD or FWD? the tranny failures are known to occur mostly on the AWD models.
  9. At lower speeds, the switch is very responsive and the light angle can be adjusted as soon as i move the switch (i just need to move it very slowly). At speeds above ~20MPH the switch must be left in one spot for several seconds before the headlights move.
  10. I can't take pictures of the device on the RR control arm since i had to remove it, to take it into the cabin to make the manual switch. Find the control arms and find that little "arm" that connects from the right-rear arm to the body of the car. I have attached a little diagram i did quickly on paint to show what i'm talking about.
  11. Thanks for your suggestions guys I agree that it's best to just pay the thing (this fine is only $85) to not make a scene in court. I wasn't tailgating the cop, i was 2 or 3 car-lengths behind him in the next lane, making sure to keep the same speed as the officer, never passing him. At first he was traveling around ~65 then he'd speed up to ~80 then back down; clearly fluctuating. I just made sure i kept the same speed as him, stayed behind, and in the opposite lane as him and never went too close. I have been driving for a LONG time, and i've done this before without getting pulled over for it. He never used any radar in the back or anything, since i had my radar detector on the whole time and it never once went off. How could i have gotten arrested? I believe the law in RI, is if you double the speed limit you can be arrested. A few years ago i had a ticket for 99 in a 55 with only a ticket.
  12. Well you're never going to believe this! Well, after reading your responses and speaking to various lawyer friends, i decided it was best to just pay the ticket. But tonight, just about an hour ago, i was driving on the VERY SAME HIGHWAY, when i spotted an under-cover crown vic in the high speed lane going ~80 in a 50. I began to follow the car (i assumed it was an officer) when he quickly pulled into the next lane, went behind me, before pulling me over! He stated that he "set me up"! I will admit i was speeding, but SO WAS HE! And i was behind him the whole time, with a few car lengths between us. He stated to me, "What if i was on an emergency call and started going 100, would you follow me then?" I didn't really have an answer to that. My reasoning is that if he's on an emergency call, he should have his police lights on and sirens blasting. So bottom line, he gave me a ticket for going 60 in a 50 (he said i was really doing 80 with him) with the "clocked" checked-off on the ticket. It's an $85 fine, or i can go to court on Jan 8 2008! This is the same date i could have gone to court for the other one! I regret sending the payment for the other one; i could have made it a day thing I just think it's funny that officers can do whatever they want, while citicens have to pay... My tax dollars at work. BTW i was driving back from seeing the movie "American Gangster" -sort of ironic. I think i may try to fight this one. The whole time, i was behind him, NEVER in front. Do i have a case?
  13. Last night around 11pm i was driving down a long stretch of highway (speed limit 50mph) when all of a sudden my radar detector started chirping like it was on fire! I slammed on the brakes as soon, and as hard as i could, but it was too late. About 100ft ahead i saw a cop perpendicular to the road in the grass turn on his headlights. I assumed the cop had used "instant-on" radar when he saw me coming, since i was the only car on the road at the time. As i passed him he drove out onto the road and pulled me over. As soon as i rolled down my window the first thing he asked me, was if i had a radar detector. I stated that i didn't (since i have it internally concealed in the front grill and ashtray compartment of my Rx350). He stated that he had me at 86mph, then asked for my information and returned to his car. I assumed he knew, well, "thought" that i had a detector since i slowed down so rapidly after he turned it on. Since they're legal in RI, i didn't really care if he found it, i just thought he might be less hard on me without that knowledge. Bottom line, he gave my a ticket (looks like it was printed out, as if from a computer and printer; is this the new way now?) for going 65 in a 50, instead of the 86 he must have calculated when he FIRST turned it on. Even though the ticket says my "actual speed" was 65, under "police use" there's a circled 86 and 'radar' checked of. However the actual "charge" states "going 15mph over the limit". Don't get me wrong, this $235 ticket is much better than (i can't even imagine) what it would have been for the 86... but i'm just mad in general. A few years ago i received a ticket for 99 in a 55 (same general place) but got off with a lesser fine by appearing before a judge in court. And please, no lectures about safety and your opinions about speeding... I'm just posting this for your help as to what i should do about this ticket. Do i pay the fine by mail, or wait until my "optional" Jan 8 2008 court date and fight it? My fear is that the officer will tell the judge i was REALLY going 86, and that he already reduced it. Could the judge increase my fine from the $235 amt on the ticket? Thanks for your help!
  14. Just keep prying on each side of that clear plastic cover with a screwdriver etc. It won't break, unless you pry from the wrong places. It's clear where to pry from.
  15. Ah that's the problem; it's fixed. For example if i had the volume on the console fixed at 1/2 way, and turned the volume up on the wheel to MAX, the knob on the console would still be half way. They would need to work together... I wouldn't have a problem with tune/seek buttons for they're just "buttons", not a knob. It would be a direct solder. I could always take the radio apart and make my own rotary switch for the radio?
  16. Is it possible to add the radio volume/seek controls to the steering wheels of the rx300? The 01-05 Gs430's have the same wheel as the rx300, they just have that black "controller" at 7 o'clock. Would it be possible to add this controler on the rx300 wheels and have them work? If you were to take the airbag off of the rx300 steering wheel, you would notice the wires just "hanging" that would go to the radio controls. Therefore, i know there are wires running from the steering wheel to the inside column. i'm sure it wouldn't be a problem attaching it to the wheel, i just don't know how one could rig it to work with the radio switches. I'm only not 100% sure because of the nature of the radio volume switch on the rx300. It doesn't work by pressing a button for volume up or down; you must rotate that knob. On the radio controller for the wheel, you press a button for up and down. Meaning, it wouldn't be as simple as soldering the wires. If anyone has any ideas, please share!
  17. This makes more sense! I don't know how one could notice the random light with the low beams, to the point where it irritates them. As for the extra light when the high beams are on, there isn't much you can do. The high beam lights are in a reflector unit, not even a projector unit as the low beams are.
  18. I've owned both the rx350 and rx400h. I couldn't get used to the "electric-gas" "feel/transition" while driving. it just felt wrong to me. I guess if you're used to the prius, the transition shouldn't be very hard. The 400h gets better HP, that's about the only significant difference. the mileage isn't much better. Also, the interior's are different on the 400h. In 07, they didnt even offer the wood package; now, they do, but it only comes with the light yellow wood
  19. Aftermarket wheels!? Weights in the driveway!? My guess is that the rims are out of round SO much, the weight's glue can't even stand the forces at high speeds.
  20. Ask them how much weight it took to balance the rims. Maybe the rims are out of round? I don't understand how the tires could be causing the unbalance; usually it's the rim. The weight needed should be no more than ~5oz. tell them to use the stick-on ones; the other ones might fly off if they're really out of round. Also, the worst rims should be placed in the rear.
  21. Well i took the rx350 out tonight in a highly wooded road, and i DO notice the light up there. My guess is that it's just the outer rim of the projector lense, sending out random light. The same pattern is noticed on the sides (if you park in a garage etc), not just above. It's such a sharp line, that i doubt it's reflection off of the chrome plastic. I don't think there's anything you can do, unless you want to take the headlight apart, and make the "cutoff" on the projector plastic even smaller around the rim.
  22. could you draw a picture on paint for example and post it, so we can understand what you're talking about? because i don't think i understand :cries:
  23. i doubt a local furniture refinisher is going to be of much help. The clearcoat used on the steering wheels is not of the same material that is used on furniture, nor is it applied in the same manner. I think the chances of them taking their time to make it perfect are pretty slim. Nevermind the cost! If you're somewhat handy, you could do it yourself. You'd need to remove the wheel, mask off the leather parts, and sand down the clearcoat evenly until the cracks are gone... MAKE SURE NOT TO SAND TOO DEEP. You should buy some clearcoat used for cars (comes as 2 parts that you mix; the clear and the hardener) and use a spray gun to apply light even coats. I would adjust the ratio to 3:1 instead of 4:1 so that it's even more hard. Your other option is to look on ebay for a used one in good condition. My guess is that a furniture shop (if you even find one willing to do it for you) will charge close to $100 for it to be perfect again.
  24. To fill in the creases that appear very dark in the lexus leather, use this stuff called "magicmendor" Google it. It works great! They also make a clearcoat that you can spray over the leather so it appears less shiny and dull (wipe it down with alcohol first so it will stick). I used it on my armrests and headrests when the rest of the leather was replaced in my rx300. It makes the leather look perfectly new, and holds up perfectly. The color for rx300 tan is ivory #375. I used a spray gun; one that you would paint a car with.
  25. I agree with this! Why do you want to have to look at it to use it? It's in the perfect place, and it's easy to turn on and off when your hand is on the right wood piece. I don't like the radio etc buttons at 9 and 3 o'clock because i never keep my hands there (odd position if you ask me). I usually keep my left hand at 11 and my right at 4. I've been driving Lexus' since 1990 and it's the same on all of them. It's perfected. I really don't know why anyone has a problem with it; it's so simple!
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