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Everything posted by LEX-SV

  1. Yes, I especially like how Porsche has taken and modernized the 911 up to date / 2014. I'm not a big fan of retro cars, especially if they try too hard to be retro.
  2. If they do this Nx right, it has the potential to outsell the RX (now that's a pretty tall order for sure).
  3. btw - Which car is the 5th gen Camaro, the current gen "Transformer" car?
  4. Agreed, grill is not dealbreaker, and the sales results so far support that view. The Mercedes CLA has a bling-tastic grill too, and you can even get an optional lighted Mercedes logo in middle of grill (US regs don't allow the vehicle to be moving while logo is lit).
  5. Fortunately grills are just cosmetic (yes, even Madonna wore a grill last Sunday night). And latest Lexus products seems to have very good overall styling overall even if the grill is a bit dramatic.
  6. ^ You don't have a AWD/4WD SUV for winter duty and well as general urban duty? Which 911 do you have? (Last 911 I owned was '90 air-cooled cab, followed by 2 Boxsters)
  7. I have a sneaking suspicion that this RC Coupe will look even better in person that the pictures show so far... Glad to see Lexus do a production car like this.
  8. Do you have snow tires on the -F for driving in snow?
  9. IMHO, the whole Fast and Furious thing filmed in simulated public road settings is pretty lame.
  10. Some risk is involved with this spindle grill. 3 of my friends voiced marginal to negative opinions of the IS spindle grill so far, not good. Personally I don't mind the grill, although I prefer to see new IS in darker colors which tones down the grill effect. Latest gen (with spindle grill) GS and IS sales are up over previous generation, so the grill doesn't seem to be hurting sales based on those simple sales stat comparisons. The RC coupe (based on pictures of production version) is hot. I expect it will have an aggressive stance similar to BMW 4 series coupe. Specific to the topic, Nx, Lexus really needs to be in this high growth segment of compact crossover/SUVs. For me it's an ideal sized SUV, I have a Mazda CX-5 very similar in size and it's the most useful vehicle in my garage. The Nx should be a winner.
  11. Yes, for our 2nd and 3rd generation ISx50's, 19" wheels are about as big as practical.
  12. Anybody plan to get a new RC coupe?
  13. Thanks for acknowledging the entertainment value, that's got to be worth something. Best of luck with your research and shopping.
  14. Yes, lol, Kansas obviously has extra special elementary schools. Agreed, never a good time to be in debt. Oh yeah, topic was car-related last time I checked...
  15. My Mazda dealership SA usually (sheepishly) asks me if I want tire/wheel balancing at nearly every oil change, he knows what my answer will be after I tell him it's running extremely smooth at speed.
  16. ^ good recommendation to consider. I purchased my IS350 as CPO in late 2008, and the Lexus service and support has been excellent for 5 years at my original dealership.
  17. Nobody is feeling flush about stock performance in the bubble(s), at least not here. Not that anybody cares about the offtopic elementary school financial advice with the 100 year window (adjusted for inflation) anyways, lol. Some good points brought up here on the topic, being lease vs purchase, thankfully.
  18. Yes ^, that assumes the purchaser has enough other semi-liquid investments (yes, including cash), stocks, mutual funds and bonds that perform at a better rate than 1.99% annually. No, not just cash. It's not that hard for those of us with strong tech stock portfolios to exceed an after tax gain of 1.99% annually, no big accomplishment. If your wife's CPA financial planner can't do that, get another one (consider a well-qualified advisor, even if non-CPA). btw-I don't do much consulting, although I've done some for corporations at a very high billable rate, (lol, no thanks, I'll politely decline on being your wife's financial planner). Yes, leasing makes more sense for some self-employed professionals for tax reasons (as mentioned in post #4). And buying new lux cars is very expensive with any method of payment/financing (as mentioned in post #5)
  19. Yes, maybe a graph of housing prices and collectable car prices might show similar trends in last 2 decades....
  20. Yes, low interest auto loans in 0% to 1.99% range have to be considered today, for those with better yielding uses of cash.
  21. Isn't the wait for a Tesla nearly 4 months or so?
  22. Welcome to LOC. Sorry, but this is of no help. But I saw this very large hamster at autoshow in November.... I hope some of the RX owners have some ideas.
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