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Everything posted by pj8708

  1. Welcome Andie522. Looks like nodody knows the answer either, Nor do I. The obvioous next step is to call your dealer and ask about the memory enhanecment. Please write back and let us know what you found out. Paul
  2. You certainly have! And welcome to your Lexus Owners Club. You'll find answers to your questions or post answer information from your own experience. Please use the "Search " feature which is filled will an overwhelming amount of information on all modela and all years. Paul
  3. My guess is that the following would happen: The construction will never be as easy as they say it will be. You'll play hell with the building permits and the inspectors. Your taxes will go up. It will raise the resale value of your home. It will be one of the best things you've done for your family in terms of family time, fun for the kids, and a place for every neighborhood kid you've never seen before to gather. Go for it!!
  4. pj8708

    My Vw Gti

    It's obvious we need to talk with your family about an intervention, then getting you into a 12 step program for those that have the inability to drive by a car dealership. LOL Sounds great and good looking. Congratulations!
  5. I can't speak to Texas roads, but I just took a 870 mile trip through Iowa and Minnesota and on some of the new road surfaces I thought I was going to need connstruction grade ear plugs. Paul
  6. Hi bigshoe and welcome to the LOC. Unfortunately, I'm afraid your right.....no joy, Roger that. You have tried all options and for truth, the system just isn't designed that way. IF however you find out other wise and prove me wrong, please write back and let us know. We like learning about wierd stuff! Paul
  7. Absolutly; and I appreciate the information and insight. Interms of suggestion, my comment was not meant to make you think, nor anyone even close to your zip code.
  8. Yes, I have. And I've appreciated the information.
  9. Hi Hank. Sorry your having the problem. Before you throw your hands in the air in dispair, lets talk about a few ideas. Since the LS is an 2008, is it possible that it may still be under warranty. If so, head to your dealer. If not, I'm no expert, but others who have had this problem have tried some of these things. Look in your owners manual and find the location of the fuse that protects the radio, cd player. With the ignition in the off position, remove the fuse from the fuse box using the little set of "twezer" like fuse pullers that are included in the fuse box. Wait 5 minutes or so, then put the fuse back in. Now you can start the car and see if the cd changer will begin cycling by itself. If not, touch the eject button and see if that will start it to work. The concept is to "reset" the system by letting all the processors drain themselves of power, and "re-boot" the system, hoping it will start over and remember that it's mission is to eject the cd, not make waffles. Also, a reputable auto stereo shop may be able to help you for a lot less than the dealer. But be careful who you chose to go to. A poor, un/trained tech can ruin your system in a heart beat. Your dealer may have seen this problem before and may know exacly what to do. If your not a Do it your self guy like me, the dealer may be your best and most logical choice in the end. Let us know how you come out. Paul
  10. Trip of about 875 miles last week in 95' heat, averaged 32 mpg for total trip. I was so proud of my ES350. (89 octane, 10% ethanol)
  11. Cool! I started making my list of the accesories I'll want for my LFA. The wait time is a killer... Paul
  12. This is an article with short, precise corrections to the major "MYTH's" regarding the healthcare act. I believe them to be factual and will stand up to fact checking. I bet you won't read it. http://www.dailyfinance.com/photos/obamacare-myths/#photo-1 As a side note, A hospital in the metro area has lost millions of millions of dollars this year from their general budget, almost all atributabe to unpaid patient care and charity care through places like the ER. No hospital can go on like this, but the healthcare law helps to fix the problem by having all those who can afford it have insurance.
  13. Lenore, regarding your statemennt that healthcare is a privalage not a right, I'm going to assume you merely got your keyboard mixed-up, and the out-come statement should have been reversed. GOOD HEALTHCARE is a RIGHT, not a privalage. If you actually believe that it is a privalage, then we rightfully can establish rules and guidlines for what type and level of care you should get, and if your condition becomes critical, they will look at the guidlines to dtermine if you should recieve additioal life saving measures's or not.... It is not a privalage to be able to take in a breath and exhale, It is not a privalage to have something or someone to provide essential medical care. This is one of the core attempts of the Affordable Healthcare Act. To try and turn the Titanic a few degree's farther sout, into a different course helping employers, insuers, and Americans move into a plan that makes sense for all. When we start puttung prices's on your family's and co-workers lives, when we judge who is fitting or who not to be given the aid of a clinic, Nurse, Doctor and other necessary services. This will give all of us then the RIGHT to object regarding neccety, exspense, or any other b.s. they want to come up with. Healthcare is a RIGHT. Driving is a privalage. The Republican method is to take care of those who only can take care of you. The new Air Force fighter is $30 Billion a copy and they can't fly it for more than 30 minutes because of hypoxia problems. This has been going on for years, trying to get it air worthy. $30 Billion........per plane that is too dangerous to fly. But Congress won't pull the plug, Just keep printing more money. When your making your snap judgments about who will be allowed to live and who will not be cause you don't like the way they look or because they haven't had a job for two years, Choose carefully. Things are learned in the home
  14. Hi and welcome to the LOC. You might try going to Lexus.com. They have a lot of "Beauty Shots" of all models. Also, check the toolbar at the head of the LOC page. Paul
  15. "Good morning class. Of the following three words, which two don't relate to the one word remeaining.?" Answer: Thats correct.....Guts and God have no relation to Guns, If your response to this "Pop" quiz is to become angry, then I'm asking Lexus to make their glove box so small, you could barely bet a glove in it!
  16. Corecction: "People don't hate change, as long as it dosen't effect them".
  17. It is important that every member include the model and year of their Lexus. Other wise, there is no way to begin to help you. Please go to your profile and add this information. Most Lexus models have the fuel filter in the gas tank along with the filter. This placement keeps the pump cool. I'm sorry, but I don't know how to change the filter. Others will chime in here who can help you. Paul
  18. Hi Blake and welcome to the Club. I can't really be a lot of help to you, but my ES is a 2010 and has the interface you mention. So I am asumming a 2010 GS would have the same interface. Others will jump in here and hopefully answer your other questions. Paul
  19. Wow Dio, you've really have a strange one. I have no idea what the problem yes, and I didn't notice that you were out of the country. Although your nearest Lexus dealer may be exspensive, but I don't think that anyone else will be able to fix it. I hope someone else chimes in here and lends more expertise. Paul
  20. The last dealer was giving you the straight scoop. You have a brand new car that already has a FREE bumper to bumper warranty for (I think it'ts still 40,000 miles and 3 years.). If your driving 30,000 miles a year, THEN, you might consider an extended warranty. But An extended warranted is nothing more than an insurance policiy, with a premium and a deductable, with limited coverages. Lexus, according to J D. Power has been the number #1 car in reliabity for years. Better than Mercedes or BMW.. In my opinion very few othe LOC members buy or havee extended warranties. The only people who really profit from the extended warrenty is the dealer. Paul
  21. Welcome to the Lexus Owners Club. It is necesary for members to include the model year of their of their car . Same models can have differances from year to year, and in order to help you accurately, people need that info. Please go back to your Profile and make this update. Thank you. Paul Re: your problem. Can't believe they would all be tied together. I am not a mechanic or an expert. But I'm curious about a couple of things. One of the odd things that go's along when all of these symptoms appears is a beep. What does the beep sound like? Does it sound like any other sound (beep)) that the LS makes? Can you make this beep go off anytime you want The reason I ask is to see if that beep can help us track down what ciircuit some of the features are on. I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "Audio Reset" on the steering wheel. I don't have an LS430 so perhaps I simply don't have that feature. Could you explain what this "Audio Reset" is? Have you have any look at it such as an Auto electronics expert who knows Lexus or a dealer Paul
  22. Hello Trev. Welcome to the Club. My guess is that you have a bad actuator in that door. This is the part that connect to the window glass and moves it up and down. Showing my ignorance, I'm not sure if the motor and actuator are one part or seperate. You'll need to remove the inside door panel to reach these parts. I have no idea why the dealer didn't spot this. Let us know how you come out. Paul
  23. Hi Ravi and welcome to your Club. Congratullations on the new RX !! . There is nothing like the smell of getting into thet new car. I really like the way they've improved the "mouse" system ; it is much smoother and the enter function is more friendy. The front grill is also a nice touch. Looks good going down the street. Let us know if we can help and feel free to post anytime. Paul
  24. For any one to be able to offer you help, it is necesary to include the year of your RX because there are changes from year to year. Please go to your Profile and add your model year. As far as the blind spot, I'm not sure what you mean. With the motorized, 4/way mirror adjusment there is usualy not a problem. For a wider view of the lane next to me, I have purchesed a small rectagular or circle mirror that sticks on to the outside mirror. The surface is curved toprovide a wide angle view of the side lanes of the car. You can buy these cheap at any car parts store.. Paul
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