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Everything posted by pj8708

  1. Does anyone know what impedance the non Levinson amp is looking for from the front door speakers in a ES 350? And What power the amp puts out? This is kind of important so I hope you'll take the time to answer. Thanks very much. Paul
  2. That is really bad! I would send that photo directly to a Lexus regional office or their equivilant and ask for a resolution to the problem. I can't imagine they want one of their cars driveing around looking like that.
  3. What type of improvement are you trying to get? More/deeper bass? Smoother bass? Louder, more pronounced mid-range? More intense treble or smoother highs? More punch? Kindey punch volume? What model/year Lexus do you have? My experience has been with the standard premium system from the factory is that the amp is under powered compared to a custom installation of a 20 year old but not bad for an old geezer like me. The weak link in the Lexus sound is the door speakers and the sub. I have a seperate sub in the trunk running of an Alpine amp. This gives me nice surrounding, smooth bass that fills out the bottom of any music. I am trading my 05 ES for a 2010 ES tommorow and will move the sub and amp to that car and am putting two new 6x9 coaxial speakers in the front doors. I feel the tweeters in the dash are quite good. Paul
  4. I can only speak to my 05' ES 330. With this model year, using a Python brand remote system, when the remote start is pushed, the doors are locked, the starter engages, and the headlights and taillights come on. The factory remote will not unlock the doors and will not unlock the trunk untill the doors are unlocked using the remotes start fob. I agree with the previous writer that you will probably have to buy new remote fobs in order to make thins work.
  5. When you answer a topic or post a topic there is a spell check icon in the far top right corner of the tool bar. But, try as I may I can not figure out how to use it. Can you give me some tips? Thanks very much!! Paul
  6. A cornerstone of United States law is "Ignorance of the law is no excuse." Even though I did not have the knowledge, I plead gulity of all charges and will proceed to car wash/paint swirl jail. However, I have not experienced any paint flakeing, peeling or severe swirling on my 05' ES 330. I wash it once a week at a commercial car wash and have it completely detailed and paint touched up every 8 months. I spoke with the local dealer and they have not seen any problems with flakeing paint. SW please forgive me.
  7. The dealer is trying to talk me into taking the wheels that come on the 21010 ES and sending them off to be chromed. They have a demo in stock with them on and they don't look to bad. But, they also want $1900. for it!! It dosen't look that good. The Liquid Grapite on the UL are very dark and I think run $2550., but I'm not sure on that. Has anyone verified that there is now a $1,000. Golden Opportunity coupon avialable to dealers? Paul
  8. I'm torn between the standard 17 inch five split-spoke alloy wheel that comes on the 2010 350 and the 17 inch E-Sport alloy wheel thats optional. The E-Sport is $1,250. I can't find a picture of a 350 with the sport wheels on it and the dealer does not have a car in stock with them on as well. If you have them on your car or have seen a 350 with them on I would welcome your opinion. Thanks, Paul
  9. In my business our commission is just out there on the HUD-1 at settlement so I'm used to that. One thing that has become an issue for mortgage people though, the new HUD laws require that a BROKER disclose their commission (the yield spread premium) in their good faith estimate and on the HUD. The issue is...since loan officers from direct lenders get paid internally and not at settlement, they don't have to disclose the same, so brokers are always at a disadvantage in the eyes of the consumer because they see that big YSP on there and see a GFE from Bank of America with no such thing and think the broker is ripping them off...when often the broker is SAVING them money. I'm not sure where this is all coming from, and yes there are certainly situations where buyers are at the mercy of a monopolistic market. But on any given day, regardless of what someones profit is or how much commision the broker makes, if you don't like the price, don't buy it. Automobiles are probably one of the least monopolistic products out there when you consider how many brands there are with how may different models within those brands, sold by thousands of dealers around the world. I give! I will post some pic's when the time comes. I'll have glossy 8x10's for sale in the lobby after the show. Paul p.s. How do you use the spell check feature?
  10. I will let you know what they have to go through to activate this feature when I pick up my new 350. For what it's worth, and you know how valuable that will be, I will let the dealer know the amount of displeasure this feature has caused a lot of loyal Lexus customers so he will hopefully tell Lexus brass. Paul
  11. You know it is funny there are laws in some states and some companies are starting to implement even in states that don't have laws in place that insurance companies disclose the commission that is paid to the producer/agent/broaker. I just don't get it at all. If you walk in the door or call me and I save you $50.00/ a month why would you care if I make 10% or 17% commission. I would love to be able to show the idiot that has started this the overhead in the business. I feel the same way about the car dealer. They should make money off of the deal. Who am I to say how much. Business is business if the deal works it works for both. I have often thought that it would be a good learning experience for everyone to spend 30 days running their owning business using their own money as part of their education curriculum. Then people might have a perspective on things like inventory cost, labor cost, rent, utilities, advertising, etc. But most of all, the true cost of business, exceptional customer service. I am always willing to pay more for that one special thing and in particular, when it is delivered in the service bay with a wrench in hand. I am not saying that you should have to pay to get good serice, but exceptional anything comes with overhead attached, and I guess I am lookin for that dealer with that special touch of customer service. I have never uploaded photos to this site and I don't see any place where it says "upload here". Can you give me a few pointers? Also, How do you activate the spell check feature when your typeing? Thanks, Paul
  12. I came up with this wording from the 2010 ES 350 brochure; "Remote-linked window and moonroof opening", listed under Standard Luxury Features. A little esoteric would'nt you agree. But, I'm going to go out on that usual limb and assume it means the old remote Fob windows down trick. What do you think Great Wiz? Paul
  13. Went out for lunch today and afterwards, I had nothing else to do so I bought a new Lexus. After putting to work all of your help and advice, I put together a plan, went back to the dealer and within 15 minutes they agreed to everything I asked for. It was impressive. I purchased the 2010 ES350 in Black Sapphire & Parchment with Nav, adaptive headlights and the rest of that package, @MSRP $41,502. I asked for $14,500 for my 05 ES330 trade. My net purchase price was $22,806. They used one Golden Opportunity $500 coupon. Here is what I had asked for: $41,500 minus 10% = 37,350. $1,000 coupons minus = $36,350. $14,500 minus trade = net purchase price of $21,850. $22,806 actual net price $21,850 What I proposed $ $956. difference I know some people get hung up on how much the dealer made and trying to squeze every nickel out of the dealer. I don't care what the dealer makes. I only care about what I PAY. If the price fits with my needs and sense of fairness, I'm a happy boy. Compareing this to all of your diffrent experiences I feel comfortable. Your thoughts? I just put 4 new primacys on my 330 on July 23rd, and the dealer is willing to swap out the tires with the new 350. What do you guys think about this; my o5' 330 has 7 spoke Lexus chrome wheels. I don't dislike the standard 350 wheels per se and I don't want to spend the $1,250 right now for the E-series sport wheels that are optional for the 2010 350. How would it look to put the 330 chrome wheels on the 350? There is a "but" in this happy story. While I was collecting my ammunition, the dealer sold the one Black Sapphire they had in stock. However, they have two more in transit,(one all ready sold). It will be ten days, yeah right, before they arrive. I'm not going to post any photos when I get the car because you already know what one looks like and the color is so deep that you would'nt be able to tell what it was. Especially at Internet quality. Thank you, all of you for your help, especially you Steve W. The "Great Wiz" Paul
  14. Well, I took everyones advice, made a plan, executed the plan, and bought the 2010 ES350 this morning. You folks have been so helpfull and it saved me money, quite a bit. So I thank you. I'm going to start a new post laying out the pricing I got for other future buyers referance. I'll talk more about the tires and the other thing that came up. Paul
  15. Please accept my apology! I feel terrible for giveing you bad information. I had just driven a 2010 an had leafed through the manual. Guess the speed reading I took in college is a little rusty. Thanks Steve for steping in. Paul
  16. Called 2 other dealers today to see if I could locate a ES350 at my price and configuration. I called a dealer in Omaha, Nebraska and they were willing to take 10% off MSRP and give $14,000 for my ES330 with 47600 miles. Only problem, they did not have the car I want but said they could get one. (Black Saphire Pearl/Parchment with Nav, Adaptive headlights, etc. $41,501). I also called a dealer in Davenport, Iowa (on the Mississippi). They too would discount 10% and use Golden Oportunity coupons if necessary. Alas, they did not have a car but could get one. Tomorrow I'm going in to the local store and see how bad they to play "Lets Make a Deal!" I hope they play well with others. New question. The car I want has Brigestone (Teraza?) tires on it. Sorry, not sure of the spelling. On July 23, I just put 4 new Michelin Primacy's on my 330 and am wondering if I should ask to swap tires as part of the deal. Or are the Bridgestones an acceptable tire for a quiet and soft ride. Thanks for your input. Paul
  17. Yes, it does have that feature. Holding down the door unlock button for about 4-5 seconds should start the windows and sunroof to open. On the 330 models you had to continue holding down the button until the windows were all the way down. Not sure about the 350. Check your owners manual. Paul
  18. Thay also have the Peridot with parchment wich in a strange way, I find kind of intriging. But it is SO unique I'm afraid I am not that brave. I have the Chasmere interior on my 330 and like the color. You, Steve, had black and I can see why you would like the light,open air cabin feeling the Parchment color would add to the Truffle Mica. Those of you lucky enough to have multiple dealers in your locations are to be envied. Even in this economy if you are the only dealer in the state and you also the dealer for Infinity, Jaguar, Volvo, Land Rover & Cadillac, you pretty much have the corner on the market for luxury automobiles. Don't let me lead you astray, they do deal in a professional manner. However they do not need to offer the 10-11% dicounts that many of you have told me you have received in your negotiations. Steve, when I click on your post I have to scrool all the way to the bottom of the page to read the next post/answer. This only seems to apply to your postings. Is this a format problem or just a quirk of your quick witted personality? Paul Thank you guys for you feedback. Please keep it comeing!
  19. I'm looking at a Black Shaphire/Parchment with nav. They don't have a Truffle in stock but do have the Smokey Granite. What I don't like about the UL is the top/contrast stiching and the inflated price. I would be happy with just the nav and the base 8 speaker audio. It is not elegant by any stretch, but as I said it can be tweeked. I have copied down your pricing info. word for word and it has been incredibly helpfull. The ES above is 41,125 (this is from memory as I stoped by this noon with no pen) and I have left a voice mail with the rep regarding the $500 coupons. My other fear in all this is buying a 2010 and in 14 months seeing a 2012 and wishing I had the newest body style! Once you have the car bug, there is no vaccination. Paul
  20. Hi Manny. I'm not sure about your filter question, but I can tell you that my Lexus dealer suggest I change my oil once a year based on my 12,000 miles per year driving. Paul
  21. Is there anything you don't know??? I made a slip in not stating that the car I looked at was a UL, but the salesperson wasn't sure if you had to buy both the Nav and the M/L or if they could be seperate. I don't want the UL and I wasn't initially impressed with the Mark Levinson. I wonder if with the use of some replacement speakers and a amplifier and small sub I already have in my 330, I could improve the 350 base unit to a respectable level. I found a website from Edmunds that is a chat board for current Lexus buyers. Most post show numbers just like you quoted. As recent as yesterday people had bought 350's for 36K to 35K and there from Phoenix, D.C. and Chicago. Living in a small metro area with only one Lexus dealer within 100 miles, the dealer has little incentive to bargin in an aggresive manner. The thing that is bugging me the most is even if I can get the price I need should I wait for the 2011 and end up perhaps getting a better deal on a remaining 2010 or get a brand new 2011. But, the 2011 probably wont have anything new to offer would it? And the beat goes on.... Thanks very much, Paul
  22. Couple of quick questions. Looked at a 2010 ES 350 today, about $42,000. Has a Premium package with Nav. & Levinson audio. Can you get the Navigation without the M.L. audio or do they have to come together? Also, the salesperson started with a $2,000 drop off the MSRP and offered $13,500 for my 05' ES 330 with 47300 miles. The 330 just had 4 new Michelin Primacy tires, a complete detail with all paint retouched, and I have all service records for it wich are from this dealer. What do you think of this offer?
  23. Very strange and I haven't got a clue!! However, it is covered under your warranty so just take it to a Lexus dealer. Let us know what you find out. Paul
  24. I'm surprised Lincoln would design a car like that, being the configuration of parking & fog lights on without headlamps is illegal (at least in California). Any vehicle I have had will not let me activate the fog lights without the headlights being on. Reference: Foglamps 24403. (a) A motor vehicle may be equipped with not more than two foglamps that may be used with, but may not be used in substitution of, headlamps. V C Section 24800 Lighted Parking Lamps Lighted Parking Lamps 24800. No vehicle shall be driven at any time with the parking lamps lighted except when the lamps are being used as turn signal lamps or when the headlamps are also lighted. My 05 ES has the standard halogen headlights and fogs. However, my 07 Volvo S80 has Xenon headlights and white fogs. I like them no better and no worse than my Lexus with one exception that probably dosen't apply to those of you in large metro areas. When driving on country roads at night, the Xenon lights can light up a deer a 1/4 mile away. That beats the lexus headlight and has saved me a lot of near death experiences. I don't mind the snow as much as I mind a herd of 200 pound deer flying over the hood and through the windshield.
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