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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/16/2013 in all areas

  1. I am sorry to hear about your husbands health issues and do hope that he will continue to improve. Maybe the thought of riding in the LS will help ;-) I hear you about working on cars...not everyones cup of tea. However, do not sell yourself short as I will bet you can do much more than you might think. I do not always enjoy working on my cars (only 95% of the time!) but the money savings have been awesome. I have probably saved many, many thousands of $ over the life of each vehicle. My son and I replaced the temperature display on our 92 LS that had blacked out. Very common problem. It is relatively easy to fix and there are many posts on it. I encourage you to try tackling that on your own. There is no 'reprogramming' necessary, just some basic soldering skills which you can easily learn.
    1 point
  2. Take some fresh photos for us..... here is my 94 right after I fixed it and later with some new wheels...
    1 point
  3. There are some stations that sell 100% pure gasoline. No ethanol mixed in. Of course the fuel is more expensive but if you want pure stuff, you gotta pay. Here is how to locate these stations in your area( covers US and Canada...click on your state or the map for the entire country) -> http://pure-gas.org/
    1 point
  4. I had a similar problem with one of my LS's, and this is what I did to resolve it; this may or may not help . ... After trying the same things that you did, I took my EGR valves off and cleaned out the passage way's, next I cleaned my throttle body intake, lastly; I cleaned my intake and valves with a bottle of Sea Foam . (Here's how you do that) : look at your intake, in the front you will see two hose's, one big and one small; the big one feed's vacum to your power steering pump . Disconnect that line and get you another piece of hose about two(2) foot long that fits that vacum port . Next start the car and let it idle, then insert the hose that you connected to the vacum port on the intake into the can of Sea Foam . The vacum of the idling engine will suck the Sea Foam out of the can and into the engine . If the engine tries to stall, give it some gas . Let the engine suck about half of the can of Sea Foam, and then let car idle around 1500 rpm's until all the white and or black smoke stop's coming out of the exhaust . The process that I just described, cleans the intake and valves of deposits that build up over the years . I use this process on the vehicles that I service when there is a lope or misfire that isn't attributed to a vacum leak or tune up . I have had to do the procedure twice on vehicles that had alot of build up . I hope that this helps you .
    1 point
  5. i got a question, i have been trying to find a cool air intake for my sc400 but they dont make them. i am not a big fan of the short ram due to the fact that you get more hp from a cool air, is there anyway you can make a modified one? and if so how and what material would i need? thank you :D
    1 point
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