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So Does Anybody Know If This Movie Is Going To Be Released?


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Where is the transparancy Obama spoke of? Dont all of the politicians say what ever pleases the audience..Would be nice if one stuck to his promises....

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I don't think there are many politicians left that wouldn't do or say anything to get elected or re-elected. I certainly don't think the current administration is setting the bar real high. As far as Romney...and his taxes. How many years did John McCain provide two years...don't remember the big deal about that? I honestly don't care he released two years and pays more in taxes than most people MAKE in their lifetime.


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As far as Romney...and his taxes. How many years did John McCain provide two years...don't remember the big deal about that?

John McCain didn't have $102,000,000 in a tax deferred retirement account that was funded by a maximum of $450,000 of legal contributions. What little "wealth" McCain has is almost all his wife's. You can view many presidential candiates tax returns at http://www.taxhistory.org/www/website.nsf/web/presidentialtaxreturns/ although a number of candiates released more years than this organization has on its website. Willard Romney is not one of those.

Romney camplained in an interview that was shown on tonight's news that we should be focusing on issues instead of the candidates personal lifes. That would be well and good but Romney's stonewalling against disclosing personal financial information completely removes him from consideration for the highest office in our country.

What does Romney have to hide? The clock is ticking and he just digs a deeper hole every day he delays.

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Romney simply doesn't want liberals distorting the truth as they have with everything else. And Jim...I know where to view the past candidates releases as I posted it in my post? Honestly it wouldn't matter what his tax returns showed...the fact is that you and most people like you have already made your mind up about him. In his two years that he provided...he paid more in taxes than most people will pay in their lifetime in taxes. He Legally doesn't have to provide it...so what? Keep doing what the media is doing which is taking the attention off of the real issues...this president and what he has done. That is what this election is about...

As far as Obama...I did not vote for him, but I didn't want him to fail. I consider myself a conservative...but I am not so far to the right that I vote strictly by party. I would have gladly vote for Obama in the up coming election if he had improved the economy, not forced the health care law through...try to tear apart the reform of the welfare system which he is doing now, did anything about the illegals entering the country, NOT support the handout society he is creating. These are my opinions and just because you and I disagree is what makes this country great. I worked for a man for almost 10 years who was/is the biggest Democrat that you can picture...I bought the business from him and to this day about the only thing we ever argue about or disagree about is politics. He is wrong of course! :lol: :) But the problem as I see it with Obama...is he is a good actor, god gifted speaker...a likable person...but a "true" politician...meaning as you and SW said earlier will do and say anything to get RE elected. I want some accountability over all of this government spending. I want someone to stand up and say "look guys this is going to hurt but we can't continue down the road we are on" Obama's answer seems to be "if you toss enough money at it, we can fix it" HE is wrong... As far as the super rich paying 10-13% tax rates...come on. If anyone has ever been in business it is what you have to do...I will write off everything I can, having said that I still pay a fortune in taxes. If I can divert money, or put it back in to my business so that I don't have to pay taxes on it, or buy a GX 460 a couple years ago so I get a write off than I am going to do what I have to do. I am certainly not going to send these fools one more penny than I have to so they can pi-SS it away. That is my whole thing, start some financial responsibility...balance the budget. I don't know about you but I keep hearing about all of the problems with pensions, retirements, cities and states that can't meet budgets, this is a real problem and a problem that anyone with common sense can see that all they are doing is kicking the can down the road, and oh blame Bush. For the record...I have said there are many things about Bush that I disliked too. I wish we our politicians could work together and get things accomplished for the good of our country and not all of this partisan bickering which accomplishes nothing but waste our money. I would love to see term limits for all politicians and at this point, I don't care who we put in there... Mickey Mouse I would vote for right now...and I haven't seen his tax returns either.

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In his two years that he provided...he paid more in taxes than most people will pay in their lifetime in taxes. He Legally doesn't have to provide it...so what?

So ... if I understand you correctly, you don't think it is important that Romney paid his taxes in prior years as long has he paid a lot of taxes in the past two years. You don't care if Romney declared foreign bank accounts only during an amnesty on declaring foreign accounts?

Do you think your and my taxes might have been slightly lower if Romney had paid his taxes on the estimated $90,000,000+ in undervalued assets he put into his retirement account?

Maybe this is not a big deal to you but it is to my CPA wife and me having spent most of working lives around the financial services industry. My wife is an auditor and I think she would just love to get her hands on Romney's financial records.

I would have no problem making my entire 45 years of tax returns public, most of which (I'm a packrat) are downstairs in filing cabinents.

Read this little CNN blurb on the matter: http://www.cnn.com/2012/07/18/opinion/kleinbard-canellos-romney-tax/index.html

On a lighter note ... did you hear Romney introduce Ryan this morning as "the next President of the United States"? Cool! Maybe it was a Freudian slip but Ryan may have a better chance at being President than Romney.

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Jim- I get you on the taxes. And, NO I do think it is important that he paid his taxes. Did he do anything illegal? Has it been proven he did something illegal? Did the IRS audit him and catch him doing something illegal? The point is he doesn't have to release the tax returns...so I am moving on. I still think he is better qualified to lead than our current President. By the way why hasn't Obama release his transcripts? Must be hiding something...there must be something there (my sarcastic tone) :) He hasn't released them either and he isn't required too either so I don't care...I want them to move on and get to the issues.

Yea...honestly I am kind of surprised about Ryan. Not 100% sure how I feel about it but I like him better than Obama too! :) I would have loved to see Christie get up there and yell at Biden! Man... :)

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Very well said Lexirx330, I agree totally. I just finished Marco Rubio's book this morning...I must say he has a great attitude to solving problems. He wants to solve problems, not be a partisan bickering politician. I personally was in hope that he would have been the VP selection. I know pandering to the hispanics, but after reading his thoughts, and where he has struggled from he is a fine young man. I know Paul Ryan is a brilliant man on finances, but I worry about the immediate problem of getting somebody other than OBama in office so that this economy can really grow again. If anybody wants to read a very enlightening book read Marco Rubio book. It will show what immigrants really are about when they worship our country for its greatness. An American Son: A Memoir [Book]by Marco Rubio

He gives a great insight on how elections are one, and seems very respectful of our system....He truely will be a rising star in solving this nations problems, showing the hard working, conservative side of the Hispanic community...

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Obama will release his once his accountant / CFO / realtor to the democratic party in Chicago, Tony Reznik, gets parole! Hahaha!

Paul Ryan. This ticket just hit the economic hot button. I probably know more about him than I wish I did, after my past couple of years in Chicago. I must say, he is very polarizing to the organized labor movement, which I really like. Obama and Biden are union friendly, and I can't think of any political figure in the country today who is as strong against the unions as Ryan. This is going to be great to watch! And, it's about to get very very very dirty too.

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If anyone has ever been in business it is what you have to do...I will write off everything I can, having said that I still pay a fortune in taxes. If I can divert money, or put it back in to my business so that I don't have to pay taxes on it, or buy a GX 460 a couple years ago so I get a write off than I am going to do what I have to do

Sure, as do I. What you're missing though is that this isn't about you and me, this is about far bigger fish than us.

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thats why an alternative tax would be great....Such as a Use tax....Then when you buy, you pay.... Thats another long debate.... Frankly the financial status of this nation is close to horse manure. It needs to be fixed, and not by tax and spend.

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For a change, I agree with points that everyone has made. But unfortunately, I also agree with Steve W. All of this "stuff" has moved way out of our hands and control. I believe that with recent ruling of the Supreme Court, our best days of free and citizen determined elections are over.

The incredible amount of dollars being spent over the last two years in beginning to slowly prime our minds with what to believe, how to belive, why it makes sense to believe this way, and to share your decision with friends. We as middle of the road Jane and Joe's, haven't got enough money to even pay for the shoe shine these people get. Yes, your going to say I sound like "Chicken Little". However, will the voting boths be rigged? ...no. Wil there be some graft or pay-offs?...there allways is in some county, but all in all the vote will be one person, one vote.

I just ask that you reflect on what created the desion in your mind and how was it influnced. Super Pacs? Special interest groups? On and on and on and on.........all depends on how many billions youv'e raised this year to buy and election.


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Here Lenore is an article from the New York Times about Romney's budget plan. It has some differant views than the article you posted and includes sources.



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So, I hear that Biden today, in Danville, VA, during a campaign speech, said that Romney is "gonna put y'all back in chains". I hear a spokeswoman for Obama's campaign has "no problem" with that statement.

In my opinion, all Romney has to do to win this thing, is let these dirtbags irritate the educated population who wants nothing to do with race-baiting tactics, to simply hand it over to him. It isn't what Romney is saying that is winning voter support, it's what Obama's campaign is saying that is driving voters over to Romney. Just like how Obama won in 2008 when Palin showed up on the scene. My own mother, who is a big democrat and think the world of Obama, said to me the other day that she doesn't have the same level of confidence in his leadership anymore to insure that tomorrow is going to be better than today, or even match today. My dad like to rattle her cage with all of those stupid "Obama's a muslim" email forwards that some of his old frat brothers still send around. He does it as a joke, as we all know it's just stupid chain-mail junk. Even with that smear tactic against Obama, she said "I held Obama to a higher level than this type of politics, and every day that he doesn't voice is displeasure with some of these ads from his side of the isle, my opinion of him drops." Like the cancer ad last week, and the garbage Biden says, and the fear tactics associated with the whole racial aspect. I think she said it best, and i had nothing to do with it, when she said "I want to vote for Obama again, but for some reason I have this gut feeling that I should vote for Romney for the sake of the economy and to protect the inheritance that we want to leave for our two grandkids. I can't say exactly why I feel this way, because I'm not sure why, but I do."

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Here Lenore is an article from the New York Times about Romney's budget plan. It has some differant views than the article you posted and includes sources.



Ok read it, but I believe the campaign is going another direction with Ryan. Now it will be the will of the people to decide whether we are going to become fiscally sound, or redistribute the wealth with Class envy. Obama stated today that there needed to be a sharing of all wealth....That is a serious statement...Not a fix for the drive off the clif that is coming. Ryan has come up with two budget plans, both turned down by Obama administration. At least he is thinking outside the box. This is going to be the election of those that work and those that dont want to....but share the workers salary....Very sad statement of what we have become. Absolutely no thought of protecting our children and grandchildren from the destruction of our capitalistic society. (Which has provided many Americans with a great life.) I feel really depressed, I am not sure there are enough Americans to get off of this welfare entitlement society.....I believe Romney selected Ryan to make it clear, and the coin is going to be tossed in this election to determine where this nation heads.....this may well be the most important election of our democracy....We are either going to turn our noses up to what our founding fathers created, or we are going to become Greece, Spain, France, etc. I pray everyday for we the people to come to our senses.

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Hmmm, Lenore, I might not mind us becoming more like France as long as we get its wonderful food and recently highest rated health care system in the world. It's my favorite place to visit and where I have been treated like royalty because, unlike most American visiters, I've bothered to learn to speak (somewhat badly) their language.

Lenore, take a tranquilizer. Turn off Fox News. Get in touch with history and all the political scare tactics of the past.

Sometimes I think the reason I can put all this in perpective so easily is that I know the history of a number of lines of my ancestry from the past hundreds of years. I've learned that the sky hasn't fallen on my family in the past and that it is unlikely to fall on them now or in the future. Maybe it has helped that I majored in history in college before I switched to something more economically rewarding.

Please stop sounding off like a "Chicken Little". You are sounding increasingly creepy and desperate.

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I too am a fan of history (my favorite subject) however Americans have become lazy, whats in it for me, government suckling people. I am sorry I think man is better off both mentally and financially when they have a real purpose in life. That is why jobs are so important, and not this never ending spending by government to provide a income with no work. Too much of anything destroys its value....that is what we have created with the Great Society which has poured billions into the poor without asking for some kind of results, other than providing votes for the Democratic party. Both Parties are sick, but there are good people on both sides that want to create a better economy and jobs. Unfortunately Obama's administration has failed miserably. The shovel ready was a joke, the green jobs ended up being garbage, and the green energy investments like Solundra ended up being kickbacks for the Obama campaign coffer. We have almost three times as many people on food stamps, and unemployment has created a I dont want to look for a job attitude with the extensions. We are ripe for the same things that happened in Europe during the 30's of last century. Now Obama wants to share what is left of our dismal economy with the ones that dont work, or are trying to find jobs. I am all for job training, but not year after year handouts. I am not alone in my dispair, while watching the media blast every solution for jobs, and supporting the radical ideas from this administration. Millions of Americans want to see some results toward the light at the end of the tunnel. Paul Ryan is willing to have those big boy discussions, not attacking, and find solutions. Unfortunately the other side pulls the usual Scare tactics on the elderly and social security system. The truth is he wants to save these systems so that people will have a future. He wants to save this Nation financially before we head over the abyess.

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So, I hear that Biden today, in Danville, VA, during a campaign speech, said that Romney is "gonna put y'all back in chains". I hear a spokeswoman for Obama's campaign has "no problem" with that statement

Sad, but that is exactly what the Dems have done to their voters for over 40 years....buying them into poverty which they cannot escape from....(Welfare state)

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Please stop sounding off like a "Chicken Little". You are sounding increasingly creepy and desperate.

I agree, and its become really tiresome. I'm all for a political debate, but this extreme doomsday paranoia and hysteria doesn't interest me. I look at his long tirades and my eyes glass over about two sentences in. I think what bugs me is its not about the issues.

A'la nc211...I'm out...

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Oh you are too funny.....have a great day. Just remember we need to get our fiscal house in order, and protect the programs for future generations of medicare and social security benefactors. Jobs for Americans and fiscal responsibility are what this election is really about. Oh have to get my snacks at dollar store and buy some popcorn, the movie is near me in a couple of days....

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Near you? Try where SW and I live! :lol: We're now entering the campaign tv ad cycle, and man, are they bad! I agree with LS400 on this one - the sky isn't falling, we're not going to perish to the ashes of socialism and the commies. Capitalism will continue, and America will survive just fine, no matter who wins in a few months. For the record, I'm one of those wierd voters who wants one person who represents the best of both parties, but can't find it. I think Obama is pretty close, especially on the social issues that are prevalent in our lives today. My only thing that is preventing me from jumping on the O'train, is the heavy regulations on the private sector, specifically the banking and investment sector (wall street). I agree that the train got going too fast during 05-07' and came off the track in 08' due to the over-supply of residential housing units across the country. I don't want to see that happen again, which was fueled mostly by wall street securitization platforms that flooded that specific market with too much liquidity. BUT, before the private sector could even try to rectify the problem, we had DoddFrank kicking down the front door, and several other pieces of regulation. The private sector has simply not been given a chance to show that it can learn from the mistake. It has in the past, like when Commercial Real Estate caused the collapse in the early 90's, and the private sector was able to breath and therefore was able to create a plethera of security platforms within it's own sector that have proven over the past 4 years to have worked beautifully. Private sector fixed the dot-com burst in the early 2000's, even while we were suffereing the worst attack on American soil in our history. Private sector stepped up in the early 80's as well, although quite painful at first due to Reagan having the guts to stomp on the throat of deflation which cause interest rates to flirt with 20% for a couple of years. After that....well....Sunny & Tubbs sure looked good in that white Testarossa!

The private sector is the platform that makes capitalism work, and makes a lot of money for a lot folks. Holding it back and fining the crap out of it, doesn't make those who don't profit from it better off, it makes them even more likely targets to be booted from it. If Obama and the democratic party would just take their foot off the neck of the private sector, even for just a couple of years....He'd have my vote in a heartbeat, because my own personal views of how the social makeup of this country should run are aligned with his vision. I just disagree with his economics, for the moment, and have to make a decision in a few weeks.

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If Obama and the democratic party would just take their foot off the neck of the private sector, even for just a couple of years....He'd have my vote in a heartbeat, because my own personal views of how the social makeup of this country should run are aligned with his vision. I just disagree with his economics, for the moment, and have to make a decision in a few weeks.

This is how I feel. The problem with the current crop of tea partier republicans though is in order to get some of the economic policies I like, I have to radically give in on every single social issue that I find important. EVERY one. I want to see spending controlled and the budget balanced as much as the next guy, but I KNOW that won't be agenda 1. Agenda 1 will be doing away with the healthcare bill, abortion, !Removed! marriage, contraception, !Removed! in the military. Massachusetts Romney is a candidate I can vote for, 2012 Romney who picks PAUL RYAN as his running mate is someone I simply cannot even consider voting for.

Why do Republicans have to be so extreme?

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