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So Does Anybody Know If This Movie Is Going To Be Released?


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Got this from a friend, and wanted to know if this movie has been or is scheduled to be released....could be enlightening for all...


Sounds and looks like Richard Nixon has come back from the grave with his paranoia in full bloom. And he's teamed up with Karl Rove, the guy who can even scare a newborn baby.

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Got this from a friend, and wanted to know if this movie has been or is scheduled to be released....could be enlightening for all...


Sounds and looks like Richard Nixon has come back from the grave with his paranoia in full bloom. And he's teamed up with Karl Rove, the guy who can even scare a newborn baby.


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Oh you guys are too funny....Of course it probably will never be aired, the parties on both sides are a bunch of cowards....

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yippie just found out it is playing locally on Aug 17th.....I love a good movie, maybe some popcorn, coke, and enlightenment. Hey do they give free tickets along with the welfare payout.....? oh man they should have put this out on the first of the month when the welfare checks hit...

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yippie just found out it is playing locally on Aug 17th.....I love a good movie, maybe some popcorn, coke, and enlightenment. Hey do they give free tickets along with the welfare payout.....? oh man they should have put this out on the first of the month when the welfare checks hit...

I might attend too but I don't own the prerequisite white robes and hood.

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You need better friends Lenore. I just watched most of this, and as a clearly idenified republican, this is just pure crap. Seriously, a conference to attack the lost bond between a son and his father? I gotta tell ya', as I've said before, for me, this election is pure business. You guys who are still farting around with the whole birth certificate issue, who is college roommate was, and the fact that the guy would rather keep some of his private life, private, are just mucking up the republican platform. This is amateaur hour garbage, from those who's only chance for any sort of stage time is to ride the coat tails of those who have the real ability to make a meaningful impact on this country. Oddly enough, those folks too, couldn't care less about anything that moron on the stage was talking about, but will show up to the event to keep these lunatics in check, and sucker your idiotic votes right out of your hands. Sorry to be so direct on this one, but these aren't topics for discussion anymore this close to November. It's policy time, regulation discussion time, matching Putin time, preparing for a completely new middle east time. It's big boy time.

And for the record - how awesome is Obama to come those roots, to the most powerful man in the world! I mean seriously, minus the whole accomplishment of becoming the first black president of the united states, but to do it with direct lineage from, Africa? Serious hats off to Mr. Obama. Guy has my total respect, and I don't think I've ever stated otherwise. I just don't agree with his handling if the economy. Other than that, I think he's done an excellent job myself. But, again just my own opinion, this one is purely economical. Romney wins, we get things back on track where the private sector can breath a bit better, then I'll focus on the social issues (because we'll probably be able to afford them better).

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I will also take my hat off to Lenore as well. He sure does know how to spark a conversation around this place, and he clearly isn't afraid to either. Kinda reminds me of myself a few years ago when we were debating gas prices. Probably don't want to read that one though, since I filled

up my car tonight at $3.85 a gallon (93 octane)... :-)

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Yea they come out of the woodwork when I start my decisive opinions.,...Dont you just love it. Already compared to the White robes and hoods...Lets see was that during the Spanish/ Christian era? (inqisition) Oh shut my mouth another race card thrown on the table. Oh well do yourself a favor and view the Movie and then make some comments...Maybe it is better, or worse than we try to second guess. At least I listen to CNN, MSNBC, and try to understand where you folks are coming from. I hope you all have a great evening.

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Lenore, I just don't understand the paranoia. It does not seem at all grounded in reality. I wish you would explain why you are attracted to things like this film you obviously like. All I can figure out is there is some sort of fear going on. Fear of what? Whatever it is, this fear doesn't have anything to do with my life or the lives of the people I know.

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I dont believe Obama represents what the Democratic party was all about...He is secretive in his views. At least the former presidents, Clinton, etc you could understand where they came from. This man has a pursuit of direction that is not good for the American people. We have moved to a society of what is owed to me, not a society of what I work for is what I achieve. You can call it paranoia, but it is no worse than leading folks like the Jamestown massecre. Unfortunately we in the middle arent drinking the coolaid.

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I don't disagree completely with you Lenore at all. I do think there is a growing undertone of "what's owed to me" in today's environment. I think there is a little too much of "well, you took my job, so you pay the bills and call me when you've created a job for me that I like, otherwise, blame the other guy." It's a bit of a stretch, i know, but you get the point.

However, I don't think going after this kind of stuff that is highlighted in the video is necessary anymore, or even needed, to highlight the stupidity coming out of Obama's campaign. Take for instance, two current situations:

One - Harry Reid and his accusation that Romney hasn't paid taxes in 10 years. That he heard it from someone. When pushed to prove this statement, the clown question bro, becomes the clown. A total lie that highlights the unprofessional nature of those roaming the halls of the Capitol builidng. It also highlights why Congress has such a low rating, and that's dragging down 1600 Penn. Ave too. Guilty by association.

Two - this new ad by the democrats where some guy blames Romney and Bain Capital for the death of his wife, because Bain Capital closed down a failing factory in KC in 2002. Said time and time again, that Romney wasn't even with Bain at that time. But, that's beyond the point of the argument. What the ad fails to share, is that this guy's wife wasn't sick when the plant closed, and they weren't in dire straights because of it. What the ad fails to disclose, is that his wife died FOUR YEARS later. Not making light of the tragic loss, but if this guy is going to use the memory of is dead wife as a piece on the political chess board, then he has opened himself to the scrutiny that is the american public political process. He did this, and I have no problems whatsoever with calling him out on it. 4 years folks...after the fact. Gee, I wonder how many folks have been laid off over the past 36 months who are facing the same set of circumstances? And the funny thing is, in that ad, the tone is that they were too broke to afford health insurance on their own. If Bain hadn't closed the plant, they would've had health insurance and she could've gone to the doctor earlier. Funny thing is, if Obamacare had been in place during that time, this guy and his wife would not only have been out of the job and company health care benefits....they'd of probably been fined for not buying health insurance on their own anyway...the whole core of the ad in the first place!

So, this kind of stuff, Lenore, is what the voting public needs to focus on now. Dreams of my Father, is yesterday. It's Donald Trump, Sara Palin, Michelle Bachman junk.

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ok nc, absolutely agree with you....but how do we educate the failed policies of this president.? Too many only want a handout, instead of a helping hand. The backbone of the working class is in self destruct because of the we government can fix everything. That is a dangerous road to travel. I truely believe Obama's group likes the government is the solution to everything, and meanwhile pads their pockets. Dont get me wrong politicians on both sides of the isle are guilty of this.....

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One - Harry Reid and his accusation that Romney hasn't paid taxes in 10 years. That he heard it from someone. When pushed to prove this statement, the clown question bro, becomes the clown. A total lie that highlights the unprofessional nature of those roaming the halls of the Capitol builidng. It also highlights why Congress has such a low rating, and that's dragging down 1600 Penn. Ave too. Guilty by association.

I'm too busy to address the "failed policies", whatever you think those are, but I will address this one. Harry Reid and I and many other people want Willard Romney to follow the same standard that all other presidential candiates have followed since Willard's own father George set the precedent 40 years ago - to release at least 12 years of financial and tax informaiton.

Willard refuses. Why?

I'd like to know how Willard got $102,000,000 in his tax deferred retirement account during his 15 years at Bain when the most he could have contributed was $450,000. Wouldn't you like to know so you could grow your money at the same incredible rate? I have an accounting minor and my wife is a CPA and we can't figure out how he could have done it.

I would like to know why Romney disclosed a $3.000,000 Swiss bank account for the first time during a period in which there happened to be an amnesty on the disclosure of foreign bank accounts? Wouldn't you like to know what was going on with that?

I really do hope Romney will come clean and explain it all. Maybe I could vote for him if he does. But my guess is that he is going to owe something like $40,000,000 in back taxes on the undervalued assets he put in his retirement account which must, under IRS rules, be based on then current market values.

Chew on this for a while and do a little research on these issues.

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No, I dont have any interest in knowing any of this of him, and he shouldn't have to disclose any of it, period. Just like you shouldn't have to disclose to us here your financial history over the past decade. Bain is private equity. I know how he did it, he bought failing businesses with two objectives for the purchase: either there was a market for an investment to turn them around, or there wasn't a market and you liquidate the parts. That's capitalism, and he was and is good at it. Guess what - for the past 3 years, private equity groups exactly like Bain have EXPLODED!!!! Far more than any time over the past 12 years. But during these past 3 years, they're a bit different than before - they're more heavily funded by the Chinese and Saudi's. Oh poor MITT Romney, that evil *BLEEP*. Oh praise the glorious Obama. You think Bain was bad 12 years ago....you just wait when the currency balance gets thrown out of whack by inflation. We're all going to see just how bad private equity funds are capable of behaving... No doubt about it. The next recession has already been underwritten, thanks to the economic policies of this administration, in foriegn currency.

Where is Harry "scumbag" Reid's tax returns and full financial disclosure statements for the past 12 years? For that matter, where is Obama's, Bill Clinton's, any of the Bush's? All of the sudden it appears that 12 years of tax returns released to the public is common man practice. Really? I dont recall anyone submitting this to the public. A couple of recent years, yes. But 12?

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And I would also like to know about Romney's foreign holdings prior to 2010 and particularly to see if he was involved in speculating agains the U.S. dollar as many think. While this may be acceptable for many large investors, speculating agains the dollar is not going to be seen as acceptable for someone who wants to be president.

There is a good change that the financial information about Romney is going to come out one way or another before the election. He would do himself a favor if he makes the disclosure himself.

Romney's personal finances go to the heart of whether or not he is suitable to be the leader of this country. There is a difference between tax avoidance and tax fraud. I have strong doubts that Romney is going to survive this one issue regardess of his flipflops on "Romneycare" and many other issues.

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And what is different by most of the legislatures in Congress whom cut crooked deals with contractors, and Obama not releasing some of his pass history....But it is ok for him to give to Solendra and then get campaign contributions from those same officials.? At least Romney wants to grow business, not more welfare without work programs...

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"I'm the only one standing between you and the pitchforks", as told by Obama early in his presidency to a group of banking executives, while he made them stand at attention drinking warm tap water in the oval office, will ultimately go down in history as one of the dumbest moves ever made by a president. That, and going on the Tonight Show and bashing the banking sector as the root of all evil and to basically blame your local banker for your misery. Said it before, and I'll say it again - try and take on Wall Street, and you'll lose, every single time. You have to massage Wall Street to get what you want from it, not attack it...


If what they say is true, that the candiate with the most money always wins....well....

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Lenore, I just don't understand the paranoia. It does not seem at all grounded in reality. I wish you would explain why you are attracted to things like this film you obviously like. All I can figure out is there is some sort of fear going on. Fear of what? Whatever it is, this fear doesn't have anything to do with my life or the lives of the people I know.

This is my concern. Talk about Obama's policies, why you think they don't work all you want...this paranoid rambling " he wants to marginalize the US with his agenda...the weird foreign burial at the beginning of the video BS though is just that...BS. The reason for the fear is that the guy doesn't look like lenore, has a funny sounding name, Thats why. Its bullsh!t, and its not productive in any way.

He's just a man, like you and me.

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A man with a very different agenda...He has shown his inability to solve the nations real problems of building business, and employing people...He really feels government is the solution...When what is needed is government to get out of the way and create a atmosphere of stability...

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Back to Romney ... what I and many others want is the kind of full disclosure of personal finances that other presidential candidates have provided since his own father George set the precedent in the 1960's. Does Mitt Romney think he is going to be the only candidate in the past 40 years that is given a pass on this?

My best guess is that Romney's finances were put in order in 2008-2009 time frame so that he could appear "clean" while running for President as long as he disclosed only the minimum required information.

This kind of secrecy is not going to cut it. Romney's not running for a city council seat. I suspect we are going to find that Romney was on the Bain payroll long, long after he said he was not.

But maybe Romney is perfectly squeeky clean on all this. I hope he is but every day he refuses to disclose, he digs himself into a deeper and deeper hole.

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A man with a very different agenda...He has shown his inability to solve the nations real problems of building business, and employing people...He really feels government is the solution...When what is needed is government to get out of the way and create a atmosphere of stability...

Then talk about these things, don't post this bullsh!t about Kenya and whatever.

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Hahaha! You're friggin' awesome amigo! I love that shirt, regardless of political party affiliation and ideas!

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So ... when is the following movie going to be in wide release? It shows Mr. Willard "Etch A Sketch" Romney himself flip-flopping on just about every position he's taken:

I don't think there is anything this guy wouldn't say or do to get elected. My favorite is the flip flog that took about two minutes. I can imagine his handlers telling Willard, "YOU CAN'T SAY THAT!" and then giving him a completely different script.

How can any of you take this guy seriously?

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