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Proud Moment For An Rx400H Driver

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Jeesh, my whole point was to say how peppy the Rx400h was... :rolleyes: I already know driving like that is insane...

Just be glad Steve hadn't witnessed everything. He'd make darn sure the state police locked you up for good! :chairshot:

Seriously, though, I've done far worse at your age - police chases, etc......

Of course, 30 years later, I ALWAYS drive responsibly..... :whistles:

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Jeesh, my whole point was to say how peppy the Rx400h was... :rolleyes: I already know driving like that is insane...

Then why did you do it, and why did you come in here bragging about it?

If you want to see how peppy your car is...take it to a track.

Just be glad Steve hadn't witnessed everything. He'd make darn sure the state police locked you up for good!

He's lucky I didn't whip him with a rubber hose! LOL

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Jeesh, my whole point was to say how peppy the Rx400h was... :rolleyes: I already know driving like that is insane...

Then why did you do it, and why did you come in here bragging about it?

If you want to see how peppy your car is...take it to a track.

Just be glad Steve hadn't witnessed everything. He'd make darn sure the state police locked you up for good!

He's lucky I didn't whip him with a rubber hose! LOL

I'm not bragging about it; just didn't realize how "uptight" everyone is! :blink:

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[i'm not bragging about it; just didn't realize how "uptight" everyone is! :blink:

You know I re read my post and I wasn't trying to come across as "uptight" or a jerk or gang up on you here so I hope I didn't. All I was trying to say was if you are just cruising in the left lane...move over and get out of the way. When the guy had to go to the right lane to pass you and then you decided to floor your car so he couldn't pass you...that is immature.

And CD I have done plenty of stupid *BLEEP*. I have done some things on motorcycles and in cars that are far worse than what you posted but that doesn’t make it right. I have also learned from some of the stupid mistakes that I have made that it can be expensive. When I was 18 I had a ninja and ended up with 6 points on my license...Insurance went from 400 a year with full coverage to 3000 a year with full coverage. I have also seen first hand what can happen to people who are involved in serious car accidents. I was involved in a car accident that my best friend in high school had. I was in the passenger seat of his truck and it flipped 3 times. I broke my jaw in two places…had a steel plate put in, jaw wired shut, fractured my skull, had nerve damage and had spinal fluid coming out of my ear! I was the lucky one…he was in a coma for 6 months and still cannot walk or talk today. That has been 15 years ago.

Not trying to preach or anything but seriously think about it in reverse. Here you are traveling 75-80 in the left "passing lane" you come up behind a car that will not move over and when you move to the right lane to pass since they will not get out of your way then they try to take off and race you? It might tick you off a little too…

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I don't think it's a matter of "uptightness," just that as RX400h implies, most of us are OLDER than you with many more miles and years of driving behind us. Your original post, although proudly exhibiting the POWER of the 400h, also smacked of "left-lane banditry."

I was frustrated by that TWICE today on my way home from a 18 mile trip and thought of this thread while it was going on. On the other hand, an out-of-state guy in an Audi A6 DID move over at his first opportunity to let me by.

Hey - NONE of us are "perfect" drivers and I certainly drive a lot differently now than I did when I was 22.

Here's wishing a HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL who've been a part of this interesting thread!

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sOh man, I too felt the magnificent power of the 400h....I am a 61 year old guy, but like most your age dThaid exactly the kind of thing you did....foolish, yes, fun , yes....mAN I GUESS POLITICAL CORRECT has made our society forget the fun in taking those risks, being different, and not being a drone to the rest of society...Just be careful, I usually picked back roads or areas where nobody was at risk....I will admit have lost a few friends to their foolishness, but usually it involved alcohol....thank you for reminding me of those days when I hit the freeway with my dads Corvette Stingray and opened it up giving me that since of exhiliration. Hey now i wouldnt feel comfortable doing this, my reflexes have slowed down, and I am afraid my skills from racing would be poor now.

Just be safe, dont let these folks get you down too much, they all have done the same things somewhere in the past, if not, well too bad. Just remember it is not your life alone that is at risk..no one should ever be at risk for your fun....And yes the RX400h is a blast to drive....unlike those old men LS sleepers.

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I'm not bragging about it; just didn't realize how "uptight" everyone is! :blink:

One day when you're an adult, have been through some tragedy yourself, and have a family of your own to protect you'll be "uptight" too. Life is too short buddy to put yours and others' at risk for something so stupid and pointless.

Just because others have done stupid !Removed! doesn't mean everybody gets a pass for doing stupid !Removed!. Its all fun and games until something happens and you kill yourself or someone else...and regardless of whether you think it will...it absolutely can and does happen every day.

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sOh man, I too felt the magnificent power of the 400h....I am a 61 year old guy, but like most your age dThaid exactly the kind of thing you did....foolish, yes, fun , yes....mAN I GUESS POLITICAL CORRECT has made our society forget the fun in taking those risks, being different, and not being a drone to the rest of society...Just be careful, I usually picked back roads or areas where nobody was at risk....I will admit have lost a few friends to their foolishness, but usually it involved alcohol....thank you for reminding me of those days when I hit the freeway with my dads Corvette Stingray and opened it up giving me that since of exhiliration. Hey now i wouldnt feel comfortable doing this, my reflexes have slowed down, and I am afraid my skills from racing would be poor now.

Just be safe, dont let these folks get you down too much, they all have done the same things somewhere in the past, if not, well too bad. Just remember it is not your life alone that is at risk..no one should ever be at risk for your fun....And yes the RX400h is a blast to drive....unlike those old men LS sleepers.

I'll be 72 this year and there are certain freeway on ramps around here locally wherein, absent the presence of other traffic, my '01 Porsche C4 simply cannot resist going WOT right up until the speed limit is reached. Of course my wife never appreciates that.

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I'm not bragging about it; just didn't realize how "uptight" everyone is! :blink:

CD, it's comments like that, that are showing your ignorance. Re-read my post, better yet I'll post it below so you don't have to scroll. No body is denying what YOUR point was in posting, we get it, perfomance cars going fast blah blah...

I'm talking about while you did this, it seems to show some of your FUNDAMENTAL misunderstandings in the way that it went down. I'm not a heck of a lot older than you, but we just want you to LEARN, or perhaps TAKE AWAY something here... :chairshot: :chairshot: It's very frustrating for me to hear... "I know driving fast is insane" to me that's not the point that you are missing. If you are going to be stupid then atleast be stupid in a responsible way. If that makes any sense to you.

my orig post, please re:read it CD. I feel like you missed it or something.


I couldn't resist replying here...

I think what the take away here for you CDULUK is that... On the roads, there are the "laws" legally speaking and then there is courtesy and the unwritten rules of the road. Fair enough that you were both over the limit and there fore he couldn't legally pass you, however based on common sense and courtesy, you should've simply moved over. And THEN if you so chose floor it, but only after you moved.

Really it is as simple as that. Imagine for a second, a Lambo doing 100mph down the road in the passing lane and a Ferrari comes flying up behind him. What In your opinion should happen? Now if your answer is well they are both well above the speed limit, so it doesnt matter then I would have to say that you have just proven your immaturity on the road.

The right answer, The Lambo moves the F*&% over and lets the Ferrari take control of the passing lane. Now if he chooses not to pass then feel free to use the passing lane again, if you need to pass someone in front of you.

This is common sense, especially at higher speeds. People that dont understand this, should simply stay with in the limits. As it is a safety concern. Granted, high speeds are as well. But in the world of higher speed driving there are unwritten rules that should be followed and are commonly known.

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I can't resist adding my two cents to this topic.

Some time ago, very late at night, I was driving South on the Harbor Fwy, leaving downtown just passing the Coliseum. Traffic was very light and I was in the fast lane traveling about 75. A car came speeding up behind me. My stubborn nature kicked in and I thought since I was already going well over the speed limit, why should I have to get over. He got quite close making his desire obvious that he wanted me out of the way. But I refused to budge. He finally changed lanes, passed me on the right, and pulled in front of me. There were two young men in the car. He then started to slow down, Each time I would change lanes, he would do the same to stay in front of me. He slowed to about 20 mph. I tried to stay back to be out of gunshot range. This was before I had a cell phone so I was at his mercy. I did not want to take an off ramp as this was just after the first Watts riots and I did not want to enter that area with someone possibly coming back looking for me. Not knowing his intentions, my imagination was no doubt in overdrive imagining the worst. He finally tired of the game and sped off.

The lesson I learned and will never forget is that I am not a policeman and it is not my job to tell anyone how fast they should drive. It is my job to stay out of their way.


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I can't resist adding my two cents to this topic.

Some time ago, very late at night, I was driving South on the Harbor Fwy, leaving downtown just passing the Coliseum. Traffic was very light and I was in the fast lane traveling about 75. A car came speeding up behind me. My stubborn nature kicked in and I thought since I was already going well over the speed limit, why should I have to get over. He got quite close making his desire obvious that he wanted me out of the way. But I refused to budge. He finally changed lanes, passed me on the right, and pulled in front of me. There were two young men in the car. He then started to slow down, Each time I would change lanes, he would do the same to stay in front of me. He slowed to about 20 mph. I tried to stay back to be out of gunshot range. This was before I had a cell phone so I was at his mercy. I did not want to take an off ramp as this was just after the first Watts riots and I did not want to enter that area with someone possibly coming back looking for me. Not knowing his intentions, my imagination was no doubt in overdrive imagining the worst. He finally tired of the game and sped off.

The lesson I learned and will never forget is that I am not a policeman and it is not my job to tell anyone how fast they should drive. It is my job to stay out of their way.


Back in the days of the 55MPH speed limit I too often found myself the "trailing" driver trying to get around someone trying to enforce the "55" rule on me. These days if I am in the process of passing and someone behind "pushes" me, flashing headlights, etc, "let me around", I am more likely than not to release the gas pedal entirely and then more right as soon as possible.

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thanks for the support (some of you). <_<

For everyone else- like i said in my earlier posts, i do not make a habit of this. There were no other cars around at the time, the whole event didn't last very long... I never asked for any "dad" advice as to the legality of my actions; i just wanted to use my experience (consider myself and the other jackass playing along with me that night as test dummies) to the swiftness and practical passing power of the Rx400h. I can't waste my time reading all of your responses since i was here last, but during my scan of words such as "adult" and "two cents" i know where you guys are heading... And quite honestly i don't care; i thought by now some of you would have realized i'm not the type to "do what everyone else does"... If i did, i'd be ordinary. What ordinary people do the projects such as those i've shared with everyone on this forum? You'd think after so many years of effort on my part, day after day sharing my knowledge with everyone who posts on this forum, that you'd cut me some slack when you could just shut up and have a giggle.

So in any event!!!! Hope everyone had a happy new year! :rolleyes:

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For everyone else- like i said in my earlier posts, i do not make a habit of this.

You only have to do it one time to wind up dead or kill someone else.

There were no other cars around at the time,

Can you see into the future? Can you see the car that merges into the roadway ahead of you? Do you know for a fact a deer isn't going to jump out in front of you at any moment?

I can't waste my time reading all of your responses since i was here last,

You read them.

What ordinary people do the projects such as those i've shared with everyone on this forum? You'd think after so many years of effort on my part, day after day sharing my knowledge with everyone who posts on this forum, that you'd cut me some slack when you could just shut up and have a giggle.

Your good contributions don't excuse you from getting called out for bragging about dumb behavior, sorry. Look at what happens whenever someone posts stuff like this...they get the same response. Doing neat upgrades to your vehicle and sharing them here is appreciated...but it doesn't make you super-human.

If we didn't like you, we wouldn't care.

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  • 2 years later...

just to revive this topic a bit.

If you brake the law do it properly by knowing the unwritten rules.

If you have need for speed maybe find some track near you or really isolated roads but still there people might be roaming around.

You might want to try out cart racing.

Don't forget to spend good cash on tires since it is your only contact with this planet.

Walk your way and do it with respect to others.

And yeah the RX400h is a beast and I love it.

Sorry for my English not a ESN.

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