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You know steve look carefully, I believe the Democrats acted the same when they had the majority, They would not even bring the bills to vote. Harry Reid on the Senate side refused to even put the bills on the floor. Talk about party of no. And then when Obama had his committees he completely ignored their findings when it came to budget reform.

Both parties are the party of no, because they wont put things on the floor and vote.

I'm not saying they didn't. What I said was its a culture of non-cooperation that both sides are to blame for.

Per our approval, Congress continues to be the worlds largest and least selective cluster f****. It has no shame in who or what it will bed in order to sustain it's own power, and control over those that have power. This power does not derive from the constitution, nor the electorate. It comes from the rules of the house and senate. As we have watched the various congress's operate over the decades, the rules or procedures for impaneling committees, introducing legislation, moving legislation through committees, filibustering on the floor and in committees, and blocking legislation from coming to a vote, ad nausem, have all been enacted, changed, reenacted, used, etc. And, by both parties feverishly. These rules are put in place by the party in power at the time, and then reformed by the party in power during the next cycle. A freshman senator or representative introducing a bill would be no more welcome than a skunk at a picnic. The rules are designed to allow the party big boys to control all legislation. No matter how many phone calls you make or e-mails you send to your senator, your bill isn't going anywhere with out Mitch McConnell's blessing.

These rules are choking the life out of the legislative process in my opinion. An elected Representative to either chamber should be allowed to introduce legislation without the approval of the party whip. Filibuster should be eliminated. Both the House Speaker and Senate majority leader should not be able to block bills from coming to discussion and a vote. No lobbyist should be allowed to contribute to any campaign nor be allowed in or on the Capitol grounds. No Senator or Representative can serve more than two terms.

Remember Lenore and Steve and who ever else is lurking, this is not a Obama thing, it is not a party thing, and it is not right or left. It is strictly OUR thing. WE let this stuff happen because we put up with it. I know we vote for different Senators and Congresspersons all the time. But, we have got to find a way to make those people reform the system from within if there is any hope for change and forward movement.

Like Will Rodgers said; "We've got the best Congress money can buy".

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I really dont feel he is bigoted or a racist (Gabep). It is very sad and I feel you demean yourself using that stance which is very atypical of the left when someone disagrees with Obama or his Administration... You know when we all quit distingushing groups to be special, especially since we have passed a lot of laws eliminating inequality it would be so much more positive to just call us Americans...With different views of the political issues.

I'm not the one that brought race into the discussion Lenore, he did. I see now that he has chosen to remove all his remarks...removed or not he said the things that he said.

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I really dont feel he is bigoted or a racist (Gabep). It is very sad and I feel you demean yourself using that stance which is very atypical of the left when someone disagrees with Obama or his Administration... You know when we all quit distingushing groups to be special, especially since we have passed a lot of laws eliminating inequality it would be so much more positive to just call us Americans...With different views of the political issues.

I'm not the one that brought race into the discussion Lenore, he did. I see now that he has chosen to remove all his remarks...removed or not he said the things that he said.

Gabep: I guess you don't have the courage of your supposed convictions. This is what Thomas Paine spoke of when he coined the phrase "Sunshine Patriot".

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OK-here you go. I NEVER made a rascist comment in my post. This !Removed! must be a black with a Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton worship problem. My only bigotry is the less than 2 digit IQ people we allow to vote in this country. He/she must be one of those. When you allow the denigration of thought with the accusation of racism it becomes rascism. Have this single digit IQ idiot paraphrase my supposed racial remark and I may or not rebut it. I would expect he/she may not accept the cloak of their own identity.


Look bud you better chill out. There is no need for this... Have a logical discussion or don't. Keep it up and your going to be booted. This is a warning.

Just so you know I am a republican and also don't agree with much of anything Obama has done. I have already posted my beliefs before but do it without being disrespectful.

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This !Removed! must be a black with a Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton worship problem.

I must be *a black*? Kind of like *a dog* or *a horse*?

You need to take a long, hard look at yourself, the things you say, and how you say them. If you truly are not bigoted or a racist, I can promise you what you say and how you say it makes you come across that way. Its obviously not just me it has that effect on either, Paul, LEXI and Jim picked up on the same thing I did.

My only bigotry is the less than 2 digit IQ people we allow to vote in this country. He/she must be one of those.

Know a lot of "she"'s named "Steve"?

You can try and insult me all you want, I know I'm an intelligent, well spoken & successful individual and there is absolutely nothing the likes of you can say to me that will make me feel anything less.

I would expect he/she may not accept the cloak of their own identity.


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Hey Gabep There is no reason to go on the end, Hey these guys are liberal, except as noted above, but these forums are for discussing your ideas. We care about our country but dont stoop to the level that you dont want to be. I have tried in my laymans terms to get my point across and yes the only thing we are going to agree on is that we disagree with the folks that are on this topic. Historically this moves toward socialism cause a lot of unrest...Most of Europe has headed toward that direction and that is why Greece, Spain, France are a disaster.

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We care about our country but dont stoop to the level that you dont want to be.

See, I think this is an important point to realize. *We all* care about this country, you, me, Gabep, Bush, Obama, Harry Reid, John Boehner. What we disagree about is how to go about doing what is best for this country, but what we *all* want is for this country to prosper, grow, and to return to prosperity. Nobody is served by the failure of this country.

Where it comes off the rails is when people say stupid, politically charged, divisive things like "Obama is a socialist and he wants to destroy this country" or "George Bush is a criminal should be tried for war crimes". Both comments are ignorant, and untrue., and they do nothing but pit people against each other when we should be working together.

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funny steve, but why does Obama call his cabinet member Czar's....or is this something the media is doing..? Such as Energy Czar etc. All of the networks do it.

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funny steve, but why does Obama call his cabinet member Czar's....or is this something the media is doing..? Such as Energy Czar etc. All of the networks do it.

Czar has been a popular political term for decades. A history: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Czar_(political_term)

Come on, Lenore. Have you been doing a "Rip Van Winkle" or recreational drugs?

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The use of the term "Czar" to describe someone in an Executive capacity is not new to the Obama administration. Its mostly used by the media, but has been in use since FDR's time.

Anyways, I see where you're going with that but the Russian Tsars were from an era before Communism or Socialism. You're picking up on it now because it keys into this idea you've latched onto that Obama is a socialist.

For a little reading on what a "Czar" is please see the following links:


An excerpt:

The czar term derives from the title Tsar which was used to designate the Russian, Bulgarian or Serbian monarchs of pre-World War I Europe.

During the latter stages of World War I, President Woodrow Wilson appointed financier Bernard Baruch to run the War Industries Board. This position was sometimes dubbed the "industry czar".[1]

One of the earliest known metaphorical usages of the term in the U.S. were to Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis, who was named commissioner of baseball, with broad powers to clean up the sport after it had been dirtied by the Black Sox scandal of 1919.[2]

In 1926, a New York City chamber of commerce named what the New York Times termed a "czar" to clean up the milk delivery industry.[3]

In the United States, the term czar has been used by the media to refer to appointed executive branch officials since at least 1930s and then the 1940s under President Franklin D. Roosevelt.[4][5][6] In 1942, The Washington Post reported on the "executive orders creating new czars to control various aspects of our wartime economy."[7] Positions were created for a transportation czar, a manpower czar, a production czar, a shipping czar, and a synthetic rubber czar, all to solve difficult problems in coordinating the resources necessary to fight World War II.[1][8] Not only did the administration of President Roosevelt advocate their creation; in December 1944, Republicans in Congress advocated that a "food czar" position be created that would have almost unlimited control over food pricing and distribution.[9] Certain of Roosevelt's Cabinet secretaries were called "czars", despite having been duly confirmed by the Senate, at the point that their powers were increased by statute.[5]

Since then, a number of ad hoc temporary as well as permanent United States Executive Branch positions have been established that have been referred to in this manner. The trend began again in earnest[1] when President Richard Nixon created two offices whose heads became known as "czars" in the popular press: drug czar in 1971,[10] and especially energy czar in December 1973[11] referring to William E. Simon's appointment as the head of the Federal Energy Administration.[12] Nixon told his cabinet that Simon would have "absolute authority" in his designated areas, and compared the intended result to Albert Speer's role as the person in unquestioned charge of armaments for the Third Reich.[13] Simon found both the informal title "czar" and the Speer comparison unsettling.[13] However, at the height of the Arab oil embargo, Simon gave the position a good name by successfully putting into place a mandatory fuel allocation program and calming public fears about shortages without resorting to explicit gasoline rationing.[1][14]

Edit: Jim beat me to it! LOL

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  • 6 months later...

Well it has been three and one half years....Did Obama make this nation better? Has unemployment gone down because of fudging the statistics by allowing those that have dropped off the unemployment because of termination of benefits to be no longer counted as unemployed or active in pursuit of a job? Has the bailout of GM, banks, etc really long term solved anything? Good job GM, get bailed out by the taxpayers and negotiate with china in a quest to move all manufacturing to their country...Oh and thank you for the chevy volt. Thank you for the folks on the border trying to protect their property while Homeland Security tells us it is all better....REALLY????? Thankyou for destroying National Space program while we ride in Russian craft. That really advances science. Thank you to our educators that have defined success with eight graders passing the national tests with only 44% being able to pass a science exam. Note that was the highest score which was in North Dakota and Montana. While here in California they passed by a whooping 20% and we spend more on education than any other state in the US. Thank you to all of the Politicians that find giving away methods and tactics of those that wish to destroy our country's commerce for political gain. (disclosing the recent attempts and the methods to destroy some airplanes). REALLY what happened to loose lips sinks ships.? I know it is old, but when I worked for National Security we would have been thrown in jail (levenworth) for such disclosures that effect our security. Thank you Attorney General for your suing the state of Arizona for their willingness to protect their borders...Thank you for lying about knowing anything about running the guns to drug cartel. Thank you Harry Reid for passing a budget for the last three years... Thank you Obama for the 14 trillion dollar debt. Oh I am so thank ful today for all of the jobs that have been created like Solandra to a have billion dollars by our wonderful government. Thank you to our Vets, they are the only ones that have done anything in the last three and 1/2 years.

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Other than remembering and honoring or service people serving then and now for us, what is your purpose in taking the honor of their service, and using it for the purpose of ranting at Obama?

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I dont believe this thread is about honoring....that was my other thread. I am from a family of military, my dad was Retired Air Force working with Strategic Air Command and ending with Minuteman missles. I Am a Vet serving 8 years as well. Some of those in Vietnam. I honor our servicemen, because they provide the freedoms that you and I enjoy. I did not mention Obama in my other thread. As for this thread I thought it needed some prodding considering the crazy politics that are going on. I was just throwing some concerns of what this administration has achieved or Not achieved. Too many in this nation dont realize the freedoms that are being taken from us every day as Government intrudes more and more into our private lives. Nothing has been fixed, just more garbage from the politicos while the nation heads for disaster. We need to bring somebody to the helm that is positive about the future of this nation, somebody that leads rather than divides. Both parties are a mess. We need somebody that can lead the parties to solving our problems, not bury them or kick them down the road. Remember government is not a solution, it should be only a facilitator to moving Americans to their potential. My last sentiment about the vets was to remind us of those that are under the mercy of this administration, that at least they have honor and take an oath, and allegance to the Constitution. Funny so do politicians, but their only honor is making themselves look good...

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While I am certainly not a fan of Obama, I give his administration the credit it deserves for cleaning up as much of the Bush/Cheney disaster as has been possible to date. I said near the end of the Bush presidency that it would take us a decade to fully recover from the shambles that Bush/Cheney left us in both domestically and internationally, and I still stand by that statement. Unlike 2008 when the status of the Republican Party essentially meant a cakewalk election for Obama/Biden, 2012 will be a close one. I'm watching Romney like a hawk. If he repeats John McCain's huge blunder and picks a lightweight airhead for a running mate, his chances may be seriously compromised well before November. This one should be fun to watch as long as both sides can avoid the major pitfalls....

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While I am certainly not a fan of Obama, I give his administration the credit it deserves for cleaning up as much of the Bush/Cheney disaster as has been possible to date. I said near the end of the Bush presidency that it would take us a decade to fully recover from the shambles that Bush/Cheney left us in both domestically and internationally, and I still stand by that statement. Unlike 2008 when the status of the Republican Party essentially meant a cakewalk election for Obama/Biden, 2012 will be a close one. I'm watching Romney like a hawk. If he repeats John McCain's huge blunder and picks a lightweight airhead for a running mate, his chances may be seriously compromised well before November. This one should be fun to watch as long as both sides can avoid the major pitfalls....

Ok NC enlighten me what exactly has he cleaned up.

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I guess the cleaning was that he spent what Washington thru Bush spent in only 3 1/2 years...Good job, spend till you make it worthless. Greece here we come.

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Has unemployment gone down because of fudging the statistics by allowing those that have dropped off the unemployment because of termination of benefits to be no longer counted as unemployed or active in pursuit of a job?

Has it? Cite your source.

Has the bailout of GM, banks, etc really long term solved anything? Good job GM, get bailed out by the taxpayers and negotiate with china in a quest to move all manufacturing to their country...Oh and thank you for the chevy volt.

Actually I think the American auto industry is doing fabulously. Where has GM been in negotiations to move their manufacturing to China? Cite a source. They're exploring manufacturing in China FOR THE CHINESE MARKET. Chrysler is doing the same thing.

Thankyou for destroying National Space program while we ride in Russian craft. That really advances science.

Did you miss the HUGE story last week when the first private US spacecraft took off and docked with the international space station?

Thank you to our educators that have defined success with eight graders passing the national tests with only 44% being able to pass a science exam. Note that was the highest score which was in North Dakota and Montana. While here in California they passed by a whooping 20% and we spend more on education than any other state in the US.

This is a local thing and has absolutely nothing to do with the federal government.

Thank you to all of the Politicians that find giving away methods and tactics of those that wish to destroy our country's commerce for political gain.

Oh yeah...no Republicans guilty of that.

Thank you Attorney General for your suing the state of Arizona for their willingness to protect their borders...

You can't in one line decry the loss of civil liberties yet then complain about standing up to Arizona's blatantly racist and unconstitutional profiling law and be taken seriously.

Thank you Obama for the 14 trillion dollar debt.

Which of course all was incurred during the last 3.5 years right?

Thank you to our Vets, they are the only ones that have done anything in the last three and 1/2 years.

So has the Obama administration done nothing, or all the horrible things you accuse them of doing? Which is it?

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Nothing raciast about stopping illegal Mexicans, Guatemalans, etc. Get off the politically correct box and call it what it is....Mexicans coming into our country illegally without a green card....And hiding amongst these folks are drug runners. If the Feds spent as much time fighting the state as prosecuting the illegals and deportiong them the problem would be heading in the right direction. I thought we had borders and homeland security for a reason?

Education is broke most everywhere in the country because of the pathetic tenure system the unions have developed in the schools. Bad teachers are not allowed to be removed and excellent teachers dont get recongnized for their job individually in merit programs. I thought the Secretary of Education was going to go after this problem?

Unemployment in California was reported going up and because of the ending of Federal unemployment they will not be counted in the statistics for people searching for a job. Whats with that. And that was reported by all of the news media in California.

Those negotiations in china for the auto industry was reported to be for the purpose of moving jobs to China.....The only real movement in jobs is to right to work states to avoid the union thugs.

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Nothing raciast about stopping illegal Mexicans, Guatemalans, etc. Get off the politically correct box and call it what it is....Mexicans coming into our country illegally without a green card.....

How is asking people of Hispanic decent who are American citizens submit to constant and groundless harassment, detention and the humiliation of having to present papers to prove their citizenship whenever and wherever they are asked to any different than any other civil liberty we've been asked to give up in the name of security?

Difference is...it doesn't effect YOU. That's the definition of racism my friend.

You're such an unbelievable hypocrite.

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Absolutely not, are you asked for your drivers license.? What are we to do? Stick our heads in the sand and use the process of looking the other way for bypassing the laws of this nation. If Hispanics are the majority of illegals, than what are you supposed to do, go up to little girls, black, white, etc and ask them if they are here illegally. You progressives make enforcing the laws of this nation impossible. That is why we have such a terrible problem with illegals voting, drawing our social benefits, and yes coming into the United States illegally (note this is a criminal act) Even Mexico makes it difficult for guatimalians to come into their country. Just about every country in the world enforces their borders, for a good reason, to protect their citizens from abuses. Why dont you leave your front door open on your home all 24 hours of the day. After all anybody should be able to come in under your thought processes. Maybe that big biker guy, or southern meth user would like to use your bathroom or eat your food. THe analogy is the same. My ancesters as well as my friends ancesters came here legally....under the existing immigration laws. My Mexican friends are outraged by this conduct. Many of them came here under green cards and worked for their citizenship. Hyprocrite, no, just a law abiding citizen that has been to many parts of the world where this activity is not tolerated. We have become a nation that is loosing its borders, language, and culture. Progressives are so narrow minded that they cant see the trees through the forest.

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Watching the news this morning Eric holder is going after florida for asking for proof of citizenship in order to vote...What is wrong with that when you have a problem? It was on CNN and Fox....So now we want illegals to control our voting process to give them more benefits?

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Absolutely not, are you asked for your drivers license.?

If the police are asking a disproportionate amount of people of one racial background for their drivers license, thats racial profiling and its illegal.

Anyways, they have to have PROBABLE CAUSE to ask me for my drivers license. If I am walking down the street and a police officer asks me for my drivers license and he cannot give me a reasonable cause, I don't have to give it to him. Hell, if I'm driving a car and I get stopped and there is no PROBABLE CAUSE...I can just leave...I don't have to give him anything. Thats why they tell you why they stopped you before they ask for your license and registration.

You're suggesting that hispanic americans be required to provide their proof of citizenship at any time with no PROBABLE CAUSE. Thats illegal, and unconstitutional.

What are we to do? Stick our heads in the sand and use the process of looking the other way for bypassing the laws of this nation.

The same argument can be applied to any of the "civil liberties" that you decry the loss of. This is no different, you're expecting an entire race of people to give up the right to walk around their country as free people and to submit to random, racially targeted checkpoints to determine their citizenship. If you do that...EVERYBODY must carry proof of citizenship at all times and be required to present it at all times, even when you have committed no crime and have been accused of no crime, and the officer has no PROBABLE CAUSE. Good luck getting that passed.

If Hispanics are the majority of illegals, than what are you supposed to do, go up to little girls, black, white, etc and ask them if they are here illegally.


You progressives make enforcing the laws of this nation impossible.

So now I, the "progressive" am making law enforcement impossible because I want to protect our civil liberties? You really don't see the hypocrisy in that?

Its also impossible for you (or me), as presumably a white person, to know what its like to walk down the street, or walk into a store and be automatically assumed to be a threat and be up to some illegal activity. You don't know what its like to be unable to hail a cab. What you are suggesting is making it LEGAL and COMPULSORY for law enforcement to target people of a certain race as potential and suspected criminals at all times! That is WRONG.

That is WAY more un-American than providing socialized healthcare. Somehow that would "destroy the fabric of American life" but having police targeting hispanics who have committed no crime and demanding "papers" under the threat of arrest with no probable cause is fine?!?! Jesus Christ, you're crazy.

That is why we have such a terrible problem with illegals voting, drawing our social benefits, and yes coming into the United States illegally (note this is a criminal act) Even Mexico makes it difficult for guatimalians to come into their country. Just about every country in the world enforces their borders, for a good reason, to protect their citizens from abuses. Why dont you leave your front door open on your home all 24 hours of the day. After all anybody should be able to come in under your thought processes.

Don't put words in my mouth. I'm all for protecting the border, but I am not for giving law enforcement the right to demand "papers" from any hispanic person they see at any time under the threat of deportation with no probably cause when the vast majority of those people will be American citizens. Thats a little too "!Removed!" for me, sorry.

Maybe that big biker guy, or southern meth user would like to use your bathroom or eat your food. THe analogy is the same.

No its not, my bathroom is my property. The analogy would be if I had to prove to the police I owned my bathroom any time I wanted to use it. Sure, the meth user or the biker guy won't be able to get in there...but my enjoyment of MY bathroom and my rights to use is would be severely diminished.

Hyprocrite, no

LOL, yes. In one line you decry the loss of civil liberties, the loss of which was for the benefit of security. Then you denounce me for being against stripping of civil liberties in the name of security.

just a law abiding citizen that has been to many parts of the world where this activity is not tolerated

Then go live there. Thats what you tell people who want healthcare like in other countries. In the US we have rule of law, and sometimes that law allows people who commit crime to fall through the cracks. Thats why a jury has to prove beyond a REASONABLE DOUBT someone is guilty of a crime. Because even if there is SOME SHRED of doubt that they committed the crime, its better that they go free than we risk an innocent person being incarcerated for a crime.

We have become a nation that is loosing its borders, language, and culture

LOL, this country has no language, and its culture is a melting pot of different cultures BECAUSE it is a nation of immigrants. Even when people come here legally, they bring their culture and language with them which becomes a part of our culture. Should we require people to behave and speak only like white people when they're here? Practice their culture behind closed doors? Why don't you go buy a hood, a cross, some gasoline and just own it?

I'm all for immigration reform and securing the border, but harassing American citizens of one certain race, or any race on the street and asking them to prove their citizenship at any time, under threat of arrest, without reasonable cause is not the answer.

Watching the news this morning Eric holder is going after florida for asking for proof of citizenship in order to vote...

As long as its asked of everyone I don't have a problem with that. It should be required when one registers to vote in the first place.

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