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So Snopes Covers For Obama


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Social Security, Medicare, interest on debt, military pay, all can be covered....The only ones sweating it are the bureaucrats in Washington....They would be the ones not payed...Hey The Politicians (both parties) created this fiasco, dipped into the Social security trust fund, spent like drunken sailors, and now they cry fowl when AMERICA wants it stopped. Do I feel sorry for OBAMA, nope, wrong decisions all the time...should have let the chips fall instead of trying to prop them up. Yea the politicians and whatever tell you he saved the nation..cow !Removed!...So what has he done, jobs? Chrysler (now owned by fiat), healthcare? GM? Big banks that wont give a dime to anybody? Couple more wars? Yep he is a brilliant speaker, but leader? I think not. Relies on polls to make every decision, and his band of bandits havent a clue of the real world...What do you expect from a bunch of left over radicals from my generation.?

On another note: watched MSNBC last night, and yes they call themselves and the Democrats progressives...What a bunch of cry babies, and as usual treating Congress members on the right side of the aisle with absolutely no respect. At least the other networks are polite, even when they disagree. That is what our nation has come to....a bunch of sniveling, name calling, anti America media...Just like those that dont like silly chain letters, because the truth hurts...Hard to rationalize with truth...

Americans are tired of the little kings and queens in the kingdom of the halls of Congress and the big White House...They want leaders, not poll chasers. Me, well I watch with excitement as they squirm in the !Removed! they created....

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In my opinion - what we saw last night was a leader who has pinned himself in the corner, and trying to make everyone affraid. I feel as though Obama views the office of the President as the CEO of the county. But, the flaw in that thinking, is that he can't fire anyone. It's the other way around. I don't think he gets that, when he talks the way he does. Our national debt/income ratio is 10x as it stands today. What does that mean? For every dollar the country has to pay in debt, it brings in $10 in revenue. We're far from broke folks. So, why this need to raise the ceiling then? It's the exact same model that has been applied to the banking industry over the past 24 months...reserves for losses. When someone comes to you, who makes a $100K a year and owes $10K, for a loan, then your very first question needs to be "why?" This question should come from your gut feeling of that borrower knowing something unique and troubling is probable to happen, or they are wanting to buy something really expensive. Now, what could that possibly be in the United States? What could be so troubling, and potentially so expensive to require another loan to a country that has "real" unemployment figures north of 15% (I'm speculating on that number), a country that has massive foreclosures on the market, and has been in a recession for over 3 years already? Answer: nothing that a 10x ratio shouldn't be able to handle on it's own, IF you are serious about recovery. In my opinion - the real reason for this need, is international, not national. And for a President to go on live TV and try to scare the very people he needs to win re-election next year by saying your government paychecks will bounce unless you do as I say, was a real moment of weakness in leadership by the President of the United States. How can a person, who is sworn to act upon the best interest of his countrymen, seriously tell those countrymen that you won't get health payments and food payments if you don't give me my money, when we're spending billions on Pakistan (to name just one example)? You can't, and you shouldn't.

I'm not going down this road of radicals from yesteryear. To hold someone accountable for their actions 40 years ago, when the world was nothing like it is today, leads to a dead end. Heck, I'd hate to think someone views me today, as that NC211 from 1997 when I was making movies and drinking beer with Teamsters on the backlot of Screen Gems studio in Wilmington, NC.

After 3 years of no real positive "change" from the first day in office, I'd say the man has probably a 30% chance at best to win in 15 months. I feel as though we fell to the floor in 2008, and right before we could tie our shoelaces again, someone came along and put roller skates on our feet so we couldn't get back up as easily as before (recessions happen folks, and will again, I promise). I'd also have to say, if the credit rating of this country is downgraded from it's AAA rating, he very well might not be the Democratic Nominee for the job. Many Presidents have started wars, and lead through economic hardships. But NONE have ever risked our national credit rating like he his doing, NONE! If we're downgraded, we're going to have a massive problem on our hands, a real problem that will be in the face of every human not only in this country, but in many others as well that have invested in us. You think it's tough to get a loan today to start a business....just wait until the USA needs a Co-Signer. If this happens, then in my opinion, the man should be impeached. It will essentially be the 9/11 of the economic engine that drives us, and it will be entirely his fault, because he is The President.

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My thought is that he purposely wants the dollar to fail...that would cause an international as well as a national monetary crisis....Then we would look at government as our only solution, then BINGO Obama and his staff would have gotten their way...Wealth would have been driven out to be divided amongst the masses (in their thought process)with government being the caretaker of what money is left. (Socialism)....The world economies would fall like dominoes and societies like China and Russia would come out on top.

Lets hope that real leaders emerge, and reverse all of this anti capitalism by reversing the rediculous regulations that bussiness and industry have to put up with. When our playing field is leveled to what our competitors have, we will again create jobs and revenue with Americans ingenuity.

As for the radicals of yesteryear, they unfortunately havent changed their views...Watch them, read what they still think....They are dangerous. They infested our campuses, and got rewarded when one of their kind was enabled in the highest office. Why would such a group be put together otherwise?

Look at this list....

Richard Holbrooke AfghanistanCzar Ultra liberal anti gun former Gov. Of New Mexico. Pro Abortion and legal drug use. Dissolve the 2nd Amendment

Ed Montgomery Auto recovery Czar Black radical anti business activist. Affirmative Action and Job Preference for blacks. Univ of Maryland Business School Dean teaches U.S. Business has caused world poverty. ACORN board member. Communist DuBois Club member.

Jeffrey Crowley AIDS Czar Radical Homosexual.. A !Removed! Rights activist. Believes in !Removed! Marriage and especially, a Special Status for homosexuals only, including complete free health care for !Removed!.

Alan Bersin Border Czar The former failed superintendent of San Diego . Ultra Liberal friend of Hilary Clinton. Served as Border Czar under Janet Reno - to keep borders open to illegals without interference from U.S.

David J. Hayes California Water Czar Sr. Fellow of radical environmentalist group, "Progress Policy". No training or experience in water management whatsoever.

Ron Bloom < /span>

Car Czar Auto Union worker. Anti business & anti nuclear. Has worked hard to force U.S. Auto makers out of business. Sits on the Board of Chrysler which is now Auto Union owned. How did this happen?

Dennis Ross Central Region Czar Believes U.S. Policy has caused Mid East wars. Obama apologist to the world. Anti gun and completely pro abortion.

Lynn Rosenthal Domestic Violence Czar Director of the National Network to End Domestic Violence. Vicious anti-male feminist. Supported male castration.Imagine?

Gil Kerlikowske Drug Czar Devoted lobbyist for every restrictive gun law proposal, Former Chief of Police in Liberal Seattle. Believes no American should own a firearm. Supports legalization of all drugs

Paul Volcker E conomicCzar Head of Fed. Reserve under Jimmy Carter when U.S. Economy nearly failed. Obama appointed head of the Economic Recovery Advisory Board which engineered the Obama economic disaster to U.S. Economy. Member of anti-business "Progressive Policy" organization

Carol Brower Energy and Environment Czar Political Radical Former head of EPA - known for anti-business activism. Strong anti-gun ownership.

Joshua DuBois

< /div> Faith Based Czar Political Black activist-Degree in Black Nationalism. Anti gun ownership lobbyist. WHAT THE HELL DOES A FAITH BASED CZAR DO???????????

Cameron Davis Great LakesCzar Chicago radical anti-business environmentalist. Blames George Bush for "Poisoning the water that minorities have to drink." No experience or training in water management. Former ACORN Board member (what does that tell us?)

Van Jones Green Jobs Czar (since resigned).. Black activist Member of American Communist Party and San Francisco Communist Party who said Geo. Bush caused the 911 attack and wanted Bush investigated by the World Court for war crimes. Black activist with strong anti-white views.

Daniel Fried Guantanamo Closure Czar Human Rights Activist for Foreign Terrorists. Believes America has caused the war on terrorism. Believes terrorists have rights above and beyond Americans.

Nancy-Ann DeParle. Health Czar Former head of Medicare / Medicaid. Strong Health Care Rationing proponent. She is married to a reporter for The New York Times.

Vivek Kundra Information Czar Born in New Delhi , India . Controls all public information, including labels and news releases. Monitors all private Internet emails. (hello?)

Todd Stern International Climate Czar Anti-business former White House chief of Staff- Strong supportrer of the Kyoto Accord. Pushing hard for Cap and Trade. Blames U.S. Business for Global warming. Anti- U.S. Business prosperity.

Dennis Blair Intelligence Czar Ret. Navy. Stopped U.S. Guided missile program as "provocative". Chair of ultra liberal "Council on Foreign Relations" which blames American organizations for regional wars.

George Mitchell Mideast Peace Czar Fmr. Sen from Maine Left wing radical. Has said Israel should be split up into "2 or 3 " smaller more manageable plots". (God forbid) A true Anti-nuclear anti-gun & pro homosexual "special rights" advocate

Kenneth Feinberg Pay Czar Chief of Staff to TED KENNEDY. Lawyer who got rich off the 911 victims payoffs. (horribly true)

Cass Sunstein Regulatory Czar Liberal activist judge believes free speech needs to be limited for the "common good". Essentially against 1st amendment. Rules against personal freedoms many times -like private gun ownership and right to free speech. This guy has to be run out of Washington !!

John Holdren < div>Science Czar Fierce ideological environmentalist, Sierra Club, Anti-business activist. Claims U.S. business has caused world poverty. No Science training.

Earl Devaney Stimulus Accountability Czar Spent career trying to take guns away from American citizens. Believes in Open Borders to Mexico . Author of statement blaming U.S. gun stores for drug war in Mexico .

J. Scott Gration Sudan Czar Native of Democratic Republic of Congo . Believes U.S. does little to help Third World countries. Council of foreign relations, asking for higher U.S. taxes to support United Nations

Herb Allison

TARP Czar Fannie Mae CEO responsible for the U.S. Recession by using real estate mortgages to back up the U.S. stock market. Caused millions of people to lose their life savings.

John Brennan Terrorism Czar Anti CIA activist. No training in diplomatic or gov. affairs. Believes Open Borders to Mexico and a dialog with terrorists and has suggested Obama disband U.S. military A TOTAL MORON !!!!!

Aneesh Chopra Technology Czar No Technology training. Worked for the Advisory Board Company, a health care think tank for hospitals. Anti doctor activist. Supports Obama Health care Rationing and salaried doctors working exclusively for the Gov. health care plan

Adolfo Carrion Jr.. Urban Affairs Czar Puerto Rican born Anti American activist and leftist group member in Latin America . Millionaire "slum lord" of the Bronx , NY. Owns many lavish homes and condos which he got from "sweetheart" deals with labor unions. Wants higher taxes on middle class to pay for minority housing and health care

Ashton Carter Weapons Czar Leftist. Wants all private weapons in U.S. destroyed. Supports UN ban on firearms ownership in America .. No Other "policy"

Gary Samore WMD Policy Czar Former U.S. Communist. Wants U.S. to destroy all WMD unilaterally as a show of good faith. Has no other "policy".

The Most Dangerous man in America !!!

Cass Sunstein Regulatory Czar Liberal activist judge believes free speech needs to be limited for the "common good". Essentially against 1st amendment. Rules against personal freedoms many times -like private gun ownership and right to free speech.

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By the way NC, my daughter and son-in-law spent last week in Chicago, had a great time, but daughter came back with Bed Bug bites, really bad ones....What a way to end vacation....and from an upscale hotel....Wife and I got to babysit our new grandbaby while they played....So we were happy....Nice pictures from along the lakeshore.....someday I will try to visit...hopefully bed bugs are exterminated.... :rolleyes:

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Same with military pay. Can he afford to lose the votes of 2.5 MILLION+ service members? I can assure you that not very many servicemembers will vote for him if the military pay stops.

No, military pay will not stop. I forgot the terminology but we who pay the military have been categorized as critical service providers.

I've been too busy to mess with this thread but I sense a significant loss of contact with reality among some of the participants.

Calm down everyone. All we've got right now is some Republicans trying to create an artificial crisis. There is a time for short term planning and a time for long term thinking. This is a time for short term thinking and raising the debt limit as in the past. Oddly, the Republican party didn't give a hoot about deficits or running up the national debt when they controlled the Presidency, the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Frankly, as a socially liberal and fiscally conservative person, I'm tempted to hope that some of you get what you want - a default on the national debt. It's not going to hurt me and most of my ultra fiscally conservative family much since we have no debt and plenty of hard assets but I suspect that some of you are going to be sent off a financial cliff to crash on the rocks below. Sometimes I think that the only way people learn is through pain.

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With all do respect, 1990, it wasn't a republican on tv last night saying medicare and social security checks could be delayed if the national debt limit isn't increased immediately. It was the President. The republican that followed, seemed to be the one saying not to panic.

But, as they say - politics, religion, and women, are nearly impossible to win a debate over!! :-)

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With all do respect, 1990, it wasn't a republican on tv last night saying medicare and social security checks could be delayed if the national debt limit isn't increased immediately. It was the President. The republican that followed, seemed to be the one saying not to panic.

But, as they say - politics, religion, and women, are nearly impossible to win a debate over!! :-)

The PRESIDENT. You say it nc as if this office is the only elected official in the country. As a matter of speaking, you say it as if the person holding the office is more of royalty than of republic.

Do you really believe that one person is controlling the lives and futures of over 300,000,000 people and that the hundreds of congress people and senators are just sitting in their offices watching reruns of Gilligan's Islands, playing no part in this stupid game of "Who gets the blame for this Mess?" As much as you may like to blame Obamba every time your sink backs-up in your house, he is not capable of controlling all things both physical and astronomical so I doubt he can be blamed for EVERYTHING economical anymore than I blame George and the republican gang for their boondoggle.

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I don't blame him for anything. Personally, I live in my little shell of a world, and other than it being in Chicago at the moment, it's pretty darn good and well insulated from the wolf at the door. I build with brick, not sand. I'm the one here saying I'm voting for the guy who cares the least about my life, not the other way around. I'm not saying that's a conservative or liberal stance either. It's just plain and simple: You don't bother me, and I won't bother you. That being said, I'm not the first person to think his actions at times come across as arrogant and more "CEO" than President. But, that's my opinion.

I know he's not the only source of decision making in our government. I have nothing personal against the man whatsoever. However, if you are going to be the face of communication to the masses, both on a national and international stage, then you must be prepared to be the prime target for dissatifaction from the masses, because that is what the masses understand and see. Most people couldn't care less or have the time to waste on figuring out who Barney Frank is, or even Joe Bidden. They just know who is interupting their favorite TV show on Sunday night. That isn't speculation, or personal opinion, it's fact. I doubt 99.9985% of the American population ever even heard of some congressman named Wiener until he poped up on TMZ's iPhone App.

Now, with all of that said as well.... who has the ultimate (veto) power? For anything to clear the house or senate, it must pass with a vote of all representatives with the majority in favor of the measure, which is very much supportive of your comments about all of the other influences in the background !Removed! things up. BUT, well, I think a certain past President best says what I'm saying with this: http://www.trumanlibrary.org/buckstop.htm

If you read any of it, make sure you read the last few sentences in that link.

"In his farewell address to the American people given in January 1953, President Truman referred to this concept very specifically in asserting that, "The President--whoever he is--has to decide. He can't pass the buck to anybody. No one else can do the deciding for him. That's his job."

Sadly though, I think the damage has already been done in our financial markets. The inability of the DC Duo to come to an agreement w/o it spilling over into all of our living rooms during primetime family time, sends the message pretty clearly: As it stands now, even when it comes to something as precise as our credit rating, this country can't come to an agreement. The financial markets around the world already know, that even if we do solve this issue, and I'm sure we will, every other issue that pops up will probably be the same game. Always been a game, but this is just childish and nuts.

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I don't blame him for anything. Personally, I live in my little shell of a world, and other than it being in Chicago at the moment, it's pretty darn good and well insulated from the wolf at the door. I build with brick, not sand. I'm the one here saying I'm voting for the guy who cares the least about my life, not the other way around. I'm not saying that's a conservative or liberal stance either. It's just plain and simple: You don't bother me, and I won't bother you. That being said, I'm not the first person to think his actions at times come across as arrogant and more "CEO" than President. But, that's my opinion.

I know he's not the only source of decision making in our government. I have nothing personal against the man whatsoever. However, if you are going to be the face of communication to the masses, both on a national and international stage, then you must be prepared to be the prime target for dissatifaction from the masses, because that is what the masses understand and see. Most people couldn't care less or have the time to waste on figuring out who Barney Frank is, or even Joe Bidden. They just know who is interupting their favorite TV show on Sunday night. That isn't speculation, or personal opinion, it's fact. I doubt 99.9985% of the American population ever even heard of some congressman named Wiener until he poped up on TMZ's iPhone App.

Now, with all of that said as well.... who has the ultimate (veto) power? For anything to clear the house or senate, it must pass with a vote of all representatives with the majority in favor of the measure, which is very much supportive of your comments about all of the other influences in the background !Removed! things up. BUT, well, I think a certain past President best says what I'm saying with this: http://www.trumanlibrary.org/buckstop.htm

If you read any of it, make sure you read the last few sentences in that link.

"In his farewell address to the American people given in January 1953, President Truman referred to this concept very specifically in asserting that, "The President--whoever he is--has to decide. He can't pass the buck to anybody. No one else can do the deciding for him. That's his job."

Sadly though, I think the damage has already been done in our financial markets. The inability of the DC Duo to come to an agreement w/o it spilling over into all of our living rooms during primetime family time, sends the message pretty clearly: As it stands now, even when it comes to something as precise as our credit rating, this country can't come to an agreement. The financial markets around the world already know, that even if we do solve this issue, and I'm sure we will, every other issue that pops up will probably be the same game. Always been a game, but this is just childish and nuts.

You make some good points. Unfortunately, most of those eligible don't even vote, but use their right to complain about the status of the outcomes.

Truman had one quality as you pointed out, that none of the leaders have today, and that is accountability. If just one would assume responsibility for their part of the problem, I believe people would be so shocked they would stand up and cheer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

S&P has down graded the US from AAA to AA+, first time in history. Doesn't mean we'll default on our bonds, but does mean our borrowing costs are in severe jeopardy of increasing.

S&P isn't the know-all be-all. In fact, they recently fluffed a commercial mortgage transaction so badly that they've lost all credibility in the sector on Wall Street. Seriously cost Citi and GoldmanSachs a ton of money. They admitted a fundamental flawing their model, and yanked their credit profile on the traction about 30 minutes before the bonds were to be issued. So, S&P isn't perfect. But most people don't know about that transaction.

Obama....I think you've given the competition so much ammo, that there is no way you'll be re-elected. Even those who want to vote for you, probably can't ignore these kinds of facts.

If borrowing cost go up, without the benefit of debt reduction, we're in even bigger trouble folks. We've got the ingredients for a perfect storm. We're facing what we were all told we were going to avoid. But, now we are out if options.

Been in Vegas this week with my wife, while watching the stock market tank. Very interesting time to be in Vegas playing craps!!

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The stock market looks like crap! :)

Yea I am a little worried what this is going to do to borrowing cost...there is just nothing good about what just happened. The US credit rating has been aaa since 1917 and after all this country has been through this is the first time it has ever been down graded. I can't wait for the blame game to start either! We shall see what will happen but this is not good. And I agree I can't see how he will get re elected however I still don't see how he did the 1st time...

NC by the way put $1k on BLACK for me if I win let me know and I will get you my address. If I loose I was just kidding with YA!

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You all talk about what a lousy leader Obama is. I hesitate to fully support that for one reason;

Before one can be a great leader, they must have people who are willing to be led.

Over the last seventy some years my view is that FDR was probably one of our best presidential leaders. One of the reasons for this belief is that he came to the office at a time when America was needing to be led and wanted someone to lead them out of the depression and out of the dregs of war and back to prosperity.

Now, Obama came into office twenty months ago with the slogan of change you can believe in. But when he started working on change we all said "not me" Let someone else change. i.e. Medicare, Social Security and their false involvement in the health care debate. We just saw the same thing with the debt ceiling mess. Everybody was squealing "Don't cut defense" "Don't cut Medicare", "Screw the FAA". I don't believe Congress would be so F---Jed up if they weren't truly just acting the way we tell them to. Maybe not the little guys, but the ones who pay their campaign bills.

I don't think we are a country of citizens who want a strong leader. I think we just want someone we can blame for all our troubles.

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You all talk about what a lousy leader Obama is. I hesitate to fully support that for one reason;

Before one can be a great leader, they must have people who are willing to be led.

Over the last seventy some years my view is that FDR was probably one of our best presidential leaders. One of the reasons for this belief is that he came to the office at a time when America was needing to be led and wanted someone to lead them out of the depression and out of the dregs of war and back to prosperity.

Now, Obama came into office twenty months ago with the slogan of change you can believe in. But when he started working on change we all said "not me" Let someone else change. i.e. Medicare, Social Security and their false involvement in the health care debate. We just saw the same thing with the debt ceiling mess. Everybody was squealing "Don't cut defense" "Don't cut Medicare", "Screw the FAA". I don't believe Congress would be so F---Jed up if they weren't truly just acting the way we tell them to. Maybe not the little guys, but the ones who pay their campaign bills.

I don't think we are a country of citizens who want a strong leader. I think we just want someone we can blame for all our troubles.

Paul leadership starts with taking accountability for yourself and having creditability. What I see with Obama is someone who consistently blames everything on someone else. If Obama had listened to the people and worked on job creation and debt reduction and had not been so stubborn to have a healthcare bill that most did not want rammed down their throat maybe this wouldn't have happened...maybe it would? And please don't say government doesn't create jobs...trust me I know...but they can create a environment that companies want to do business here and not oversees. Why are companies leaving the US to go to Mexico...or anywhere but here? Companies are not going to create jobs here until environment and attitude towards job creation and companies changes. Why are companies taking jobs overseas and moving out of the US? Look at the positions Obama takes and the people Obama surrounds himself with and I am sorry I just don't see a leader I see a do what I say not what I do leader. His treasury secretary Tim Geithner I don't think has made a single good decision and we are paying for it...but wait let's blame Bush "when I took office...blah...blah" get on with it all ready. To be honest with you I am not happy with either party and I still haven't seen someone that wants to lead from either party.

Ok...let me summarize unemployment numbers still not coming down (his plan didn't work) housing market is still in the dumps (his plan didn't work) health care bill companies are getting waivers and moving overseas nothing to address health care cost such as tort reform (plan WILL not work)... Cash for clunkers...gee lets get people who have paid for cars and give them $$$ to go buy a new car...most who are going to finance them when people are having so many credit and financial problems already...brilliant (IMHO didn't work) I could keep going but why?

But I will give him credit he made one good decision that I know of...he sent a bad !Removed! team of Navy Seals to put a bullet in Osama!

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You all talk about what a lousy leader Obama is. I hesitate to fully support that for one reason;

Before one can be a great leader, they must have people who are willing to be led.

Read "The Prince" by Machiavelli.


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Paul, Obama came into office with a landslide victory of the American people. I'd say we were a country looking to be led out of a collapsing economy. The problem isn't the healthcare business, and the entitlements issue. The problem is the TIMING of which those elements ignite nation were focused upon. If the country were economically stable, then you talk about this stuff. You focus on the future. But when you've got 7.1% unemployment, $3.45 gas prices, and the crumbling of Lehman Brothers, Bear Sterns, Detroit, etc... You need to focus on next week, before next month. This is where I believe the democrats have failed over the past few years. I understand wanting to "get ahead" of the issue. But, at what point does a leader say "this isn't working, we need to change course"? Is it 11% unemployment? Is it $6T more debt load on the GDP back? Is it a consumer confidence index of 28%? For me? It's AAA to AA+. FDR never had our nation's credit worthiness called into question. This downgrading has put a foot inside a door that I swear to you, we don't want to open. Not as the worlds biggest economy, not as the worlds consumer of goods, and not as the worlds mightiest military. To put it in questionable descriptive terms, for which I'll apologize now for: this has the potential of being the 9/11 of the economic future over the next decade for this country. And S&P just put a plane in the air.

People want to be lead, TODAY, not tomorrow. I, for one, have had enough of this "hope to dream of change" rhetoric. All I see is an unemployment rate higher today than yesterday, debt load higher today than yesterday (even after TARP and the like), and one hell of a very very nasty storm brewing in the near horizon. You want to go from a recession to a depression? Screw with the only golden ticket DC has left...our credit rating.

Obama hasn't failed to lead. Obama has failed to read. He has failed to read the landscape, and he has failed to control his own party to play within the fragile boundaries of our fragile economy over the past 3 years. He failed to prioritize the obligations. Jobs Jobs Jobs, should have been #1 #1 #1 from day #1. Get Americans working, before you ask them to pay even more bills. Get the foreclosure situation under control, before you ask Americans to allow more obligations be placed on their dining room table. Do what you PROMISED about gas prices, before you shut down the Gulf of Mexico over one (albeit massively tragic) accident.

I'm sick and tired of "hope and change". I want "results and accountability".

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You all talk about what a lousy leader Obama is. I hesitate to fully support that for one reason;

Before one can be a great leader, they must have people who are willing to be led.

Over the last seventy some years my view is that FDR was probably one of our best presidential leaders. One of the reasons for this belief is that he came to the office at a time when America was needing to be led and wanted someone to lead them out of the depression and out of the dregs of war and back to prosperity.

Now, Obama came into office twenty months ago with the slogan of change you can believe in. But when he started working on change we all said "not me" Let someone else change. i.e. Medicare, Social Security and their false involvement in the health care debate. We just saw the same thing with the debt ceiling mess. Everybody was squealing "Don't cut defense" "Don't cut Medicare", "Screw the FAA". I don't believe Congress would be so F---Jed up if they weren't truly just acting the way we tell them to. Maybe not the little guys, but the ones who pay their campaign bills.

I don't think we are a country of citizens who want a strong leader. I think we just want someone we can blame for all our troubles.

I truely believe what we want is real change, Not a cut in growth, but a real cut in total spending. Both parties got us in this mess with the entitlements...The Real cuts would be to reduce spending from the point of our budget this year, not some projected budget in the future..They are playing craps with our money and dont have a clue. We want a real leader that makes real tough decisions, not the same as usual. Always trying to confuse the public, like this rediculous committee for budget cuts...They should grab the senator from Florida that has a real plan (1% cut on the existing budget and 1% for the next consecative 6 years) The cuts would be across the board and finally really reduce the debt.

Government grew over 30% since Obama/Bush have been in office, Yet private sector is at a standstill. We are truely in for a second depression...

See the plan that makes sense:


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Lexir, you already know why companies have been sending their work over seas for YEARS. IT allows them to produce their product at a reduced cost. Plain and simple basic good business practice. Why? You already know of course....lower consumer price on the store shelf,(especially for Wilmar which is a huge account for many American/overseas manufacturers), and hopefully higher profits and bigger stock dividends. Yes it sucks. But who or what is the cause of this? As I stated. This trend has been going on for years, not just the last 20 months of Obama's term. You bet. Government can and does create an environment in which business grows. Interest rates, readily available loans, government contracts. I did not agree and do not agree with the timing of the health care legislation. I thought it was the wrong priority when he should have been focusing on the economy and only the economy.

IMO, we are beyond one man being able to solve the problems. Yes, one person taking responsibility and being forthright as part of their makeup along with courage and a willingness to fight can show a way for people to follow. BUT, it is my experience that whether it has been Nixon, Ford, Carter,Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, or Obama, we as citizens give them about 12-14 months and then descend on them like a pack of wolves. Do you remember Desert Storm?, the attempt to impeach Clinton, The Mission Accomplished problem for Bush II? The big flap over the beer in the garden with Obama? We seem to love to stick it to our presidents. And the ones who seem to loves it most is the TV news. In watching the president news conferences over the last four weeks or so,Obama has several times said things like, "I take responsibility for that", "That was my fault", "That didn't go as well as I had hoped". I know that won't assuage you, but I find it interesting.

As citizens, we have the ultimate responsibility to lead our country. It is not Obama's country only, its is OURS! And especially it is not John Boehner's country only, or Harry Reid's, or Mitch McConnell's. Stop and think, when the FAA people were out of work and the country was loosing $400,000,000., every Congress person and senator was still getting paid. When you, a friend, former co-worker,or relative has been out of work and has lost all their benefits, Congress still got paid. The running of this great land is our business, and should not be turned over into a gripe session expecting someone else to "FIX IT" daddy.

Being here in Iowa, we are the first in the nation to have a caucus for the Republican Presidential candidates. Hence, we are already being bombarded with Television ad's, town hall meetings, kissings baby's, speech's, and every political candidate from all over the country. So far, there have been no plans or platforms put forth by any candidate on the economy or debt crisis, just a constant drone of what a evil person Obama is and his evil intents. Should be an interesting campaign. There is blood in the water.


Please forgive the problem with auto spell check.

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Paul, Obama came into office with a landslide victory of the American people. I'd say we were a country looking to be led out of a collapsing economy. The problem isn't the healthcare business, and the entitlements issue. The problem is the TIMING of which those elements ignite nation were focused upon. If the country were economically stable, then you talk about this stuff. You focus on the future. But when you've got 7.1% unemployment, $3.45 gas prices, and the crumbling of Lehman Brothers, Bear Sterns, Detroit, etc... You need to focus on next week, before next month. This is where I believe the democrats have failed over the past few years. I understand wanting to "get ahead" of the issue. But, at what point does a leader say "this isn't working, we need to change course"? Is it 11% unemployment? Is it $6T more debt load on the GDP back? Is it a consumer confidence index of 28%? For me? It's AAA to AA+. FDR never had our nation's credit worthiness called into question. This downgrading has put a foot inside a door that I swear to you, we don't want to open. Not as the worlds biggest economy, not as the worlds consumer of goods, and not as the worlds mightiest military. To put it in questionable descriptive terms, for which I'll apologize now for: this has the potential of being the 9/11 of the economic future over the next decade for this country. And S&P just put a plane in the air.

People want to be lead, TODAY, not tomorrow. I, for one, have had enough of this "hope to dream of change" rhetoric. All I see is an unemployment rate higher today than yesterday, debt load higher today than yesterday (even after TARP and the like), and one hell of a very very nasty storm brewing in the near horizon. You want to go from a recession to a depression? Screw with the only golden ticket DC has left...our credit rating.

Obama hasn't failed to lead. Obama has failed to read. He has failed to read the landscape, and he has failed to control his own party to play within the fragile boundaries of our fragile economy over the past 3 years. He failed to prioritize the obligations. Jobs Jobs Jobs, should have been #1 #1 #1 from day #1. Get Americans working, before you ask them to pay even more bills. Get the foreclosure situation under control, before you ask Americans to allow more obligations be placed on their dining room table. Do what you PROMISED about gas prices, before you shut down the Gulf of Mexico over one (albeit massively tragic) accident.

I'm sick and tired of "hope and change". I want "results and accountability".


Whats your plan.

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Who ever cares the least about me! I can take care of myself, my future, my family, my family's future, and my way of life A LOT better than any politician can. Believe in your own abilities, and vote for the people who want to stay as far out of your way as possible! Instead of injecting themselves at every single chance.

That's a broad statement though. Specifics: balanced healthcare for those who need it, calm the business regulation environment so businesses can get a foothold again, which will also allow the banks to free-up the trillions of reserves they're holding. And, unfortunately, raise taxes on the top 4% earners, which does include me, and I suspect a few of you as well, until this debt thing gets under control and within reach of a normal revenue stream from all of us. We have only two choices left: increase taxes or default

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Who ever cares the least about me! I can take care of myself, my future, my family, my family's future, and my way of life A LOT better than any politician can. Believe in your own abilities, and vote for the people who want to stay as far out of your way as possible! Instead of injecting themselves at every single chance.

That's a broad statement though. Specifics: balanced healthcare for those who need it, calm the business regulation environment so businesses can get a foothold again, which will also allow the banks to free-up the trillions of reserves they're holding. And, unfortunately, raise taxes on the top 4% earners, which does include me, and I suspect a few of you as well, until this debt thing gets under control and within reach of a normal revenue stream from all of us. We have only two choices left: increase taxes or default

Increase taxes? So they can keep spending? Oh my God....That is the problem...The markets wanted to see a decrease in spending....That was what the economist said over two years ago...Problem with government is that they get idiots like timothy that havent a clue...Tax and Spend the matra of our government...Solution, decrease spending, re address the absolutely barage of regulations that are killing business, and this will show the business community a positive sign....I swear if you raise taxes, you will put us in a spiral that we will never recover from. And quit sending bad money for the bailouts....Europe tried that and look what is happening, entire countries are defaulting...Funny all of us little people tighten our purses to make it, but government thinks they can buy prosperity...And maybe lead by example instead of Obama and the politician living like kings and queens. How many pleasure trips do you need. I hope all of the folks that voted for Obama are enjoying the trips to Spain, New York, etc...Kind of like a reality show on steroids....Take some notes from the few states that have controlled their spending, and are recovering..slowly, but yes recovering...

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Lenore, I also meant trim spending as well, but that is a delicate process. Can't trim with an ax, need a scaple instead, in the social services programs.

All of this spending, and little to be seen in the country for it, just doesn't add up.

I'm looking for a hybrid candidate that understands the strengths of both parties, and knows how to execute on both in the best possible manner. I wonder if Santa is done hosing the easter bunny yet??

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