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Hi From Russia! =)


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Hi to all! Accept the newcomer! =)

I have Toyota Camry Prominent 1vz-fe engine, analogue of Lexus Es250.

So, about of car:

Has bought it for 3500$(The price in Russia)

1VZ-FE(V6 2000ccm, hardtop)






This car brings only pleasure =)

P.S. Excuse if not in that section.:blushing:

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Hi and welcome.

I used to have an ES250... memories :(

Why do you have 2 different kinds of Wheels on your car? Not making fun of you just wondering.

ANd if you are in Russia, that minnesota Liscense plate is HIGHLY illegal. It should have been turned in to the Minnesota Division of Motor Vehicles or eqivalent.

It is in remarkable shape...needs a good cleaning and shes beautiful and rare!

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Hello, welcome to the Lexus Owners Club.

I meant to post a welcome earlier, but I was on a portable at the time. I see you changed the pictures you originally had up. I was going to ask you a question about them, but I don't see it any more. Can you tell me more about Vyborg? Where exactly is that in Russia? What do you do for a living? or work?

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Why do you have 2 different kinds of Wheels on your car?

Photographs are made in the different time. On some photos are wheels for the winter. :)

ANd if you are in Russia, that minnesota Liscense plate is HIGHLY illegal. It should have been turned in to the Minnesota Division of Motor Vehicles or eqivalent.

That minnesota license plate was presented to me by man, who outdistanced machine from the USA. I didn't know that this is illegal.:blushing:

I see you changed the pictures you originally had up. I was going to ask you a question about them, but I don't see it any more.

I made so because image host was damaged, it was necessary to place them on other.

Can you tell me more about Vyborg? Where exactly is that in Russia? What do you do for a living? or work?

Vyborg is a small(I am very glad of this =) ) town near from Russia's border with Finland.

I'm a student, and work as trade representative in the company, which carries out the deliveries of alcohol.

Ask still, I will very glad answer. :rolleyes:






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Very Cool!

The plate thing is more of a novelty in your country. Its not illegal for you to display it in russia, as long as its not the ONLY plate on the car. IT IS ILLEGAL for you to display in the united states, since your car is no longer registered (if it ever was) under that plate with that number...

It is the equivalent of you putting your friends russian plates on your car in russia....

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I know that Russia has seen some pretty hard economic times over the last 15 years. I met someone who later became a friend, from Russia. He was trying to become a US citizen. He had come here with some friends, all from Russia, and he told me about alot of the crime and difficult times there. Is it like that where you are also? Do you have any other car owners? maybe a car club going?

I have a thread that chronicles a recent build up I did. If you want to read it :Click on me

I can post a few pics for you later as well.

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Sidex, welcome my friend to the American LOC boards! I think you'll find that we'll probably ask you more questions, than you of us, as our curiousity of your home is quite strong! You speak very good english too! And the pictures of your area are quite nice. Welcome, and feel free to ask any of us anything.

Man, I love the internet! It's simply amazing that I'm sitting here, in Raleigh North Carolina, talking to a guy in a small town in Russia! And not only that, but on the night we're electing a new President of our nation. Besides a few photos of Pam Anderson, this is what the internet is all about!

My dad is a retired US Air Force bomber pilot. He use to fly B52 bombers, with 7 nuke bombs over the northern atlantic ocean. He was part of a group called Chrome Dome, which were in the air 24/7 flying circles over the atlantic, ready to attack Russia on a moment's notice. This was back in the 60's and 70's. 15 years ago he was invited to Moscow as part of a business envoy to help establish the commercial real estate investment industry. On many occasions since that trip, he tells us about how he drove the tourist boat down the river through Moscow "bribed the boat's captain with a pack of Marlboro cig's", and could barely hold back the tears. He said it was one of the most powerful moments of his life to actually see the church steeples and certain roof-tops of major buildings that he only saw from spy photos. He knew those buildings instantly, because he was to use them as "turn & drop" points during a bomb run to nuke Moscow. He said the thought of actually being one of the few guys on earth who's mission was to erase such a beautiful place off the face of the earth, broke him down to tears, and said it was one of the best, and shameful moments of his life. I'm glad it never happened, and hope it NEVER does!!

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It is the equivalent of you putting your friends russian plates on your car in russia....

Ok. I understood. If I will do this, I will be deprived of driver rights for 6 months B)

If we will compare your penalties with our, you will laugh =)))

I know that Russia has seen some pretty hard economic times over the last 15 years. I met someone who later became a friend, from Russia. He was trying to become a US citizen. He had come here with some friends, all from Russia, and he told me about alot of the crime and difficult times there. Is it like that where you are also?

Yes, and now Russia has not better time. I talked with my friend by policeman from New York, he described about your criminal situation. In the large Russian cities there are also many crimes.

I live in the small touristic town and here practically there is no criminality. I did not select the motherland, such as there is - other it will not be. If I would have a selection, then possibly I never selected it…. :unsure:

Do you have any other car owners? maybe a car club going?

Ohhh, yes, there are many clubs. Simply to me it is interesting to meet with the overseas amateurs of this wonderful car. :cheers:

I have a thread that chronicles a recent build up I did. If you want to read it :Click on me

I can post a few pics for you later as well.

I think this interestingly, I will compulsorily read :) :)

Sidex, welcome my friend to the American LOC boards! I think you'll find that we'll probably ask you more questions, than you of us, as our curiousity of your home is quite strong! You speak very good english too! And the pictures of your area are quite nice. Welcome, and feel free to ask any of us anything.

Man, I love the internet! It's simply amazing that I'm sitting here, in Raleigh North Carolina, talking to a guy in a small town in Russia! And not only that, but on the night we're electing a new President of our nation. Besides a few photos of Pam Anderson, this is what the internet is all about!

My dad is a retired US Air Force bomber pilot. He use to fly B52 bombers, with 7 nuke bombs over the northern atlantic ocean. He was part of a group called Chrome Dome, which were in the air 24/7 flying circles over the atlantic, ready to attack Russia on a moment's notice. This was back in the 60's and 70's. 15 years ago he was invited to Moscow as part of a business envoy to help establish the commercial real estate investment industry. On many occasions since that trip, he tells us about how he drove the tourist boat down the river through Moscow "bribed the boat's captain with a pack of Marlboro cig's", and could barely hold back the tears. He said it was one of the most powerful moments of his life to actually see the church steeples and certain roof-tops of major buildings that he only saw from spy photos. He knew those buildings instantly, because he was to use them as "turn & drop" points during a bomb run to nuke Moscow. He said the thought of actually being one of the few guys on earth who's mission was to erase such a beautiful place off the face of the earth, broke him down to tears, and said it was one of the best, and shameful moments of his life. I'm glad it never happened, and hope it NEVER does!!

You confuse me =) My English not so is good, as I wanted :blushing: :blushing:

You have also very many beautiful places. In the future, compulsorily i will fly to US by tourist =))))))))))))

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Welcome to the LOC, my Russian friend. You are among friends here, and I am sure there will be many interesting discussions!

We are very curious about life in post communistic Russia. Is it better than it was in the old days? In the old days, there were queues 200 meters long for toilet paper and bread.

Lines 500 meters long for meat. Everyone waited,and waited for their cheque from the Government so they could eat.

Even if it is hard now, is life really as hard as it was in the old days? Or is it harder to make a living now?

What do you do for fun? How expensive is gasoline?

Do you think the old guard (and communism) will come back?

Sorry for all of the questions, but I am curious.

By the way, your English is excellent. I only wish I understood Russian as well as you understand English.


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Oh, today is really cold weather. super_smilies075.gif

I was born in 1988, therefore, i couldn't see big queues. Now everything is simpler, it's possible to go to any country(in the old times, it was the big problem). Very bad roads, it's really problem =)

How expensive is gasoline?

3.5$ - the price for gallon 95.(regular or premium?)

Do you think the old guard (and communism) will come back?

I think it never will be. :unsure:

What do you do for fun?

I think, that, here our countries are similar =)

cinema , beer, whisky, girls, football, street races and many many other things... :cheers:

Are you having any illegal street races?

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If you get caught participating in illegal street races in the U.S., your car will be taken away from you by the authorities and sold at auction. And that is a very good rule. Punks who participate in illegal street races sometimes get other people killed. They are too stupid to have cars and have no business driving on public roads.

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Yeah, here in the US we have stupid kids like this to deal with: M5 trajedy

5 people were killed. So we have the NHRA (National Hot Rod Association) that set up at the local racetracks and provide a safe and controlled environment for people who want to race and just go fast. Anyone can enter, and it usually only costs 10-15 US dollars. We have test and tune nights regularly and they also have some regional meets and so on. And because we have that, racing on the street is even more stupid. I have been guilty of it in the past, remembered what my dad had taught me, (Just do the right thing allways.) So I took my car off the road.

Do you have something like the NHRA in Russia?

I have a request if you don't mind. I love seeing unique and different make cars from forign countries that I would never have seen here. I understand you probably may not know what cars we have here and which ones we don't, but you post pictures of cars that you have there and maybe some of your local favorites? Maybe show us some of your friends efforts? I would really like to see some of the motors your have there. Russian built hot rods? or Luxury cars?

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Tovaresh, welcome to the LOC. :cheers: Curious about what kind of coverage the American election got in Russia? How do the Russians view the election of Obama?

cinema , beer, whisky, girls, football, street races and many many other things...
What, no Vodka? I'll echo the Smooth one - many of us would be interested in Russian custom rods, engines, etc!
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I have an example too :(



We don't have NHRA, but we have a legal races too =)

For an example

Maybe show us some of your friends efforts? I would really like to see some of the motors your have there.

Oooo, ok =))

The hotrod from Toyota Crown 143(Frame body) made by my friend into russian club of toyota mark II(Photos on the first and fourth page) :


Russian built hot rods? or Luxury cars?

Russian national car(VAZ, VOLGA, KAMAZ) industry is a piece of *BLEEP*(sorry :blushing: ).

How do the Russians view the election of Obama?

I really glad that US have chosen Obama, because McCain, in my opinion, has very badly relation to Russia.

What, no Vodka?

Yep, And a bear in a cap with ear-flaps walking on Red Square. :D :D :D :D :D

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I watched the video, and theres some things going on there I may not understand. Is that on the autoban? where there is no speed limit? I see the car speedometer is almost topped out, but they aren't passing other cars all that fast it seemed like. Like everyone was doing 100 mph, ( 160 kmh ). And so driving like that is not illegal?

Oooo, ok =))

The hotrod from Toyota Crown 143(Frame body) made by my friend into russian club of toyota mark II(Photos on the first and fourth page) :


That's a nice project! Alot of fiberglas work there that's for sure. Looks like he has along way to go before he gets that one done. I just wish I could read Russian so I could understand everything they were saying in thier posts! What car does kvas have in his avatar?

Here is our local scene in Florida:











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There simply uncity road, where speedlimit is 55mph. Speed was more than 130mph. Result on a photo.

P.S. We haven't an autoban's.

What car does kvas have in his avatar?
Toyota Mark II JZX90 Tourer V '96 ;) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyota_Mark_II

Here his car:


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kvas has a nice car.

It's funny to think that your so far away. And that even though our cultures are different, and have been kept very seperate, yet, we are very much alike. We do have alot in common.

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I own and operate a small business here in Orlando. I have 6 employees, and yes, I have felt the economic effects of what is going on. It's a tough time here in America right now, but the overall feeling is that while this will hurt, we will get thru this and everything is going to be ok. I think some of the problems we were facing were not able to be solved until the election was over, and now that it is, hopefully we will see some good decisions made quickly to help get things back on track again.

Can I ask how you feel about Georgia and what is going on there?

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Can I ask how you feel about Georgia and what is going on there?

Funny, i wished to ask about this too. ;)

I think that Georgia has made a monstrous act, when she attacked the South Ossetia. I saw in the Internet how Georgia and others mass-media represented this war. Almost all world consider us as the aggressors which have attacked the defenceless Georgia. It's not true.

And what you think about this?

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