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Who Is Happy With Their Rx


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We're very happy with ours. We've got a '95 ES300 and a '99 RX300. My wife loves how smooth and quiet the ES is, and I like the RX for an all around commuter/grocery-getter/do-everything vehicle. I'm very happy I got a 2wd, and I got a rare 'fully loaded' 2wd to boot. Unfortunatly, I've had some of the classic problems, but then I've got 135K on the ticker, too... we've got 145K on the ES, but both run and drive beautifully as a whole... we have the sporadic issues to deal with, but all in all we don't have a car payment and we've got two very nice vehicles, so we can put in a little extra time and TLC when needed.

Unfortunately, all cars have problems... of any make, model, and vintage. I have friends who have problems with their cars that aren't even a year old. Most of the time, when people have problems with their vehicles, that's when they are the most vocal about it, hence the traffic on this site. Most things I've found on this site are typical wear items: struts, brakes, coil packs, etc. The only real two exceptions with these vehicles are the oil sludge problems (spanning all Toytota products of a certain vintage, but even then it's questionable about how bad the problem is and if it's mainly due to people not maintenancing their vehciles properly) and the transmission problem (mine made it to 133K... not too shabby for a transmission in a heavy vehicle).

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'05 330 with 41000 miles and trouble free. Happy? Yes. Hasn't been to the dealer except for the first, free, oil change. Remember, the only people who complain about their cars are those who have had issues. "the squeeky wheel gets the grease" applies here.

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'05 330 with 41000 miles and trouble free. Happy? Yes. Hasn't been to the dealer except for the first, free, oil change. Remember, the only people who complain about their cars are those who have had issues. "the squeeky wheel gets the grease" applies here.

Had an 04 RX330 Bamboo Pearl and had 80000 miles. Zero problems. Gave it to our daughter. She is very pleased with it.

Have an 08 RX350 Silver with 19000 miles. Seems good at present.

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My wife's previous 2000 RX300 AWD was the worst vehicle I've owned in nearly 39 years of driving. It rang up what would have been more than $9,000 in repair costs, all covered by the Lexus dealership both during and after the warranty period. They knew we had a dog so they took care of all the well-documented failures as they occured. They also learned very quickly that I would pound them with documentation and justification and that I wouldn't take no for an answer. I give them credit for taking care of our issues, but that doesn't excuse the fact that the vehicle was such a dog. I sold it in January 2007 as it approached 130,000 miles and gave full disclosure and all service history to my buyer. He bought it anyway even though I fully warned him....

Against my recommendation, my wife replaced it with her current 2004 RX330 AWD. It is a better vehicle than her 2000 RX300 AWD was (although the bar was set pitifully low), it has fewer common failures, and I believe it will hold up longer. But it is still too small, too underpowered, and at 6-foot-7 and 245 pounds there's no way I can spend more than an hour or so driving it and must then unfold myself out of it before my legs (no legroom) and neck (no headroom) cramp up....

There's no way I would have ever bought either one of these vehicles. But it's her decision and her own money buying them so I had very little say in the matter. But I'm stuck having to maintain them. Her 2004 RX330 AWD just rolled over 75,000 miles and has needed several relatively minor TSBs and dealer fixes since we brought it home. But it is holding up much better than her old 2000 RX300 AWD did at similar mileage and has not suffered major failures in the transmission, exhaust manifold, rear main oil seal, rubber strut mount bushings, and multiple oxygen sensors. All of these well-documented inherent problems hit her 2000 RX300 AWD at less than 75,000 miles and some at less than 50,000 miles. I'm certainly glad that we dumped that albatross from our garage last year....

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There will always be some bad seeds in the mix, and the earlier RX's (and so do probably many of the current models) share much of the hardware with their Toyota siblings, so things like O2 sensors aren't exactly vehicle specific. Some RX's run trouble free into the triple digits... some don't, but for the volume of these vehicles sold, they are quite reliable as a whole.

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Ok, just bought an 05 RX330, also have a 90 ES250, it seems I see mostly problems in the posts, are these good vehicles, and is everyone satisfied with theirs?!

We are

I love my 00 RX, I've had it for a long time now and overall there has been very few problems (knock wood). I certainly appreciate the fact that others have had problems but speaking for my own experience its been great. My RX is my daily driver so performance (as in speed and handling) are irrelevant to me in that role. My wife and I each have our own "fun" cars that we use to get our performance fixes. I love the way the RX rides and how quiet it is in the cabin, and although there are a few niggling component issues I've found the overall build quality to be quite high. I can see where being over 6' tall would not work in the RX, I'm 6'0" and when I get he seat just right I'm glad I 'm not trying to stuff any more leg or head into the space remaining (which ain't much)

Sludge issue notwithstanding the engine seems to be pretty solid as well, although I swear on whatever is holy I'll never own a transverse mounted V-6 again. Ridiculously difficult to work on the back three cyl.

Of course the tranny is a well know issue but i've not yet had the problem (knocking on wood again!) so I personally can't complain but I certainly won't discount the problems of others. If I were in the market for a used 300 I'd most likely go with an 01-03.

I've owned or been responsible for about 20 vehicles in my life spanning American, German, French and Japanese and the RX is the second best problem/maintenance wise and probably the best in overall build quality.

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Most people use forums to ask questions or get advice. And these matter usually involve problems. I like my RX, but if you only read my posts on this and other forums then would think I don't like my RX. The fact is the opposite. Like all cars there are things which I wish are better, but there are things which are great and we just don't post about it. For example, I like how the steering wheel tilts away, or the Lexus door sills that light up. I never posted how I liked those, but I have posted why I can't adjust the intensity or why can't you have the wheel tilt away before you take out the key. .

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I have a 2004 RX 330 and I love it. It is quite, has a smooth ride and has been trouble free. I have noticed there are quite a few RX's on the road, and in the parking lots so there must be some good reasons for people to buy them. Show me a vehicle totally devoid of problems and I will show you a rare vehicle. :rolleyes:


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I have a 2004 330 AWD with 49K miles and it's the 2nd best car I've ever owned....the first being a BMW 325i convertible that we had before the RX. I got the RX used, and it had a few problems that didn't show up right away. Now that those are fixed, about the only complaint I have is the air conditioning system seems to be unable to keep up with the heat here. I do suffer the transmission shifting problems that everyone else has, but can live with it....although I do wish it was at least consistent rather than coming and going like it does.

Overall, it is quiet, roomy, smooth riding, powerful enough, and does everything it is supposed to do quite well.

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They probably have it sorted out by now. I think the key is you need to follow the maintenance to a “T”.

Remember people post their bad news here looking for help. You'll find that with any auto forum. It's vicarious “rubber necking” for some, a chance share wisdom for others. What else do you weite about: "Today nothing happened...coments?"

With that said, my 99 is a heap. I've never had a car that has failed so catastrophically with so few miles.. The trans. went at about 65k. At 80k, its burning oil., turns out it has a fatal flaw requiring a total tear down. (Lexus was sued and lost).

Though like I say, they probably have the bugs worked out of the "beta" I bought. Would I buy another though, no. Back to Stuttgartfor me.

Regards, PK

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I've owned a British car, a German car, two Japanese cars (including my 02 RX 300), and an American muscle car. The RX 300 is, by far, the worst car I've ever had. And, the so-called factory service is a joke. Do I sound like I'm singing sour grapes? You bet, but when you spend $40,000 on a car you expect quality. Dollar-for-dollar, the RX300 is the biggest disappointment I've ever owned, and I will NEVER purchase a Lexus or Toyota product again. My next car? Anything but a Lexus.

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I bought a used 01 RX back in March. It had 75K when I got it, and a CArfax showing it had been maintained to the Lexus "T". I wanted something comfortable and reliable, because I travel alot with my job.

My first trip with it was from Cedar Brook,NJ to St Joseph, Michigan, which was like 1200 miles or so. I've never been so comfortable in a car. The sound system is freakin awesome. After an hour of fooling around with the fifty gazillion seat positions, the seat fit my rear end like a glove. It's extremely quiet even at highway speeeeeeeeeeed. The way the back seat folds down to make a huge bed is, uh, has its benefits.

I've got a 82K on it now, and now probs so far. ONLy downer is the fuel eco isnt' what I hoped. Average 19 in town, and 22 tops on highway( and that's with no passengers). And of course, to have ANYTHING done to it at the dealer is ridiculously expensive. the compass in my mirror went out, and they want $220 canolies to replace it. The ashtray lid sticks. Another 200 canolies. But, I guess thats the price of LUxury, huh?

Overall I like this vehicle so far, for the 8K I've driven it.

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I have an 01 RX 300 and really like it but I'm extremely paranoid by what I read on this site particularly about the transmission. I have 67,000 on it and flush the ATF every 20,000 for fear of it failing. I change the oil religiously with synthetic (Amsoil 0w 30) and have no fear about a sludge problem. I do not like the heat/AC setup since I've replaced the air direction and it has failed again. Its locked in the main vent position with no defroster or floor air currently. I'll fix it before cool weather sets in. Extremely comfortable but as I said I'm paranoid and feel like the tranny could go any time though it runs fine. I consider it to have very good MPG. 24 around town and 26 on the highway as long as I keep it at 60-65.

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Well, I am a member of Ford-Trucks.com, and have 3 older Ford trucks, and an 02 Excursion w7.3/4x4 and usually with the newer trucks, it is problems, on the older trucks, the "classics" if you will, it is more of a help issue, and Happiness of what ya got.

But as of so far, we bought the 05 330 with 14700 and are now at 15450, and I have to say I am pleased, it is the FWD, and so far I have avg. 22 around here in the mtns. and of course getting out of the Excursion, and into the Lexi, it is quieter and smoother and fun. Was actually looking at an Exploder or Escape, but then the tranny went on the Ex @ 101250 ,AFTER ford had put 3 flywheels in it and they said, sorry you are out of the warranty NO MORE new fords for me.

I Hope for the best out of our new 05, RX


Semper FI

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I have a 01 RX and its great. Has 120K on it and never misses a beat. Drove it all the way from Philadelphia to Miami w/o a issue in the blazing heat of summer with a full load of people and cargo A/C on etc. and still maintained respectable gas mileage. Then on the way back from Miami to my home in Philadelphia, I stopped off at my dealer put on some fresh tires and new oil and drove to Toronto and back again with no issue. Mine is a 4WD fully loaded with all the goodies, nav, HID headlights etc. Its a great car and I plan to keep it until it dies. Lot of people complain that the car is weak and underpowered which is true, the car tips the scales at almost 4 thousand pounds but only has a 3.0L V6. However lexus' typical over engineering counteracts for this. The 3.0L V6 is very smooth and the variable valve timing makes the engine produce 80% of the engines maximum torque at 1600RPM so it provides pretty strong starts from a stand still. Couple that to a low geared 4 speed and acceleration is pretty brisk for a 2 ton SUV that achieves 22mpg and can haul a little bit more then 3 thousand pounds. 0-60 time is around 7.7 which is pretty good for a SUV that size power etc. A typical automatic nissan 350Z does 0-60 in 7 seconds so thats not to shabby.

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I have a 01 RX and its great. Has 120K on it and never misses a beat. Drove it all the way from Philadelphia to Miami w/o a issue in the blazing heat of summer with a full load of people and cargo A/C on etc. and still maintained respectable gas mileage. Then on the way back from Miami to my home in Philadelphia, I stopped off at my dealer put on some fresh tires and new oil and drove to Toronto and back again with no issue. Mine is a 4WD fully loaded with all the goodies, nav, HID headlights etc. Its a great car and I plan to keep it until it dies. Lot of people complain that the car is weak and underpowered which is true, the car tips the scales at almost 4 thousand pounds but only has a 3.0L V6. However lexus' typical over engineering counteracts for this. The 3.0L V6 is very smooth and the variable valve timing makes the engine produce 80% of the engines maximum torque at 1600RPM so it provides pretty strong starts from a stand still. Couple that to a low geared 4 speed and acceleration is pretty brisk for a 2 ton SUV that achieves 22mpg and can haul a little bit more then 3 thousand pounds. 0-60 time is around 7.7 which is pretty good for a SUV that size power etc. A typical automatic nissan 350Z does 0-60 in 7 seconds so thats not to shabby.

I'm happy to see someone with a 01 RX with high mileage! I assume you have the original transmission? I have 67 K on my 01 RX and love it but as I said previously I've read to many bad posts about the transmission. Have you taken any precautions with the trans or with anyother aspect of the vehicle?

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I love my Lexus RX350, best car I've owned so far. It rides great, smooth, quiet & responsive. Amazingly I'm getting 20 mpg in the city by going lightly from stop signs & coasting to stop lights. I'm light with the pedal because this car doesn't take much gas to get going. This car is so luxurious, I love driving it. Lexus fit and finish is second to none. It's just a great car!

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We bought an 05 RX330 FWD last year on E_Bay with about 35K miles on it...and now have about 57K miles. It has been a trouble free car and I expect it to be a long term car. We had a trailer hitch put on by U-Haul and have had no problems. Just remember Toyota has sold hundreds of thousands of these cars over the past few years and some of them will have problems...that is most of what you read about here...the problems. This is a great place to get help. My dealer is wonderful but expensive...Toyota dealer is wonderful but lots cheaper. I think some of us forget that we have a very nice "Toyota". The more we pay for a car the more demanding we are about the car and the service. Again it has been a great car and I expect to keep it for a long time.

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I'm really pleased so many people love their RX. So, my 04' RX330 must have been built in China........It's the worst driving car I've ever owned. We bought it for traveling. Now it's only used for runs to the market or hardware store.

But the odds are still in your favor that you will get a good one. Just don't take it for a test drive around the block, but keep it for a day or two before you buy.

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I have a 2002 RX300 that is just about to turn 60k miles. It truly has been a very reliable car thus far. I have had all work done at the Lexus dealer. I just had it in the shop a month ago for the 60k mile svc work. It's expensive to begin with, however, the front rotors needed to be replaced - replaced the front brake pads a while back. Also, the back brake pads needed replacing - they were able to resurface the rear rotors. Then just the other day the check engine light and vsc light came on the dash. It was intermittent. I called the dealer and they got me right in. It was the O2 sensor. Of course, not a cheap fix. I have to say though the service dealer in my area - upstate NY, have been very good to me over the years. I really would like to keep this car for a few more years and just hope that I don't start having too many problems with the car. I always felt by taking it to an authorized dealer I would prevent any serious problems down the road. I average about 20-22 mpg. I have always used unleaded gas. After reading on these forums, was surprised to see how many people use high octane. Do most of you folks go to the Lexus dealer for your repairs?

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I have a 2002 RX300 that is just about to turn 60k miles. It truly has been a very reliable car thus far. I have had all work done at the Lexus dealer. I just had it in the shop a month ago for the 60k mile svc work. It's expensive to begin with, however, the front rotors needed to be replaced - replaced the front brake pads a while back. Also, the back brake pads needed replacing - they were able to resurface the rear rotors. Then just the other day the check engine light and vsc light came on the dash. It was intermittent. I called the dealer and they got me right in. It was the O2 sensor. Of course, not a cheap fix. I have to say though the service dealer in my area - upstate NY, have been very good to me over the years. I really would like to keep this car for a few more years and just hope that I don't start having too many problems with the car. I always felt by taking it to an authorized dealer I would prevent any serious problems down the road. I average about 20-22 mpg. I have always used unleaded gas. After reading on these forums, was surprised to see how many people use high octane. Do most of you folks go to the Lexus dealer for your repairs?

New front rotors at 60k miles? I would find somewhere else to have your Lexus serviced.

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I live in Canary Islands, Spain. I have a 2001 AWD RX300, 63K miles. ZERO problems, even when I drive FAST reaching top speed several times and driving always on highway at 90-100 mph. I also drive offroad oftenly and the car is simply perfect. Maybe is beacuse mine is made in Japan, I don't know. Dealer borrow me a new RX350 for three weeks, and sincerely, I keep mine until its dies. Simple. I also have a MB A class 160 auto. Great car, 66k miles, no problems at all either. Great cars.

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Well this is great to hear, I have to say, I like it, as you can tel, I am a "Pickupman" and I really do not like cars, so this was a really nice change. And the headlights that move!!!! Who da thunk how handy those are on mountain roads!! One question,,, is the moonroof supposed to be one-touch?

As I said, I Like it, nice ride.

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